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Whispers in the Walls: Hotfix 35.1.2


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6 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:
  • Fixed the Shard Hex and Shard Bane Ephemeras not properly reflecting the correct yellow color of embedded Amber Archon Shards.

Please introduce a toggle in the options that reverts amber shards to actually be amber colored like they used to be. The new yellow color is incorrect to the shard's name, and personally I think it's just an ugly color in general (I dislike yellow, it's too harsh).

Also, when will this be fixed:

I'd like to not be constantly blocking my squad's vision.

Edited by Hexerin
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Fix things form 5-6 years ago before this new stuff  or keep losing 80% of new players. They will never get to New War or Whispers in the wall. The idea of pay to skip was great  but instead of listening to community you listened to crybaby Pupster ( still can't get over him calling Octavia a special needs warframe for people that are mentally handicapped)  and other terrible content creators. Not all are terrible but most of the ones youtube directs me to are.

Fix the energy cells not dropping during excavation solo runs. And excavation missions are bugged in so many ways  enemies spawning on excavators instantly destroying them no enemies spawning for 5+ minutes no enemies with energy cells...this is unique to solo runs. 11 years and you didn't fix these things I guess you don't care? or maybe you don't want solo players?

Other solo run problem is extermination mission 1 enemy 100 meters away kill him map shows you have to go back to where you were kill 3 enemies now go beck again kill 5 enemies. Next enemy is 847 meters away... kill 24-25 then rinse 1-3-5  up the stairs down the stairs up the stairs down the stair. you need a link to a video? 20 minutes to kill 211 enemies is a waste of time.  I know DE programmers and they will say it's a skill issue... right. Bug reports most often DE responses are it's a skill issue...giggling all the way to the coffee machine. Zarimen and Duviri (for the most part) great Whispers is fun old missions are bugged.

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7 hours ago, CoffeeElemental said:

Speaking of, when you try to eat Lumbering Fragments (the legs) - they simply disappear from the game. It counts as killing them towards the Netracell progress btw.

Both Shuffling and Lumbering Fragments do not like getting ragdolled. They end up dying as they're unable to recover from a ragdolled state, just like throwing enemies into pits in a ragdolled state. This correlates as to why they don't appear in Grendel's guts most of the time for the former, and rarely for the latter.

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10 minutes ago, Duality52 said:

Both Shuffling and Lumbering Fragments do not like getting ragdolled. They end up dying as they're unable to recover from a ragdolled state, just like throwing enemies into pits in a ragdolled state. This correlates as to why they don't appear in Grendel's guts most of the time for the former, and rarely for the latter.

It also makes them effectively immune to forced movement effects like Mag's Pull and Magnetize. Mag is really, really bad against the Murmur (and by extension, the entire breadth of the new content).

Edited by Hexerin
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still no fixes for these old bugs:

  • unable to see each other in dojo thus not being able to trade
  • mag, mirage, mesa (and in very rare cases ash) locking their abilities (and sometimes weapons)
  • ash's 4 showing wrong numbers
  • slams from operator launching you in the wrong direction or failing
  • waypoints(not just in duviri), codex/simulacrum scans,
  • yareli bugs
  • kahl getting stuck in a rampart on a "Junk run mission"
  • "More than MAX_REMOTE_OBJECT_ID replicated entities, out of IDs"  crash
  • Moonwalk after transference (yes, it still happens)
  • Sanctuary Onslaught breaking if host migraton happens right before the portal spawns
  • Different enemy spawn issues:(I prob forgot something)
    • Not enough enemies spawning on railjack skirmish missions, resulting in inability to finish it.
    • Vomvalysts not spawning well if you run around the map too much
    • Dargyns spawning in wrong places on Koro (Kuva fortress assault)
    • Enemies not spawning well enough on most exterminate missions(railjack, zariman and new deimos tileset are an exception). This often results in inability to get 10 reactant if you reached the objective. Often you have to run back and forth near extraction so more enemies spawn so you can finish the mission.
    • Enemies can spawn right in front of you on Lua exterminate mission(might be a feature). Same with thraxes on void cascade.
    • Enemies don't spawn after wave 570 of arbitration defence(might've been fixed, but it's hard to test it)
    • On very rare occasions a LOT(like 100) of enemies can spawn in one of the vaults of Archon spy mission on Jupiter.
    • On netracell missions: if your map has a U-shape generation(room where you kill enemies is at one end of this U), enemies can spawn on the other side of this "U", which can be up to a kilometer away.


also pls fix those cascade/thrax bugs:

