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Can we PLEASE stop having ONLY strange deluxe skins for frames?


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10 hours ago, ShockTNC said:

The skin wouldn't bother me if it wasn't for the erection and nipple pasties. Though looking at the artists other work Im both surprised that DE linked to that page and that loid didn't also have nipple piercings. 

It looks like a dude you'd find in a San Francisco pride parade. It's waaaay too on the nose and down your throat all the way down to the huge bulge.

Edited by Jarriaga
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First off I'd like to say, that these skins aren't exactly my favs either. 

For me, peak design are the old simple warframe designs, like Excali, Nyx, Ember, Frost. Nyx Nemesis has a special place in my heart as well.

BUT... it is more than obvious that a whole lot of people like Liger's designs. Including their concept art for the styanax deluxe.

While the design does seem to polarize, I feel like the vast majority likes it.


What I am about to say is not directed at op , but at the crybababies  complaining about the skin for all the wrong reasons - you need to calm down. 

If you don't like the skin because it's too ""sexual"", then don't buy it.

I see none of y'all complaining about Wisp or Saryn.


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7 hours ago, Marvelous_A said:

I just find Liger's designs have a lot of similarities to each other.

Probably feel that way because of his art style, it's similar enough to recognize he made it but personally not enough to say his works feel identical

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1 час назад, WERElektro сказал:

What I am about to say is not directed at op , but at the crybababies  complaining about the skin for all the wrong reasons - you need to calm down. 

If you don't like the skin because it's too ""sexual"", then don't buy it.

I see none of y'all complaining about Wisp or Saryn.

The problem isn't about sexuality. Heck, it's not even about those skins looking like freaks, overly bright clowns, psychopaths escaped from Brazilian carnival...


The problem is about having little to no alternative.

Liger pretty much monopolized Deluxe skin market. And skins made by other 3D artists are extremely rare.

And that's what we want - diversity! We want to have a choice between styles, between artists. We want to be able to buy what we like instead of buying and not buying at all.

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9 minutes ago, Tesla_Reloaded said:

The problem isn't about sexuality. Heck, it's not even about those skins looking like freaks, overly bright clowns, psychopaths escaped from Brazilian carnival...


The problem is about having little to no alternative.

Liger pretty much monopolized Deluxe skin market. And skins made by other 3D artists are extremely rare.

And that's what we want - diversity! We want to have a choice between styles, between artists. We want to be able to buy what we like instead of buying and not buying at all.

In that case, my statement wasn't directed at you.

Your argument (More diverse deluxe skin designs) is completely valid and I do, to some extent*, agree with you.

I did however see a lot of people on other platforms (*cough* reddit *cough*) cry about the Styanax skin being too sexual - and I request these specific people to quit their crying.


*I do not know how much time, work and money goes into the design and 3D modelling of a new deluxe skin. Probably more than I can imagine. IF it is remotely as much as I think it is, new deluxe skin plans must be well evaluated before the process is being started.

I don't know how well Liger's skin designs sell in game - but I do assume that they sell much better than other skins, due to what I personally observe in game - this is subjective ofc and I might be wrong.

Now IF so much work goes into a single deluxe skin, it would be risky to commission another artist who is not as experienced with the matter.

"Never change a winning team" or sth like that.

I understand your point - I want more diverse skins as well - But I understand DE sticking with Liger as well.


There was another concept artist DE worked with ages ago. Ignus Dei I think.  Something something Ember deluxe skin. Something Something never added in game.

Oh... look:


Now as you can see, there's as lot that can go wrong when commissioning an artist. It just seems to me that they roll really good with Liger ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


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I get what you mean. And I kinda agree with it, some skins are definitely "out there" making the frame and it's concept completely unrecognizable. (Sometimes textures are unrecognizable xD) 

That's why I wish they'd make a whole skin department so we're not stuck with single skins from single artists for years..

One can dream.

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i mean there is plenty of deluxe skins that isnt too out of line, proteas, banshees and novas are the first ones to come to mind. As for Styanax i found his deluxe to be really cool looking and i will actually start playing him now when he will finally look good. Most deluxes are nice however there are some that irks me:

Wisps deluxe, is just downright bad, waited so many years for a cool deluxe only to be given something that looked like edited tennogen skin.

