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Nyx identity crisis


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I've been playing Warframe for over 1800 hours, as my PS5 claims, I'm LR3, and my second most used Warframe is Nyx. Whenever someone asked for a rework I jumped right in saying she's fine and went into detail explaining why that is. Perhaps I need someone to do that for me today because after the last update I feel like Nyx was powercrept out of the game, doesn't offer anything unique, and cannot effectively uphold her own theme.


Being able to Mind Control an enemy to fight for you sounds amazing on paper but falls short in a game like Warframe. Even after boosting the said controlled enemy's damage by thousands of percent, which actually makes them easily kill their comrades, their poor accuracy, cowardly AI, and slow response time make them less useful then a Kubrow. There are niche uses like Ospreys which can then generate shields for you, but such cases are rare and you can use a faction summon for nearly all of them.


Forcing enemies to expose their vulnerability was always highly valuable but it's been since given in some way or form to other Warframes as well. We even have one as a Helminth subsume ability, which also heals you. Since shields aren't nearly as effective in protecting enemies against us as is armor, we can disregard them and focus on armor, which can now be stripped by literally any frame as long as they have Corrosive damage and use Emerald Archon Shards, which enable full armor strip by overstacking Corrosion status.


With the Eximus rework, Chaos lost its value because it no longer affects the high priority enemies that are actually dangerous. It won't make these enemies target their allies as a priority either because your team and companions still generate more threat and aggro.


Lastly, turning into a invulnerable ball of doom is not only utterly pointless without the augment but even with it you're basically a budget Revenant with less mobility, whose augment at least protects the rest of his team.


I know there are frames in worse state then Nyx, Limbo comes to mind first, and I don't know how to rework her, but as she is now in the current environment, her kit feels obsolete.

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Limbo is definitely fine and quite a few use cases where he excels, but he comes with some level of technicity that make him hard to work properly with squadmates which is only why he's really disliked tbh. I really have missions where I see Limbo as a very good option and feel powerful using Limbo, with Nyx it never happens. I only use Nyx with a cheesy build for circuit whenever my choices are not great. But it's choosing between inappropriate warframes and picking the least worse of the choices.

But as always, I do respect people that enjoy Nyx, yet, as you said her ball sucks and her Chaos is sadly outdated and her strip can be even replaced with a better one through the helminth system and her mind control is cool but it's not good enough to make it a reason to use her much... So yeah.. it's not looking great for Nyx. I don't think she needs huge design changes to be back as a decent warframe choice (mid/end game meta-wise), but she is definitely in a big need of some tweaks in her kit imho.

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Limbo, Nyx, Frost, all of them need reworks, at least small ones to bring them up to the same level as the newer warframes. Nyx in perticular though, probably needs the most, radiation status can do almost eveything she does, and there are tons of armor strip abilities, even on helminth.

IMO she just doesn't have anything special anymore, even her 4th, which is arguably one of the most unique powers, is also the most useless (without assimilate). If any warframe needs a new theme, it'd be her.

Edited by Joezone619
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you're not wrong at all, one of the big issues though is that AI allies are.... very bad, across the board. the only time they're ANY good is when they use your weapons (wuclone and duality equinox) and even then it highly depends on the weapon (duality equinox with a vectis is insanely accurate, duality equinox with a bow can't hit the broad side of a barn)

there's also just the issue that crowd control in general has been powercrept out of the meta, with nyx being effectively a crowd-control based frame that makes her pretty mediocre. 

the reason why CC has been powercrept out of the game is quite simple: the amount of damage we deal to groups of enemies at a time means there's never a reason to CC since you can simply kill them instead and the enemies you *do* want to CC are immune anyways. 

i... dont see a way to make nyx relevant while retaining her theme. mind control can't really become a nuking power without some HUGE artistic liberty in how mind control is used. 

i think until a good chunk of powercreep is fixed, nyx will remain a frame you pick for the vibe, not because she's meta in any way.


it's actually a similar issue to trinity. trinity's theme is healing, in the current meta that theme has no function since everyone can be entirely self-sufficient in multiple ways. energy vampire is unneccesary and if someone loses any HP they'll likely lose all of it so well of life and blessing are basically only used for their fringe-cases (nuking high-level single units with well of life and healing eidolon lures with blessing). so "healing" or even "support" isn't really a thing. the only support that has a place in warframe now is giving damage or survivability buffs to allies (ahum wisp) 


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Honestly, I'd said that Nyx has good stripping with her 2, but nowdays you can just have 2 green shards to get 14 corro stacks and call it a day. On any frame.


