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Instantly Knowing Where The Demolisher is Kinda Kills Disruption

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4 minutes ago, rahetalius4.2.0CE said:

I can't wait till you get a response saying that "stereo doesn't equal directionality" like the one I got in the last page

Yeah, saw that and had to roll my eyes.

Sure it's not "true" directionality without a surround sound system, but it's still pretty close.
It's not hard to tell "Sound is louder on the right side, so I need to head in that direction and because there is all of 1 hallway in that direction I know exactly where the demolyst is coming from...."


The only map that could sometimes get a tad bit confusing on was in the kuva fortress, and even then it wasn't a huge problem as you could see the red pulses through the walls/floors there if you were close enough to hear the beeps.


And even then the OP is trying so hard to go "But my sound setup was purposefully bad, and now I can see the marker clearly!  That ruins the game mode!!!"
I mean they are seriously complaining that their low game volume and bad speaker setup now no longer hampers the gameplay of the mode and acting like the solution is somehow a negative because they can no longer make it problematic for themselves....

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2 minutes ago, Tsukinoki said:

And even then the OP is trying so hard to go "But my sound setup was purposefully bad, and now I can see the marker clearly!  That ruins the game mode!!!"

Oh wow they were even purposely using a bad sound set up? 

OP has the nerve to call others clowns, while they're the entire freaking Circus. 

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9 minutes ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

Oh wow they were even purposely using a bad sound set up? 

OP has the nerve to call others clowns, while they're the entire freaking Circus. 

I mean how else are you supposed to take the bits about how the beeping was obscured by other sounds (it's quite loud unless you lower game sound effects to listen to the games music or other music in general), and how they couldn't tell what direction the sound was coming from (which means either a mono sound setup, or just a very bad stereo sound setup)?

It's either that or the OP doesn't have the greatest hearing.


In either case they could have achieved what the visual marker does by adjusting their sound levels to prioritizing the beeps over other things, and at about the same range and efficacy as well.

It's just that the visual marker makes it so that you don't have to do that (if you even can depending on your setup and/or hearing issues) and puts you on level standing with the people with a good sound setup and/or no hearing impairments at all.


Sure, this change makes it easier if you muted the in game sounds to listen to out of game music/video/whatever....but at that point it's just undoing you purposefully making your experience worse.
If you didn't do that though?  It doesn't really change anything in any noticeable way as you play the same way you always did: Run around till you can hear the beeps and then you know exactly where to go.  Which is the exact same experience that players had in the past.

Once the very first beeps sounded all of the "tension, suspense, exploration - even a little danger" that the OP stated was so great about the game mode, instantly vanished...and the visual marker doesn't really change that fact in any noticeable way since it has the same range and requirements of actually hearing the in game beeping.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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15 minutes ago, Venus-Venera said:

its good for people who play without sound...

but i liked version without indicator. at least there was some challenge

I'd like to avoid repeating more continuations of things said before, so I'd like you to look at atleast page 5 and 6, (you can read others too! just saying this because this is where I've posted about this, besides the first comment on page 1)

But the 'challenge' wasn't taken away with the visual indicator, as, maybe this is a personal thing, but I never had issues hearing and directing myself the audio cue, and even after the visual element (which flickers in the same beat as the beeping) was added, it didn't change much since the audio range and visual range are the same, I hear the bwomp bwomp getting closer, I hear which ear it's in, I home in.

Edited by rahetalius4.2.0CE
changed wording of second sentence a bit.
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19 hours ago, CrownOfShadows said:

Before: players had to test several paths and listen for the demolisher. When thought they found it, they went further down that path to go confirm it. Even then, due to some quirks of architecture and sound carrying through tile sets you were never really sure until you actually saw it.

Now: players activate a conduit and know exactly where the demolisher is and they just run to it to kill it.

The thing is they didnt. You only needed to use that if the old system ran into one of the frequent bugs tied to mini-map tracking. When the visual tracking worked it was nearly identical to how it works now, with the exception of the tracker being a tiny arrow on the mini-map instead of an OSD marker in your combat view. When the tracker worked, the moment a demo came within the same range as it does now, it would light up on the mini-map. The issue is that it was bugged in most cases and either gave away the position directly or not working at all.

