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With the release of Dante, Trinity falls further into irrelevancy in terms of her niché


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With each update adding additional survival tools to our arsenals, the niché of healers becomes less and less relevant. From arcanes to [Spoiler Mode] to squad healing pizzas to overshields and shieldgating, Trinity has always been fighting an uphill battle in terms of being relevant. To this day, the one aspect of her's that seperates her from the others is her ability to heal certain objectives, yet the only time where that is ever arguably necessary is when one decides to take her to Vomalyst hunts. As amazing as it is for our Frames to have the capability of surviving on their own, this should at least make you ask yourself: "What purpose does a healer serve in a world where everyone heals and shields as well as the healer?"



  • Well of Life: (Trinity causes an enemy to be incapacitated, allies who attack this enemy regain health.) This ability has not aged well whatsoever and is heavily outclassed by another ability she has in the same kit, which is very confusing. Trinity cannot heal someone who is max health, nor should she ever need to, and yet her 4th ability allows her to give everyone resistances AND max their health and shields on command, making Well of Life a very unnecessary ability.


"Its the ability you helminth away!" Thats correct! It is, and yet there are no abilities Trinity ever gets to helminth into her kit beyond grouping abilities that really synergize with the rest of her kit. Even after using a grouping ability, Trinity must rely on her arsenal instead of her abilities to deal damage and yet none of her abilities actually boost her arsenal's damage either...


  • Energy Vampire: (Trinity causes an enemy to pulse at regular intervals, causing all allies within range to regain energy. If the enemy dies early, all of the pulses are released at once.) No complaints here whatsoever. This ability was once incredibly dominant within the meta due to the scarcity of energy resources, nowadays she sits neatly with the rest of the tools we have.


  • Link: (Trinity links herself up to 3 enemies who take a portion of the damage she takes post-mitigation while she reduces 75% of the damage taken.) If you'd ask me, this is her most depressing ability, not due to the concept but due to the execution of it. This is the one ability that could have made her into a better frame by turning her into a proper Tank who takes the aggro and eases things up for the rest of her team without things starting and ending there. The 3 enemies limit is very dated as we fight hordes of up to hundreds, which affects her augments a lot, and the damage Link does being post-mitigation entirely means that it barely ever does damage. To add to this, it's duration is so short that a Trinity without a lot of casting speed will be staring at her animations more so than actual gameplay in most cases. It is so close to being an ability that would define her, yet it falls short incredibly hard.


  • Blessing: (Trinity heals 100% of health and shields of all allies within range, providing 75% damage reduction to all those are affected.) Its a rather straight forward ability, everyone becomes tankier and gets healed. It outclasses her first ability by a long shot due to the availability of it and the tacked on damage reduction. The only problem that this ability faces is one of the problems that haunt Link as well, it's duration is abyssmal and forces the player to use ability casting speed shards and mods. Besides that, its a solid ability.



While Trinity may not have a place in the meta anymore as she once did in her prime, this doesn't mean that DE abandoned her completely. They have given her two augments that are incredibly close to making her fun to use again, yet both of them fall short for rather disappointing reasons which I will touch upon.

  • Abating Link: Trinity strips ALL armor from the enemies she is linked to. This is her only tool for armor strip and is a rather fun mod to use. The problems with it come from the fact that other frames like Ember will armor strip entire rooms by the time the 3 enemies she is linked to being stripped ever starts to matter. This is a more intrinsic problem with her Link ability being incredibly limitted rather than it being a problem with the augment.

  • Champion's Blessing: For each percentile of health restored for both herself and allies, Trinity gains critical chance on her primary and secondary. This augment, as fun as it conceptually is, is very incredibly clunky to use. Warframe has evolved to a point where mitigating damage is in most cases the only tool we have, and relying on our health pool is the last resort for a lot of frames. Relying on teammates or companions to take damage in most cases turns into a rather frustrating experience, and the fact that it doesn't affect melee weapons only adds to it being a more niché option for a frame that is all about survival. The addition of overshields on newer Warframes unfortunately makes this augment downright unusable in most cases.