  • Spoiler
    • in cascade clients often can't see some of the void tears they cleared (this is very rare for hosts)
    • for clients, some thraxes(probably self-revived) can look like ghosts, but act like in a regular form and being immune to status effects and some abilities(can be damaged in warframe tho)
    • if you kill thraxes' physical form when they start recapturing an exoliser, they may still keep recapturing it while transforming into the ghost form.
    • thraxes are shown as invincible(grey healthbar) when they are actually not
    • sometimes killed(in physical form) thraxes can become invisible and invincible in a ghost form. they can only be noticed by sound and a minimap marker. this is quite rare, but it has ruined some people's void flood missions.
    • in very rare cases thraxes can become immune to any form armor strip(this is not the case of bug with 14 corrosive stacks)
    • in very rare cases thraxes can become invisible and invincible in a physical form, which lets them recapture exolisers
    • in rare cases there can be an invincible(but visible) ghost thrax that is doing nothing near an exoliser
    • in some cases exoliser can stop spawning at al l(same condition as exoliser delays below: 3-3-3 or 3-3-4 tile and doing it fast)

    exoliser wrong order(skips and jumps, and delays):

    • exoliser skip: instead of going in order 1-2-3-4 in a certain room, they go in the order of 1-2-4 or (1st skipped) 2-3-4. this bug is quite common
    • exoliser jump: usually happens to skipped exoliser: instead of order 1-2-3-4, it goes 3-1-2-4(3rd spawns before other three). this bug is quite rare
    • exoliser delay: when the 30s exoliser spawn timer reaches 0, it says that new exoliser has spawned when it actually hasn't. usually next exoliser spawn after the next 30s(rarely after 2 delays in a row).
      this happens very often if you do the mission fast enough in a squad and the total amount of exoliser spawn points is low(for example if you have rooms with 3, 3 and 4 spawn points).

Also during netracells if you have a U-form tile enemies can spawn up to 1km away, which makes the mission obnoxiously long

Edited by Megazawr
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23 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

Was there a patch note claiming a fix for Incarnon  Zylok multishot?

I don't have the Incarnon installed yet, but it surprises me a little that you say multishot wasn't working on Incarnon projectile hits before.  Reason being, the "standard" hitscan AoE multishot bug only affects radial damage instances.

If it's been changed, and it's not now in line with the rest, that's some evidence that this behavior is intended on hitscan AoE.  Although if so, I wish they'd say it.  And also fix the Arsenal giving the wrong information.

I did re-verify Incarnon Burston is working the same way as before.  Modded for 99% status and +100% multishot, a direct hit always inflicts 3 statuses, while a target right next to it never suffers more than one.  i.e., the direct target gets hit by two projectiles and one explosion, the adjacent target by one explosion. 

No, there was no note about it, and that didn't surprise me, as we've had many things in the past get fixed or half fixed without a note, and people just found out by randomly testing things.

But yeah, the MS was not working, and that was even stated on the wiki as a known bug, you can check yourself. After this update, the incarnon projectile now does shoot off multiple ones (you can see with various modding how many marks are left in walls for example), but the damage instance does not happen per each projectile (as each one should trigger an explosion), it just happens as one and does not seem to take into consideration MS properly. I had a couple of clanmates also test this and they said it seemed to be on par with what I saw.

It's difficult to say since DE, for some reason, have been obtuse in their communication on this instance, even though me and quite a few others have been spamming both the forums and reddit about this weapon's bug, and like I said, it is even noted on the wiki as a known bug.

The grimoire had a similar bug (not the same, but similar), and that got patched with fewer reports about it. Meanwhile, the zylok rots as a mediocre incarnon because of a bug that should have been fixed by now.

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1 hour ago, B3nDover said:

No, there was no note about it, and that didn't surprise me, as we've had many things in the past get fixed or half fixed without a note, and people just found out by randomly testing things.

I'm quite aware!

1 hour ago, B3nDover said:

But yeah, the MS was not working, and that was even stated on the wiki as a known bug, you can check yourself. After this update, the incarnon projectile now does shoot off multiple ones (you can see with various modding how many marks are left in walls for example), but the damage instance does not happen per each projectile (as each one should trigger an explosion), it just happens as one and does not seem to take into consideration MS properly. I had a couple of clanmates also test this and they said it seemed to be on par with what I saw.

I guess I didn't communicate my point very well.  I'll quote your previous post again while I try to be more clear.

On 2024-02-28 at 11:58 AM, B3nDover said:

Gonna swoop in here with another request to please give the Zylok Incarnon another look-see, as now after the previous update, it is half-fixed. The incarnon mode now does shoot multiple pellets with multishot, but those pellets do not trigger multiple instances of damage. The gun still only triggers one singular explosion, and it should be one instance of explosion dmg per pellet normally.

