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Let me "blacklist" specific Warframes. I don't want matchmaking with them.


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Wukong, Titania


I want to put these frames on a "black list" so that I don't show up in their squad, and so that they don't show up in my squad.

These Frames, or the players using them, somehow find ways to muck up the mission so it's uncompletable (Rushing the exit on "Destroy Culverin Weakpoints" making enemies stop spawning) or just making the mission Not Fun. 

I hate Wukong. They Rush and muck up missions.

Titania rushes + turns the game into a Parkour or Walking Simulator 

I hate Wukong.

I absolutely Hate Limbo, either putting bubbles on mobile defense or Sabotage targets (or others) making the things uninteractable, or freezing everything so missions Take Forever. tho it's been a while since that happened, I still hate Limbo tho.

I hate Wukong.

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Have you considered turning the game off and playing a different one?


What a ridiculous idea, and your list is a good example of why. I mean, it would kind of be like turning off crossplay except maybe in the case of Limbo, (but would be unfair to Limbo players imo.) So it would hurt the blacklister more than anyone else, but it's still a feature that leads to negativity and toxicity in the game. You could probably add elitism in there too for good measure.


Just bail from the group if you see warframes that have a faster speed than you, I guess.

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7 minutes ago, SpicyDinosaur said:

Have you considered turning the game off and playing a different one?


What a ridiculous idea, and your list is a good example of why. I mean, it would kind of be like turning off crossplay except maybe in the case of Limbo, (but would be unfair to Limbo players imo.) So it would hurt the blacklister more than anyone else, but it's still a feature that leads to negativity and toxicity in the game. You could probably add elitism in there too for good measure.


Just bail from the group if you see warframes that have a faster speed than you, I guess.

Okay, what about when they muck up the mission, forcing the entire squad to abort?

Limbo deserves it.

"It would hurt the blacklister more" um yes, because completing missions and getting rewards hurts. 

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That’s the risk of using Public matchmaking, you don’t get to have any input on who you match with because it’s oublic.

just use recruitment chat, find yourself a dedicated team that don’t use the frames you don’t like. 

DE won’t implement a blacklist system ever. The backlash that would cause is way more of a problem than you being annoyed about public matchmaking. 

you have options. Go solo, go with friends, or use recruitment chat lol. 

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1 minute ago, ClockworkSiren said:

That’s the risk of using Public matchmaking, you don’t get to have any input on who you match with because it’s oublic.

just use recruitment chat, find yourself a dedicated team that don’t use the frames you don’t like. 

DE won’t implement a blacklist system ever. The backlash that would cause is way more of a problem than you being annoyed about public matchmaking. 

you have options. Go solo, go with friends, or use recruitment chat lol. 

Blacklist backlash *from who?* the ones getting blacklisted, PITA Wukong and Titania players that muck up the missions for everyone else?

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actually co-signed because playing with volts who insist on enforcing my movement/melee speed every 8 seconds makes me wanna gouge my eyes out. i actually understand the movement system so i can get through a mission (usually faster than them) just fine without their "help" and i'm not a slide macro scrub either so melee speed is beyond worthless to me

to be fair the less toxic solution to that is revert speed's area of effect buff and make it a pickup or just a self-buff again, but after how much volt players begged for it in the first place that'll never happen

Edited by spiralmenace
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the amount of self-centered entitlement and irrational hate is truly surreal.  

just play a different game if this Free to play Coop-Team Shooter triggers you so much. throwing your hate in all possible directions on here contributes nothing except giving another example for toxic, self-centered players in this game. people like you give me quite a different idea and the idea is to stop matchmaking with people you put on your 'ignored' list. because no way in hell do I ever wanna play with somebody as hateful, superficial and prejudiced as you are. I couldn't care less about what frame somebody is using. I do care about if my potential team is engaging in hateful and rude behaviour though. guess what, the universe doesn't spin around you and if you cannot even handle specific frames in public lobbies then don't do public matchmaking instead of whinging in the forums with all this childish hate

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54 minutes ago, (XBOX)CaligulaTwily said:

I want to put these frames on a "black list" so that I don't show up in their squad, and so that they don't show up in my squad.

These Frames, or the players using them, somehow find ways to muck up the mission so it's uncompletable (Rushing the exit on "Destroy Culverin Weakpoints" making enemies stop spawning) or just making the mission Not Fun. 

I would suggest making suggestions to how you would like these frames to be changed to work with squads better, if it's causing problems or issues. Adding yet another conditional to matchmaking that's already spread extremely thin serves no purpose but to overgeneralize and justify a hatred for players who "play X frame". Like so:

42 minutes ago, (XBOX)CaligulaTwily said:

Limbo deserves it.

If you're that concerned about how others play missions with you in an online game (which they're perfectly valid to use whatever frame they'd like), I would not use public matchmaking.

