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Banshee Ability Changes


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Passive: For being a herald of death, I don't find having silent weapons making the most sense for her passive or at least not the most useful in modern Warframe. I have two ideas and both of them are quite similar:

  • The more enemies are in a 30m range of Banshee, the more critical chance (or critical damage) she gains
  • The more enemies Banshee kills, the more critical chance (or critical damage) she gains. Stacks up to X times for Y seconds of course

I couldn't decide on either chance or damage since both would be helpful for the herald of death, but I feel like either chance or damage could work for either idea.

Sonic Boom: Give it the ability to strip armor like the augment does, it would be 50% at max rank but it can be increased by strength of course. Her augment gives so much more utility to her Boom, so I feel that should always be something it can do.

Sonar: It is fine as it is, marking weak points for more damage is very helpful.
Silence: Keep it how it is but let us add a bit more to it

  • Allow for occasional pulses from her so it can stun enemies again, since currently, if an enemy is affected by it, you have to get them out of range to stun them again.
  • Allow THIS to make your gunfire silent

Sound Quake: Make the damage ramp up and lower the energy costs. Let me elaborate a bit:

  • The initial drain should be in the 75 range
  • The drain per second should start at around 6 and ramp up to 12 with longer use
  • The initial damage should start at 200 and then increase rapidly for every second of use
  • Since currently you are not invulnerable when using SQ, I think she should at least take reduced damage while using it, probably about 75% at max rank.
    • This could make it so that when using Resonating Quake, she could have brief damage resistance.
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8 minutes ago, Digital-Dreams said:

Sonic Boom: Give it the ability to strip armor like the augment does, it would be 50% at max rank but it can be increased by strength of course. Her augment gives so much more utility to her Boom, so I feel that should always be something it can do.

Did you know it already strips a flat 1/3 armor?

Anyway, what's your plan for the augment?  It obviously couldn't be left as is and be remotely worthwhile.


10 minutes ago, Digital-Dreams said:

Silence: Keep it how it is but let us add a bit more to it

  • Allow for occasional pulses from her so it can stun enemies again, since currently, if an enemy is affected by it, you have to get them out of range to stun them again.

It's quite powerful already.  Although I'd really enjoy adding a second stun when enemies exit the radius.  Either a short stun innately (though probably not on the Helminth version)  or added to Savage Silence; or a longer stun on a new augment.


14 minutes ago, Digital-Dreams said:

Sound Quake: Make the damage ramp up and lower the energy costs. Let me elaborate a bit:

I really don't think DE is ever going to intentionally make Sound Quake easier to afk with again.  It's either going to get reworked to be more active,  replaced with something very different, or just keep on being the worst ultimate in the game.

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10 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:

Did you know it already strips a flat 1/3 armor?

Anyway, what's your plan for the augment?  It obviously couldn't be left as is and be remotely worthwhile.

I didn't know that, and even when looking at the wiki it is listed as "[Undocumented feature/bug]" so it could be spaghetti code.

That being said if it was made to strip 50% without an augment, then I would say that maybe the augment should be changed to allow Sonic Boom to become a moving wave. So you cast it and it moves in a straight line for a few seconds before vanishing. (Coming up with augment ideas isn't easy lol)

21 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:

It's quite powerful already.  Although I'd really enjoy adding a second stun when enemies exit the radius.  Either a short stun innately (though probably not on the Helminth version)  or added to Savage Silence; or a longer stun on a new augment.

I agree it is already good, just wanted to add some ideas for possible QoL

23 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:

I really don't think DE is ever going to intentionally make Sound Quake easier to afk with again.  It's either going to get reworked to be more active,  replaced with something very different, or just keep on being the worst ultimate in the game.

Ah right, forgot about those times since it has been a while. Well if they replaced it, I feel like it should be like... Banshee Wail or something? Some sort of cry that marks enemies for a timed death or something?

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1 minute ago, Digital-Dreams said:

I didn't know that, and even when looking at the wiki it is listed as "[Undocumented feature/bug]" so it could be spaghetti code.

I don't think  so, not exactly anyway.  The mechanic is very specific, happened at the same time armor strips were reworked in general, and seems warranted by the general mediocrity of the ability without it.  My guess is it's either something they played around with but didn't mean to release, or something they meant to release and the writer of the patch notes didn't get the memo.


