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Nidus aged like Fine Kabuchi.


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One day I promise I'll choose a main Warframe, before it was gauss, yesterday was Volt, but today it's Nidus...I guess there are so many different themes that I like.

Recently because of the new augment Nidus is getting I started to play him, I like the idea of scaling raw power, and his hardcore infested theme appeals to me, Nidus is one of the most badass Warframes in the game, no armor strip or Viral procs in his kit, just pure scaling power.

The Build I'm using gives me 250% range and 298% strength, thanks to shards. I use Abundant mutation for maximum scaling, and insatiable to get there faster, although when Parasitic vitality drops I'm dropping insatiable for it.

Molt augmented for even more scaling, I'm surprised how good his ability damage is, on steel path too.
Now, My Criticism for Nidus is the same as my praise, he's so good at scaling that he is very blunt and one dimensional...he's one of the least versatile Warframes, and there's nothing too wrong with that, he is still great.

another thing that I really hate is that I never get to use the strength and damage version of parasitic link because the only time I play in a squad is when I'm leveling something, when I usually don't cast any abilities. 

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56 minutes ago, UnstarPrime said:

I would rather that you didn't settle on a main.  It's fun seeing all the things that you get excited about, and ain't nothing wrong with indulging in the spice of life.

On the contrary, I like the idea of settling on a main. It encourages you to improve your skill in completing missions, even with frames that aren't at all suitable for it.

Ivara with the right augment lets her trivialize spy missions, but it takes real skill to tackle lua spy with Revenant, for example.

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1 hour ago, UnstarPrime said:

I would rather that you didn't settle on a main.  It's fun seeing all the things that you get excited about, and ain't nothing wrong with indulging in the spice of life.

Respectfully disagree. 

Everyone has a Main. They may not realize it but if you have a Warframe whom you always gravitate towards and use the majority of the time then....that's your main. Period.

Folks having mains is ultimately a good thing as it allows DE and the playerbase to see how certain frames perform in certain situations. Additionally, it helps DR received in depth feedback on mechanics and gameplay. 

I'm an Ash Main, with Frost & Ivara fighting for 2nd place. 

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1 minute ago, Aerikx said:

Everyone has a Main.

When it comes to human brains, the only thing that's universal is that there's nothing that's truly universal.  There are so many different ways of thinking and being that you will find exceptions to every rule.

I'm sure the idea of having a main really resonates with you personally, to the point where you're sure that everyone else must be the same, even if they don't realize it.  But the truth is that there are so many different strokes for so many different folks.

The proposal that there's not even one person out there who feels no special affinity towards any given frame, and that there never even could be...that's a very unlikely claim, and one that I'd be surprised to hear anyone has done a legitimate amount of due diligence to support.  Be careful what absolutes you tell yourself about the human experience, because that's a great way to artificially limit your understanding of this vast and varied world of ours! ^^

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2 hours ago, UnstarPrime said:

I would rather that you didn't settle on a main.  It's fun seeing all the things that you get excited about, and ain't nothing wrong with indulging in the spice of life.

Yeah, also thanks, Glad to see some people are happy with what I write every now and then lol, but to me, choosing a main turns out isn't about wanting a Warframe that can do everything, like I once thought, it's about wanting a Frame that represents what I like or what I am in the game, and use that Warframe everywhere even in situations even when it's inappropriate, as @Pizzarugi noted.

for example a few years ago I beat the profit taker using Nidus, it was the most fun and rewarding experience with that fight than doing it with a good dps boosting frame like Rhino or my Gauss.

But I am not quite sure why I can't stop at one frame and say "yeah that's it", while using others occasionally.

2 hours ago, ProfessionalDumbPerson said:

I think gauss or kullervo would be the most badass

I played Kullervo a lot too, even gave him two umbra forma...he's OP.

I think the problem here is that I hunger (and I mean every meaning of that word) for experimentation, I consume a LOT of Forma, most of my Warframes have at least 10 to 18, and my most forma dipped in one frame is 43...but once that Warframe is completely figured out, and maxed, I kind of abandon it, because I can't experiment with it further anymore.

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36 minutes ago, Qorvex99 said:

But I am not quite sure why I can't stop at one frame and say "yeah that's it", while using others occasionally.

With respect, why on earth would you feel like you should stop at one frame?

I get the desire to find and latch on to something that you resonate with, something that you identify with.  But the truth is that you're human and you contain far too much complexity for something as simple as a single Warframe to satisfy.  There are things about Nidus that feed you in ways that Gauss never could, and it's unlikely that Nidus checks all your boxes either, so someday you may well move on from him as well.  Playing with the toy that fits the specific hunger you have at any given moment is entirely valid, and all trying to adhere to some rigid idea of "having a main" would do is artificially limit your ability to meet your desires with self-imposed restrictions.

Some people will have mains, and that's fine.  Some people won't, and that's fine, too.  And some, like you, will get really into a main, only to get really into another, and then another and another.  And that, of course, is fine.  Warframe is a leisure activity, so just follow your bliss without judgment.