Chaos Sphere is some of my favorite ability in steel path circuit, but that's really about it, Absorb is just some worthless garbage when the scaling kicks in, and even in lower levels, why would you not shieldgate to cancel out damage anyway? There is never a moment when absorb has any sort of advantage, and I find it just sad really, the concept is okay, the execution is not.


My biggest issue with Nyx's 4 is that we always assume we're using the augment... but do we even bother using the base ability anymore? Earlier this year I tried to do so, even went as far as to try the alternative 4 augment that drags enemies in (spoiler alert, it's far worse than if you just relied on Nautilus using Cordon), then it struck me : in modern Warframe, is there even any frame that just has you standing there menacingly? Sure Qorvex is a complete golem and can't move while using his abilities or he'll be locked in an animation anyway, but he's at least doing something. With Nyx's base 4, you could have had a stroke or your keyboard unplugged, or god forbids, both, and no one would've been able to tell because you can't do anything while it's active. All Nyx does is practice some air yoga. That's not what I expect from a psychic frame. Floating in the air, sure, getting to move objects freely with said power, sure, but come on now, taking a crap in an air bubble? Makes a whole lot more sense why enemies are knocked over, gotta be from the stench.


Worst part about all of this? I actually like Nyx. I just don't like how I have to use Helminth to fix her everytime.

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5 hours ago, DarkSkysz said:

Good start with Nyx is remove the 6 darts cap of her defense strip power.

You can easily have over 50 enemies on screen. 6 targets is such a bad joke.

DE tried to address this by changing her augment to increase the number of bolts to 9 but not only is that not enough they also didn't address another issues with the ability, such as duration and targeting.

The bolts quite often hit the same enemy even though there are many enemies available. They also often ignore high threat enemies like Eximus and go for some fodder standing next to it instead.

As for the duration, the stripping isn't permanent, so if the ability runs into the aforementioned targeting issues and you recast it, the already affected enemies have their defences returned.

The combination of these two issues can be extremely aggravating. Imagine you have a dozen enemies among which are two Eximus. Naturally you want the Eximus to be stripped so you can kill them first or just faster. The first time you use Psychic Bolts it hits one of the Eximus but misses the other. You grind your teeth because the ability didn't do what you wanted and you wasted 50 Energy. You cast it again. The already affected Eximus returns to full strength and now the ability strips the other Eximus but misses the previous one. Absolutely hair pulling moment.

No other stripping ability suffers this unreliability.


I'd give the augment a AoE strip of base 3-5 meters around the affected enemy. Problem solved in an easy to do and implement way even with 6 bolts.

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I think the "identity crisis" thing for Nyx does expand to other older frames, and it does seem to put her in a category like Frost of not really being reworkable until there's some collective agreement on what she's exactly supposed to be in terms of role, especially since Eximus units have nearly eliminated most purpose for CC frames.

One thing I've suggested before is changing her passive to something allowing her abilities to bypass overguard, but even that wouldn't solve what other issues she has.

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Unfortunately I feel inclined to agree with pretty much everything here. She's been in a sorry state for a while and it feels like she's more and more neglected with each update. It's a shame because she has some unique ideas but they just aren't executed all that well. Her abilities struggle to keep pace with the modern game.

Starting with Mind Control, the target can kill enemies but if you're at any kind of respectable level, the number of hoops you have to jump through to make it do any sort of reasonable damage is, well... unreasonable. As mentioned, the bigger issue the ability has to overcome is the AI, which often means that the target will miss whatever it's shooting at, take cover despite being invulnerable or simply stand in place aimlessly. A lot of the time the target just gets knocked down or impact proc staggered into oblivion. The augment is also hot garbage.

