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If you were able to rework a Tileset, what would it be and how?


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So, I've been replaying the Warframe cinematic quests recently. Some of which I've not replayed in years and this question popped into my mind.


The Snowy Mountain tops in The War Within look absolutely amazing even today. Something I'd like to see more of. If the Venus/Corpus Outpost tilesets were to be given a remake I'd love The War Within's mountain sections to be a huge and major inspiration.


Two other Tilesets I can think of, I'd like Europa to be done in the style of the Empyrean Corpus Ice Mines

And for Uranus/Grineer Sea Labs I'd like there to be more Surface tiles added, currently we only have a Starter and Exit tile that takes place on the surface. Which is a shame because the Surface look absolutely amazing. Spending X amount of time in Survival during the torrential downpour would be great in my opinion.

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Corpus Ship defense I'd like to be scaled down into a smaller map.  :P 

I know that's not exactly what you're looking for with this thread.  But I can't help it: it's the first thing that came to mind.  Hell, it's the first five things that came to mind.

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I really, really, really want to have them re-do the Asteroid tileset.

While I enjoy the small tunnels and vents that connect the rooms as a concept, and while I love how non-linear some of the tiles are, they need more room for the current parkour and movement functions.

Also, there are multiple frames now that simply get their abilities ruined by the layouts there.

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1 minute ago, Tiltskillet said:

Corpus Ship defense I'd like to be scaled down into a smaller map.  :P 

I know that's not exactly what you're looking for with this thread.  But I can't help it: it's the first thing that came to mind.  Hell, it's the first five things that came to mind.

I don't blame you. Tile looks cooler, and was designed to be symmetrical yet manages to be even worse to play in.

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New corpus ship tileset. Just replace it with the old one. The new one sucks so much. Genuinely the worst defense tile they have ever done. Incomprehensible how that piece of trash made it through the design process.

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  • The Grineer Asteroid tilset I'd be fine with just some texture updates.
  • I don't really care for big open tilsets like Lua which is just a ton of empty rooms to jump through.
  • I miss the old Corpus aesthetic and think they could have kept it and just updated it. It's too bright now.
  • Corpus Ice Outpost could just use some texture updates. Not to be confused with Ice Planet/Crashed Ship.

There's actually room to add some. Output is both Pluto and Venus. Asteroid is Saturn, Sedna and Mercury.

I like Sealab despite it's short comings. It's unique to the game. Ceres has always been an old favorite.

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The grineer asteroid and corpus ice planet shipwreck tilesets need the most attention in my opinion.

More from a texture perspective than anything else, cause those are the files where the games age really shows.

Followed by the undersea tilesets that need a better pathing option.

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Eris, by a country mile, those claustrophobic hallways and vents are garbage tier.

I'd rework the tiles to be larger, and more infested looking, with different colours instead of the blinding red that makes kuva missions there 10x harder. Iso-vaults are a good example of infested tiles IMO

I'd also rework invasion tiles to have dogfights, artillery barrages etc going on in the background, to make it feel like an actual WAR. a few explosive setpieces that alter the map slightly would be neat as well.

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personally i'd prefer to expand the current tilesets. you know how some doors in the rooms of the grineer galleon tileset are always closed? i would like it if DE made them functional

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So two things

Albrecht's Laboratories: 

I'd just move this entire tileset to be its own node in the Void, I'd not change anything within the tileset itself but I'd allow you to jump into different missions in the Void itself. (The simple reason being, I don't like the idea of Albrecht's Laboratories being so close to the Infested)

The Void:

I'd heavily rework the Void completely and revamp all the Orokin Towers to be much smaller in design and heavily focused on the tileset being pristine in nature, Orokin towers that were left intact by the War, all the "traps" from the Tilesets will be heavily revamped and updated into the Security Alerts that Albrecht's Laboratories has (Rogue Culverins & Necramechs) but painted White, rather than Black. I'd also heavily reduce the number of nodes from 13 to 7

The last thing I'd change is adding a Void Hub, this hub will be completely pristine and will house its own Syndicate with Albrecht himself, who'd in Lore, move his Labs to the Void, you'll also find Aio and Authur here as well, the HUB will also lead right into 1999.

(Note: The Zarmain Ten Zero/Duviri will also be added here as well to be part of the Void)


And that's that!

Edited by Circle_of_Psi
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Earth defense. Its one of the biggest trolls in the game to put newbie players on a defense mission map where the enemies have guns and can shoot the defense target from all sides, while the higher level defense missions are much more easily defendable. And of course remove double doors from all tilesets or add the bypass vent for all of them just like the new corpus tileset has.

Edited by MaxTunnerX
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I don't like the Corpus defense tileset that much but I can live with it. What I do like to see though is that same tileset deleted for a proper Railjack version with a real defense/escort against waves of ships.

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Heavy on the Grineer Forest defense and the Orokin Void tiles. Both relics of their time.

Also, when Archwing gets its eventual control update over in 2027, I'd like the Uranus submersible tiles to change with the controls in tandem.

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Corpus Ship. I know why they reworked it but I think they went a little TOO far. Like most modern Corpus, they've shifted away from the traditional "penny pinching sheet metal" aesthetic into a more "giant cyber ornamentation" look, which I have never liked as much.