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I'm a avid Banshee user. My usage rate exceeds 70%.
Your suggestions are moderate, not overpowered modifications that recognize Banshee's strengths well.

Here are my personal hopes:

Among older frames, this is partially useful and relatively blessed. For example, it effect during Archwing gunfire as well.

Sonic Boom:
Considering the range, this is a handy armor strip ability, but the fact that it knocks enemies away undermines that. It would be nice if holding the ability down allowed you to strip armor without knocking enemies away.

This is an extremely powerful ability, and I worry true recognition of its strength could lead to nerfs.

If I had to nitpick, I'd want them to fix the issue where the enemy radar effect is capped at the minimap range (normally 45m) despite the ability's longer range.

As a ported ability, it's very popular so modifying it may be difficult.

boosting the ability range just causes enemies to stop far away, reducing kill efficiency. Currently it's only really usable when Acolytes appear. Having an option to disable stuns or only stun nearby enemies would be appreciated.

Sound Quake:
Boosting it for the current environment would be nice, but it also seems it could have many downsides, so it may be difficult.


In my opinion, Banshee is already OP.I worry that if Banshee gets reworked, her incredibly powerful damage multiplier that's unique among all games will get nerfed sooner or later.
So I would prefer Banshee not be modified much. To avoid rework, I'm trying to raise her usage rate.


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14 minutes ago, aminisi said:

Sonic Boom:
Considering the range, this is a handy armor strip ability, but the fact that it knocks enemies away undermines that. It would be nice if holding the ability down allowed you to strip armor without knocking enemies away.

True, if it just staggers enemies instead of knocking them down it would feel a lot better.

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I genuinely think Sonar and Silence should be merged. It gets kinda annoying to have to keep recasting Sonar to keep the weakspots up on new targets. These two powers could fit together really well.

But on the flipside it means we may have to find a new 3rd power and a proper replacement to Silence as a Helminth ability.

5 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

Did you know it already strips a flat 1/3 armor?

According to the wiki : this feature is undocumented. I'd wait for a DE response about whether or not this in an intended change, though it does feel somewhat deliberate.

Edited by LascarCapable
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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree that sonar and silence could probably be merged, but at the same time silence is very meh right now. We all agree Warframe liked dps more than cc but keeping silence relatively the same? Silencing eximus units? I've never cared about eximus units abilities cause with other frames they're already dead. I'd only use her with gloom on 4 cause that's the only way I live for decent amounts of time, and that sucks. Mirage and saryn have dmg buffs and the whole party can use with no need for specific aiming and recast in every room, they just get more gun DMG. I also think her 4 should probably just be changed outright, super underwhelming as a 4th ability in this day and age. Again cc is dead idk why we're trying to keep all her cc and not give her kit more dmg. She's really not op anyone saying she is, is coping hard, she's next to nyx in play rate and only been nerfed all these years. She needs a full rework while still keeping her identity somewhat.

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Recently, while spreading the word about Banshee, I realised that people may not be aware of how to enjoy playing Banshee. Many people talk about soloing with the assumption that Gloom will be transplanted. While Gloom is certainly an excellent ability, it ruins the fun and comfortable carnage that is Banshee's forte.

The most enjoyable way to play Banshee is in multiplayer. By spamming Sonar, you can inflict damage multipliers of 10, 100, and sometimes over 1000 times. As a result, I often get chat messages like "What's going on?" or "Crazy" when playing with random players. Although this alone is more than enough contribution, three Sentinel clones will automatically kill enemies for you. Unless your teammates are exceptionally strong, you'll often have the top kill count.

Actually, I don't particularly enjoy playstyles where I just stand still and spam abilities. I spam Sonar while moving and attacking, and that busyness makes for a unique kind of fun.

I recommend trying a playstyle where you relentlessly spam Sonar in random matchmaking, paint enemies your favorite color, and give your squad an abnormal and fun experience, even if it is just once.

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Il y a 2 heures, aminisi a dit :

Recently, while spreading the word about Banshee, I realised that people may not be aware of how to enjoy playing Banshee. Many people talk about soloing with the assumption that Gloom will be transplanted. While Gloom is certainly an excellent ability, it ruins the fun and comfortable carnage that is Banshee's forte.