So it seems more that you werent really aware of the mechanics and the bugs of the old system. What we got was a major bug fix and easier accessibility to the visual queue, since a tiny red arrow among other bigger arrows isnt exactly easy to pinpoint.

When I did Kappa yesterday two of the conduits were in the long room (down on the walkway by pillar and up near one of the doors) with the "holo pit/computer station" and "engine cylinders". One conduit (the lower one) had the demo spawn tied to the right door as you face the holo-pit/computer stations. The visual indicator for it didnt show until I had made my way out through the door, into the massive room with the two huge machines (the ones where there is usually a mob defense location in between) and started to run towards the left hand doorway (right hand there are two doors up the stairs by the floor vents)), and when I reached the bottom of the stairs the icon popped and showed I was heading in the right direction.

The second conduit also required me to move a bit, not as much, but down the slope into the upper part of the "hangar", to the right and down the stairs towards the right hand door. The icon popped as I was on the walkway just above the hallway/door.

If this was the old system and it worked reliably I would have seen arrows on the map instead when reaching those locations. So same risk that the enemy could have come from an opposite direction with that huge room as the conduit room. The old system could have also shown me the exact location directly by me wobbling around with the map, or it might have not shown me at all. Neither of those two would be intended by design though.

Edited by SneakyErvin
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13 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

So it seems more that you werent really aware of the mechanics and the bugs of the old system. What we got was a major bug fix and easier accessibility to the visual queue, since a tiny red arrow among other bigger arrows isnt exactly easy to pinpoint.

So this all boils down to the OP:
A) Not having the best sound system (or purposefully making the game quieter and thinking that is how it was supposed to be played)
B) Not knowing the actual mechanics and bugs of the mode
And then from both of those combined coming to the conclusion that it was supposed to work a specific way without directional stereo audio cues or anything else that made finding the demolyst trivially easy (which were already in the game), and then complaining that DE "killed" the game mode by putting everyone on equal standing with each other and making the mode work consistently like it was intended to work.

And at the same time saying "DE could have fixed it all and changed some things such as the visual indicator while at the same time not changing the mode!" (which makes no sense, saying that DE should make a change that doesn't change anything?)


Did I miss anything of substance there?

22 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

When I did Kappa yesterday two of the conduits were in the long room (down on the walkway by pillar and up near one of the doors) with the "holo pit/computer station" and "engine cylinders". One conduit (the lower one) had the demo spawn tied to the right door as you face the holo-pit/computer stations. The visual indicator for it didnt show until I had made my way out through the door, into the massive room with the two huge machines (the ones where there is usually a mob defense location in between) and started to run towards the left hand doorway (right hand there are two doors up the stairs by the floor vents)), and when I reached the bottom of the stairs the icon popped and showed I was heading in the right direction.

Confirms my finding in a ton of the maps.

If the demolyst spawns more than 1 or 2 rooms away from the conduit (which is the vast majority of the time) you actually have to move in the right direction in order to get a fix on the minimap.
Which is what you had to do when you were relying on sound cues in the old system.

The only time it's noticeable with the changes are when the demolyst happens to spawn literally next door to the conduit, which doesn't really happen all that often.

It also had a minor effect on the kuva fortress tileset in some of the multi-floored rooms to make it easier to pin-point the demolyst...but usually when that matters you'll see the red pulses through the walls or floor and know where it is anyways so it's not like it gives away the game there either.

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On 2024-03-31 at 6:31 AM, CrownOfShadows said:

Thanks for not reading anything. The visual indicator IS A GOOD CHANGE. That's not the problem.

Thanks for having such a charming personality friend. 


On 2024-03-31 at 7:07 AM, CrownOfShadows said:

Funny, that's the same vibe I got off you. One of us is selfish and one of cares about the game. I'll let you figure out which is which.

This comment is just absurd.

Disagreeing with you doesnt mean someone "doesnt care about the game" and is just selfish. That's a petty nonsense argument.

But back to my other reply.


Its like you wanna have your cake and eat it too and dont see the inherent problem.

You claim the visual indicator isnt a bad change but you wanna gripe about knowing where the demolisher is too easily.


But bruh. 