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4 hours ago, ProfessionalDumbPerson said:

nidus being the most badass warframe? I wouldnt agree with that tbh, I think gauss or kullervo would be the most badass

Ash, Nekros, and Sevagoth also just look super cool as well... 


Heck even Lavos is cool when you consider he's using "forbidden power" (alchemy) and was a villain turned good...

Edited by Lord_Chibi
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3 hours ago, Aerikx said:

Respectfully disagree. 

Everyone has a Main. They may not realize it but if you have a Warframe whom you always gravitate towards and use the majority of the time then....that's your main. Period.

Folks having mains is ultimately a good thing as it allows DE and the playerbase to see how certain frames perform in certain situations. Additionally, it helps DR received in depth feedback on mechanics and gameplay. 

I'm an Ash Main, with Frost & Ivara fighting for 2nd place. 

How do you decide what is a main warframe? is it by kills or by the amount of time it has been played? ignore my Loki that was when I first started playing.

I play a lot of frames, I'd like to think I have multiple mains by that definition. 

However, I do like to pick a frame based on my mood or the Warframe for the mission at hand.

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11 minutes ago, Slayer-. said:

How do you decide what is a main warframe? is it by kills or by the amount of time it has been played? ignore my Loki that was when I first started playing.

I play a lot of frames, I'd like to think I have multiple mains by that definition. 

However, I do like to pick a frame based on my mood or the Warframe for the mission at hand.

Admittedly it varies to a degree.

But as I said....

IMPO it's the frame you gravitate towards and generally select. Your first choice, your go to. No matter the content, that frame is your "We got this" choice. 

The frame you use for every quest. Many people stick with a select frame for quests, never altering the frame unless forced (Duviri, Sacrifice).

Obviously this doesn't apply to everyone. But we all have favorites and that one frame who is just above all the rest as far as we are concerned. 

Playtime is actually why Ivara is rivalling my Frost.

Ivara is my go to Voca/Voidplume/Syndicate medallion hunting, Mining/Fishing/conservation, loot goblins frame. 

Equinox was my goto focus farm frame but post Helminth....it's now Ivara. 

Frost is my open world, Defense, and Mobile Defense frame. Snowglobe is underrated.

But Ash is my everything else frame. Every mission, every quest, every boss, every challenge. Railjack, Archwing, Arbitration, Steel Path, Netracell, Archon Hunt Assassinate Frame. 

Ugh when I list it, it shows how Ivara is overtaking Frost. ☠️

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56 minutes ago, Aerikx said:

Admittedly it varies to a degree.

But as I said....

IMPO it's the frame you gravitate towards and generally select. Your first choice, your go to. No matter the content, that frame is your "We got this" choice. 

The frame you use for every quest. Many people stick with a select frame for quests, never altering the frame unless forced (Duviri, Sacrifice).

Obviously this doesn't apply to everyone. But we all have favorites and that one frame who is just above all the rest as far as we are concerned. 

Playtime is actually why Ivara is rivalling my Frost.

Ivara is my go to Voca/Voidplume/Syndicate medallion hunting, Mining/Fishing/conservation, loot goblins frame. 

Equinox was my goto focus farm frame but post Helminth....it's now Ivara. 

Frost is my open world, Defense, and Mobile Defense frame. Snowglobe is underrated.

But Ash is my everything else frame. Every mission, every quest, every boss, every challenge. Railjack, Archwing, Arbitration, Steel Path, Netracell, Archon Hunt Assassinate Frame. 

Ugh when I list it, it shows how Ivara is overtaking Frost. ☠️

I've been using Nova a lot recently, love the sound of exploding enemies on mass in a chain reaction, especially in high-level SP missions.

Frost I like on Steel Path for the 100% armour strip and he freezes everything in place with one cast.

With the other frames it depends on the mood I'm in.

My Ivara is getting up there as a frame I use a lot when I just want a peaceful time ingame without the hectic times like archon hunt arbitration, netrocells etc, when I'm solo and like you mentioned for your Ivara.

There are too many frames to talk about I like them all though some I just can't get used to like Lavos and Voruna, seems to be too much multitasking yet I like using Trinity.

Edited by Slayer-.
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7 hours ago, Qorvex99 said:

One day I promise I'll choose a main Warframe, before it was gauss, yesterday was Volt, but today it's Nidus...

There are 55 (soon to be 56) frames in the game. There is a good chance you'll find another one that will be your main with enough time and experimentation. 

If you haven't already. Try out Khora, Hydroid and Zephyr. 

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14 minutes ago, Ace-Bounty-Hunter said:

There are 55 (soon to be 56) frames in the game. There is a good chance you'll find another one that will be your main with enough time and experimentation. 

If you haven't already. Try out Khora, Hydroid and Zephyr. 