What could be done:

There are a couple of fixes that definitely can be added to her without any problems, these being;

  • Her ability durations should be higher to match the current precedent set by the newer Warframes

  • Her Link enemy cap should be vastly increased to make Abating Link a more reliable option

  • Her Champion's Blessing should be allowed to work on Melee weapons in the very least

  • Her first ability should be reworked entirely into something that provides her with an ability to either force enemies to attack her or to synergize with the rest of her kit, such as an ability to send shockwaves through her link ability to damage all who are currently connected to her in a short aoe.

  • Her Link ability should deal damage pre-damage mitigation provided by Link, as it defeats the damage aspect of it entirely.



I love Trinity, I adored playing her when I first started and I still love playing her. Seeing newer frames like Sytanax and Dante provide overshields that cause her Champion's Blessing not work whatsoever and make her 4th and 3rd ability be irrelevant hurts and I'd love to at least make her work within her niché or evolve beyond it. Thank you for reading.

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Personally, I think Trinity is fine.  She's not breaking the meta, but she's able to bring great utility to any squad she's in.  When a Trinity is in my group, I am very happy.

And that's not because I can't stay alive myself or because my energy economy is in shambles, but it's because I no longer have to devote any of my brain to survival or sustainability.  I can be the most careless goof-goof in town, spraying abilities non-stop while running face-first into danger, and that's a blast.  Thank you, Trinity!

I think the only potential issue with Trinity is that she gives her whole party a free pass to spam abilities but she herself doesn't really have anything fun to spam.  Though the fact that you can use Helminth to give her something like Thermal Sunder arguably lessens the need for that.

I imagine a new Augment or some reworks of her existing Augments could probably breathe new life into her, but at the core she's a great tank and a great babysitter frame.  And for those who really want to push the envelope with squad design, Trinity can allow your squad mates to treat sustainability as a dump stat and thus pour all of their build resources into maximizing offense, resulting in some powerful builds for team play.


1 hour ago, Nekma said:

"Its the ability you helminth away!" Thats correct! It is, and yet there are no abilities Trinity ever gets to helminth into her kit beyond grouping abilities that really synergize with the rest of her kit. Even after using a grouping ability, Trinity must rely on her arsenal instead of her abilities to deal damage and yet none of her abilities actually boost her arsenal's damage either...

Unless I'm missing something, Trinity's kit doesn't meaningfully synergize with grouping abilities.  The only thing I can think of is having 3 enemies in range for Link, though in my experience it generally takes effort not to be near 3 enemies, and in the rare case I'm not I can just walk up to them (which isn't stopped by Overguard).

If you want a Helminth that boosts Trinity's arsenal, the stats most Trinity players build for perfectly align with an ability like Roar, which not only buffs her damage output but further enhances her team.

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She's hardly irrelevant. She's just clunky. Something they can fix with animation tweaks.

  • Well of Life is an instant Helmith. Status immunity doesn't really matter when you're giving the group flat DR.
  • Link needs more targets.

The rest is just duration issues. If you invest heavily into her it's not even that bad but obviously could be better.
I do agree Champion's Blessing should be a universal Crit buff. She's actually pretty solid as melee.

I use Cast Speed Shards on a lot of frames personally.

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2 hours ago, Nekma said:

To this day, the one aspect of her's that seperates her from the others is her ability to heal certain objectives, yet the only time where that is ever arguably necessary is when one decides to take her to Vomalyst hunts.

Oberon could already heal Lures too

Trinity is only bad if you need to get most kills and damage among the squad. In which case yeah she's terrible. But is that really how you want to grade your frames? 

I prefer to grade frames on a different metric: how well do they do in the Undercroft? If I'm going to be farming Pathos Clamps, how reliably can my frame get me past a random Defense or Assassinate?

And by that metric Trinity is doing A-OK. Link and Blessing means that I can keep the pressure off the objective and focus on killing, and I can last long enough to shoot out Jackal's legs

(In fact, you know who has trouble getting a passing grade under my system? Nyx. The mighty have fallen out of God tier, there's too much overguard so the enemies aren't being CC'D properly)

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I've already been over this topic endlessly, so I'm not really feeling like getting into it again (especially since I doubt DE will ever give Trinity the couple simple QoL adjustments she needs). However, there's one thing in your post I need to correct, as it's wrong:

2 hours ago, Nekma said:
  • Abating Link: Trinity strips ALL armor from the enemies she is linked to. This is her only tool for armor strip and is a rather fun mod to use. The problems with it come from the fact that other frames like Ember will armor strip entire rooms by the time the 3 enemies she is linked to being stripped ever starts to matter. This is a more intrinsic problem with her Link ability being incredibly limitted rather than it being a problem with the augment.