Valkys 2nd deluxe: would love to use it if we actually could choose between having puffy arms or not (like in the concept). rn it just looks bad with the huge arms.


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19 hours ago, Frahann said:

Honestly, person who creates them is such a great artist, I'm in awe every time they put something new out there — but yeah, I understand why many people can be against that sort of aesthetics. I myself find their designs way too intricate and fancy for a game skin while I absolutely love ungodly amount of details in the artwork itself, any artwork.

Funny enough, Styanax Deluxe has EXACT SAME color palette I use for my Styanax. Not sure about that nipple thing though, why the original concept started the trend anyway?? And of course it's quite sad they decided to step away from his Greek theme, for me that's the biggest downside of the new look because I strongly believe it was inseparable from him as a Warframe. For example, you wouldn't make Egyptian look for Loki or whatnot. I mean, technically you can but what's the point? Someone in the thread proposed Odin look because of spear-wielding but again, why change something tied to specific historical period and historical place this much?

It is the purpose of the Deluxe skins though, to make something different from the core concept. And with Styanax, there isnt much about him that screams Greek to begin with besides his aestethics and a similarly clinging name to a baby that got dropped from the walls of Troy. So the main theme of Styanax is really just a "pagan" warrior.

And if DE made a Egyptian Deluxe skin for Loki it would be perfectly fine, since the only thing with Loki tied to Loki is the name Loki. The skill kit along with his aestethics miss the mark several times over. The kit would in reality fit more with a Seth skin, since you have illusions and stealth to symbolize trickery and army wide disarmament fitting a god of warfare. The illusions barely fit in on Loki, unless your knowledge about Loki stretches from Marvel to Marvel and nothing else. Atleast they didnt make him look like the skinny smurf in WF...

Loki's trickery and mischief in the myths share very little, practically nothing, with the kit of the frame here. He was a scheming liar and mischief maker, a master swordsman and a shapeshifter. His kit should have likely been a mix between Nyx (mass confusion), Excalibur (blade attacks, possibly exalted) and Wukong (flight), and then stealth to finish off the kit since shapeshifting to hide in plain site isnt really a thing for the game. They could have skipped generic stealth and made the animation turn him into reasonable mob lookalike depending on the faction of the mission. Infested Runner, Corupus Crewman, Grineer Lancer, Corrupted Lancer/Crewman etc.

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On 2024-01-27 at 12:30 PM, kyori said:

There will be many posts that soon tell you that deluxe skins are supposed to be different from the original, that's what deluxe skin is supposed to be.

As for Liger, many likes his design, hence he is staying.

I wrote that this is too much on twitter and some dude called me a coward. I check thier profile and its full of pron. Is that the target audience?

Edited by Deshiel
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15 minutes ago, Deshiel said:

I wrote that this is too much on twitter and some dude called me a coward. I check thier profile and its full of pron. Is that the target audience?

It's a target audience for sure but not everyone thinks like that, they made a skin not everyone is gonna like it that's fine.

Styanax will get more skins in the future maybe one of those will please people that don't like this one

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On 2024-01-27 at 4:31 PM, Tesla_Reloaded said:

I'm really getting tired of Liger's works.

I believe the very first skin I ever bought in the game was a Liger -- changing Nezha from a 10-year-old-girl frame into an adult male frame. Yay!

I've gotten a few more since, but seriously his stuff has gotten ho-hum predictable and frankly boring. Blatantly cultural-themed and over-the-top flamboyant. Native American stripper Styanax, complete with hard-on and nipple tassels? Gimme a break. I mean, I tried to show someone the skin and Google Images actually "safe search" blurred it out. 😂

At this point, I'm expecting this one to be Liger's 1999 Deluxe skin:




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37 minutes ago, Deshiel said:

I wrote that this is too much on twitter and some dude called me a coward. I check thier profile and its full of pron. Is that the target audience?