Psychic Bolts used to be a great ability. I say used to because I've come to the conclusion that this ability was only good because it did something that very few abilities could do at the time: full strip armor and shields at very low strength levels. Now it seems like everyone and their grandmother can strip at least armor if not shields as well. Since the changes to armor reduction and the addition of new abilities, one of the original defence reduction abilities has unironically become one of the worst options for defence stripping. I mean, Tharros Strike spits in this abilities' face. It has 3 times as many effects and for some reason costs half as much energy and it's a Helminth ability. After the Hydroid rework and the addition of emerald archon shards, armor stripping is now more accessible than ever, further cementing Psychic Bolts as a lackluster option due to its restricting 6 bolt limit and oh yeah, the fact that half the time, the ability straight up refuses to work if you're not the host (I seriously cannot think of another ability that is this dependent on ping). The augment at least shows that they're not against increasing the bolt limit but it still needs more help. If it were up to me, the defence strip would be fixed at 100%, unaffected by strength and the number of bolts would scale with strength instead. She's one of the few, if not the only frames I can think of that wants an exact value for strength, that being 125%. Any less and you won't full strip, any more and it's just wasted because she has no other meaningful strength scaling.

Chaos mainly suffers from the same problem affecting most CC abilities: the best type of crowd controlled enemy is a dead one. Why CC an enemy when you have the damage to kill it? There's certainly not a lack of damage floating around in the game today. Chaos does actually raise the threat level of those it affects but how meaningful that is in practice is up for debate. I've seen multiple Chaos affected enemies just ignoring each other and going after me or the objective. I would argue that Eximus units ignoring the ability kind of means that they're just doing their job. It's not as bad when you consider that they'll still shoot back if shot at by their allies, meaning the ability still at least has some sort of effect on them anyway. Chaos Sphere isn't a bad augment but the restrictions placed on it are quite punishing.

Absorb pretty much needs Assimilate to be baked in at a minimum. Sitting in place and draining all your energy just to do, for all intents and purposes, 0 damage is quite simply bad. The augment makes this ability better, but that doesn't mean it fixes it's problems. It makes it better because it allows you to capitalise on being invulnerable, not because it suddenly makes it do damage. I think you should just be able to move around (at a reasonable speed) by default and the augment should mean incoming damage gets channeled into a meaningful weapon buff instead of an aoe explosion. As for Singularity, the only use I've found for this is an amusing build with Aquablades where you basically become a sort of blender. Is it practical? No. Is it funny? Yeah, kind of.

One thing I think she's sorely in need of is enemy scaling on her abilities. All of her abilities rely on the enemies to do damage for her. Why not make them actually do significant damage to each other as their levels increase. I mean Vauban has enemy scaling in his kit because... reasons? At least with Nyx it would make sense. The problem is that enemies beyond medium level have high EHP and low damage, relatively speaking. We as the player have low EHP and high damage. Turning the enemies against themselves means that you're using low damage against high EHP. Unsurprisingly, less than effective.

Who knows, given enough time perhaps she'll reach meme levels that we thought only Hydroid could achieve and they'll be forced to give her more than the token buffs she seems to get once every 3 years.

Edited by AERO5MITH
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Am I the only one who thinks nyx is fine as is? Don't get me wrong, her 1st ability is terrible and her 4th is useless without the augment. However, her psychic bolts is one of the most reliable armor strips in the game and chaos is a great cc which doesnt root or slow enemies which is great for survivals and other game modes.

I don't think she's incredible or some hidden gem but she is still good. She is my main frame and some tweaks to her would be great.

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17 minutes ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

Am I the only one who thinks nyx is fine as is? Don't get me wrong, her 1st ability is terrible and her 4th is useless without the augment.

If you ask me, that's a pretty low bar for what qualifies as fine. Imagine if they released a frame now that had a terrible 1st ability and a 4th that is worthless without an augment. It wouldn't be received well and that frame would likely receive buffs.

26 minutes ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

her psychic bolts is one of the most reliable armor strips in the game

I agree that Psychic Bolts is a very reliable defence strip when it works. Operative word being when. If you're not the host the ability will just straight up fail half the time, seemingly at random. The concept behind the ability is sound. The code, not so much. Also the ability has just fallen behind when compared to other, more recently added options that can do more and do it better.

