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How's that plot for you?


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I feel like the story has gone on too many tangents with little pay off to the big questions, probably not gonna see much in the upcoming update, so let's recap.


- We start up not knowing much, we meet Lotus and Ordis, being completely new we may see Vor as the big enemy at the beginning... unless we start in Duviri or something, in which case we may even be a lot more confused.
- So we know there is the Grineer, Corpus and Infested, at first we seem to be the ones cleaning the whole mess... but then turns out we can play for the first two factions while always trying to stop the 3rd.
- Orokin and Void mumbo jumbo, Stalker, who is that guy?
- Many things like syndicates and secondary factions are there for world building and a few new warframes lore so we skip that.
- At some point some people suspected Lotus was hiding something, she kind of did but not the way we thought.
- Chains of Harrow, Wally is kind of a thing.
- Sentients become a thing, Stalker... seriously, who is that guy?
- Potato kid is a thing.
- Lotus takes a vacation with someone one would probably know little of if we never see the trailers (correct me if I am wrong.)
- Free Umbra Excalibur, Lotus doesn't even explain anything at all cuz reasons.
- As some stuff unlocks the Entrati become a thing, also, Alberto el Entrato has been thing.
- New War, we forgive Lotus because Reb can't just be replaced, Narmer are like Sentients so they have been a thing for a while, clearly not trying to be left alone, also, Wally is still not quite a thing yet.
- Zariman is a thing, at this point most of these new tilesets seem to share the whole "if you don't max rank the syndicate something terrible will happen" more or less.
- Alberto el Entrato becomes a foreground thing, kind of, Cavia is the next syndicate we have to save or something.
- We unlock the ability to customize the Cavia, there is not quite the payoff for them... yet.

Stalker is still there trying to punish people for killing anything regardless of its danger or alignment, we still don't know what's exactly his deal, Wally is there still doing things, so far one could have jumped from thinking the Grineer are the bad guys, then both them and the Corpus while the probably badder guys being the Infested, but turns out the Sentient were kind of the biggest bad guys, while that went on we could think the Orokin may have been the original bad guys but as far as we know they are all dead, but turns out Wally may be the one true bad guy... for now.

I can't say the plot thickens as it is kind of becoming a bit saturated with too many flavors by now.

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There's a lot of self-insertion and attempts to seem profound in the writing, and some dialogue seem to be written by someone not entirely understanding human behaviour. Plots are tied together haphazardly or left unfinished. Cosmology is all over the place. Characters' potentials are wasted (Parvos went from an enigmatic figure hard to classify, to just another two-dimentional villain in SoP).

Over all, I stopped expecting anything more from the team storywise after The New War.

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2 hours ago, Yrkul said:

There's a lot of self-insertion and attempts to seem profound in the writing, and some dialogue seem to be written by someone not entirely understanding human behaviour. Plots are tied together haphazardly or left unfinished. Cosmology is all over the place. Characters' potentials are wasted (Parvos went from an enigmatic figure hard to classify, to just another two-dimentional villain in SoP).

Over all, I stopped expecting anything more from the team storywise after The New War.

Yeah, the same.     After the new war, supposed to be an actual war.    Which turned out being a love drama,  which would give us Nama.  Which would turn out to be nothing burger.,   

Then we get multiple dimensions ,  and now time travel,  not addressing whatever the lotus did  to the man in the wall, ( we think )  

what happened to the sentence?  The big, scary reaper styled enemy.,  that was so cool,  The story has become some serious bad fanfic , just stringing players along to whatever DE want to do next, with no thought of consistency or coherency. 

Now every tile set has a new faction.  With no connection to the overall world whatsoever..   

remember how we’re supposed to be getting adult operators

Remember how we’re supposed to be fighting the Lotus in the new war

Remember the lotus,s mother, supposedly coming to play. 

what about the plot hole in the new wall where the Tenno ( singular ) gets vanished. Like there’s more than one, WTF.  

With them updating the story so little you would think they could at least keep it focused.  

Now we have extremely annoying talking animals,   This is the definition of the writing style called, fly by the seat of pants.  


