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I'm not trying to be mean, but...


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Warframe NEEDS an option to vote to kick players. Warframe is a near perfect gaming experience in my honest opinion.  However there is one point that sticks in my craw. Sometimes when doing missions you'll get that one player who doesn't know what they're doing.  That's not even the bad part. The bad part is when 3 players desperately try to communicate to that 4th player what they are doing wrong and try to correct it. That 4th player seems absolutely oblivious and just keeps on doing what they're doing. In this particular instance that 4th player then tried to act butt hurt at the end of the mission, saying it was their first time. That's ALL the more reason why that player should have been paying attention to the team chat.

Ultimately, it costs in time. In this situation, the only options you have are to suffer through in frustration, like we did. Fail the mission and restart. Or quit the mission and restart. Please give us a vote to kick option with a requirement to explain the reason for the kick.

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People have suggested this, many, many times. Usually, the majority of people don't want it, because its potential for abuse, and point out why its a flawed suggestion. 

There are other options. If you match with three other people, and two are fine and friendly and you get on really well, and you have 1 player who is toxic or trolling... you don't need to kick that player. You can talk and rearrange with the other two players, to leave and then form a new group via invites without that other player. (If the other player was also abusive enough with trolling etc, also can report them if its warranted). 

Now as far as options, think of all the ways a kick button can be abused. To many, it creates more problems than solves.


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I always wonder what interaction prompts these requests.

I of course have had a few instances of players who grief/troll.

Been party to some some toxic chat interactions.

It's generally just has never been that serious to need to kick. Things go south pretty quick. Soon enough for you to quit before loosing lots of time and loot. I leave it if it halts my progress. On missions where real difficulty is involved. The most toxic players are generally contributing little and can be easily ignored. 

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1 hour ago, Asura227 said:

4th player what they are doing wrong and try to correct it

Define "wrong", specially if we're talking about a public setting.

I won't deny that sometimes people don't do things in an efficient way, or not the way I want. But I can't force them to play any other way than they want to, and if they play in a way that breaks the rules the best we can do is record it, submit to DE, and DE decides what happens after that - not us.

I certainly wouldn't want my years-old account in the hands of random and malicious people who kick and report me just because I don't play the specific way they want. Yes, I'm the pink Rhino you see in sortie spies. Yes, I'm the player who often will explore some nooks of the map searching for hidden stuff I may need, while you zoom through the map (which is not wrong by me, if you want to do just that). If you don't like that make your own group or go solo.

1 hour ago, Asura227 said:

In this particular instance that 4th player then tried to act butt hurt at the end of the mission, saying it was their first time.

Whenever you see some post or article saying how Warframe has a great and helpful community, remember, you did not contribute to that notion - not in this instance. Neither did the other two in the squad.

Advising is ok, but antagonizing because said advice was not followed is not. No wonder the other player got butthurt. I'd likely do the same were I a new player, possibly go full-solo or drop the game entirely if that's the standard I'd be facing going forward. Luckily this kind of interactions still tend to be the exception and not the rule, at least in my general experience.

Your time is not more important than theirs.

Edited by Hikuro-93
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How are baby tenno supposed to learn? I'm sure it's not easy finding three other players that don't know what they are doing so they can play. It's intimidating enough for some players to join harder missions and getting kicked would make for a very toxic game. What I do is not join anything I can't solo, but it takes a while to get to that point.

Edited by MutoManiac
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Imo there should be a kick for the mission host in Invite Only Squads in the lobby, but not during the mission.


Votekick will lead to some pretty bad trolling. There are people that votekick others just for S#&$s and giggles right before you finish the game/session/mission.

Slight dramatization for another coop game:


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Just now, Asura227 said:

Warframe NEEDS an option to vote to kick players. Warframe is a near perfect gaming experience in my honest opinion.  However there is one point that sticks in my craw. Sometimes when doing missions you'll get that one player who doesn't know what they're doing.  That's not even the bad part. The bad part is when 3 players desperately try to communicate to that 4th player what they are doing wrong and try to correct it. That 4th player seems absolutely oblivious and just keeps on doing what they're doing. In this particular instance that 4th player then tried to act butt hurt at the end of the mission, saying it was their first time. That's ALL the more reason why that player should have been paying attention to the team chat.