Abating Link is not an armor strip effect, it's an armor reduction effect. The distinction is important to make, as the two are not the same.

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I stopped maining her when I started playing again last month. She does seem pretty irrelevant. I have no use for her anymore. 
I’ve tried a few times to use her again but the squad never needed the heals. 
even doing the circuit her abilities were not needed much. I just unlocked SP and was thinking “is this her time to shine?” We will see

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well of life make healing passive, damage to the target temporary buffs hp, bring her more in line with wisp while keeping her healing different  / unique still

energy vampire, how about at full energy it restore shields or creates overshield? fits with lore that shields can be used to power those escort missions so it should work inreverse too?

link, should have scaling reflected damage similar to gara / octavia, or maybe ticks from it can just apply random status ? it would make her a LOT less painful if this thing had a higher base duration or automatically got refreshed when you cast blessing similar to gara 2 + 4

blessing DR could do with a longer duration, I agree with what Unstar said, she dosn't have anything fun to spam

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She is not the only frame with outdated/useless passive so I'm not gonna comment on that.

I think all she need is some little tweaks

  • slightly increase base duration across the board
  • Energy Vampire need to scale inversely with duration. It doesn't make sense having to build negative duration for just one ability. The damage part could synergize somewhat with Link by spreading the damage to all linked enemies.
  • Link number of targets need to scale with duration/strength whatever
  • Champion's Blessing need to consider all three form of sustain she can provide, so it should include Energy and Shields. Health alone make the augment worthless.





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Having her 1st ability work similar to what Kullervo and Dagath could do would be nice. Like, you can mark groups of targets that give lifsteal when damaging them. (If on full health, lifesteal % instead gets converted to extra damage on that target?) On-kill effect grants overguard and/or has a chance to drop universal orbs?

Shooting linked enemies spreads the effect, and Blessing gets a bonus duration increase based on the amount of marked enemies in affinity range?

Edited by CalvinaPrime
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2 hours ago, RubberJohnny7 said:

I stopped maining her when I started playing again last month. She does seem pretty irrelevant. I have no use for her anymore. 
I’ve tried a few times to use her again but the squad never needed the heals. 
even doing the circuit her abilities were not needed much. I just unlocked SP and was thinking “is this her time to shine?” We will see


I've had the opposite interaction. The longer SP Circuit goes on the closer the team hangs around my Roar Trinity.

Healing isn't what she does though. I get if there's some top off sometimes but Blessing should have 100% up-time.

Blessing also makes her immortal now if you're willing to micromanage it with EV.

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I agree that link needs a longer duration and it could certainly redirect damage better. I would say if they don’t change how it redirects damage, it could target an absurd number of enemies and still not really do much. But if it redirected damage at the value enemies deal it, I’d say 3-5 foes is fine, especially with abating link’s armor reduction. 
Well of life could use some changes, it isn’t needed with blessing restoring more health, and restoring shields and giving damage reduction to boot. Well of life is pretty comparable to blood altar, honestly- a disable on a single enemy, with an AoE HoT. The main differences are as follows;

-Blood altar gives % HP/sec and no additional effects

-well of life restores a set amount of HP/sec and prevents status effects, with the option of shooting the target for life stealing additional health.

This means that at high HP max, blood altar is a stronger heal. At lower health maxes though, well of life comes out on top, with extra effects to boot. 

While well of life is not very useful on trinity, it’s a solid helminth option for people looking for healing abilities. If you want a healing potential comparison, the health/sec alone is  over 3x higher than wisp’s health reservoir at base. Basically- the problem is not the skill itself, it is the lack of usefulness on her kit (to the point where it’s been a meme for a long time, and I totally get it).

I will say that trinity overall is still very useful and relevant- just not as much in public missions.

my clan and I will coordinate our setups for high level endurance runs, and as others have said, a good trinity lets people forget about survivability (to a certain extent) and energy economy, freeing up space for other things (like more power strength! I love my ember build specifically designed for use with a trinity!)

The animation roots and long cast times are a bit painful and reminders of what many other frame’s abilities used to feel like though, and could certainly use a touch. If not the cast times (at least we have mods and archon shards for that), addressing the roots would be nice. 

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