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22 minutes ago, (XBOX)CaligulaTwily said:

Thanks. It's cute that you're like "I have you on ignore, and I gotta tell you about it"

Also, thank you for ignoring me. Please don't respond. 

I'm responding out of spite. I hope that helps you feel special.


I wasn't telling you I had you on ignore to tell you, just thanking you for reminding me why, since I had completely forgotten.

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I can kind of see OP's point (I don't agree with the rude wording though). In Fissure missions or Exterminate, I'm capable of clearing the mission alone, and I can see why the other players in my squad could get upset by getting no action. The whole "just play solo" thing is really a cop out for how coop functions these days.

I can see both sides. Personally I would not want a black list system. Better matchmaking is one thing, but a black list is another.

Edited by Voltage
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Not happening any day. You can be sure of that much.


Really though, why is it the guy with Rev prime pfp giving an attitude and talking crap?

Frame banter aside, previous posts should give you a clear idea as to why it's not gonna happen. Matchmaking with specific frames you see everyday would make you end up play solo all the time, considering the amount of very popular frames. You could never do any fissures with anyone if you'd remove Volt, Titania or Garuda for instance. Any other mission you'd do alone if you had Wisp, Rev or Wukong blacklisted. I fail to see what this brings to the table aside from another solo mode.


Don't go hating on Limbo like that. He's having a rough time being appreciated only for loot cleaning and mobile defenses. He's a good frame used by players who don't exploit his true potential, that's all.

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2 hours ago, Voltage said:

I can see both sides. Personally I would not want a black list system. Better matchmaking is one thing, but a black list is another.



I think DE should put more thought into how players interact with each other.  Now that they're adding more and more niche arcanes, shards, and effects that depend on specific elemental procs, it's really easy for players to unknowingly wreck each other's builds.

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5 hours ago, ApoXx95 said:

stop matchmaking with people you put on your 'ignored' list.

Yup, this has been suggested a bunch. I've only ended up with an ignored person in my squad once that I'm aware of because they had a really obnoxious name that was easy to recognize. But I probably play in groups and pubs less than others and I don't farm the same mission 20 times in a row at off hours either. It would still be nice for ignore to have more power. It would let you ignore bad players, because all of those frames can be played in ways that work with a team just fine.

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59 minutes ago, Hobie-wan said:

Yup, this has been suggested a bunch. I've only ended up with an ignored person in my squad once that I'm aware of because they had a really obnoxious name that was easy to recognize. But I probably play in groups and pubs less than others and I don't farm the same mission 20 times in a row at off hours either. It would still be nice for ignore to have more power. It would let you ignore bad players, because all of those frames can be played in ways that work with a team just fine.

Actually, Yes.

Let me ignore or block or *not play with* the bad players, so I guess the Innocent Wukongs go Unpunished. 

I like that idea

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7 hours ago, (XBOX)CaligulaTwily said:

They Rush and muck up missions.


I'm confused. This entire game has become a spam speed run. That's how it's played now.

If you're just talking about that Exterminate weak point mission it'll get changed. I've soft locked myself solo on that one.
I just don't do it. Much of the time Alchemy / Mirror Defense is faster than switching to some silly "Aiming" weapon. Pssh.

I don't see how Wukong can screw anything else up unless it's just a bad player only spamming the forward combo.
He has to sit for 3s to get his armor once in a while but otherwise can turn his clone off too if needed.

Baruuk is prolly the only poor frame still stuck with players hating his 4th. Hydroid got fixed. He used to make enemies impossible to head-shot.
Titania still has that issue with Spellbind but that's why I don't use it unless guarding an object.

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18 minutes ago, (PSN)BAM-BAM-73 said:

DE have mentioned that the "player spawns in, teammates rush off and complete the mission before the newer player or non-meta frame gets to contribute" is bad for the game.


Funny since that's the game they made. Warframe wasn't always like this. They pushed for it from the start of AABC rotation.
They put Endo as filler everywhere to the point farming it isn't a thing. I think I literally made 100k Endo since last week.
They've pushed all actual progression into mission complete rolls, aka spam.

Obviously it's a bad situation and players like myself and many who don't bother playing anymore told them for years.
It became a hot subject with Relic additions when players couldn't get enough traces to open cuz they joined mid mission.

They kept going though. No scaling Kuva. Spam those Kuva missions till you hate our game. That's what I heard at least.

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With crossplay/crosssave everyone will have a large influx of increased players to match with. So instead of a blacklist, why not just make 2 different public queues? One for people who like a slow pace, who like to "smell the roses", who like to... IDK what y'all do. And one for people that like the fast pace, the nuking, the speed, the min/maxed efficiency. It'll be an honor system where egregiously going against said queue's values is a reportable offense, where enough reports (manually/automatedly) suspends you from said queue for like a week.

That way everyone is happy, there's less of these divisive threads, and hopefully it'll also remove most of the needless nerfs/"fixes" (I.E. the Topaz crit shard).

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