The most enjoyable way to play Banshee is in multiplayer. By spamming Sonar, you can inflict damage multipliers of 10, 100, and sometimes over 1000 times. As a result, I often get chat messages like "What's going on?" or "Crazy" when playing with random players. Although this alone is more than enough contribution, three Sentinel clones will automatically kill enemies for you. Unless your teammates are exceptionally strong, you'll often have the top kill count.

Actually, I don't particularly enjoy playstyles where I just stand still and spam abilities. I spam Sonar while moving and attacking, and that busyness makes for a unique kind of fun.

I recommend trying a playstyle where you relentlessly spam Sonar in random matchmaking, paint enemies your favorite color, and give your squad an abnormal and fun experience, even if it is just once.

Sonar is broken OP, even more so with the augment for extra free recasts. Gotta be the number 1 easiest frame to reach damage cap with. And she can even dump one of her abilities to grant a buff to the entire team on top of all the dps boost she already provides, be it Nourish, Roar, Eclipse with Total Eclipse augment, Warcry for melee enjoyers. She's versatile and underused for sure. Probably my favorite frame to use shieldgating on, since spamming sonar is actually very valuable. Slapping casting speed shards on her is an easy way to make her even more fun.

Haven't played her in too long, but I guess I will spam her for a while now. Seeing banshee enthusiasts is always great.

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23 hours ago, Unohound said:

I agree that sonar and silence could probably be merged, but at the same time silence is very meh right now. We all agree Warframe liked dps more than cc but keeping silence relatively the same? Silencing eximus units? I've never cared about eximus units abilities cause with other frames they're already dead.

DE shared the top 9 most used Helminth infusions recently, and Silence was #8, making it more popular than about 60 others.  Of course there are a lot of outright bad options, but this still put it above some powerful and hyped choices like Pillage, Breach Surge, Ensnare, and Xata.

Anyway, I don't put too much stock into popularity, but it does look  like a significant number of people are finding more uses for Silence than you are.


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7 hours ago, aminisi said:

Actually, I don't particularly enjoy playstyles where I just stand still and spam abilities. I spam Sonar while moving and attacking, and that busyness makes for a unique kind of fun.

Yeah, running around and spamming Sonar and Boom, both with their augments, makes her very strong to play. Being able to strip armor while also gaining massive weak point damage gives her insane potential.


2 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

DE shared the top 9 most used Helminth infusions recently, and Silence was #8

Now that is interesting, I guess people enjoy the AOE stun to deal with enemies.

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20 minutes ago, Digital-Dreams said:

Now that is interesting, I guess people enjoy the AOE stun to deal with enemies.

Maybe, but my guess is that's a minor part of it.  I mean, it's a relatively minor part for me with Banshee, and I play  builds where a 2 second stun is valuable.  Not so useful with a shieldgater, invuln/invis, or a frame that can really leverage ehp.

I think it's mostly the ability suppression and  a fair amount of use with the augment for affinity farming.

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19 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

Maybe, but my guess is that's a minor part of it.  I mean, it's a relatively minor part for me with Banshee, and I play  builds where a 2 second stun is valuable.  Not so useful with a shieldgater, invuln/invis, or a frame that can really leverage ehp.

I think it's mostly the ability suppression and  a fair amount of use with the augment for affinity farming.

ngl Silence being the closest thing to our own Nullifier field with so little in-game feedback and information feels extremely crappy. afaik it's the only ability that disables- for example- Archon Nira's healing MOA and nothing in the game will even hint at this. 

Enemies having abilities and their own behaviors is great. What salts my biscuits is the fact that a lot of these enemy behaviors were added later often in a reaction- rather than with good planning- and for some reason it has to be Banshee paying the price for DE's poor planning AGAIN

I'm not even upset that she's a Warframe sized bandaid to the giant mess that is enemy abilities. I'm mad that it's been going on for this long and Banshee hasn't received the bare minimum attention she really could have used for years. One handed cast on Sonic Boom? A 4th ability that doesn't lock a fragile frame dependent on mobility in place? A reason for her 2 to exist other than overkilling basic trash enemies that would have been overkilled without it?

