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PC Update 35.5: Dante Unbound


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Very disappointed with the decision to nerf Mirage's eclipse that severely despite the community wide backlash. Welp, time to use roar instead and wait for a month before that gets nerfed too cause people switched to it after you nuked its stats by 80% for the helminth and saying its to keep it inline with roar which was only diminshed by 40% and roar also double dips while Eclipse does just weapon bonus damage.

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What's the point of opening a whole thread for discussion and feedback regarding the Eclipse helminth nerf if the dev team never responds to anything and bulldozes the initial idea through anyways? Virtue signaling to say "oh yes we heard you loud and clear, after much feedback from the players, etc etc" and feel good about a nerf that is ridiculously overboard no matter how you look at it?

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hace 33 minutos, [DE]Megan dijo:

Ostarus Headgear  
Manifest the joys of blossoming flowers and hopping Rablits in any season.

A new Auxiliary cosmetic will be hopping into the in-game Market on April 3rd @ 2 PM ET! Adorn your Warframe with a pair of floppy ears that are sure to make even the most confident of Rablits jealous. 

They feature the tech implemented in our new Kubrow Fur Updates to give them a true fluffy feel.

Unlike its seasonal predecessor (Lepus Headgear), the Ostarus Headgear is a permanent Market item and, once purchased, is yours to wear all year round!  

Note On Seasonal Items: 
The Lepus Headgear will continue to return each year to the in-game Market for Credits in its usual time-limited fashion. There are currently no plans to make other seasonal items into upgraded and permanent in-game Market items, but we may reassess that in the future. 

DE PLEASE ! Add a Toggle for Seasonal Cosmetics !!!


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still no fixes for these old bugs:

  • unable to see each other in dojo thus not being able to trade
  • mag, mirage, mesa (and in very rare cases ash) locking their abilities (and sometimes weapons)
  • ash's 4 showing wrong numbers
  • slams from operator launching you in the wrong direction or failing
  • waypoints(multiple different bugs in different areas), codex/simulacrum scans,
  • yareli bugs
  • kahl getting stuck in a rampart on a "Junk run mission"
  • "More than MAX_REMOTE_OBJECT_ID replicated entities, out of IDs"  crash
  • Moonwalk after transference (I bet still happens)
  • Sanctuary Onslaught breaking if host migraton happens right before the portal spawns
  • Different enemy spawn issues:(I prob forgot something in this list)
      Hide contents
    • Not enough enemies spawning on railjack skirmish missions, resulting in inability to finish it.
    • Vomvalysts not spawning well if you run around the map too much
    • Dargyns spawning in wrong places on Koro (Kuva fortress assault)
    • Enemies not spawning well enough on most exterminate missions(railjack, zariman and new deimos tileset are an exception). This often results in inability to get 10 reactant if you reached the objective. Often you have to run back and forth near extraction so more enemies spawn so you can finish the mission.
    • Enemies can spawn right in front of you on Lua exterminate mission(might be a feature). Same with thraxes on void cascade.
    • Enemies don't spawn after wave 570 of arbitration defence(might've been fixed, but it's hard to test it)
    • On very rare occasions a LOT(like 100) of enemies can spawn in one of the vaults of Archon spy mission on Jupiter.
    • On netracell missions: if your map has a U-shape generation(room where you kill enemies is at one end of this U), enemies can spawn on the other side of this "U", which can be up to a kilometer away.


also pls fix those cascade/thrax bugs:

  •   Hide contents
    • in cascade clients often can't see some of the void tears they cleared (this is very rare for hosts)
    • for clients, some thraxes(probably self-revived) can look like ghosts, but act like in a regular form and being immune to status effects and some abilities(can be damaged in warframe tho)
    • if you kill thraxes' physical form when they start recapturing an exoliser, they may still keep recapturing it while transforming into the ghost form.
    • thraxes are shown as invincible(grey healthbar) when they are actually not
    • sometimes killed(in physical form) thraxes can become invisible and invincible in a ghost form. they can only be noticed by sound and a minimap marker. this is quite rare, but it has ruined some people's void flood missions.
    • in very rare cases thraxes can become immune to any form armor strip(this is not the case of bug with 14 corrosive stacks)
    • in very rare cases thraxes can become invisible and invincible in a physical form, which lets them recapture exolisers
    • in rare cases there can be an invincible(but visible) ghost thrax that is doing nothing near an exoliser
    • in some cases exoliser can stop spawning at al l(same condition as exoliser delays below: 3-3-3 or 3-3-4 tile and doing it fast)

    exoliser wrong order(skips and jumps, and delays):

