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Sniper Rifles need the same treatment that AOE weapons got


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6 hours ago, Alphas said:

The fact that Komorex has 40 max ammo and is empty faster than a Zarr is a testament to how awful of a weapon it is.  I won't even go into how it's essentially a flashbang simulator where you only get good damage when you zoom way in to get the AOE, but it doesn't even do that much damage. 

Man, every time I give you the benefit of the doubt you write something like that and all the illusion goes away. This statement is valid for a person who grabbed first overframe build for Komorex and used it once or twice. It may be a flashbang simulator and an awful weapon for that person, but it IS great for anyone who actually knows how to tweak stuff.

On 2024-01-07 at 12:19 AM, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

Agreed. Sniper rifles just don't have a place to shine in warframe. This excludes sporothrix and komorex which are both amazing weapons.

Snipers really need infinite body punch through. If some shotguns and bows can have it why not snipers?

Funnily enouh the person actually seeing how great Komorex is, is the same exact person who gave only valid point of improvement for Snipers. Coincidence?

6 hours ago, Alphas said:

I think you're talking out of your ass about the Rubico here too.  Rubico Prime has a wimpy 5 round magazine and a 2 second reload compared to Vectis Prime which is much snappier.  Just because it fires faster doesn't make it more relevant.

You are comparing base stats of the weapons instead the actual builds and how they perform in game, but even unmodded Rubico ramps up the combo counter much faster than Vectis does. That 2s reload is equal to 2s combo drop so you drop 1 combo per reload (unmodded, no arcanes, no abilities), which still grants you 4 combo per magazine (assuming no multishot and no headshots). As you can see there is insane amount of assumptions that do not exist in actual gameplay, so such comparisons are pointless. You mod and build the weapons either to make them good overall, or you campitalise on their strenghts. Rubico P Strength is the fact that you can land multiple headshots really fast (not as fast as Komorex, but substantially faster than Vectis, especially considering Vectis recoil). 


6 hours ago, Alphas said:

You can't justify snipers' current position because they have damage when stacked up.  It's cool that I can nail someone in the head for 1.8 million damage, but that doesn't mean anything when that enemy would die to 13k damage anyways. 

Yes I can. If an enemy would die from 13k damage and you as a player make a concious decision to bring a weapon modded for single target capable of doing multiple hundred times more damage, you either need to mod it differently or bring diffrent weapon. You cant say that it is a weapons fault. It is the player issue here. It is like bringing hammer to swat a moskito and complaining that the hammers arent good for moskito swatting.


6 hours ago, Alphas said:

Snipers would be able to kill the big dudes that you NEED dead,

Isnt that the shotguns role in most of the games? Snipers are about long range combat, not big dudes killing.


6 hours ago, Alphas said:

t's totally fine to think that single target rifles are in a bad spot, but you can't just use 'whataboutism' to write off buffs to a weapon class that falls far behind in KPM compared to everything else in the game like beams or AOE.

No it doesnt if you mod for Punch Through and have access to Grouping Tools. At least snipers dont. Grinlok with 300% cc still sucks, because it cannot ramp.

6 hours ago, Alphas said:

You physically can't make snipers kill as much as an AOE weapon

You can in the right scenario that makes AoE problematic. Remember Explosive weapons cannot funtion with punch through because they just go past enemies you want to explode on, as for walls I cannot remember whether their damage ever went through walls or if it does now, but i doubt. 

Whole point of different weapon class is to make it iDifferent.

6 hours ago, Alphas said:

The entire point of this rework would be to not lean into snipers killing lots of enemies quickly because they're not designed to do that. 

I do not understand you man. You write one thing, as if to bait a response and then you write something totally opposite, contradicting your previous statement.


6 hours ago, Alphas said:

provide a strong utility to offset it not having a massive body count in missions. 

See. I do not like the utility route (I do not think it will make them relevant for you or anyone that thinks they are irrelevant now) and do not think there is anything to offset. If you want utility, grab yourself a Grimoire or Kitgun and leave the Snipers alone.

Edited by Zakkhar
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22 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

If you're willing to use a riven on it, the Wraith is pretty good--for a slow single target weapon--because of Lasting Purity, +70% headshot damage, and that killer dispo.  Makes for a great gas sniper.

I think Aznvasions has said it's his favorite Eidolon sniper too, though that's not a subject I know anything about.

Totally forgot about lasting purity, many thanks.

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