What is too much? The "nipple piercings"? First of it is a quite common tribal thing, so quite understandable in that regard. In addition to that they arent even actual piercings, they are placed on a part of the frame that would be armor or clothing if this was a real person. Or do I suddenly have pireced nipples when wearing a shirt that has iron rings as decorations on the front chest pockets?

Like I'm really confused now.

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9 минут назад, (XBOX)RaeOvSunshyn сказал:

I believe the very first skin I ever bought in the game was a Liger -- changing Nezha from a 10-year-old-girl frame into an adult male frame. Yay!

Nezha Deluxe skin is probably the only Liger's skin I use often for the same reason. It's not perfect, but still looks better than the normal/prime skins. I'd says the same about the Nidus Deluxe skin, but the weird extra pair of arms folded on the chest looks really out of place. At least it can be covered by some chest armor pieces.

The other skins are just... no. Probably Khora and Valkyr are the worst two in my opinion. Absolutely ruining the warframe proportions and style. I get they should look different than vanilla skins, but they're just not fitting the warframes at all.

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58 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

It is the purpose of the Deluxe skins though, to make something different from the core concept. And with Styanax, there isnt much about him that screams Greek to begin with besides his aestethics and a similarly clinging name to a baby that got dropped from the walls of Troy. So the main theme of Styanax is really just a "pagan" warrior.

And if DE made a Egyptian Deluxe skin for Loki it would be perfectly fine, since the only thing with Loki tied to Loki is the name Loki. The skill kit along with his aestethics miss the mark several times over. The kit would in reality fit more with a Seth skin, since you have illusions and stealth to symbolize trickery and army wide disarmament fitting a god of warfare. The illusions barely fit in on Loki, unless your knowledge about Loki stretches from Marvel to Marvel and nothing else. Atleast they didnt make him look like the skinny smurf in WF...

Loki's trickery and mischief in the myths share very little, practically nothing, with the kit of the frame here. He was a scheming liar and mischief maker, a master swordsman and a shapeshifter. His kit should have likely been a mix between Nyx (mass confusion), Excalibur (blade attacks, possibly exalted) and Wukong (flight), and then stealth to finish off the kit since shapeshifting to hide in plain site isnt really a thing for the game. They could have skipped generic stealth and made the animation turn him into reasonable mob lookalike depending on the faction of the mission. Infested Runner, Corupus Crewman, Grineer Lancer, Corrupted Lancer/Crewman etc.

Thank you for your lecture but I literally named Loki as an example of a frame tied to a place/time period in their inspiration. I've never watched/read Marvel in my life but there was a time when I've been reading Norse myths pretty obessesively so you don't want to accuse me of having only surface knowledge. Decieve-themed frame named Loki, what's not 'fitting' here in your opinion? And if I personally would criticize the execution I would absolutely S#&$ on those damn horns because there is no single evidence of any Norse god to have them. Other than that he's fine, especially as an early warframe when ideas behind them were more vague.

And I was 100% sure someone will come over to correct me on 'TROY NOT GREECE!!!!' like it makes any difference stylistically? Astyanax was Trojan prince and we know about this city from Greek mythology as it was told by Greek poets. Styanax helmets are heavily Greek-inspired, his armaments bear distinctive look that of a hoplite warrior, not just any pagan one. I don't even know, will you feel better if I say I am impressed by the scope of knowledge and critical thinking you are demonstrating? Because I don't see any other reason behind your answer to my comment regarding my personal tastes and containing compliments to Liger's art. I won't change my mind anyway so have a good day!

Edited by Frahann
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nobody complained about the huge codpieces or the other half dozen topless deluxe skins like zato, harka, rakkam, etc. what's so different with this skin that it warrants this much vitriol? are you all really so scared of men's bodies that you need to pull out the slurs at even the slightest hint of sexualization of a man? grow up

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4 hours ago, Frahann said:

Thank you for your lecture but I literally named Loki as an example of a frame tied to a place/time period in their inspiration. I never watched/read Marvel in my life but there was a time when I've been reading Norse myths pretty obessesively so you don't want to accuse me of have only surface knowledge. Decieve-themed frame named Loki, what's not 'fitting' here in your opinion? And if I personally would criticize the execution I would absolutely S#&$ on those damn horns because there is no single evidence of any Norse god to have them. Other than that he's fine, especially as an early warframe when ideas behind them were more vague.

