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highest possible initial combo stat for a riven



I simply would like to know what is the highest possible initial combo stat you can role on a riven, this is for a secondary outburst build. so the other stats do not matter at all, i just need the most initial combo possible.
I currently have one with above 40 initial combo
but i have seen quite a few on the warframe market with 60, 75. and one crazy person says they have a initial combo of 230 something, but. it's the warframe market so i don't trust it at all. and i don't want to waist a bunch of resources rolling for something that does not exist

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7 answers to this question

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My guesstimate is around 50 assuming extremely high dispo and 2 stats plus a neg.

Try the Ceramic Dagger. It has two relevant Incarnon perks, one adds 20 Initial Combo and the other adds 1 Initial Combo per Primary weapon kill up to 100. With a Riven that has at least 30 IC, Ready Steel, Covert Lethality, and Corrupt Charge, you can reach a permanent 220 combo (x12).

Edited by (PSN)Sentiel
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37 minutes ago, (PSN)Sentiel said:

My guesstimate is around 50 assuming extremely high dispo and 2 stats plus a neg.

Try the Ceramic Dagger. It has two relevant Incarnon perks, one adds 20 Initial Combo and the other adds 1 Initial Combo Ber Primary weapon kill up to 100. With a Riven that has at least 30 IC, Ready Steel, Covert Lethality, and Corrupt Charge, you can reach a permanent 220 combo (x12).

yes i will be doing that if i cant get the combo high enough on the weapon I'm after

i don't have access to the ceramic daggers yet. but i will more then likely do that once they come around on the nigh wave rotation
i was kind of hoping to find a way to pump up the furax wraith to 220 initial combo, or close to it since the furax can run amalgam furax body count and the ceramic daggers can not
i have my eye on melee cresendo when after a while people constantly running the netracell this thing will tank in price like crazy since "everyone" will be running netracells to try and get their hands on more archon shards
+6 initial combo on finisher kill :/ yeah finisher kills. ugh
theirs also the new pet mod that gives some combo when your pet attacks, and the furax incarnon has a perk that prevents combo from draining while it is holstered, so even outside sources of combo would work with this build that I'm trying to get working, as long as the source of combo comes in fast enough
(also if anyone has the incarnon furax, please test for me to see if the combo gets drained by secondary outburst when you also have standoff from the incarnon version, i would expect that your combo counter would still get drained like normal, but knowing this game, their could be bugs and unexpected interactions around any corner to find)

savagery and ferocity for the kubros enable finisher kills for them, i wonder if it is possible to use that to stack up initial combo through melee cresendo. it would probably be rather inconsistent, most of the time stuff dies, and if it doesn't die instantly i doubt the kubro would be able to finish whatever I'm shooting at, but it would be interesting to know if the interaction works or not

Edited by Quantum_rage
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i found the answer to my own question on the riven wiki and the answer is not as simple as just a specific number, all weapons have a riven disposition which changes based on how often it is used, but the rivens disposition also has a base multiplier, meaning it is a factor of base riven disposition multiplier + it's current popularity, that will give you the stats

and the maths is as follows, every stat for a riven has a base rating, (lets say 24.5 because that is what initial combo is)
this rating is then multiplied between 90% of 110% of it's value (range of 22.05 - 26.95)
the rating is then multiplied by the highest base riven disposition of 1.55 (although putting it on a weapon will show you a lower number since this stat is actually controlled by how popular the weapon is. however, and i am speculating here. when your viewing the mods while they are "not" on the weapon it shows you the best possible stat, big speculation please correct me if I'm wrong)
the number will then be multiplied by the bonus given based on the number of effects and negative effects (the best being 2 good perks 1 bad perk) which will multiple the bonus of the good mods by 1.2375

so if we do the math's 24.5 x 110% (best case scenario) = 29.95
29.95 x 1.55 = 45.94975
"46" x 1.3275 = 56.86