I'm glad we can converse normally for once, I may not say it but I hated our last interaction, I never wanted to go back and forth with the hate and arguing.

but Yeah, basically most of the few Main Warframes I use each have a special place for me.

Zephyr was the first Warframe I went mad over and farmed for days for, when I first started. Saryn is my first Prime, Gauss is my most used, and I am pretty sure I had an umbra phase as well lol.


I'm Verrrry curious to see if Dante will change my mind, he keeps checking all the boxes for me.

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2 hours ago, Monolake said:

Nidus: has to work hard and long and requires many mobs for stacks

Revenant: just press one button lol

that's exactly why I like Nidus lol, Revenant never appealed to me, maybe in the future, but right now he has an invincibility button and two shot buttons. he can tank anything and kill any enemy that immune to abilities, not quite interesting.

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3 hours ago, UnstarPrime said:

With respect, why on earth would you feel like you should stop at one frame?

a lot of reasons, but best answer: Identity.

if you've been around the forums long enough like me (when I was (PS)Hopper) you're going to notice multiple accounts who have adopted a Warframe as their own thing, identity, and character, sure they play and talk about other Warframes, but they're always known for this one frame, this type of paradigm is what I'm after, not really for other people, but for me.

So a Main Warframe is never about the strongest or the most useful, I tried those and ended up getting sick of them, it's about identity, and I guess it was Gauss for a few years, but a lot of things about Gauss throw me off recently so I haven't been really feeling it.

My clan leader is known for his Hildryn, the other for Kullervo another for Revenant, etc.  

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I'm all for not having a main but if I had to choose just one frame to play forever it would be Wisp. She's too versatile and comfortable to play. Her 1 is speed boost/attack speed, soft cc and hp regen for combat discipline/avenger shenanigans. 2 is panic button for invulnerability phase. 3 is hard cc and damage. 4 is helminth slot. If you use her kit you don't need stupid high strength because you should never take damage. Also Wisp isn't a support frame.

I have a pretty solid main rotation of Wisp, Mag, Nova, Saryn, Xaku and Banshee. I'm also working on Citrine, Gyre, Voruna, Volt and Harrow builds trying to bump them up into main rotation. Mirage and Ember are a constant project of mine as well. 

The only thing I really main is utility primer and melee. If I have my comfortable primer and a melee with a stance I enjoy I can take almost any frame anywhere. For a long time it was kuva nukor paired with reaper, kronen, venka or nami skyla. Then nukor was replaced with epitaph. Right now I'm deep into my argonak/dagger/occucor set up but it's always a search for a new favorite melee primer set up. 


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17 minutes ago, Qorvex99 said:

I'm Verrrry curious to see if Dante will change my mind, he keeps checking all the boxes for me.

Dante has definitely piqued my curiosity as well. Very few Warframes as of right now freely have access to Overguard in their kits, let alone being able to share it among the entire squad. Depending on his tuning he could very easily rival Wisp as a support frame.

My only concern is his damage. DE has a poor track record when it comes to the scaling of exalted weapons and abilities. Especially against Steel Path mobs. I'd like him to be a decent all rounder rather than an Overguard bot.

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Don't pick mains. It will end in tears.

That out of the way. Nidus is one of the more complete and versatile frames DE had made in years. Still kinda is.

Players often forget about his group potential. Link to a Chroma and let them Snapshot Vex at 1.6x power. Same with any Exalted or Channeling frame. His Larva goes without saying as good CC and can even be used as a farming method with 13% Duration. His stomp took a hit with the Corrosive changes but it's back long as you want to give him a Tau Emerald. Ambient CC with Maggots, Group Regen, Strong Survival and Damage. He's got a lot to offer. I feel too many players get caught up in stacks.

EDIT: One time for gags. We ran day Equinox with her Power buff, a Nidus Linked to Banshee with Frost protecting us. Growing Power x4.


Edited by Xzorn
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Talks about Main Warframes always make me feel odd because I just unga-bunga with Umbra (Umbra-bunga if you will) and slam my face into things until I win.

Who needs fancy CC or room clearing nukes or multiple interlocking mechanics when you've got THE SWOOSH.

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10 hours ago, Qorvex99 said:

One day I promise I'll choose a main Warframe, before it was gauss, yesterday was Volt, but today it's Nidus...I guess there are so many different themes that I like.

don't fret over it honestly take as much time as you need. 

I used to consider myself an ash main (ash still being my 2nd most used) until I saw the light too clearly upon playing Yareli. I still play ash sometimes but I cannot turn back.

Been playing since 2015, only 3 years ago did it "click" for me. So just take your time, don't worry. 

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I love how you’re always changing. It helps keep you versatile and all knowing on different frames. 
Maybe you’re like me and find a main, or maybe you’re like my friend who just uses a mix of everything.
Whatever the case… HOW THE HEK DID YOU CHANGE YOUR GLYPH ON FORUMS SO QUICKLY? I have been stuck on this stinkin glyph for too long!

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