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What icarnons does the community want?


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What weapons do you, (the community) want? , personally in the future I would love for a Fulmin icarnon to be added, since it's my favourite primary. Or a guandao one since it's my favourite melee aesthetically.

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Personally, I feel like it'd be best if DE looked over the weapons with the lowest player usage (not counting Mastery Rank farming)

There's a lot of weapons I do want Incarnon'd but there's also a lot of weapons that deserve a buff.


I'm actually kinda astonished that the Stug wasn't done in the first or second batch. Seems like it'd be perfect for a "Charge Gained on Direct Hit"

If I had to choose another weapon that I kinda want to see? Acrid. At one point it used to be a meta weapon because it would bypass Shields in Early Warframe, I never got to try that but I want to. Also I just, generally think that the Acrid has a cool weapon design.

Whether it be through Infested Liches or Incarnons, I want an upgrade to the Phage.

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Twin Kohmak - Because Bronco is an utter failure.

They should probably revisit their current ones also because they're either not good enough upgrades or really bad Incanon forms.
Gorgon is a great example of this. I have a CC/CD Riven and it's still meh while the Incarnon shot is lucky to hit anything at all.

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1 minute ago, Xzorn said:

They should probably revisit their current ones also because they're either not good enough upgrades or really bad Incanon forms.
Gorgon is a great example of this. I have a CC/CD Riven and it's still meh while the Incarnon shot is lucky to hit anything at all.

This is a great point. I made posts about it at the time, but the Miter's final evolution is a bit underwhelming.

You have, a cool and unique mechanic that is tied down with too many restrictions and limitations


Two general all purpose status/crit buffs.

I remember at the time, someone tried to make a build all around the final Evolution and no matter what build you tried, it was always inferior to the general stat buffs.

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23 minutes ago, Big-Eggs_ said:

What weapons do you, (the community) want? , personally in the future I would love for a Fulmin icarnon to be added, since it's my favourite primary. Or a guandao one since it's my favourite melee aesthetically.

eh, both of those are really good weapons though: Incarnon Adapters are really more intended to be the new way of sprucing up less popular and weaker weapons (Rivens were supposed to do the same thing, but look where that ended up).

I'll take anything honestly, but if there's one I'd like to see, just for the memes, it'd be Stug. that poor, poor gun has been at the very bottom of the barrel for years, I would love to see it become top-tier, if only for a while. 


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When I think about why and how the Incarnons were implemented. A lot of them were historically strong and iconic weapons that just over time faded into the background, because of power creep and the way the game evolved. So it made a lot of older classic weapons meta again, or just more powerful. So in that sense... 

Tigris: I'd be pretty happy if this was a strong contender for best shotgun in the game again. Plus that it was used in the Duviri trailer as well.
Sybaris: A cool and elegant weapon, thats fun but just aged. 
Gram or Galatine: Could be fun to update. 
Opticor: Another fun and iconic weapon, that could be fun to boost a bit. 

Then I think it would be fun, if we had Incarnons for interesting and weapon classes that are yet to have an Inacrnon. Like sniper rifles. So in that sense. 

Daikyu: The best weapon in any game ever. 
Snipetron or Lanka: To have a sniper Incarnon. 
Any of the secondary explosive weapons: For fun. 
War: Could be interesting considering how many of Stalkers other weapons are Incarnon. 
Anyway Warfan: Maybe even an original Incarnon. 
An original Gunblade Incarnon: Don't think any of the current Gunblades need it but would be fun to have one. 

Some of these have an alt fire purpose already, but I don't actually think thats a big deal that can't be worked around

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Kind reminder that weapons that have an existing alt-fire are NOT eligible for incarnon forms since they use the same button to transform.

This means the Stug can't get an incarnon because it does have an alt-fire and Fulmin won't either since the alt-fire button is used to switch fire modes.

Only exception might be sniper rifles since their alt fires are used to toggle scope zoom and can only be used when aiming down sights.

Edited by AndouRaiton
spelling mistakes and sniper info
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5 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Some of these have an alt fire purpose already, but I don't actually think thats a big deal that can't be worked around

If we're talking weapons that already have an alt-fire mechanic. I'd love an incarnon for the Buzlok.

Don't know if DE would touch Snipetron since it's sort of a retconned weapon. I also wonder if DE would make one for the War since Void and Sentient doesn't typically mesh well, unless the War is too dead or inert to count as a Sentient anymore.

3 minutes ago, AndouRaiton said:

Kind reminder that weapons that have an existing alt-fire are NOT eligible for incarnon forms sine they use the same button to transform.

This means the Stug can't get an incarnon because it does have an alt-fire and Fulmin won't either since the alt-fire button is used to switch fire modes.