Which I could live with, if the giant ornaments weren't SO giant they made the gameplay worse. I mean just look how many people here are complaining about the defense tile

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I'd say Orokin moon. Right now the tileset is just too over the place. Some tiles are too rocky with too many alcoves, others are too nice.  While others are a mess from a 3D perspective.

Cleaning it up so that it flows smoother with better alcove management and 3D traverse would be awesome. Could also use it to help clean up some of the rarer tiles that exists on there like the speed drift room (which I know they did something similar for a really hard Kuria tile from Grineer Shipyard).

It is the only place where I am super picky about staying if the disruption lands on a certain tile (one with the floating orb bordering the void).

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2 hours ago, TARINunit9 said:

Corpus Ship. I know why they reworked it but I think they went a little TOO far. Like most modern Corpus, they've shifted away from the traditional "penny pinching sheet metal" aesthetic into a more "giant cyber ornamentation" look, which I have never liked as much.

Which I could live with, if the giant ornaments weren't SO giant they made the gameplay worse. I mean just look how many people here are complaining about the defense tile

I just finished a replay of The New War and something I noticed is fighting against the Murex fleet, the Corpus employed both Pre-Deadlock Protocal and Post-Deadlock Protocal ships, at least externally which was interesting.

Come to think of it, I think Corpus Empyrean still uses the old models still.

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Number one priority:  Nuke Corpus Ship Defense map from safe distance and make whoever designed it write "I will not try to make defense maps into oversized AI pathing mazes just because they look cool."  4 billion times on the conference room white board.

It is, hands down, the worst map in any game, ever made.  If you take into account that level design is supposed to facilitate the type of play that happens in that level, it does its job on every level so poorly that it's shocking.  From a "it's not supposed to help the player." perspective, the AI ends up spread out and trickling in, which not only makes it boring, it makes it easier because half the enemies are stuck somewhere, or just going super slow from their spawn point 6 light years away.  So from a "level design isn't supposed to make it easier on you." perspective, it makes the actual objective of defense easy.  And it makes it insanely boring and slow.  The only thing this level does well is slow down grind.  And even I'm not enough of a negative, tinfoil covered cynic to think they designed it like this to purposefully be slow.  This map is just another victim of "rule of cool."  It looks great.  It does absolutely everything else wrong though, in terms of level design.  I've never avoided a map/level like I avoid this one.

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High Priority changes

The Derelicts and Corpus Outposts need to be overhauled to fit the new aesthetics of Deimos/Isolation Vaults and Venus/Corpus Ships. They are woefully outdated tilesets, along with their enemies. Swapping in the Deimos Infested and Corpus Ship units (though preferably Orb Vallis units) would go a long way toward making those locations relevant. Adding voice lines for each location’s “syndicates” would also be a bonus from a narrative perspective.

Also, it would be nice — but not a necessity — if the Necralisk and Fortuna had the Relays’ Navigation features, but specific to Deimos and Venus. It wouldn’t need to be a direct tunnel like the Crysalith or Sanctum, but a way to get from the hubs to the missions would be a good quality of life update.


Medium priority changes

Assassination mission tilesets in general need to be a bit more unique compared to the other nodes. Without making them more complicated, the missions as a whole should feel more like you’re heading into a boss fight. This needs to extend to more than just one tile.

Low priority changes

Phobos: It’d be nice if Phobos could get its own tileset one day. Personally, I think the Sanctum hub and tileset would have fit better on Phobos (given how distinct it is from the Necralisk aesthetic), but regardless I think Phobos could use its own distinct look and personality. Maybe a Corpus asteroid? 

Mars: I really wish the Grineer settlement tileset would get an overhaul, not just a lighting rework.

Earth: I think the Grineer forest could benefit from a bit of a visual refresh, at least to bring it in line with the intro Awakening quest. It’s not a huge difference, but it is a bit better and makes it fit a little more with the Cetus environment.


Pie in the Sky changes

Not so much a tileset change as much as a star chart change, but I think the following changes would be neat:

1) Break up the Orokin/Void Tower branches. There are already four branches that connect to different planets/moons. Instead of having the Void in one location, put those branches next to the planets/moons they connect to. Furthermore, we have at least three different styles of Orokin architecture now (Lua/Classic Orokin, Cetus/“New” Orokin, and Deimos/Entrati), four if you count Duviri.  It would be neat if each different Void Tower branch reflected a different style.

2) This is a bit of a three-parter: A) More Empyrean Proximas: Mars/Phobos, Europa, Ceres, and Eris would be great, especially if Mars/Phobos was Crossfire and Eris was Infested. B) Since Empyrean missions exist, it would be neat to convert Archwing missions to surface level missions, with similar gameplay features as Empyrean missions. C) The Balor Fomorian and Razorback Fleet invasion missions should be overhauled to be like Empyrean missions.

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I would throw the entirety of either Uranus or Europa into the trash and start over from scratch.

Miserable tilesets associated with those planets, especially the underwater segments of Uranus.

As for how...honestly I'd wager I could put a bunch of random words on a dartboard, blindfold myself and toss a fistfull of darts to decide the design philosophy and it would still be an improvement.

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