I'll take an augment, I'll take anything. Please do something about Sound Quake. 

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It's very difficult to fix Sound Quake. It's true that it lacks both the power it had in its prime and the power befitting an Ult.

However, the current Sound Quake is not completely useless. It's still useful for taking out low-level enemies, and The continuous stun has a high value in missions where killing is not necessary, such as interception.

Furthermore, Sonar can also increase the damage of abilities by more than 100 times. (It seems that most enemies take increased ability damage when their torso is marked) Combine a Sonar-spamming Banshee with AoE frames like Saryn and Mirage, and you have the makings of a large-scale slaughter. When Resonating Quake's damage increases, Banshee alone will be able to do it. (At this stage, it seems difficult to do this in Steel Path without removing armour.)

I'm confident in my movement to cancel bullet jumps with Sonar and kill enemies with Ocucor while moving at high speed, but I was surprised to find that when I teamed up with Mirage in a narrow defensive map in a Steel Path rift, I could hardly get any kills. With 4 Banshees, it is possible to re-kill enemies in a wide area with Resonating Quake alone, without shooting. That's because even if the damage multiplier is 10 times per person, it's 10,000 times, and if it's 100 times per person, it's 100 million times. This is one of the reasons why Banshee is potentially OP.

Even if Sound Quake becomes toggleable and allows movement, there will still be the problem of continuous stun becoming a nuisance for squad members, and even when playing solo, since Gloom + Silence is already powerful for continuous stunning, while it has the benefit of freeing up a transplant slot, there seems little reason to buff it on purpose.

So, in my opinion, it's better not to buff Sound Quake until Banshee's potential power is properly known.

As for Sonic Boom, the fact that 33.3% of the armor can be removed without an augment is like a buff that's being overlooked. I want them to continue to overlook it. Making it a one-handed ability is also interesting, but the problem is that console players who don't like key configs will have a hard time getting the benefit.

Overkill has value just for the fun of it, but not all players can really kill all enemies in an instant. Increasing the kill speed of enemies is a convenience. Banshee herself can also benefit from a build that in comfort. For example, my Ocucor has a 150-round magazine, and I recover 30 rounds every time I kill an enemy, so I can operate almost by holding down the button. Converting excessive firepower into convenience is an important concept in Banshee builds.

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47 minutes ago, aminisi said:

So, in my opinion, it's better not to buff Sound Quake until Banshee's potential power is properly known.

What does that mean?

I agree with the first part in a way.  I don't think a conventional buff will make it a good ability.    It's dull on its own, and prevents her from moving, using weapons, operator, or casting anything else.  Make it do 100x the damage for 1/10th the energy, and all it will be is powerful, far more commonly used, and dull.


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26 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:
1 hour ago, aminisi said:

So, in my opinion, it's better not to buff Sound Quake until Banshee's potential power is properly known.

What does that mean?

I apologize for the confusing wording.

What I meant was that Banshee is currently not being properly evaluated because it's not widely known that Sonar has an interaction with Resonating Quake and that Sonar itself is extremely powerful and versatile. Therefore, there's a possibility that she might become too strong and be subject to immediate crippling nerfs.

I was spamming Sonar and then clearing out enemies with Resonating Quake in Hydron before the Steel Path was implemented. I was satisfied with the annihilation by AOE and got bored of it, so I haven't tried it since, but the casting speed of abilities has become faster, energy recovery has become easier, and ability strength has become easier to enhance compared to the past, so there's a possibility that it's even stronger now.

It might still be effective in the Steel Path, especially against the Infested that don't have armor.

I'm planning to create a second Banshee Prime with a Resonating Quake build when the VoidShell skin comes out. Currently, I have Nourish transplanted in the fourth slot, so I plan to transplant it in the first slot on my sub-Banshee.

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35 minutes ago, aminisi said:

It might still be effective in the Steel Path, especially against the Infested that don't have armor.

RQ is usable against SP Infested,  even without an optimized build, although tedious for me.  There might be better armor stripping options now for other factions.  When I tried it, I used Terrify and it was still pretty bad at killing Grineer.  But I have very little patience for the builds.