She's my main as well so it saddens me to see her so neglected. Unfortunately Pablo has gone on record saying they're hesitant to throw out reworks left, right and center as they barely move the needle in terms of play rate apparently. Not sure how accurate that is as we all know that Wukongs rework skyrocketed his play rate and going with a more recent example, I've seen a lot more Hydroids after his rework as well. I feel like even if a rework doesn't drastically increase a frame's play rate, as long as it improves the overall experience for the people that are already playing the frame regardless, I would say it can be labelled a success.

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2 hours ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

Am I the only one who thinks nyx is fine as is? Don't get me wrong, her 1st ability is terrible and her 4th is useless without the augment.

High standards 

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Warframe standards



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2 hours ago, AERO5MITH said:

Unfortunately Pablo has gone on record saying they're hesitant to throw out reworks left, right and center as they barely move the needle in terms of play rate apparently. Not sure how accurate that is as we all know that Wukongs rework skyrocketed his play rate and going with a more recent example, I've seen a lot more Hydroids after his rework as well. I feel like even if a rework doesn't drastically increase a frame's play rate, as long as it improves the overall experience for the people that are already playing the frame regardless, I would say it can be labelled a success.

I can see where Pablo is coming from. If they expect a massive popularity spike after a rework like Wukong had then that's a unachievable goal. Even so, all of the precious reworks really helped the frames and made them significantly more popular, but never enough to reach the top (again, except for Wukong).

Hydroid is quite fun and useful to have on your team now. He still has his stigma around him but that won't change anytime soon. I think that making the frame useful and relevant is enough. No need to aim for the top.

As for Nyx, even with a rework, I cannot imagine her being among the top most used Warframes unless they abandon her theme. Unless DE goes overboard and make her explode enemy heads or force them to commit suicide then she will always be primarily a CC frame, which isn't in high demand.

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I like mind control as a distraction ability or to make use of eximus auras once overguard has been stripped. 

I think psychic bolts could be improved if the defense strip was permanent and removed overguard as well. (it's not permanent right?)

Chaos would help if it did something different than just "confuse" enemies. Maybe if it caused damage done to you to hit other nearby enemies instead. 

Not sure how to fix absorb... maybe if it allowed you to float with it on without the augment. While sucking in damage like the orb angels have. So you could activate it above a defense target to protect it. 

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2 hours ago, AERO5MITH said:

If you ask me, that's a pretty low bar for what qualifies as fine. Imagine if they released a frame now that had a terrible 1st ability and a 4th that is worthless without an augment. It wouldn't be received well and that frame would likely receive buffs.

I agree that Psychic Bolts is a very reliable defence strip when it works. Operative word being when. If you're not the host the ability will just straight up fail half the time, seemingly at random. The concept behind the ability is sound. The code, not so much. Also the ability has just fallen behind when compared to other, more recently added options that can do more and do it better.

She's my main as well so it saddens me to see her so neglected. Unfortunately Pablo has gone on record saying they're hesitant to throw out reworks left, right and center as they barely move the needle in terms of play rate apparently. Not sure how accurate that is as we all know that Wukongs rework skyrocketed his play rate and going with a more recent example, I've seen a lot more Hydroids after his rework as well. I feel like even if a rework doesn't drastically increase a frame's play rate, as long as it improves the overall experience for the people that are already playing the frame regardless, I would say it can be labelled a success.

Many frames have 1-2 useless abilities so it's not just a nyx issue. As for the reliability of psychic bolts, I agree but I mostly play solo so it doesn't effect me much. Again, she isn't some hidden gem but is "fine". I just really like her but know being biased doesn't make her better. People just rag on her too much while Inaros and hildryn only having one good ability exist.

1 hour ago, Tiltskillet said:

High standards 

Mid standards          

Low standards  




Warframe standards



Can't disagree here.

Edited by (PSN)Joylesstuna
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1 minute ago, (XBOX)Big Roy 324 said:

I think psychic bolts could be improved if the defense strip was permanent and removed overguard as well. (it's not permanent right?)

They have a effect duration and the effect is removed from the enemies completely as soon as you recast it.

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10 minutes ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

Many frames have 1-2 useless abilities so it's not just a nyx issue.

This is true of older frames certainly but they seem to put a bit more consideration into creating the abilities of newer frames. Hell even Mag, a starter frame, has been changed enough times to the point that I'd argue all of her abilities can at least be considered good. I'd say just because other frames have bad abilities doesn't mean they all should. In an ideal world they'd all be raised up to a higher standard.