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I think peoples reactions will involve quite a few subjective elements, and this was a humorous recap, just... Well, there are a lot of different stories out there in the world, many that are very similar, at least plot wise, however peoples reception to the story is very different. Why? Well, there is more to be considered, like pacing, timing, prose, framing, allusions, and for some mediums, the execution in other elements, like gameplay for video games. An individuals ability to recap a plot, can be used to various effect, for comedy, for satire, to be critical, to praise, to undermine, or to enrich, and you could get 10 different people to try and write a recap, and probably end up with 10 very different recaps depending on the people selected. Not just for Warframe, but everything, from the The Great Gatsby, 1984, Dune, a Studio Ghibli film, Dark Souls, Lord of the Rings, Lollipop Chainsaw, Dragon Ball Z, original X-Force, a Final Fantasy game, Garfield comics, and so on. 

Different peoples interpretations, and even the intent behind their own recaps, can differ dramatically. That before we even get to reaching consensus about the intent, the execution of such ideas within the plot, plot structure, premise, and aforementioned contributing factors. 

So for myself, just speaking personally and more informally... Warframe plot is alright to good. Like i think its messy, but in a way that almost makes sense for and ongoing live action service game that is still releasing content, has retired old events, and is dealing with a bunch of different sci fi and fantasy concepts, some of which are well treaded and almost a bit cliche, but its earnest and heavily stylised by virtue of taking place within a setting with a distinct style and tone, and enough fairly original ideas as well. Messy isn't usually considered a good thing, but here I mean more neutrally, and like I said, almost fitting for what Warframe is, as its type of game. I also sort of have lower expectations, because of that as well. Its a FTP, live action service game. Wasn't envisioned or structured like a one and done epic fantasy character RPG, so in that sense, it actually had more to it, by the time I originally played it (helped by the fact it was quite a few years old at that point.). 

So in a way its about how you put things into context and frame it. Which we all can do a bit differently.

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I'm really hoping for a return to something more grounded in the future. Like futuristic space conflicts, real large factions like the Grineer, Corpus, Steel Meridian, Ostrons making power plays against each other or the Tenno instead of arguing family, arguing crew, arguing lab animals doing thing in isolated corner where no one else will know or care about it happening.

Small stuff like the Zariman crew having instead been mangled AI constructs barely holding together would've been more believable and in line with the apparent horrors that occurred aboard the Zariman. Duviri felt like an unrelated game entirely like I don't even understand how we got there either. I guess what I'm trying to get at is all this eternalism stuff is not appealing whatso ever, because it's going everywhere regardless of whether it suits the current setting or not. No hate or anything, but the story has become so odd and confusing that I no longer understand what's even happening, and I am or at least was very into the lore until eternalism scrambled the story telling. Like the Zariman is very old derelict ship, yet how on Earth are there survivors? It being entirely abandoned would've been so creepy and really hammered in the immersion, but eternalism says no.

I still like the Man in the Wall plot line, but I am worried eternalism will just stick the egg beater in the plot again.


Again, no hate. I just really like the game and want a little course correction.


Edited by Sierra
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17 minutes ago, Sierra said:

I'm really hoping for a return to something more grounded in the future. Like futuristic space conflicts, real large factions like the Grineer, Corpus, Steel Meridian, Ostrons making power plays against each other or the Tenno instead of arguing family, arguing crew, arguing lab animals doing thing in isolated corner where no one else will know or care about it happening.

Small stuff like the Zariman crew having instead been mangled AI constructs barely holding together would've been more believable and in line with the apparent horrors that occurred aboard the Zariman. Duviri felt like an unrelated game entirely like I don't even understand how we got there either. I guess what I'm trying to get at is all this eternalism stuff is not appealing whatso ever, because it's going everywhere regardless of whether it suits the current setting or not. No hate or anything, but the story has become so odd and confusing that I no longer understand what's even happening, and I am or at least was very into the lore until eternalism scrambled the story telling. Like the Zariman is very old derelict ship, yet how on Earth are there survivors? It being entirely abandoned would've been so creepy and really hammered in the immersion, but eternalism says no.

I still like the Man in the Wall plot line, but I am worried eternalism will just stick the egg beater in the plot again.


