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We need more combined elemental mods


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Any chance we can get more combined elemental mods (Corrosive, Viral, Gas, Magnetic, Blast) like the new Radiation mods (the new Radiation mods was a great addition to the game)? That will help with builds freeing mod slots and maybe a little with Nourish
(maybe one day on Rivens as well, it would be funny on a Riven +Corrosive +Viral +Gas)

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32 minutes ago, AndyCarneirus said:

(maybe one day on Rivens as well, it would be funny on a Riven +Corrosive +Viral +Gas)

At least that some low dispo riven would be kind of useful. Now you get bunch of random stats for the 2x price (slot drain).

ps. you want to just discus it OR suggest it? You are discussing (in discusion board).  I've already posted in suggestion boards somewhere if you want to suggest it.

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2 hours ago, bad4youLT said:

Doubt we will see Viral as its way to Meta and would allow for combos like Viral + Corrosive , Viral + Magnetic , Viral + Gas which would be busted.

Well nourish, gas electri melee influence provides melees with viral gas electric. Nourish + melee expososure, provides , viral , corrosive, gas electric to melee.

For normal weps, still nourish is free viral dmg, or panzer free viral procs on enemies, for gas viral, corrosive viral, magnetic viral , so thats already a thing. Corrosive viral heat slash convertrix for example.

We just need to wonder if combined element 60/60 mod be with status chance as 2nd stat or as radiation mods be random stat, such as mag capacity, reload, recoil reduce, movement speed , dmg, multishot, fire rate ,etc.

Edited by AntifreezeUnder0
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I'd say that some of the combined elements are already popular and strong enough to be excluded from this list.

If you did check the health types of the murmur and culverin you would have noticed they are either neutral or weak to radiation damage. I doubt that it is a coincidence.

I can see innate blast or magnetic be a thing. Viral and corrosive are too good to be put on a single mod in my opinion.

Although in the end base damage/dps of the weapon will matter more. You can already mod certain weapons to have a lot of different status effects, usually these weapons aren't really A or S tier however. Phage can combine Viral, Blast/heat, Radiation and Corrosive but what is the point if it still deals very little damage and has poor dps and ammo economy?

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I unironically want Magnetic mod for Melee Vortex lol. The opportunity cost for using Magnetic to use Melee Vortex with is a lot higher than simply using Electric for Melee Influence.

I might actually interswap between Melee Influence with Melee Vortex.

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Not until they undergo a status rework ,

Having viral or corrosive in its current state will just skew the " mandatory mods" setup to always have those.


Besides we do have some weapon augment mods that conditionally do combined damage, maybe something like that could be introduced.

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Hmmm, more 15% mods maybe? Status weapons do deserve a chance to shine outside of incarnon. 
Corrupted mods maybe? +25% viral damage -70% crit dmg 

I doubt these would be completely busted because of elemental weighing (aside from viral but that’s a give in). They would work especially well with primers, or a simple corrosive in the background of heat or something. 
Mmm yes, good variety

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combined viral mods will probably never happen, unless it gets nerfed/capped somehow. on the other end of the spectrum you have blast which is basically useless, nobody mods for it anyway, but all the other elements (Corrosive, Magnetic, Gas) would be nice to have in one mod.

ultimately though it's up to DE. I like the radiation set too, but I don't expect more sets to appear.


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I mean, I am not personally opposed, and I think that would be quite neat, but I don't think we necessarily need them. I also wouldn't mind, that they are released slowly with time. To add to that, I tend to think, they are more interesting for the additional or secondary effects they can come with, like increased reload, fire rate, multi shot.

Like eventually we are going to get Infested Liches update, and so for that update, sort of like how Radiation was a theme of sorts for Whispers, we could get Gas elemental mods. Now... obviously Gas isn't one of the most popular combos, but if we are getting tougher Infested, and a Gas mod comes with extra multi shot or punch through, or maybe even something relatively rare like AOE size... You'll still have people modding for Viral, and then the new Gas mod may be a good choice for a flex spot on some weapons, for the new content. Sort of like how the Rad mods are decent choices for some people, on some weapons for Whispers content (of course many people, and many builds, don't really need it either...)(Not to mention there are some weapon builds, set ups, that are a bit niche, but can use Gas effectively, that would benefit). 

As opposed to you know, in one month just giving us Viral, Corrosive, Magnetic, Gas, Blast mods, and everyone gravitating towards Viral. Since there are some people who would like more Mods like these, because they like variety, and more options and potential for builds, and its just as much about the additional affects, like reload or something like that, then some people just want Viral and to push power levels, and to be clear, both are valid, just they are quite different in how they influence the game. Which DE is mindful of, and so may be more likely to pursue than the other. Just a guess though, for all we know, next update may drop 20 new combined elemental mods, but yeah. 

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I could see Magnetic, Blast, and maaaaaybe Gas.

The thing is, more isn't always better.
I like the addition of radiation as a single mod. That's cool, and it has shifted how I mod significantly in all sorts of lovely ways.
But that doesn't mean we're ready for another just yet, or that adding more would be a good change.

I would be happy with how it is currently for the next year or more before we see another. We're still waiting to see the dust clear on this, so it doesn't make sense to keep stirring things up with more combo-element mods.

Further, there WILL be diminishing returns on adding these. Because these mods don't soak up base elements, we're going to start approaching the old "Rainbow Damage" from before the damage rework if we keep throwing these in.

Another way to look at this, is as an elemental feature.
One of the perks of radiation now, is that you can mod for it with a single mod that doesn't eat other elements on the build. Its normal features were fairly weak, so adding this to the element makes it much more utilitarian.
Adding that same utility to other elements, especially the more OP elements like viral, doesn't make sense. I could REALLY see magnetic and possibly blast getting this treatment. Gas I'm on the fence about, and if we already have rad, mag, and blast, I would probably be against it. We would be getting into the realm of rainbow damage at that point.

Keep in mind, weapons like the Kuva Nukor exist. Imagine how broken it would be on those kinds of weapons, and temper your opinion based on that.

Edited by Anova3
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6 hours ago, AndyCarneirus said:

Any chance we can get more combined elemental mods (Corrosive, Viral, Gas, Magnetic, Blast) like the new Radiation mods (the new Radiation mods was a great addition to the game)? That will help with builds freeing mod slots and maybe a little with Nourish
(maybe one day on Rivens as well, it would be funny on a Riven +Corrosive +Viral +Gas)

Considering progenitor combinational elements as a symptom of what's 'balanced', I could see them adding magnetic at some point. The latter would likely be too powerful, specifically with gas. Blast would make Topaz shards viable and DE seems hellbent on making those worthless.

The ying and yang of adding things that are too powerful is that it ends up restricting player choice, a wonderful recent example being Eclipse and Nourish subsumes.

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Yall are thinking too small.   Viral+Corrosive+Heat+Toxin+Slash in one mod please.  Minimum 60% of each.  But I won't consider it worthwhile unless it has a decent secondary stat like 200% Crit Damage. If all that seems a little too powerful, just balance it out with high capacity cost:  maybe as high as 7.  But probably should be exilus to preserve build variety.

As far as acquisition goes, I think it makes the most sense for it to be a login reward for....(checks profile)...2278 days.

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