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Khora and Yareli


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Asked about and gave an opinion on some warframes on reddit, was met with crap and was given downvotes because of the questions I asked.

I main a yareli, but I've seeing people say how much some of them hate Khora.

I decided to ask. "Why do people hate Khora?" Wanted to know why people were hating her, trying to understand. Got people attacking me, asking me why do I care, like I can't be curious and desiring to know about something so small, after all, it's a game and people get curious when they want to know stuff.

I also said, because someone stated that if someone has anger issues, they shouldn't be playing video games, I replied. "Games help people, especially if they work." because games relieve stress and anxiety of the day, just as much as it helps with a student. Was met with ridicule and people angry about it.

I, also, said that Khora should be ranked higher than a D, because tier lists has her as a D. I seen this as just an innocent discussion, gave my opinion that she can go anywhere with the team, she increases damage, is mobile and brings things to the table. some got really upset at this bit of info. There was a time, when I asked about Khora, someone brought up how they hate wisps who use shock. I inquired and asked "when Wisp use shock, that's damage right? helps her kill? the negative kharma I got from asking that question in the reddit community was -42 because I was authentically asking about it, trying to learn about it even when people were telling me "learn, people who use that are the worst." Okay.... It's not like I said I do that, 85% of my gameplay is from a Yareli. My two biggest Warframes I play with is Yareli, Ivara. Then it's Garuda, Octavia.


So, can someone help me out by answering my question? Humor me. Why do you dislike Khora? I ask because I just want to know and if I start playing her, I can avoid those Mistakes. I don't know how to play a few Warframes and I have several, but they've just been sitting there Like Nova, Eclipse, Revenant. Because asking about something and trying to learn about a Warframe from Reddit isn't a good idea, to me at least, at this point.

And what do you think of Yareli? She is my main, I like her and if you ask why I care, because I like her and just want to know, good or bad, it's simply just that. 

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Idk what tier list you saw but these lists are made by people based on their own skill and experiences. Khora is one of the strongest frames even when she's held back by the clunky LoS.

As for Yareli she's automatically hated because of the poor state she was in before, dislike for k-drives and people that just didn't do her quest, they don't like the quest therefore they hate her.

She's in a pretty solid state, I've been using her more and she performs well pretty much anywhere 

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I hate BAD Khora.

Bad Khora uses her Strangledome and doesn't kill the enemies in it. Which is mega annoying in modes where killing enemies is your objective.

Yarelli is great, just struggles on old maps because Merulina gets stuck a lot.

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16 minutes ago, (XBOX)C11H22O11 said:

Idk what tier list you saw but these lists are made by people based on their own skill and experiences. Khora is one of the strongest frames even when she's held back by the clunky LoS.

As for Yareli she's automatically hated because of the poor state she was in before, dislike for k-drives and people that just didn't do her quest, they don't like the quest therefore they hate her.

She's in a pretty solid state, I've been using her more and she performs well pretty much anywhere 

Overframe was one particular one I seen and one about warframe school? I don't remember the name completely.

13 minutes ago, (PSN)Sentiel said:

I hate BAD Khora.

Bad Khora uses her Strangledome and doesn't kill the enemies in it. Which is mega annoying in modes where killing enemies is your objective.

Yarelli is great, just struggles on old maps because Merulina gets stuck a lot.

AH, I see. I don't use Merulina much, only for invincibility and escapes out of messes.

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I wouldnt say i hate Khora, but i'm not a fan of her playstyle and she doesn't fit the bills as a beast handler frame, which is supposed to be a big part of her kit. To me she's another CC frame, and while she's ver good at that, it's not that interesting to me. If she had a rework where Venari was a bit more interactive, i'd probably run her more often.

Yareli i dislike because the whole "kawaii girl" theme looks incredibly out of place, and i hate K-drives. They're slow, clunky, useless compared to Archwing and tied to the most annoying NPC s in the game. I would rather fight 10 Steel Path Hemocytes at once with nothing but a Stug, than listen to the unadulterated tripe that spews forth from their mouths. I wish Narmer kept them Veiled, they were actually bearable then.

Since helminth became a thing i scrapped Merulina and now all Yareli needs is a decent skin, and then i might actually be able to run her without wanting to vomit. Those who like Yareli, i respect your opinion but I'm not gonna be one of you, ever.

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12 hours ago, (PSN)Sentiel said:

Bad Khora uses her Strangledome and doesn't kill the enemies in it.

Enemies that are stuck in the dome draw fire from their friends that are not caught up in it. If it's the end of a defense wave and they're left dangling, sure that's a problem. But otherwise it's useful to keep distant enemies from shooting at the defense target since they'll prioritize putting their friends out of their misery. That's a case of you misunderstanding part of her kit.

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15 hours ago, xzilania said:

reddit, was met with crap

I mean, did you expect anything else?


The internet is full of people who will verbally attack everyone and everything that just so much as dares to harbor the thought of seeing things differently.

And reddit is like a anti-social social gathering point for people like that.


Get crap on the forums, get a torrent of crap on reddit.

Your only options here are to grow thicker skin and get used to it, or leave the internet.

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I personally main yareli, and have since i started playing the game when she was released. As a result, i don't have a great idea of exactly how she compares to other warframes, but i will say that Merulina is extremely strong. 90% damage resistance is practically immortality, and lends itself well to some pretty fun builds. Add that to the fact that Merulina costs only 25 energy to refill to full health, and i've found her to be an extremely effective frame for basically all content.

Obviously the Full Merulina playstyle limits you a lot since you can only use secondaries, but if you find one you really like with a solid crit chance modifier, it can usually carry you as well as any other gun.

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