Again, no hate. I just really like the game and want a little course correction.


And now we can throw in time travel, just a really Throw the plot out of whack.   Since Rebecca has taken over.   The plot is moving towards fantasy more than sci-fi..   

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4 minutes ago, (PSN)SolarPhantom82 said:

And now we can throw in time travel, just a really Throw the plot out of whack.   Since Rebecca has taken over.   The plot is moving towards fantasy more than sci-fi..   

The game always been a sci-fi/fantasy leaning more towards fantasy so don't know what you're expecting 

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10 hours ago, Skoomaseller said:

for most open-ended aspects of the story it's just likely DE has something planned for it in the future. might come MANY years later but that's what it is.

The problem with that way of delivering story is the possibility of these things to outlive their audience.


7 hours ago, (PSN)SolarPhantom82 said:

Yeah, the same.     After the new war, supposed to be an actual war.    Which turned out being a love drama,  which would give us Nama.  Which would turn out to be nothing burger.,   

Then we get multiple dimensions ,  and now time travel,  not addressing whatever the lotus did  to the man in the wall, ( we think )  

what happened to the sentence?  The big, scary reaper styled enemy.,  that was so cool,  The story has become some serious bad fanfic , just stringing players along to whatever DE want to do next, with no thought of consistency or coherency. 

Now every tile set has a new faction.  With no connection to the overall world whatsoever..   

remember how we’re supposed to be getting adult operators

Remember how we’re supposed to be fighting the Lotus in the new war

Remember the lotus,s mother, supposedly coming to play. 

what about the plot hole in the new wall where the Tenno ( singular ) gets vanished. Like there’s more than one, WTF.  

With them updating the story so little you would think they could at least keep it focused.  

Now we have extremely annoying talking animals,   This is the definition of the writing style called, fly by the seat of pants.  


Were adult operators a separate thing from Drifter? as for Lotus and the New War, remember how the Paracesis was meant to be something more or less relevant until it was just there in cutscenes?

Some people think I more or less take a shot at the many other things in the game like Solaris, Ostron, etc., those are not quite the tangents since they are more like world building, they kind of get a pass, but as someone mentioned, sometimes we just get this little containers where a new faction resides and that's it, when I saw Ostrons and Corpus on relays I was a bit intrigued since it meant the first ones have means of space travel and the Corpus can be a bit more approachable than Grineer outside of the battlefield, but as I said, those are only small details; my main complaint is how we are getting a new "true" nemesis with every major development.

Edited by VanFanel1980mx
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15 hours ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

Lotus takes a vacation with someone one would probably know little of if we never see the trailers (correct me if I am wrong.)

Ballas is a major character in the Second Dream flashbacks


15 hours ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

Free Umbra Excalibur, Lotus doesn't even explain anything at all cuz reasons.

Because Ballas did a pretty good job explaining everything, frankly

15 hours ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

Stalker... seriously, who is that guy?

Scan him and find out

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Pretty much all the big questions have been answered though except for Stalker, Wally's exact motives, and the whole 1999 business.

IIRC Stalker was meant to be the centerpiece of The Sacrifice but got written out of it. Wally is (and has been) the big threat it's just we don't know exactly what they want. And 1999 should get some answers in the next major update.

Though perhaps the biggest issue with the story/lore is how spread out it is. Like nobody is going to understand the full picture without picking out all the extra and hidden lore. Like everything tucked away in the fragments and the hidden transmissions in some of those. Plus there has been the out of game additions like the Prime trailers or the old Ask a Cephalon QA they'd do.

Edited by trst
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16 hours ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

New War, we forgive Lotus because Reb can't just be replaced

Forgive her for what? She was manipulated and controlled directly (via her programming). Ballas was literally pulling her strings. At the climax of The New War, he commands her to say "I love you" and she does it. Did that look like it was her choice?

16 hours ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

Zariman is a thing, at this point most of these new tilesets seem to share the whole "if you don't max rank the syndicate something terrible will happen"

I mean the game has to have stakes. I think the Zariman update (and The New War ending) did a good job of setting it up.