If you can team up with another Banshee, the potential goes way up, since you can then stack the weakspots up to four times, as well as just getting easier coverage.

Anyway, my opinion is the ability should be replaced or deeply restructured....like yesterday.  It's untapped potential for killing things just doesn't interest me.  But that's just me.  You're not the first person I've met who was fond of it.  Although you may only be the second one. :P     (paging @AuroraSonicBoom )

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Im of the opinion that Banshee needs 4 overarcing changes:

1) QoL, such as onehanded casting etc

2) Something to help her stay alive a bit better, which doesn't rely on CC.

3) A change to her Soundquake so it fits better in her kit's otherwise rather gun-reliant kit.

4) Toning down the ridiculously excessive strength of Sonar (Sonar-stacking being the issue here).

So, here's what I'd do:

PASSIVE - Keep her silenced weapons passive, but add another thing: Enemies can't see Banshee further than X meters away (this could change depending on her actions, so crouching is a really short range, but sprinting increases her visible range). If she hurts them or they hurt her, they can see her for a handful of seconds regardless of their distance to her.

This would give her a mobility/positioning-based pseudo-invisibility, which helps her survivability in a way that works excellently with Silence's functions, and Sonic Boom's pushback.

#1 SONIC BOOM - Mostly just QoL here:

Allow her to cast it and move at the same time.

All enemy projectiles are also deflected forward by the boom, capable of hurting enemies. The deflection effect lingers in the air for 0,5 seconds after cast, which means it also has the ability to deflect hitscan shots!

Instead of knockdown, make it stun enemies for an extended duration - still while pushing them backwards. Stun would work much better with Sonar's weakspots than knockdown does.

#2 SONAR - Now functions like an aura, more similar to Silence, lasting 15/20/25/30 seconds. Recasting the ability refreshes the aura duration and changes out any current weakspot points (allowing you to "reroll" them if you get bad spots). Enemies leaving the aura keeps the weakspot for about 5 seconds.

Augment remains the same of pulsating out new weakspot areas - but they can no longer stack on the same spot, just cover more areas of the enemy bodies. Could compensate this nerf by having the augment also add some more strength to the ability.

Overall, this reduces the insane potential strength of Sonar by removing its stackability, but massively improves its QoL, no longer needing to recast it constantly when new enemies arrive. Making it an aura also improves its function as an enemy detection tool.

#3 SILENCE - Can now be recast (and holdcast for a second to remove it). Recasting also restuns enemies within its range. Opens enemies to finishers by default, for as long as they are within its radius (even after the stun animation wears out).

This removes some of its anti-synergy with modding for too much range, in regards to its CC-capabilities.

#4 SOUNDQUAKE - This gets a rather heavy rework:

Casts a singular Soundquake pulse (like with her current augment) by default. This deals some initial Blast damage, briefly slows down and lengthily debuffs all struck enemies.

This lengthier debuff causes all enemies to "echo" out X% of the damage they have taken in a small/moderate area around them, including the initial damage from Soundquake itself.

This gives it synergy in particular with Sonar, as shooting their weakspot while affected by Soundquake would give strong AoE damage on all your shots. All while still remaining a low level nuke.

I dunno what i would do with the augment though.

Edited by Azamagon
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18 hours ago, Azamagon said:

4) Toning down the ridiculously excessive strength of Sonar (Sonar-stacking being the issue here).

Thank you for crafting a concrete proposal out of the rework I feared becoming reality. :)

What I feel about rework ideas, not just for Banshee, is that they all seem to converge on the idea that "assuming solo play, if you activate 2 or 3 abilities about once every 30 seconds, you'll have survivability and can have a slightly unique experience without interfering with general weapon-based combat."

Is approaching that the only thing that counts as QoL and rework? I feel like it's just losing individuality and diversity. Your ideas are mainly intended to show a direction, so I think it's uncouth to nitpick the details, but Including a slowing effect in the 4th ability seems to me like evidence of a lack of awareness for people who enjoy multiplayer and support roles, as it would lead to reduced squad annihilation efficiency and comfort

It's a good thing to have frames that are unique, difficult to master, but strong.
It's also a good thing to have frames that are loved passionately despite being the third least used.
It's also a good thing to have frames that, while not excelling in solo play, can provide a unique experience to the squad through support. (Banshee is more than strong enough for solo play, though)

Indeed, for the majority, having options that offer a slightly unique experience for a change of pace, while being usable in a similar way, is more beneficial than having options that are completely unusable. And the pursuit of that benefit should be respected, and I respect your proposal and its benefits as well. Essentially, these discussions tend to boil down to who benefits, and minorities are in a weak position. However, I believe that the diversity, richness, and magnanimity of Warframe reside in the details.