    • exoliser skip: instead of going in order 1-2-3-4 in a certain room, they go in the order of 1-2-4 or (1st skipped) 2-3-4. this bug is quite common
    • exoliser jump: usually happens to skipped exoliser: instead of order 1-2-3-4, it goes 3-1-2-4(3rd spawns before other three). this bug is quite rare
    • exoliser delay: when the 30s exoliser spawn timer reaches 0, it says that new exoliser has spawned when it actually hasn't. usually next exoliser spawn after the next 30s(rarely after 2 delays in a row).
      this happens very often if you do the mission fast enough in a squad and the total amount of exoliser spawn points is low(for example if you have rooms with 3, 3 and 4 spawn points).

(Also gotta check this):  during netracells if you have a U-form tile enemies can spawn up to 1km away, which makes the mission obnoxiously long

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The fog in the Drifter Camp should be scaled back as it doesn't look great.

Reminds me more of older games using heavy fog to hide a short render distance.

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16 minutes ago, Caralamelia said:

I understand you can technically stack them, but considering we are already tight in modspace why would anyone pick warrior's rest over power drift?, and anyone who isnt maxing out power strength why wouldnt they just pick power drift and a stronger ability strength mod?

I actually want MORE augments that disables the passive effect not less. Maybe even a universal one. There are so many Frames where it would be beneficial in certain situations to have the passive disabled.

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15 minutes ago, Halo said:

This does not scale anywhere near Roar, nor is it on par. Bring it back up to 150% or at least the bare minimum of 75% to even keep it remotely usable. 

"Match the Diminished Effectiveness of Rhino's Roar", what a pathetic joke. Roar scales with banes, a party-wide buff, and has been better than eclipse in that department for years. 

You just made the Helminth'd version of Eclipse WORSE than Empower. 

Again, you just made Eclipse WORSE than a base Helminth ability that the system comes with. 

Thank you so much for the update and your hard work, but this is a slap in the face, as well as a warning to anyone and everyone using the Helminth. 

No ability is safe, so prepare for more to get nerfed. They already started touching Nourish, so it's next on the chopping block. 

Honestly fine with this, eclipse only being used for the damage just feels bad on itself, we already got damage in the form of roar so why have two? why not have a strong one and one that is weaker but comes with the alternative damage reduction?

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7 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Note On Seasonal Items: 
The Lepus Headgear will continue to return each year to the in-game Market for Credits in its usual time-limited fashion. There are currently no plans to make other seasonal items into upgraded and permanent in-game Market items, but we may reassess that in the future. 

Why tho?

Make them all permanent. Most of them already are.

Add a way to hide them. Many people don't like these kinds of cosmetics, including members of your own art team!

The new two-tier ear scheme, if I'm understanding it correctly, is also... weird. I've said before that I'd gladly pay plat to keep my ears, and I will as soon as I can, but it's still weird having two ears where one is permanent and the other isn't. This is only going to cause confusion, and since you're not taking the paid ones away there's no reason to take the "free" ones away either. It's only going to make the whole affair messier, because now you're going to have people who have paid money to have ears who won't like the idea of others being able to hide them. When it's just "free" credit items it's no big deal, not like these people have much of a claim to begin with, but now there's money involved. The monkey's paw curls another crusty finger I guess... All you had to do was not run the script that takes the Lepus Headgear away. Making a second different set and still taking the Lepus Headgear away is just weird. Why do you always do this?

Edited by PublikDomain
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3 minutes ago, Numerounius said:

I actually want MORE augments that disables the passive effect not less. Maybe even a universal one. There are so many Frames where it would be beneficial in certain situations to have the passive disabled.