Its like you havent considered that any visual indicator of where its coming from, is gonna give it away. Period. You cant have it both ways. If some visual indicator in some way tells me where the demolisher is the jig is up. 

Even if it was a vague "general direction" kind of thing with tile sets being the way they are theres only so many places it could be.




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10 minutes ago, Tsukinoki said:

Did I miss anything of substance there?

Nope, sounds about right. I'm fairly sure if DE had just fixed the mini-map tracker OP would have still made this thread and claimed DE killed disruption.

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5 minutes ago, Aldain said:

I honestly can't believe this thread is still going.

I know right? I have hearing impairment and the QoL change has been a drastic improvement in my ability to play one of my favorite endurance game modes. These short sighted kinds of posts kind of let me know just how self centered some people are. Even when it was alluded by DE that these and other recent beneficial changes were intended to help everyone enjoy the game. 

I'd suppose people complain just to complain. 

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7 minutes ago, Aruquae said:

It’s the new “nuke builds are ruining gameplay enjoyment” 

The sad thing is that the complaint about nuke spam at least has some basic foundation to it, this thread is just...complaining about a QoL change like it somehow ruined everything.

This thread gives me the same vibe as the ones that showed up in certain corners of the internet when they added map markers to characters you've already met in Elden Ring, complaining that it somehow ruined the game or whatnot.

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8 minutes ago, Aldain said:

The sad thing is that the complaint about nuke spam at least has some basic foundation to it, this thread is just...complaining about a QoL change like it somehow ruined everything.

Mmm I agree, except the thread wasn’t like that towards the end


8 minutes ago, Aldain said:

This thread gives me the same vibe as the ones that showed up in certain corners of the internet when they added map markers to characters you've already met in Elden Ring, complaining that it somehow ruined the game or whatnot.

Agreed, complaining about a QoL… I wonder if op’s ever done disruption with their game muted. And if they did, good for you OP, good for you.

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7 hours ago, Tsukinoki said:

To answer your questions:

  1. As I mentioned in the post: 1 to 2 rooms roughly.  That's it.
    Further it's funny how you complain that you can't hear it as well as other people...and then go on to defend that like that's a good thing?  Honestly with the marker you're getting the experience of someone with a good sound setup and the other sounds set to low/muted (not how I play personally but there are people who do that for various reasons)
  2. Here's the thing: in 90-95% of cases, if you could hear the sound at all you knew exactly where it was coming from!  So how is the visual marker at that point any different?
    Especially since the marker fades in and out with the audio cue, meaning that between the series of beeps you have no clue where the demo is?
  3. So basically you're saying "Hey, if I gimp myself by muting the in game audio the visual cue completely undoes that!!!!!"  And at that point I have to ask if you're actually being completely serious here.
    You're complaining that the visual cue puts you on level ground with the players who don't intentionally gimp their experience in the game mode.  And acting like that is a bad thing for some reason?
  4. The audio has always been directional in a good stereo setup.  You could quite easily tell "Oh the demo is coming down on the right hand hallway, so head there and find it...."
    And again, if you were within the range to actually hear the cue you could already tell what direction the demo was in 90-95% of the time anyways due to how simple and straightforward the maps are in this game.  There wasn't any great amount of guess-work with the sound cues before, this just levels the playing fields between the people who had no problems with the sound cue system and the people that did.
  5. And it works roughly the same here!  If the beeping would be blocked in game so it wouldn't play on your end it won't create an icon on the map to follow in game!  Further if the sound fades away or is cut off and you haven't gotten within sight of the demolyst the icon disappears as well, leaving you in the dark until the beeping starts again!
    Which is essentially how it worked before, just again with a leveled playing experience that doesn't screw over people who can't hear the beeps for one reason or another!

Let's see.