8 hours ago, (PSN)SolarPhantom82 said:

remember how we’re supposed to be getting adult operators

Remember how we’re supposed to be fighting the Lotus in the new war

Remember the lotus,s mother, supposedly coming to play.

Things change. Just because DE says they want to do something doesn't mean they can't change direction later. Praghasa (Lotus' mother) was going to be a major character, and then they decided not to (for reasons we don't know, but The New War underwent many script revisions over the years). I don't see how this is a knock on DE; this is just the reality of creating an ongoing story.

8 hours ago, (PSN)SolarPhantom82 said:

what about the plot hole in the new wall where the Tenno ( singular ) gets vanished. Like there’s more than one, WTF.

This is explained DURING THE QUEST when you see that your Tenno (singular) made a deal with the Man in the Wall for their powers. This clearly implies that, if something happens to that one Tenno, all the other Tenno lose their powers. Yes, there's more than one Tenno, but your Tenno is Special.

8 hours ago, Sierra said:

Like the Zariman is very old derelict ship, yet how on Earth are there survivors? It being entirely abandoned would've been so creepy and really hammered in the immersion, but eternalism says no.

The Holdfasts on the Zariman aren't survivors. They died during the Void-jump incident or shortly afterwards. They were recreated by the Void through Conceptual Embodiment; they're basically ghosts you can touch. It actually doesn't have anything to do with Eternalism (and I can agree with many of the criticisms of Eternalism as a plot device).

1 hour ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

as for Lotus and the New War, remember how the Paracesis was meant to be something more or less relevant until it was just there in cutscenes?

The Paracesis was initially relevant for plot progression; you needed it to unlock the Erra cinematic, which is part of the main story quest line. However, this was removed later, and now you can just start the Erra quest in your Codex. The Paracesis is still considered lore-important because it gets forced into your inventory twice during The New War; if you don't have a Paracesis you get a temporary one for the quest.

1 hour ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

my main complaint is how we are getting a new "true" nemesis with every major development.

I think this has really only happened twice in the game's history. For the first couple years, the focus was on the Grineer and the Corpus (and sometimes Infested) – the enemy factions collectively were the "big bad" and there was the understanding that the Tenno could never hope to overcome them. Then in 2015, we had Natah and The Second Dream set up the Sentients as the big bad – this was the first major tone shift. Instead of mundane factions squabbling over turf, you had an unknown threat from another solar system that was hostile to all human life. It required all major factions to unite together, which was shown (very briefly) in The New War. I think it's a common viewpoint that the end result of the Sentient invasion was not satisfying, but it was the culmination of the "big bad Sentients". And then after that we have our current shift to the Man in the Wall as the big bad – a development foreshadowed as far back as Chains of Harrow (2017 I think?) and reinforced at times during the Sentient arc. Since the end of The New War I think Warframe has been pretty consistent in framing "Wally" as the new bad guy.

While DE does introduce new antagonists into its universe from time to time (Parvos Granum, the Queens, Dominus Thrax, etc), the "big bad" rarely changes.

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9 hours ago, (PSN)SolarPhantom82 said:

And now we can throw in time travel,

I suppose we're going to conveniently forget Lua Spy missions? The Deadlock Protocol? Time Travel has been a thing in Warframe for the majority of its lifespan.

9 hours ago, (PSN)SolarPhantom82 said:

Since Rebecca has taken over.   The plot is moving towards fantasy more than sci-fi..

Because Warframe was such hard sci fi before the changing of the guard. It totally never had things like reality warping children, soul transferring rituals and flesh mutating nanite plagues before then.

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The way DE makes games does not lend itself to great storytelling.
Let’s take the latest update as an example:

The tilesets need to work both as quest locations and as generic procedural map pieces (Notice how the exit tile in the new set still has Loids coffin). This is efficient in terms of resources but it does speak to a game first story after. Sometimes we get bespoke stuff (Ballas throneroom comes to mind) but for the most part quests have to work with what the game gives it. See also how the new quest had us do a lot (all?) of the missions in the new area. 