I'm not disputing that the Incarnon form doesn't function as normal with multishot.  I don't have the weapon, but the behavior as I understand it is exactly what I've seen in other hitscan AoE examples:  multishot doesn't affect the number of explosions.  And this has been noted for the Zylok and the other examples elsewhere.  The best compilation I know of being here:

(There are other examples of multishot behaving weirdly there, but I'm talking specifically about the first section dealing with hitscan explosions.)

What does surprise me is your observation that multishot wasn't working with the Zylok's Incarnon projectiles before, and since last week's update(?) that has been fixed.  That's odd because there was no patch note about the Zylok at all, because the previous behavior you describe doesn't match that of the other AoE hitscan weapons, and because it's not noted anywhere else that I'm aware of.  Rainy's post specifies the radial damage instances, as does the wiki article you mentioned, while also noting "...despite direct damage working as normal with multishot".

None of these is conclusive.  Shadow changes happen regularly, and the wiki is put together by human beings who miss things and assume things  And while rainy seems extremely thorough, it's not inconceivable this could be overlooked.

So that's why I'm curious how certain you are that multishot wasn't working on the Incarnon Zylok's projectiles until very recently. Because if it was different before and now is in line with the other hitscan AoE weapons, that has the troubling implication that this behavior is what DE intends and the outlier has now been fixed.

Is that more clear now?. 

Edited by Tiltskillet
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Baruuk, Hildryn, Wisp and Grendal prime noggles when?
It was said it was being worked on on the 17th of January. Normally these prime noggles were given out at the end of a year.

Edited by 0phiuchus
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On 2024-02-29 at 3:39 AM, stash777 said:

Fix the energy cells not dropping during excavation solo runs. And excavation missions are bugged in so many ways  enemies spawning on excavators instantly destroying them no enemies spawning for 5+ minutes no enemies with energy cells...this is unique to solo runs. 11 years and you didn't fix these things I guess you don't care? or maybe you don't want solo players?

Other solo run problem is extermination mission 1 enemy 100 meters away kill him map shows you have to go back to where you were kill 3 enemies now go beck again kill 5 enemies. Next enemy is 847 meters away... kill 24-25 then rinse 1-3-5  up the stairs down the stairs up the stairs down the stair. you need a link to a video? 20 minutes to kill 211 enemies is a waste of time.  I know DE programmers and they will say it's a skill issue... right. Bug reports most often DE responses are it's a skill issue...giggling all the way to the coffee machine. Zarimen and Duviri (for the most part) great Whispers is fun old missions are bugged.

Hear, hear! Also reactant.

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On 2024-02-28 at 7:48 PM, [DE]Megan said:

Slightly turned down the Grimoire’s projectile firing and impact sounds. 

can you also tone down the screen shake effect?

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On 2024-02-28 at 8:27 PM, Numerounius said:

The known bug issue is listed under pending hotfix not under requires code fix. So by those two indicated sources it make sense that it would be in the next hotfix update, aka this one, over the next cert update. But sadly I can see how changing up extraction logic requires a cert update which is why I was pressing so hard to get this acknowledged so that it can fixed be in update 35.1.0 but alas they addressed it too late for that to happen.

Fair enough, but it's a shame we have to wait until they decide to release the update for bug fixes like this, but we are in march now, so maybe soon?

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I don't know man, ever since this hotfix dropped, i can't use chrome or anybrowser on my second monitor, the game literally uses 100% of my GPU (RTX 3070) even with the lowest settings. 

It's unplayable for me :(.

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  • 2 weeks later...

please Unbind the operator face selection. to equipping 3 of any items and add Mirror and/or symmetry to any piece thats naturally asymmetrical.
we pay for tennogen for it and you allotting sections to pieces that cant be equipped with any other pieces.
when the helmet is closed some items are still hidden that would clearly be visible like: the open harrier hood and the revenant mephisto diadem. in this situation the only part that clips is the back of the head "if' it was visible.

Still awaiting operator facial expressions for idle animations. they have teeth be nice to smile or sneer or be completely be disgusted with life expression, up to being angry.

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On 2024-02-28 at 2:48 PM, [DE]Megan said:
  • Fixed the Shard Hex and Shard Bane Ephemeras not properly reflecting the correct yellow color of embedded Amber Archon Shards. 

NOO. 😭 The yellow is so ugly and stands out like a sore thumb next to the other OG shards. Kinda spoils the ephemeras for me now....

On 2024-02-28 at 9:32 PM, Hexerin said:

Please introduce a toggle in the options that reverts amber shards to actually be amber colored like they used to be. The new yellow color is incorrect to the shard's name, and personally I think it's just an ugly color in general (I dislike yellow, it's too harsh).

All of this. Please. Either make it a warmer softer yellow or let us toggle it with the actual amber color. And yeah, amber =/= yellow.

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