20 minutes ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

As for the reliability of psychic bolts, I agree but I mostly play solo so it doesn't effect me much.

That's fair enough. It's definitely still an issue though.


23 minutes ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

People just rag on her too much while Inaros and hildryn only having one good ability exist.

Yeah she's definitely not the only one that could use some help. My hope is that they'd take a break from new content for a few months and spend that time doing some spring cleaning for some of the older content.

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1 hour ago, (PSN)Sentiel said:

I can see where Pablo is coming from. If they expect a massive popularity spike after a rework like Wukong had then that's a unachievable goal. Even so, all of the precious reworks really helped the frames and made them significantly more popular, but never enough to reach the top (again, except for Wukong).

Hydroid is quite fun and useful to have on your team now. He still has his stigma around him but that won't change anytime soon. I think that making the frame useful and relevant is enough. No need to aim for the top.

As for Nyx, even with a rework, I cannot imagine her being among the top most used Warframes unless they abandon her theme. Unless DE goes overboard and make her explode enemy heads or force them to commit suicide then she will always be primarily a CC frame, which isn't in high demand.

I don't think they'll come out with another rework that ends up being as popular as Wukongs, mainly because of how much he appeals to newer players with his survivability, mobility and a bit of damage: all things that newer players are looking for.

I'd agree though, I don't think reworks have to make a frame top tier to be considered successful, they just have to make the more usable and appealing.

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Honestly this is an issue with quite a few frames that revolve around crowd control, Being an old Vauban main before his tweaks and reworks and Hydroid enjoyer, Nyx was a frame i always wanted to try and get into but i never could specially after her last "Rework/Update"

The New Eximus change created a new threat for everyone even more so for frames that reliably hide with their abilities or use them to lock down rooms. Nyx suffers A LOT due to this.

Realistically.. Nyx Needs a new projectile cap on her stripping ability to scale off ability strength to give more projectiles and seek out more targets like we should see at least 15 of those go out with the current modern warframe with maybe an adjustment or two, Her main crowd control ability needs a tweak for either armor strip as enemies shoot each other (Maybe Dmg Vuln during chaos?) or just more enemies affected i thought i was quite strange they changed it to begin with when you could lock down multiple rooms. Her mind control is generally fine in my opinion maybe give some bonus status to her mind control target. Her 4 though.. really needs to be converted into a tap or press and her augment redone not the augment doing this for the ability itself its outdated.

Like Nyx is a great warframe and always has been but shes fell behind so damn much so often and her tweaks always get outdated, she needs a general touch up on everything so she can scale/survive properly like the rest of the crowd control frames. They dont need to full rework her kit and make her a brand new frame just update all of her abilities for the current state of warframe so shes at where she is supposed to be. 

I think they tried to do that with the last update for Nyx but so many things were changing it just kinda fell out kinda like the initial Vauban Tweaks they made when they released his Deluxe skin.

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So yeah Nyx...

Old Warframe was more chillax, and all about the keys and even when they changed the keys to what we have today there was a tendency for people to camp.  That changed because people wanted to out kill their team mates and get the big damage and all that jazz. Thus, we had to chase down relics from four different players on a map. The advantage of playing with 4 is opportunity to get more loot. Hopefully DE changes this so if one person gets the relic the whole team receives it.

So now Warframe high speed, high octane,  let's get this done and go home. 

So yeah Nyx not the best; however, for those of us who do enjoy her we can easily tell those who have not utilized her for what she can do.

So her 1 great for Eximus units, you can pair her up with the hound that strips eximus units as well.  Again none of us know what level those of you reading these comments are or how long or how far deep into the game you are. Remember when they introduced those pesky bursas?  Nyx 1 was a really nice "oh crap" button to give you a breather while you thought best how to tackle that thing.  I've also never heard of her energy colour annoying team mates while using the said ability. 

Her 2, I argue is one of the most effective and best armor stripping abilities in the entire game. Yet before we get ahead of ourselves and because we really don't know the type of player reading let's assume nothing.  

How to acquire her: You beat the Phorid boss, a rather straight forward affair.