Loid hangs a lampshade on it but why not get the family to help with all of this? I don’t know but my guess is that DE can’t/ won’t call in all that voice talent again. Think we’ll get to see a lot of the fish voiced by “VA of the year 2023” in the future? I don’t. And that is probably also why a lot of stuff is dangling. Can DE pull in the VA for Stell meridian so she can have an extra 2 lines about how nice it is to have another Grineer free Grineer? Perhaps but it doesn’t seem like they will.

DE makes a game first and a story after. Now I’m not saying DE are bad for making the game with these priorities but it has made me have very low expectations as to where everything is heading. 

As an example of what DE can do when it's just the writers:


This is sooo good. Why didn’t Nora voice it?

Personally I gave up around the Sisters update. New war cemented my disintrest in the story as it is now. Would sill love to be proven wrong though.

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one thing i've learned is that with online games, the story is usually secondary, and it can't actually end, because then what would be left?; sure, you can say that one "arc" ends, like New War being a final clash between us and Ballas, but then there has to be another one (Whispers in the walls, 1999 etc, which will probably be known as the "wally arc"), and then another, and so on. interesting as the story is, I think it's time to accept that for every answer we get, there will be a dozen new questions.

19 hours ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

Sentients become a thing, Stalker... seriously, who is that guy?

one of the upcoming quests for 2024 is goign to shine a new light on Stalker apparently: reb confirmed he still won't be playable outside of Duviri, but we'll at least learn some more about him, and maybe even get a flashback of the Ceremony where the Orokin were slaughtered by the Tenno, hopefully.

19 hours ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

Wally is there still doing things, so far one could have jumped from thinking the Grineer are the bad guys, then both them and the Corpus while the probably badder guys being the Infested, but turns out the Sentient were kind of the biggest bad guys, while that went on we could think the Orokin may have been the original bad guys but as far as we know they are all dead, but turns out Wally may be the one true bad guy... for now.

who the "Bad guy" is depends on your perspective really. as Handsome Jack once said, "Everyone thinks they're the hero of their own story.":

we the Tenno are at best a Chaotic Neutral party. we fight all of the other factions, even though they will not really suffer for it and while there are times we can claim to defend the innocent (Ostons, Solaris etc.), we do also provoke the factions into committing acts that might harm others (Balor Formorians).

the Grineer see themselves as righteous conquerors, but are oppressive and brutal to those under their rule.

the Corpus paint themselves as being civilised and sophisticated, but they use dirty economic tactics to enslave and conquer, valuing material profit above all else.

the Infested are arguably a plague that endanger all that exists, but from their perspective, they are just creatures who simply want to exist and multiply, and want the Helminth strain (used to make Warframes) to reunite with the Hivemind.

the Sentients are probably the most understandable: they were thrown into another star system against their will, and when they returned, they became Barren, and then found out that was no accident, that they were created this way. I'm not a woman, but if somebody took away my opportunity to have kids, should I want them, I'd be pretty pi$$ed off about it too. 

the Orokin certainly committed the most atrocities, and are responsible for each of the factions currently in the system, but when you realize that they basically ruled unopposed for eons, and were constantly surround by luxury, and beauty, it's pretty hard for them to not become full of themselves arguably. given that just about ALL of the Orokin are that way, I wonder if maybe Kuva itself somehow "corrupts" the Orokin, but very slowly, and it only becomes evident after several Continuities. it could also be that if you live long enough, you will inevitably become a villain.. pretty sure you all know where that saying comes from by now.

Wally is the most mysterious, but given how WitW ended, we now have theories floating around that he may not be an evil eldritch cosmic horror, but a misunderstood, touch-starved entity that has only ever known loneliness since the beginning of time and doesn't know how NOT be the spooky, evil way he is.

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DE has changed direction on their story a few times at least. There isn't much of an overarching plot a lot of the time. Which, like, maybe is a good thing? Considering how long it took to complete the Lotus storyline through TNW, I'm fine with exploring threads that eventually end and just form an overall background tapestry to the world. 


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13 hours ago, (PSN)SolarPhantom82 said:

And now we can throw in time travel, just a really Throw the plot out of whack.   Since Rebecca has taken over.   The plot is moving towards fantasy more than sci-fi..   