 Huh, didn't know it even had an Alt fire. That being said. I doubt anyone is going to cry over it being lost if it meant getting an Incarnon. (The Stug I mean)

Edited by Zahnny
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Well, the list is pretty obvious and long, but here it is, in roughly the order I'd like:

  1. Dera Vandal / Dera
  2. Ballistica / Ballistica Prime
  3. Buzlok
  4. Grinlok
  5. Fusilai
  6. Cyanex
  7. Marelok
  8. Hema (omg)
  9. Tysis (omg)
  10. Penta (these all suck right??)
  11. Attica
  12. Stubba / Kohmak / Bolto / Cestra (the remaining old single pistols after Marelok)
  13. Battacor
  14. Stug (ofc)
  15. Sobek (it has it's niche but by itself yeah it sucks)
  16. Pretty much every single dual pistol / ak - I think the only exception is the Akarius
  17. Talons & Castanas (Aegrit is decent, but these other variants fall flat imx)
  18. Mutalist Quanta
  19. Paracyst (omg)
  20. Sybaris
  21. Azima
  22. Quatz
  23. Hikou
  24. Embolist (? not deep into this weapon but it seems to suck)
  25. Acrid (? is there still a niche on this or is it ded?)

Opticor.. love that weapon, but I'd kinda place it with the snipers, which need some deepthink about themselves as a class maybe and what to do with all of them. I could put them all in here but... also they can be pretty strong when they come out to play, they just suck for most of the game.

As for all melee incarnon, sigh...

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All of them.

For me personaly, Stugs, and hirudo incarnons are something id wish to get. Also would be fun to see how archon melee weps would be with incarnons on them. Nepheri becomes like that decree in duvir. Every x shot launches a homing fire ball or fireballs! 

But in general , may incarnons be fun variety ,not just old pattern out of x ammount only 1 in each category are just overkills with little to no effort needed in moding.

And to throw into a mix i wouldnt mind having incarnon arch guns/melees with possibility for amps. Or even kit guns, zaws, since combined with incarnons it would open door to more variable combination of parts, but same as with everything only few would be top picks, but still.

Alt fire shouldnt be problem for weapons to have incarnon, since alt fire and incarnon activation would perfrom at same time or incarnon activation takes priority. Similar to melees, 

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30 minutes ago, CrownOfShadows said:

Penta (these all suck right??)

Secura with augument is decent.

My Vote: Dark Split-Sword 

You could actually rework its ability this way.

Edited by Zakkhar
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Give me the following:

1: Tigris

2: Sybaris

3: Zakti

4: Magnus

5: Broken War

And I'll probably be satisfied, if I had to choose only one...it would probably be the Tigris because that poor weapon needs a hand.

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23 minutes ago, Zakkhar said:

My Vote: Dark Split-Sword 

You could actually rework its ability this way.

Incarnon or not, I'd rather they just let you equip two Stance mods on it (-50% mod capacity gained for each to balance it out), and you switch between modes with a Heavy Attack.

Could even make them both Universal Stance slots as a nice bonus.

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War is kinda decent though much like Dark Split Swords they ruined it by adding IPS.

I had a War riven for years with -%Impact waiting for the disposition to go up with it being a 100% Impact weapon.


Nothing can save Zakti until they remove the Self-Stagger sadly.

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2 minutes ago, Xzorn said:

I had a War riven for years with -%Impact waiting for the disposition to go up with it being a 100% Impact weapon.


What is the point of such shenanningangs if you ruin the slash ratio by equipping tones of elemental?

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Acrid - Great gun back in the day but just powercrept nowadays.

War - Give it the Furax and Bo Incarnon treatment of getting Flashing Bleed as a Evolution to make use of all of that extra impact damage.

Ignis - Fan Favorite but it's just power crept nowadays. Has no secondary fire too.

Kestrel - it's a boomerang and the worst one out of the lot. Could also be interesting as it would also be the first Glaive one to get an Incarnon in the list.

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11 minutes ago, Zakkhar said:

What is the point of such shenanningangs if you ruin the slash ratio by equipping tones of elemental?


Because this was War's stats before when I got the Riven.


The Riven is CD/MeleeDamage/Toxic/-%Impact.
In the previous status system it was a very good role for Corrosive / Gas weight and pure Viral damage.

Fully stripping armor was simply better than relying on Bleed and still would be if Viral status wasn't way too strong.
It turned War into a pure elemental weapon with high Crit stats which is something most pure elemental weapons lacked.

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I haven't given up all hope on altfire Incarnon weapons.  But in order to keep my list to two of each primary, secondary, and melee I'll leave all of those out.  Also not trying to be balanced in terms of role or faction or whatever: just naming the ones that come to mind immediately that would excite me most to see.  (At least today.)

Grinlok, Exergis.  (Tigris deserves it more, and I admire it...but I love Exergis.)

Twin Rogga, Twin Kohmak.

Endura, Ripkas.

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Keratinos is kind of the first melee incarnon with +range on 12x heavy attack but it would be cool if it got the full incarnon treatment. 

Other melee I'd want would be dark split sword, dark dagger and boltace. 

Kohm incarnon could be a lot of fun too. 

Incarnon adapters for kitguns/zaws would also be a game changer. 

Edited by Berzerkules
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7 hours ago, Big-Eggs_ said:

What weapons do you, (the community) want? , personally in the future I would love for a Fulmin icarnon to be added, since it's my favourite primary. Or a guandao one since it's my favourite melee aesthetically.

Tigris, for me. 

It used to be a decent weapon back when 100% status was a thing. Ever since the shotgun status changes its always felt kinda unfairly nerfed.

Its unique, fun, and decent. Its not terrible. But I'd love to see it make a comeback



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