To get Stynax and his armor strip you have to invest a little bit more my friend and those Kahl missions are not everyone's fav. Armor strips in a cone. 135 to 160?  requires 200% strength 25 energy cost. Also it is a subsume ability so for those looking just for that they can sacrifice it and put it on something else. 

To get Hildryn you have to deal with the exploiter orb. requires 400% strength or 328% with corrosive projection. 150 shield cost. requires a hefty strength investment and since many thing she is a one trick pony in that regard, poor on the investment I guess.  Also it is a subsume ability so for those looking just for that they can sacrifice it and put it on something else. You can't use her augment for that ability on other frames! 

To get Nekros you have to deal with Mr. Fancy Pants Lephantis. requires 167% strength. 137% but forced to use corrosive projection for aura. 75 energy cost. Also it is a subsume ability so for those looking just for that they can sacrifice it and put it on something else. Has a great armor strip but enemies fleeing often and can and has (in my case) annoyed team mates. 

To get Ash Chasis Pluto Proxima Defense...oh the joy. Needs an augment and gets two shuriken 

To get Hydroid Vay Hek Assassinations'. 

Now I am sure we can all read the post about how you one shot this or that but we do not know who is reading the post. They could be 'baby tenno'.  And honestly if you want a solid frame that has arguably one of the best armor stripping abilities in the entire game that is quite accessible and not a very annoying farm (compared to some of those listed) Nyx is a great choice! 

The amount of times I have heard Ash mains complain about needing an augment to  strip I can count on fingers and toes and need to borrow some other humans digits. 

Nyx does not need an augment to armor strip and you get full strip at the low cost of 130% strength. So intensify is it? 

Hydroid's Tempest barrage is excellent but depending upon the player's colour of choice you could be in for some unwanted screen carnage. 

I have never heard of anyone complain of colour effects of Nyx's 2.  Even if they were neon green, or pink etc...and I have never heard of any player being bothered by her stripping enemies. She strips over guard, armor and shields btw... Recently during the return of the plague star event (I was running Titania) I was so happy when a Nyx joined the squad and effortlessly stripped Lephantis of armor while doing cc of enemy units. It was glorious!

Not to mention she is awesome in the sisters of parvos fights. 

Chaos is awesome! the auras of eximus units will negatively impact everyone with in range! Causes enemies to fight each other. Does not impede Warframes that to kill enemies to continue to snowball (like Gyre). She is The Queen of Interception missions. I cannot count the number of times I go to do an archon boss fight, or simply do a sortie, and an interception mission shows up. Other Warframes take a deep breath. Not Nyx. Even with level 30 plus WF players and watching as the Wisp were whimpering and the Rhinos were running.  So I cast chaos and focused on the eximus units and rallied the team from the verge of defeat!  

Absorb! Watch as your farm for Trinity's parts and take a direct hit from a Corpus cruiser and shrug it off! The laughs in the face of the new deimos boss. This mode makes arbitrations a joke. Trouble getting around, yes that could use some improvement but twin balsok with rift strike and/or using your operator, or even using kullervo's subsume all her 1 can circumvent it. Put on deathcube with his energy augment, or even the new energy augment and you are good to go.  Again the amount of times a Tenno was down in the last boss fight in an Archon hunt, or surrounded by hordes of enemies in a netracell mission, Jump down cast chaos , cast Absorb and res a fellow Tenno! Yay!

Want to quickly take a bite out of that sandwich, take a gulp of your drink, cast absorb and do so. She is your gal!

Look, Nyx is not going to be the one to destroy hordes of enemies in one go or nuke maps (maybe some appreciate that). She doesn't bring allot to a team (though out all Warframes and I have them all,  I will always, ALWAYS choose her for interceptions. However, she also doesn't take away from a team synergy.  Qorvex subsume on her 1 is good fun!  Her and Oberon have a blast! Pair her with a Loki strip weapons, cast chaos =Win. 

I am o.k with a rework but she is a far cry from being pitiful like the community thinks Btw at the end I realized I could have put Frost on this list with armor strip as well. He is in a good place. 

But give love to the mistress of the Night aka the offspring of Chaos and the personification of the Night!  Happy New Year Tenno! 



Edited by (XBOX)MediocreSupreme
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