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Tenet Livia hitting lower damage numbers after changing the name


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So, I made this build with Tenet Livia that does high levels of damage, especially with Tennokai, and it was able to hit red crits with an exclamation point. But after changing the name of it, the weapon has a lower critical chance (can't get the red crit with exclamation point even with the exact same build) and a lower damage output, although the stats on the weapon have not changed. I changed the name back to its original name, and it was still doing low damage.

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14 hours ago, Supersonic2005 said:

it was able to hit red crits with an exclamation point. But after changing the name of it, the weapon has a lower critical chance (can't get the red crit with exclamation point even with the exact same build)

With all the mods you have on (just basing on the ones shown), you should only be reaching a 246.4% crit chance (for non heavy attacks) at x12 combo. It would be slightly higher for heavy attacks (assuming max stats of everything, max crit chance max of your r0 melee animosity) at 299.6%, but only for one attack - meaning you'd have almost guaranteed red crits and no chance of an enhanced (!) version. If you had a max rank melee animosity fully charged, it would be 397.6% (for one heavy attack) which would qualify for almost guaranteed enhanced red crits (97.6% chance). I'd make sure you weren't doing any arcane fusing and the wrong arcane got equipped, if you were using a max rank one for heavy attacks prior or something.

Otherwise, if you changed the frame you were using, i.e. gyre or some frame with arcane avenger or more gladiator buffs we're not seeing, that would also influence crit stats based on buffs. I'd need to see exactly what attacks you're doing but most heavy attacks with that build (at max combo) as is will be red crits with no chance of becoming enhanced with the current animosity arcane at its highest possible buff.

Someone feel free to correct if they're wrong but, below are the stats I used for cc calculations:

  • 28% base cc
  • 61.6% gladiator x12 combo (28 x (11 x .20))
  • 123.2% BR x12 combo (28 x (11 x .40))
  • 33.6% true steel (NON HEAVY - 28 x 1.2)
  • 67.2% true steel (HEAVY - 28 x 2.4)
  • 19.6% r0 animosity (fully charged, HEAVY - 28 x .70)
  • 117.6% max animosity (fully charged, HEAVY - 28 x 4.2)
Edited by Naroxas44
calculation typo :(
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My frame that I use is Oberon Prime, and I was still using it during my testing after renaming the weapon. I can hit high damage marks occasionally, but I am unable to hit enhanced red crits even with the same build on heavy attacks. I also do not have a maxed Melee Animosity.

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1 minute ago, Supersonic2005 said:

I am unable to hit enhanced red crits even with the same build on heavy attacks

I made some quick edits (accidentally added an extra multiplier for gladiator / BR and caught it late) but that checks out with my math - that build only goes up to 299.6% crit chance with all buffs I'm seeing applied, meaning you'd never hit enhanced red crits as is. Did you have any helminth invigoration for crit chance or anything else that could've increased your crit chance? That's the only way I'd see it being able to hit enhanced red crits.

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Nope, but that is weird. Another thing I did want to mention is that, somehow, on a red crit, the slash damage was doing about 1 mil per tick on a Tennokai hit. I don't know if this was intended or normal, but since I changed the name, it isn't doing that anymore. The weapon is also striking a single enemy multiple times, too. 

Combo multiplier is also 12x in this image.


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6 minutes ago, Supersonic2005 said:

The weapon is also striking a single enemy multiple times, too. 

If you're referring to the white numbers, those just look like slash procs hitting every tick.

7 minutes ago, Supersonic2005 said:

Another thing I did want to mention is that, somehow, on a red crit, the slash damage was doing about 1 mil per tick on a Tennokai hit.

I don't really have an answer for this one, other than what was suggested earlier (i.e. dragon key equipped) or if you had some buffs enabled that we're just not aware of. Viral procs will increase the slash proc damage too and those should bypass armor, but it's all context dependent. I'm not really a build theory-crafting person so, maybe someone else has a better idea of what's happening with your damage that I'm just not aware of, but renaming it shouldn't change any weapon stats at all.

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Nope, looking back at the recording I took, that enemy had no slash procs on it. It gained a slash proc from the red crit that did slash damage, then took about 20k per tick from that status.

As for the enhanced Slash damage from Viral, that would make sense, but I should have another opinion just to make sure.

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