And I was 100% sure someone will come over to correct me on 'TROY NOT GREECE!!!!' like it makes any difference stylistically? Astyanax was Trojan prince and we know about this city from Greek mythology as it was told by Greek poets. Styanax helmets are heavily Greek-inspired, his armaments bear distinctive look that of a hoplite warrior, not just any pagan one. I don't even know, will you feel better if I say I am impressed by the scope of knowledge and critical thinking you are demonstrating? Because I don't see any other reason behind your answer to my comment regarding my personal tastes and containing compliments to Liger's art. I won't change my mind anyway so have a good day!

Not lecturing just saying in connection to the example, just giving my personal opinion on the specific cases. What isnt fitting is everything practically in Loki's kit since none of it fits with how Loki decieves and schemes. Loki is most Loki when you augment his disarm and it is only because it makes enemies attack eachother at that point. The kit is simply to generic for such a theme hence why it wouldnt really matter what the skin would look like since it fits so many deceivers in a general sense.

Well no one tried to correct you eitherway. Nowhere is there a distinction made in what I wrote that seperates greece from troy. The two things that tie Styanax to anything greek rests in his aestethics and his name that hails from a baby in the story about Troy, that is my point. His whole kit has nothing specific tied to anything greek in the theme, since you have a generic spearman/javeliner, which fit in practically anywhere in the world. Not to mention that DE in one of their videos regarding Styanax also said inspiration comes from other warrior cultures, including vikings. So whatever look Styanax gets doesnt really matter, since the kit fits into so many different cultures and the only thing that screams greek is his look and name. Hence why an aestethic from any region of the world would fit him, because he is in the end just themed around a generic spearman, one of the most common military units throughout pre-modern history (and in some regions even during modern history).


4 hours ago, Anemone.Antimony said:

nobody complained about the huge codpieces or the other half dozen topless deluxe skins like zato, harka, rakkam, etc. what's so different with this skin that it warrants this much vitriol? are you all really so scared of men's bodies that you need to pull out the slurs at even the slightest hint of sexualization of a man? grow up

Clearly it is because the Aztec gods didnt join the union. So now they are deemed as sexual perverts and immoral for wearing too little clothes and having "nipple" piercing and big wangs. Those guys cant catch a break. First it was the smallpox and the Spanish Inquisition smashing their people and now it is us.

I do wonder which is worse though, the Spanish Inquisition or a forum of gamers? 🤷‍♂️

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58 minutes ago, Anemone.Antimony said:

nobody complained about the huge codpieces or the other half dozen topless deluxe skins like zato, harka, rakkam, etc. what's so different with this skin that it warrants this much vitriol? are you all really so scared of men's bodies that you need to pull out the slurs at even the slightest hint of sexualization of a man? grow up

Is this really your response to "we'd like some variety in the skins?" You might as well have just shouted "BANANAS!" as it's as irrelevant and inappropriate to the discussion.

I think the Lotus Deluxe skin is THE ugliest in the game. But there are enough others -- in different styles -- to not matter to me. Same concept, only lately there seem to be NO other styles.

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9 minutes ago, (XBOX)RaeOvSunshyn said:

Is this really your response to "we'd like some variety in the skins?" You might as well have just shouted "BANANAS!" as it's as irrelevant and inappropriate to the discussion.

I think the Lotus Deluxe skin is THE ugliest in the game. But there are enough others -- in different styles -- to not matter to me. Same concept, only lately there seem to be NO other styles.

get over yourself. i wasn't responding to you, and this blatantly isn't most people's grievance with the skin

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On 2024-01-27 at 3:33 PM, (XBOX)C11H22O11 said:

I think it would be hella boring if all deluxe skins followed lore, it's nice to get something different for a specific Warframe.

Hell I'm sure there's frames people don't touch because they don't like their theme, if a deluxe being different from the base is enough to make those people play the frame that's already a win.

Different is fine, I don't mind that, but most of them aren't good. Like Styanax Deluxe looks awful imo.

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