I think it started before she took over. The New War introduced eternalism, and Duviri pretty much flipped the table and opted for pure fantasy over the established sci-fi setting, and if I recall Reb took over either a bit before or after Duviri released. I think the real cause was probably how much Steve wanted to work on something else, and that bled into Warframe pretty hard in the end. With how long he's been working on Warframe it is understandable although very surprising they went all in with it.

It might take a bit of time to wrap up eternalism and any pure fantasy elements to avoid leaving loose plot threads, so an immediate return to form is unlikely. Time will tell though

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3 hours ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

Who the "Bad guy" is depends on your perspective really. as Handsome Jack once said, "Everyone thinks they're the hero of their own story.":

What I meant was more along the lines of "this is the final boss, well, actually no, here is the true final boss."

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4 hours ago, Tombsite said:

The tilesets need to work both as quest locations and as generic procedural map pieces (Notice how the exit tile in the new set still has Loids coffin). This is efficient in terms of resources but it does speak to a game first story after. Sometimes we get bespoke stuff (Ballas throneroom comes to mind) but for the most part quests have to work with what the game gives it. See also how the new quest had us do a lot (all?) of the missions in the new area.

This current update is actually an outlier in this regard. Quests usually have distinct tiles that are used for pivotal moments and not encountered in usual gameplay.

  • The War Within had the Queens' Throne Room and the whole mountain pass area
  • The Sacrifice had the Orokin cemetery, Ballas' laboratory, and Umbra's hospital room
  • The New War had a number of unique areas, some of which were later brought back for Archon Hunts and Kahl missions but some of which weren't, including Praghasa's Throne Room and the entire Narmer Sealab tileset
  • The Duviri Paradox has Dominus Thrax's Throne Room which still hasn't even shown up as a Captura scene

In contrast, every single tile from Whispers in the Walls shows up in normal missions (except the train one), and with all the quest details (the chair the Man in the Wall sits in, Loid's casket, etc). They went back and removed some stuff like the grimoire and some Requiem glyphs in a hotfix but a lot of quest stuff is still there. This is uncharacteristically sloppy in my view. I mean, when we go to the Granum Void for Protea farming it's not like you still see Parvos Granum hanging out there like he does during the quest.

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4 hours ago, Tombsite said:

my guess is that DE can’t/ won’t call in all that voice talent again.

This is certainly not it. All of the Entrati except Daughter, Son, and Otak also voice different characters with voice lines that have come out more recently, and they brought back the characters of Mother, Grandmother, Daughter, and Otak quite recently for new lines. They appear to have no issue getting these voice actors when they need them.

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I think with Rebecca at being the new creative director and driving the ship, the story and plot is going to move along in a straightforward fashion.

I mean no offence to Steve, but it was very clear he had way too many ideas and not enough time, manpower, or dedication to see them through a lot of the time. Thats why we got a bunch of stories and lore with open ends, as well as a TON of different systems and mechanics that were half baked and abandoned (railjack, archwing, Nightwaves). It really just seemed like every 1-2 years Steve got bored and wanted to completely re imagine Warfrme.

Obviously its still relatively early in Rebeccas career as creative director, but iv been really liking the direction of the game since she took over.

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1 hour ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

What I meant was more along the lines of "this is the final boss, well, actually no, here is the true final boss."

Except we've had the Sentients and Wally brought up as the larger threats rather early in the overall story. So for a long time now we've had the "final boss" in sight but those have been looming threats while we've had smaller immediate ones happening. And odds are there won't be a more final boss than Wally while we'll continue to get more immediate threats from other sources (like how the Sentients/Narmer are technically still a threat).

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1 hour ago, GrayArchon said:

In contrast, every single tile from Whispers in the Walls shows up in normal missions (except the train one), and with all the quest details (the chair the Man in the Wall sits in, Loid's casket, etc). They went back and removed some stuff like the grimoire and some Requiem glyphs in a hotfix but a lot of quest stuff is still there. This is uncharacteristically sloppy in my view. I mean, when we go to the Granum Void for Protea farming it's not like you still see Parvos Granum hanging out there like he does during the quest.

Why is it surprising that an update with a new tileset will revolve around playing in that tileset

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