  1. "Auditory Range". My entire point here is that your argument rests heavily on this and yet it is entirely subjective. It changes based on a user's hardware, their sound settings, the game environment and their own personal hearing which is different for everyone. So unless you have a hard statistic that says the auditory range around a demolisher is a certain number of game meters this is a meaningless metric. For all we know the entire map is in "auditory range" in a technical sense since the sound probably is never fully deactivated. I never complained that I couldn't hear it, you made that up.
  2. Sounds start low.  You say that when you hear a sound - no matter what volume it is - you know exactly where it's coming from. This is of course false. If this was true nobody would've been running around looking for it, they would just go directly to it on the first beep. Again, I don't even feel the need to prove this (even though I already did) because it is so obviously true that you could ask anyone and they would readily say that yeah, they had to move around to learn it's direction. Yes, experienced players like myself can rapidly narrow it down because of our map knowledge and experience (and actually more often than not we are fully anticipating based on experience and not any information), but even so we still had a small period of time where we had to look a bit and would sometimes go the wrong way. I really don't understand why you are denying this.
  3. Audio environment. You don't appear to address the issue at all, I'm honestly not sure what tangent you're going on here. There are other sounds in the game besides the demolisher and most players don't go in and adjust their sound settings every time they play disruption, so the demolisher sounds must compete with the environment, enemies, weapons, warframes, etc. What about this fact are you trying to fight exactly?
  4. Stereo & Direction. You and others seem to be missing the point here, or you are confusing proximity with stereo. If you are standing at the conduit, and let's say in theory the audio reached you there (which of course it does not and never has, cough), then you would not be able to ascertain its direction even if it was at full volume. The only reason you get stereo information is by moving at the appropriate angle relative to the source, and even then it is imperfect as you yourself admitted, otherwise, again, we would've never taken a false path, we would've just run directly at it. Proximity is actually more impactful than the stereo. I wish I could turn off the proximity and the visual indicators so you could play with nothing but stereo so you could see how unhelpful it really is. When you checked a path, stereo would never confirm it, proximity is what confirms it. The reason is that when you are going to check a path, you are facing the potential demolisher, and so you don't get stereo feedback. It's about orientation relative to the source. I understand if this is too technical for you, but proximity is what is informing you much more than stereo. Again, I'm not saying stereo doesn't play a role - it does, it's just not the deciding factor in narrowing down a sound's source. It can help you choose left or right if you are oriented at right angles (or close to perpendicular), but otherwise it's not doing anything for you. If you hear a loud sound outside right now, would you know what direction it was? The real answer is that it depends on your angle to the source and the frequency and duration of the sound, because your ears work by calculating the difference in time between a sound being received in one ear compared to the other. If a sound wave hits you from the front, your ears would not know what direction it came from because it receives the wave simultaneously in both receivers (your ears). If it came from directly to your right, lasted a while, and was of good frequency, you would know it was to the right. I hope this helps you understand the issue. If a demolisher is in front of you, or even broadly in the direction ahead of you (or behind you), the usefulness of it drops to zero. When considering all this, you need to further account for points 1 & 3 which further compound with this. All that said, you failed to address the other two points raised here: that visual feedback gives you a precise vector and a precise location. All the stereo information in the world will never give you a precise vector, that's not how sounds and our ears work. It's always approximate. And all the stereo and proximity in the world will never give you a precise location for the same reasons.
  5. Icon vs Beeping, Blocked. While this may be true, there is still a difference and it is that when you see an icon you know exactly where you need to go even after it is blocked or stopped. With audio, you go in that direction to check, but you don't have precise information, so you aren't sure and you have to wait to verify. Uncertainty vs certainty.

As for the rest of your post after that:

8 hours ago, Tsukinoki said:

I mean seriously, you're complaining that a feature that levels the playing field is ruining the game mode and then utterly refusing to actually approach the conversation like a rational person when presented with evidence to the contrary.

Funny, I thought it was you refusing to approach the conversation like a rational person when presented with evidence to the contrary. Gaslighting is a hell of a drug, eh?

8 hours ago, Tsukinoki said:

The game mode hasn't been ruined.

Hek it hasn't even been noticeably changed with the addition.

Speak for yourself, I'm deeply disappointed in this change and the mode is much less enjoyable to play now.

9 hours ago, Tsukinoki said:

And to see you try to argue "But if your sound setup was terrible or you couldn't hear the sounds you don't deserve to know where the demolyst is coming from!!!' is kinda sad honestly.

Oh? Where did I argue that? What's sad is you putting words in my mouth, honestly. You do it several times throughout your post and that's not cool.