A fair argument but why on umbra of all frames? disabling this passive could be done by just using regular excalibur
and dont say its because of the higher stats because its mostly negligible if their passive made an actual difference on a situation
the only honest reason to go umbra over excalibur is it being free and the howl during archon hunts

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vor 39 Minuten schrieb Hikuro-93:

2. I know that some cosmetics can't be shown on other platforms they aren't allowed on (platform exclusives/tennogen). But can we have some other option other than simply reverting the forbidden item simply reversed to default?

Yes, that's making cross-save so annoying to deal with. I´m even at the point where I´m only using it as a backup if I´m traveling for days/weeks.

Even worse: It removes stuff from ALL configs not just from the currently equipped one.
Switching from PC to Switch and back to PC had me re-equipping for example the asa phased syandana on multiple configs of multiple frames...

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7 minutes ago, Caralamelia said:

Honestly fine with this, eclipse only being used for the damage just feels bad on itself

Literally nobody who uses Eclipse says this

Eclipse only being used for the damage feels POGGERS and your take is not poggers

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The new orbiter lightning is great... if you dont have any decorations in your orbiter, because if you do its a big yikes, everything is so dark and the decorations themselves besides displays pick up no light or anything, and just become lumps of coal, a few exemples:

My navigation area is all dark and i can only see displays, basically ruined.


Floofs? Lumps of coal.


My prime noggles? Not worth the aya i paid for them.


Ayatans are now just a cluster of lights.


Sad day for Ikeaframe, sad day.

Edited by Caramello
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3 minutes ago, LunarisDream said:

Literally nobody who uses Eclipse says this

Eclipse only being used for the damage feels POGGERS and your take is not poggers


Then use roar and feel poggers with it, you still got your big damage stick there, complain roar doesnt buff you as much as you want to do the big deps
and people who wanted a dual ability can still use eclipse now that is reliable which one you end up using

Edited by Caralamelia
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Oh yeah, just to add on in regards to the game functioning as a whole...

When will you, if at all possible, be fixing the game to not ban accounts on NVIDIA's GeForce, so people can run it from there? 

Your "Third Party App 2035 Ban" affected users, and GeForce has since removed Warframe from it. Will that ever be fixed, or will Warframe never be available for those who use NVIDIA GeForce? 

For reference and a TL;DR: Warframe when using third party apps in the background, can identify them as cheating clients, and thus ban your account indefinitely for using them (an example is Cheat Engine). If 'caught' using the application in the background (running) you are subject to a ban. 

GeForce only edits the config file of the game, and prompting it to remove warframe for people being banned for using is 100% ideal for players, so they stop being banned / lose their accounts. 

Just asking if you will be fixing this, or will it forever stay removed from the application. 

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13 minutes ago, Caralamelia said:

Honestly fine with this, eclipse only being used for the damage just feels bad on itself, we already got damage in the form of roar so why have two? why not have a strong one and one that is weaker but comes with the alternative damage reduction?

Not wrong, but one having the higher number and being specifically used for boss fights (PT, Eids, etc etc) was more fruitful with having both as an option. 

Only streamlining to one now is not great, lessening options as well, and now having a clear winner in the helminth damage department. 

I swear, that one dev who hates speedrunners or PT / Eid farmers just won the fight.

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5 minutes ago, Caralamelia said:

A fair argument but why on umbra of all frames? disabling this passive could be done by just using regular excalibur
and dont say its because of the higher stats because its mostly negligible if their passive made an actual difference on a situation
the only honest reason to go umbra over excalibur is it being free and the howl during archon hunts

Not everybody keeps Excalibur, and some who do prefer to play Umbra for style or lore or whatever.  And negligible or not, higher stats and Radial Howl are still reasons.

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Not sure I like the Kubrow changes, the fur changes changed colors quite a bit - more so on the "bald" type skins the fur no longer looks remote like fur, but weird little wires, there's no softness etc.

Bunny ear fur textures look much better than kubrow fur lol.