I'm almost certain their is something else at play here or my assumptions are wrong, since. while rolling for riven mods even when i got 2 good mods and one negative mod. i should of. at the very least saw an initial combo of 45.3assuming my base stat is 90% as low as possible which should be the worst possible scenario, however i was seeing numbers lower then this, my current stat is 42.6 even tho i have 2 good mods and one bad one, according to my maths. i should be seeing anywhere between 45 and 57 ish initial combo

equipping this mod to my normal furax may? explain this, and this is where I'm going to go on a bit of a frustrated rant with how this game is displaying riven numbers
when i equip this mod to my normal furax, the numbers don't change at all, which is odd because i find it highly unlikely that many if any weapons in this game have a 1.55 riven disposition exactly. according to the wiki the normal furax has a 5 dots with a riven disposition of 1.38x

now if i punch "that" specific number into my calculator i have a minimum stat of 40.39 and a maximum stat of 49.3710525
which, seems reasonable for what I'm currently seeing, but here's the issue. if this is true, and for some un-holey reason, they are showing you the stats "based on" the weapons "current" riven disposition, while it may seem like this is good because you wont often see your damage numbers changing, it means that. you can not compare riven mods against each other, and if you have a specific number in mind that you are trying to role for, you may end up roiling for something that can not physically be achieved on the riven mod since it is based the mod itself it taking into account the weapons disposition, even before it is put onto the weapon.

this also means that, if the weapon you are using become more or less popular, it is quite possible that the "stat on the riven mod will slowly change over time" as the weapon it is attached to falls in and out of favor. if this is how the system works. i must say. thanks i hate it, would it not be simpler to just know what the max and min numbers of the riven mods are when rolling them. and then simply just change them when you put it onto the weapon, i guess this may annoy some people seeing their stats change
but this could all be fixed by showing an in game riven disposition multiplier, rather they the 5 stupid dots, actually show the multiplier for the riven mods
you could simple do a thing where, you show all riven mods with 1x multiplier, then change ether numbers as nessacerily when putting them onto the weapon, half the time your stats will get better, half of the time your stats might get worse, if the weapon is too popular, but the point is, the stats would only change when you put them on the weapon, and that riven mod you rolled 2 years back that has "this" stat 2 years later will still have "the same" stat

again please correct me if I'm wrong on any of this, or if you have seen your riven "change stats" over time, please let me know as well because i would love to confirm or disprove my theory, so i can either put my mind to ease with a reasonable answer, or continue to be raging mad at how stupid and over-complicated this game is for no reason

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i am now almost certain that "this" is how riven stats are displayed
here's the thing. i have a riven for the furax, if i put the riven on the furax, the stats displayed/ the same stats you see while crafting, are identical to the stats on the normal furax at a 1.38x riven disposition
if i put the riven on my mk1 furax the stats go higher since it has a higher disposition at 1.45x
and if i put the riven on the furax wraith it gets a lower stat since the disposition is 1.15x

again I'm not complaining about the stats changing based on what weapon you put it on. i just don't agree that the stats of the riven are being displayed based on the disposition of the weapon it is designed for, this means that. every 3 months when weapons get rebalanced the stats on the riven will change

so right now my furax riven displays a 42.6 initial combo, but whenever the rebalance happens, that could go up or down depending on how popular the default furax is at the time, this could lead to, rivens having incorrect values being displayed on the market, or could lead someone to keep re-rolling a riven when they specifically want a high stat
like. if was roling for high initial combo, for a weapon that has, a good riven disposition, and get a 50 something quite easily. but then try to role a riven for a weapon that has a bad disposition, if i see a 30. i might look at that, and think it is a bad role, even tho it is not the riven stats that are bad, it's just the current disposition of the weapon
next 3 months that riven with the stat of 30 could jump up to 50 and the riven with the stat of 50 could go down to 30, if the weapon dispositions changes that rapidly (i doubt that) but still i don't like the idea that this could happen.

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12 hours ago, Quantum_rage said:

again please correct me if I'm wrong on any of this,

Not a correction but a useful resource:


Currently down but hopefully not for long.

Semlar hasn't been updating weapon dispos.  While many will still be correct, to be certain you'll have to look up the actual dispos on the wiki.  (Or another resource.). From there you can calculate affix ranges by hand if you prefer.

Ceramic Dagger was mentioned earlier, but I'll just point out that a few other weapons have innate initial combo.  And single daggers have access to higher initial combo by virtue of Covert Lethality.  Also all info that can be found in the wiki.

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