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I think game devs in general are just really trying to keep the casual market in their games and casuals really just want simple things, easy things so you see a lot of games now days making things shorter or easier to do. 

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On 2024-04-01 at 4:02 PM, ECCHOSIERRA said:

Thanks for having such a charming personality friend. 

You're welcome. Try to read before posting next time.


On 2024-04-01 at 3:53 PM, Tsukinoki said:

So this all boils down to the OP:
A) Not having the best sound system (or purposefully making the game quieter and thinking that is how it was supposed to be played)

I never said anything about my sound system.

On 2024-04-01 at 3:53 PM, Tsukinoki said:

B) Not knowing the actual mechanics and bugs of the mode

Or maybe I am well aware of them? What are you basing this on? Your desire to put me in the ground?

On 2024-04-01 at 3:53 PM, Tsukinoki said:

And then from both of those combined coming to the conclusion that it was supposed to work a specific way without directional stereo audio cues or anything else that made finding the demolyst trivially easy (which were already in the game), and then complaining that DE "killed" the game mode by putting everyone on equal standing with each other and making the mode work consistently like it was intended to work.

I never said this.

On 2024-04-01 at 3:53 PM, Tsukinoki said:

And at the same time saying "DE could have fixed it all and changed some things such as the visual indicator while at the same time not changing the mode!" (which makes no sense, saying that DE should make a change that doesn't change anything?)


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vor 20 Minuten schrieb CrownOfShadows:

If this was true nobody would've been running around looking for it, they would just go directly to it on the first beep.

And this is exactly what people who had a good audio setup did. This is literally what happened.

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Just now, Drachnyn said:

And this is exactly what people who had a good audio setup did. This is literally what happened.

Define "good audio setup" in more detail please. Sound system, sound options settings, etc. How elitist is this?

I can guarantee the playerbase at large, including myself, were searching.

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Gerade eben schrieb CrownOfShadows:

Define "good audio setup" in more detail please. Sound system, sound options settings, etc. How elitist is this?

I can guarantee the playerbase at large, including myself, were searching.

Elitist is trying to keep this level of demo locating locked behind a good audio setup. The change DE made has instead equalized the playing field for all players. You no longer need to turn off music, put on headphones and have good hearing to make use of the best demo signal the game provides. I know tons of people rather listened to music. Others had hearing problems. They are now no longer disadvantaged in disruption.

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1 minute ago, Drachnyn said:

Elitist is trying to keep this level of demo locating locked behind a good audio setup. The change DE made has instead equalized the playing field for all players. You no longer need to turn off music, put on headphones and have good hearing to make use of the best demo signal the game provides. I know tons of people rather listened to music. Others had hearing problems. They are now no longer disadvantaged in disruption.

For the millionth time now... I am fully in support of adding visual feedback.

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28 minutes ago, CrownOfShadows said:
6 hours ago, Tsukinoki said:

And at the same time saying "DE could have fixed it all and changed some things such as the visual indicator while at the same time not changing the mode!" (which makes no sense, saying that DE should make a change that doesn't change anything?)


What you said here:

On 2024-03-31 at 5:53 AM, CrownOfShadows said:

What is this like the 12th time now I've had to say that the VISUAL FEEDBACK IS GOOD but you don't need to change the game mode to have visual feedback.

Which amounts to "Hey this change in the game mode is good, but they could have done it without changing the game mode!"

Which makes no sense what-so-ever.

A visual cue is going to change the game mode....since it is a change to the game mode.

You can't go "Hey, I don't mind DE making this change, but they could have made this change without changing things." and expect people to understand what you're saying.

28 minutes ago, CrownOfShadows said:

I never said anything about my sound system.

I inferred that because of your comments earlier in this thread that you couldn't always pin-point the beeps or they were quiet or drowned out by other sounds.


Because with a decent sound setup what you're describing here doesn't happen.

This leads to two possible inferences.

Either your sound setup isn't that good, and you thought that was the default state of playing the game mode.
OR you're making the game quieter than it should be, drowinging it out with music or videos or something else, and coming to the same conclusion.

28 minutes ago, CrownOfShadows said:

Or maybe I am well aware of them? What are you basing this on? Your desire to put me in the ground?