Edited by Project-Faolchu
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Even though Circuit is not part of 35.5 i hope there will be a fix for this bug:


24 minutes ago, Megazawr said:

still no fixes for these old bugs:

  • unable to see each other in dojo thus not being able to trade
  • mag, mirage, mesa (and in very rare cases ash) locking their abilities (and sometimes weapons)
  • ash's 4 showing wrong numbers
  • slams from operator launching you in the wrong direction or failing
  • waypoints(multiple different bugs in different areas), codex/simulacrum scans,
  • yareli bugs
  • kahl getting stuck in a rampart on a "Junk run mission"
  • "More than MAX_REMOTE_OBJECT_ID replicated entities, out of IDs"  crash
  • Moonwalk after transference (I bet still happens)
  • Sanctuary Onslaught breaking if host migraton happens right before the portal spawns
  • Different enemy spawn issues:(I prob forgot something in this list)
      Reveal hidden contents
    • Not enough enemies spawning on railjack skirmish missions, resulting in inability to finish it.
    • Vomvalysts not spawning well if you run around the map too much
    • Dargyns spawning in wrong places on Koro (Kuva fortress assault)
    • Enemies not spawning well enough on most exterminate missions(railjack, zariman and new deimos tileset are an exception). This often results in inability to get 10 reactant if you reached the objective. Often you have to run back and forth near extraction so more enemies spawn so you can finish the mission.
    • Enemies can spawn right in front of you on Lua exterminate mission(might be a feature). Same with thraxes on void cascade.
    • Enemies don't spawn after wave 570 of arbitration defence(might've been fixed, but it's hard to test it)
    • On very rare occasions a LOT(like 100) of enemies can spawn in one of the vaults of Archon spy mission on Jupiter.
    • On netracell missions: if your map has a U-shape generation(room where you kill enemies is at one end of this U), enemies can spawn on the other side of this "U", which can be up to a kilometer away.


also pls fix those cascade/thrax bugs:

  •   Reveal hidden contents
    • in cascade clients often can't see some of the void tears they cleared (this is very rare for hosts)
    • for clients, some thraxes(probably self-revived) can look like ghosts, but act like in a regular form and being immune to status effects and some abilities(can be damaged in warframe tho)
    • if you kill thraxes' physical form when they start recapturing an exoliser, they may still keep recapturing it while transforming into the ghost form.
    • thraxes are shown as invincible(grey healthbar) when they are actually not
    • sometimes killed(in physical form) thraxes can become invisible and invincible in a ghost form. they can only be noticed by sound and a minimap marker. this is quite rare, but it has ruined some people's void flood missions.
    • in very rare cases thraxes can become immune to any form armor strip(this is not the case of bug with 14 corrosive stacks)
    • in very rare cases thraxes can become invisible and invincible in a physical form, which lets them recapture exolisers
    • in rare cases there can be an invincible(but visible) ghost thrax that is doing nothing near an exoliser
    • in some cases exoliser can stop spawning at al l(same condition as exoliser delays below: 3-3-3 or 3-3-4 tile and doing it fast)

    exoliser wrong order(skips and jumps, and delays):

    • exoliser skip: instead of going in order 1-2-3-4 in a certain room, they go in the order of 1-2-4 or (1st skipped) 2-3-4. this bug is quite common
    • exoliser jump: usually happens to skipped exoliser: instead of order 1-2-3-4, it goes 3-1-2-4(3rd spawns before other three). this bug is quite rare
    • exoliser delay: when the 30s exoliser spawn timer reaches 0, it says that new exoliser has spawned when it actually hasn't. usually next exoliser spawn after the next 30s(rarely after 2 delays in a row).
      this happens very often if you do the mission fast enough in a squad and the total amount of exoliser spawn points is low(for example if you have rooms with 3, 3 and 4 spawn points).

(Also gotta check this):  during netracells if you have a U-form tile enemies can spawn up to 1km away, which makes the mission obnoxiously long

yep.... Moonwalk bug still happens to this day, i have experienced that bug constantly (especially when in a session with high ping)

Edited by xMarvin732
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1小时前 , [DE]Megan 说:

The process of Ascent Fusion allows for three Archon Shards of the same type to be fused together to create a single Tauforged Shard.

even 2 upgrade to 1 tau shard is a huge cost. But 3 to 1?  Way too much man.

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The new lighting looks neat, but the MASSIVE amount of dust particles in the orbiter makes me feel genuinely ill. Turning off Volumetric Lighting/Fog and even turning down "Wear and Tear" doesn't seem to fix that. They were annoying before, but now they're so overwhelming I actually started reflexively coughing when I first logged in. Please, please, PLEASE let us have a clean house.

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