That being said, I can't argue against the fact that Sonar is OP, so I pray that DE will continue to overlook it with a generous spirit.

Edited by aminisi
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On 2024-03-27 at 4:14 AM, Tiltskillet said:

Although you may only be the second one. :P     (paging @AuroraSonicBoom )

Heh, yeah, I know I'm in the vast minority here. I'm just trying to look at Banshee from the perspective of someone who wants to preserve as much as possible of her original playstyle. Quake is part of that for me. I think we can all agree that Banshee is meant to either stay mobile or position herself tactically to avoid damage. A lot of people are of the opinion that Quake is fundamentally flawed since it doesn't allow for mobility and therefor puts Banshee at risk. I think Quake was always meant specifically to put Banshee at risk in exchange for a really devastating effect. High risk/reward. As a player who enjoys glass canon playstyles, that's something that always attracted me to her. I fully agree that as far as the fun factor is concerned, Quake ranks really low on the list of ultimate abilities, and I think that's why a lot of people want to see it gone. I think it can be salvaged, though, by making it interactive instead of completely redesigning it.

I've pretty much kept my vision for a Banshee rework/revisit consistent over the years and boiled it down to three distinct changes I would like to see. Since people are posting their suggestions here and it's been a while since I did, I'll join in. The goal is to make all of Banshee's abilities more engaging to play with, and of course to make them scale to current game content. 


1. Ability cast animations: Uproot Sonic Boom, Sonar and Silence. In case of Boom there's even a animation modeled in an old trailer that would fit better.
2. Sonic Boom: Allow the shockwave to hit the last Sonar spot that appeared on the enemy/enemies, and adjust its damage so it can kill.
3. Silence: In addition to the base effect, ragdolled, or otherwise CCed enemies take longer to recover, based on power strength(ex. 200% = enemies take twice as long to get back up)
4. Sound Quake: Add a channeled mode that sends out an additional, narrow cone of sonic damage pulses, guaranteed hitting Sonar spots on enemies within the cone for extra damage, even through walls. This focused mode can be triggered by holding down the fire button and drains additional energy.

The uprooted cast animations make it more comfortable to keep on the move instead of having to aim glide everywhere. Sonic Boom gains synergies with Sonar and Silence, and becomes a more threatening opener. Silence gains synergies with Boom and Quake, giving it a directly observable effect to Banshee's survivability as enemies are staggered for longer. Quake is given a high damage vector, turning it into a burst turret able to selectively deal very high amounts of damage if the target is primed with Sonar. 

That'd be my ideal way of seeing Banshee overhauled. Fluidity and fun ability synergies are two prominent factors that make old, untouched frames grating to play. Banshee is one of the last frames suffering from that problem. I hope that if nothing else, her abilities will become castable while moving, and that they interplay with one another to reward the player for using her entire kit.
Alright, you may continue bashing Quake now. :P

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My only gripe with her is that for a frame inspired by a spirit known for screaming, she does a really good job of doing the opposite.  That's why all I'd really propose is to have Silence changed so that instead she's screaming so loud that it drowns out weapon noises.

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17 hours ago, Raarsi said:

My only gripe with her is that for a frame inspired by a spirit known for screaming, she does a really good job of doing the opposite.  That's why all I'd really propose is to have Silence changed so that instead she's screaming so loud that it drowns out weapon noises.

I know right? If any changes were to happen I would love for her animations to change to be more scream-like.

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17 hours ago, Raarsi said:

My only gripe with her is that for a frame inspired by a spirit known for screaming, she does a really good job of doing the opposite.  That's why all I'd really propose is to have Silence changed so that instead she's screaming so loud that it drowns out weapon noises.

No Thank You GIF by The Dungeon Run

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