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yet another new tileset that screws over Mirage's eclipse (mirror defense)


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I was using mirage in deimos mirror defense, only...so I don't know if it works in other new missions types.

basically there is nowhere on this map that can give me the damage buff, and I'm getting the dark version 100% of the time.


when will DE realize this type of conditions for an ability just doesn't work? an ability that changes it's buffs based on ray tracing? it sounds insanely situational and impractical. 

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Yeah, the new eclipse changes show this to be extremely bad for some sections to be Lunar. In the new tileset it is always set to 100% Lunar no matter what. I have to at least give them credit for making this much more black/white rather than a grey muddled area. It wasn't already good to begin with on infested tilesets to begin with as well so its a shame.

Below is the relevant section:

And re-reading the relevant section below, and welp it looks like it isn't going to be a week-2 patch but rather a months-long endeavor to get fixed. And, wow took them long enough to get to it, subsumed eclipse eidolon hunting is super popular and how horrible eclipse has always been on infested tilesets.

12 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Mirage Eclipse Changes:
Tenno who are familiar with Mirage's ability Eclipse know how temperamental it can be. Areas that look light are actually dark and vice versa, which can make it rather difficult to know how much of a bonus the ability is actually giving you at any moment. 

To address this issue, the HUD icon for Eclipse will now continuously update to show an accurate and responsive state of what effect Mirage is currently getting, rather than just showing the maximum values from standing in light or dark. We have also updated the HUD icons with names to distinguish which buff is being given: 

  • Low light environments = Lunar Eclipse
  • Bright light environments = Solar Eclipse 

This at least gives us (and you) a better tool to measure what Eclipse is really doing. 


With this update we started assessing how inconsistent and frustrating this ability was, and noticed a variety of problems: it didn’t work properly on the Plains of Eidolon and, super relevant for this update, it didn’t work at all with the new lighting technology in Albrecht’s Laboratories! 

We are still considering what we can do to make this ability better in the long term. Stay tuned for further changes on Eclipse.

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a fairly simple idea to fix Eclipse would be to tie it to Prism: if you cast Eclipse while Prism is active, Prism's Light shines on you and you get the damage buff for as long as Prism is active. if you activate it without Prism, you get the damage reduction.

IMO, this would be fairly simple for DE to do, and it allows Eclipse to be usable as both a quick casting DR ability to keep Mirage alive, but when it's time to go hard on the offense, cast 4 and 3 and basically wipe the room with lasers and buffed weapon damage. only downside is they still need to change the energy consumption on prism to EITHER duration based or single cast with a timer, not both like it is now. 

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1 hour ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

a fairly simple idea to fix Eclipse would be to tie it to Prism: if you cast Eclipse while Prism is active, Prism's Light shines on you and you get the damage buff for as long as Prism is active. if you activate it without Prism, you get the damage reduction.

IMO, this would be fairly simple for DE to do, and it allows Eclipse to be usable as both a quick casting DR ability to keep Mirage alive, but when it's time to go hard on the offense, cast 4 and 3 and basically wipe the room with lasers and buffed weapon damage. only downside is they still need to change the energy consumption on prism to EITHER duration based or single cast with a timer, not both like it is now. 

I'll do ya one better my friend seeing as we already have a perfect example of de being able to do this with Voruna's passives there is no reason at the point that we can't hold the eclipse power to swap between the two buffs. It solves pretty much every issue with the power in terms of feedback to the player. Them admitting that they couldn't get it to work in the new quest is the cherry on top, would it be cool if a frame using light sources worked yes it would be cool but it doesn't they changed volt's 4 to no longer need lights and stuff in the area to work they need to do the same to mirage.

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Mirage has had a very rough life.

  • Removed all clones shooting for "performance" reasons. Massive status rate loss.
  • Lighting changes made her Eclipse no longer binary. It used to be max value either way.
  • Blind got hit with LoS then later target facing the source of blind.
  • Sleight of Hand rework didn't work properly. I think I or Rio have video of this. Not sure if fixed.
  • The Passive they added is actually a disadvantage to evade and gain 75% DR from dodging.

After all that. She's really not useful for anything and she was a very good frame back in the day.

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5 minutes ago, Xzorn said:

Mirage has had a very rough life.

  • Removed all clones shooting for "performance" reasons. Massive status rate loss.
  • Lighting changes made her Eclipse no longer binary. It used to be max value either way.
  • Blind got hit with LoS then later target facing the source of blind.
  • Sleight of Hand rework didn't work properly. I think I or Rio have video of this. Not sure if fixed.
  • The Passive they added is actually a disadvantage to evade and gain 75% DR from dodging.

After all that. She's really not useful for anything and she was a very good frame back in the day.


Most of those are actually from a very long ago before I started playing but Mirage is still extremely strong in various areas of the game. And is my main go-to frame.

Doppelgangers, still an increase in DPS, SC, and AOE.

Sleight of Hand, still an awesome Nuking/CC ability when combined with explosive legerdemain. Even after the whole drops debacle with eximus and ammos where they had to do some buffing and nerfing.

Eclipse, still a good damage buff, most of the time when DE doesn't ruin it like it does with this update with certain tilesets like the updated ones or infested ones. DR is also great if you want to rely on that, since it comes at a hefty 95%.

Passive. The current passive seems great on paper but it becomes hardly noticeable unless you start adding other sources of buffs. But they actually buffed it recently so that you can tell it has an increase in maneuvers. Before it used to be just be a ever so small imperceptible timing change but now it actually has an effect that you can measure. So now it is actually worth using, not from a DR/rolling abuse standpoint but from a maneuverability standpoint.

Prism, not willing to get into discussions about this. Never used this ability.

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3 hours ago, Numerounius said:

Most of those are actually from a very long ago before I started playing but Mirage is still extremely strong in various areas of the game. And is my main go-to frame.


Yea, I'm just covering her past since she released which inevitably lead to me no longer playing her.

They also added a ton of radial damage sources since her release which made the clones poor distraction.

Given her "average" multiplicative damage bonus there's frames that offer similar and boast a ton of eHP to back it up.
Best DPS you're going to get at any given time is just standing there and shooting something in the face after all =D

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