Ultimately, it costs in time. In this situation, the only options you have are to suffer through in frustration, like we did. Fail the mission and restart. Or quit the mission and restart. Please give us a vote to kick option with a requirement to explain the reason for the kick.

What you need is the option to extract immediately or otherwise keep mission progress and ignore the one player, not a vote kick.

Edited by MaxTunnerX
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2 minutes ago, MaxTunnerX said:

What you need is the option to extract immediately or otherwise keep mission progress and ignore the one player, not a vote kick.

Hmmm… I like this idea. It’s different from the others. The only thing is with their “hosting” system… it’s probably too hard to incorporate. 

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but things like this is why I go to early missions to help newer players when I need a break from steel path

 I take hands off approach and only intervene when necessary while teaching them the ropes 

I let them handle the bosses unless they are struggling in which case once they get wiped I one shot the boss 

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27 minutes ago, 16Bitman said:

Imo there should be a kick for the mission host in Invite Only Squads in the lobby, but not during the mission.

Disagree. It will just open another can of worms that we do not need. 

Votekick can be abused to bully the minority

Host kick can be abused to bully the majority.

You already know what the first one means but the second one can create a very similar situation to Duviri circuit launch, in which on one side just leaves when they don't find something good in loadout. The other constantly kicks people till their friends join instead of setting the matchmaking settings to friends only which would become a lot more common than you would think.


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It would be a huge endeavor, but I'd kinda like to see a mod go through and merge all of these silly "we need a vote kick" threads and keep doing so every time some person brings it up without searching or thinking.

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1 hour ago, Asura227 said:

Please give us a vote to kick option with a requirement to explain the reason for the kick.


There are realistically only 2 results from vote kicking:
-You don't have a majority for whatever reason (someone not paying attention/not caring) and the vote kick does nothing
-It will be used for trolling because it's funny to kick someone right before rewards are handed out to make them waste a lot of time

I really can't think of a common situation where it would actually work without being used to grief or being useless.


And what's the point of explaining the reasoning?  And how many of those vote kicks will just be filled by keyboard smashes?
Even if every single kick was reviewed by a staff member, what would that do in the case of wrongful kicks?  Consolation to the person who was kicked that someone at DE saw that a group maybe is trolling?  Even though it means nothing since they won't get the rewards or anything else back?



Regardless of any response in this thread you should maybe use the forum search feature and look through the countless threads that have suggested vote kicking and why it was shouted down by the forum users so loudly.

And one thing to remember: When suggesting a topic like this don't try to think "What if I had the power to use this?" instead think "What if a group of trolls had this power?  How bad would that be"  and until you can come up with satisfactory safeguards against that group of trolls, maybe shelve the idea.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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Name 1 game where Vote Kick is NOT abused. 

In a game like Warframe such a system would add a brand new layer to Toxicity. Especially given how gaming (Internet even) culture has embraced trolling.

Imagine, killing an Archon, clearing a Netracell, Farming for 60+ minutes then during extraction you get kicked.

Or people vote kick to force a Host Migration "4 the lulz".

Warframe is a game that is 100% soloable so the need for any form of kick is moot. 

Every reason players have for such a system is solved. 

Want to play a 7-24hr mission? An all meta loudout squad? All radiant of same relic? A squad full of players who play exactly how you want them to? (As if they are NPCs in some videogames)

The answer to all of the above is:

Play solo or recruit for it.

New players still learning the game do not deserve to be kicked from 7out of 10 games because they are LOOTING in a Looter Shooters game and not racing to extraction at Mach 90.

New players deserve to enjoy and learn the game like everyone else did. 

Veteran and returning players don't need to get kicked cause: "Lulz, they're [Mastery Rank Here] they didn't need the mission rewards." Or "Probably screaming at their PC/Console. Lulz!"

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