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Supra vs Prisma Grakata


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Been getting started on steel path and found a build with my Supra that can get through the Grineer at a moderate pace. I recently bought the Prisma Grakata and have max ranked it for mastery. I'm going to hit mastery rank 14 soon so I'm wondering if this weapon is good enough to get me through steel path, or if I should start looking for something stronger. I have already invested 3 forma and a blue potato into my Supra, but haven't put anything into my Grakata. Is it worth it?

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I haven't used either weapon very much, although I'd be very surprised if they weren't basic SP capable with a decent build.  (And some patience, since neither is an AoE weapon.)  I don't think Prisma Grakata would  be enough of an upgrade over a regular Vandal to justify investing in it from a power standpoint.  Supra Vandal would be a lot better than either.

Of course if you love Prisma Grakata and don't care for the Supras, then that changes things considerably.

You might also keep in mind that much more powerful weapons than any of these will become available, probably pretty soon at your MR.  So you may want to save your resources.

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1 hour ago, MemeBeliever said:

I have already invested 3 forma and a blue potato into my Supra, but haven't put anything into my Grakata. Is it worth it?

Not worth it. You most likely do not own any of the special mods for Grakata that make it unique. Both are essentially single target auto-rifles that are very out of meta and require some kind of punch through (modding) to be viable on SP due to amount of enemies to mow down.

1 hour ago, MemeBeliever said:

I'm going to hit mastery rank 14 soon

May I suggest something completely different? 



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both Supra Vandal and Prisma Grakata are competent if you want to invest into them for personal taste.

i'd lean towards Supra myself between the two, due to its much lower reliance on Crit Stats (and so dealing better against Objects) and a bit more Status Chance. plus the enormous Magazine letting you easily use Holster Reload to never need to Reload your Gun, and so have as close to 100% uptime as possible.
in either case you'd want a Riven to make them feel good in lategame Content, to help shore up some of their weaknesses.
and adding PunchThrough is a given.

i should make it clear though, that these Weapons will require higher investment than some others. so be quite sure you want to invest into them first, if you're not pretty lategame as a Player where the various resources in general are for the most part trivial for you, it may harm your enjoyment in the near future to pick these over some other Weapons that are easier to 'get into'.

Edited by taiiat
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Eh. I'd say it depends on how much you like them. In the sense, that there are much stronger, and capable weapons that exist you could start working towards to invest resources into them. Phenmor, Trumna, come to mind, as far as weapons that are somewhat similar. Plus many others, that are less similar. That being said, if you like Supra, (I assume you mean the Supra Vandal, if you aren't, then try to get the Supra Vandal and invest into that instead), or you like the Prisma Grakaka, and you invest into them, they should do Steel Path decently...

It might just take a bit longer for many enemies to die... which isn't necessarily a bad thing. I personally play Warframe, with many weapons, which I just enjoy more, so taking 1 or 2 extra seconds to kill an enemy, isn't something I necessarily care about. Especially when many enemies die that fast anyway. That and depending on the rest of your load out and synergies, that extra time becomes short anyway. There are many Warframes that buff/boost weapon powers, so many Arcanes, synergies with Companions... Especially as far as just getting through Steel Path. 

Depending on how you feel about Rivens (some people hate them, and thats fair), but Prisma Grakata with a - Recoil Riven, is pretty bonkers and a significant buff. Certain weapons are generally good, but balanced in a way, thats purposeful. Like the Trumna has quite a slow reload. Supra Vandal does as well, but it has a large magazine... Grakata weapons generally have high recoil. Eliminating that, plus other Riven buffs can make the weapon even better. That being said... Thats more something you might think about if you really like the weapon, and at endgame, an all that. Not everyone has a Riven, and you might not even like the gun that much anyway... 

TL;DR They are decent, there are better alternatives, if you like them, and have decent resources, could be alright to invest in them, if your resources are limited, you may want to consider other weapons. You can always hold on to them, and invest in them latter as well. 

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Anyone who will post again and compare Supra Vandal to Prisma Grakata, please realise OP is not talking about Vandal version, but normal Supra as the Vandal has MR14 requirement similar to Prisma Grakata.

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8 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

You might also keep in mind that much more powerful weapons than any of these will become available, probably pretty soon at your MR.  So you may want to save your resources.

excellent advice and something I did not anticipate in my first months of the game. I wasted so many resources building what i had only to later get weapons that were so much better but then had to go farm resources or spend my plat on forma etc. Also as a side note years later i now go back to some of my older weapons and as i now have the resources dump forma etc on them and use them for the fun aspect rather than trying to have the ultimate primary secondary and melee.

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In general, the supra vandal can have its niche and be halfway decent, but it's not worth it when there are many better weapons that you can use with your mastery level.

I just want DE make a supra tenet or incarno genesis supra.  Supra along with the Acrid were my favorite weapons in the early game and I guess I'm not the only one. It's a shame DE doesn't do something new with such iconic weapons.

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Il y a 17 heures, MemeBeliever a dit :

Been getting started on steel path and found a build with my Supra that can get through the Grineer at a moderate pace. I recently bought the Prisma Grakata and have max ranked it for mastery. I'm going to hit mastery rank 14 soon so I'm wondering if this weapon is good enough to get me through steel path, or if I should start looking for something stronger. I have already invested 3 forma and a blue potato into my Supra, but haven't put anything into my Grakata. Is it worth it?

Both of them are your average assault rifle, but the Grakata can yield higher crit chance which leads to higher chances for Hunter's Munitions to proc. If you want to fully invest yourself in the Grakata, I'd suggest going crazy with the formas, and even unlock the exilus slot, in order to slot in Stabilizer, which will help remove 60% of the recoil the weapon has.

A good Grakata build to fight against the grineer will consist of a viral combo from 2 60-60 mods, critical chance and critical damage through critical delay and vital sense, slashes from hunter's munitions, base damage from galvanized aptitude, multishot from galvanized chamber.

The final slot is pretty much your flex slot, you can go with a bane of the grineer to greatly increase the slash damage from hunter's munitions, you can get extra crit chance from galvanized scope, you can go with shred or primed shred to have some punchthrough to help with hordes, thermite rounds to have more status applied, hammer shot will get you more critical damage and status chance, vile precision will cut down alot of your fire rate but greatly decrease the recoil. Reload speed mods can be worth looking up too.


Though like others said before, you can definitely get your hands on something far more powerful and spend your resources on that instead.

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I've used Prisma Grakata and Supra Vandal off and on for years. Grakata has 12 Forma just from age.
I have Rivens for P. Grakata, Supra, Soma and Tenora so my comparison of them is a bit skewed.

P. Grakata can hold up much further than basic SP. Using Critical Delay helps with it's ammo munching. Ammo Mutation can't quite keep up on it's own. Adding Stabilizer to a lower fire rate also makes the weapon handle far better than it has in the past. Primary Merciless will put the cherry on top with reload speed.

Supra sadly pales in comparison to the other bullet hose weapons I mentioned. Tenora Prime is just better out of the box without a Riven involved.
Soma Prime is actually worse than Tenora Prime until you get Incarnon and a Riven for it.

If you fully invest in any of these they will all be fairly comparable except Supra.


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This is all part of the game. Learning to appreciate the value of different weapons for what they offer.

Supra and Grakata are both primary weapons but they do not compete with each other. They only compete for your resources.

The best and only question to ask is whether or not I have the time and resources to improve a given item past its starting point.

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