If you knew about the already, rather poor and buggy, visual indicator that was part of the game mode before this change you certainly haven't shown any indication of such.

42 minutes ago, CrownOfShadows said:

Oh? Where did I argue that? What's sad is you putting words in my mouth, honestly. You do it several times throughout your post and that's not cool.

Most of your arguments can be boiled down to:
- This change makes the game mode too easy because now you can properly tell the direction of the demolyst earlier.

Which guess what?  If you had a good sound system and sound settings you would already have the information provided by the visual indicator at about the same time as the visual indicator currently gives it to you.

Please tell me, what conclusion am I supposed to draw from your complaints other than the auditory cues were lacking on your end in some regard, so much so that you see the visual indicator as some sort of massive change when it doesn't realistically affect the detection range to any noticeable degree?

The two conclusions I see are:
-Bad sound setup (either on purpose because of listening to videos/music/etc)
-Hearing issues

42 minutes ago, CrownOfShadows said:

"Auditory Range". My entire point here is that your argument rests heavily on this and yet it is entirely subjective. It changes based on a user's hardware, their sound settings, the game environment and their own personal hearing which is different for everyone. So unless you have a hard statistic that says the auditory range around a demolisher is a certain number of game meters this is a meaningless metric. For all we know the entire map is in "auditory range" in a technical sense since the sound probably is never fully deactivated. I never complained that I couldn't hear it, you made that up.

The game apparently defines auditory range (as in the range where you can hear the beeping) to be roughly 1-2 rooms away.
Since that is when you can see the red marker appear on your minimap that shows you the location of the demolyst and was stated to show up when you could hear the beeps.

Coincidently that is also roughly the range you could hear the beeping occur in the old version of the mode, unless you purposefully muted the game or something along those lines.

Or what, is the game now having a visual indicator of what the range should be not good enough to actually tell you the range of the auditory beeping?

42 minutes ago, CrownOfShadows said:

Sounds start low.  You say that when you hear a sound - no matter what volume it is - you know exactly where it's coming from. This is of course false. If this was true nobody would've been running around looking for it, they would just go directly to it on the first beep. Again, I don't even feel the need to prove this (even though I already did) because it is so obviously true that you could ask anyone and they would readily say that yeah, they had to move around to learn it's direction. Yes, experienced players like myself can rapidly narrow it down because of our map knowledge and experience (and actually more often than not we are fully anticipating based on experience and not any information), but even so we still had a small period of time where we had to look a bit and would sometimes go the wrong way. I really don't understand why you are denying this.

Except that the beeping never really started all that low and was always good enough to tell you "Oh hey, it's slightly louder in my right speaker than my left, and because there is all of one hallway in that direction I know exactly where the demolyst is."

As soon as you heard the beeping you knew where to go in the old system because of how simple the game maps are.

And with the map indicator having the same range as the auditory beeping it is only a fairly minor thing that largely helps people with auditory issues without affecting the difficulty of the game mode in any realistic way.

42 minutes ago, CrownOfShadows said:

Audio environment. You don't appear to address the issue at all, I'm honestly not sure what tangent you're going on here. There are other sounds in the game besides the demolisher and most players don't go in and adjust their sound settings every time they play disruption, so the demolisher sounds must compete with the environment, enemies, weapons, warframes, etc. What about this fact are you trying to fight exactly?

Demolisher beeps are quite a bit louder than the rest of the game, unless you specifically set most of the game effects to be rather low and turn up voices and music.

Which at that point that is a bad sound setup on the users end.

And hey, now the game mode won't let you ruin your own experience....how terrible I guess?

42 minutes ago, CrownOfShadows said:

Stereo & Direction. You and others seem to be missing the point here, or you are confusing proximity with stereo. If you are standing at the conduit, and let's say in theory the audio reached you there (which of course it does not and never has, cough), then you would not be able to ascertain its direction even if it was at full volume.

Except that isn't true...unless you have a mono sound setup.

Otherwise you would be able to tell "Hey the beeps are slightly louder on my left speaker than my right speaker..." (and I don't have a surround sound setup, just two speakers) and know what direction it is coming from.

And with how limited map generation is that gives you all of one, maybe two, doors to check.

It's not like the game was making the beeping occur on the right speaker when the demolyst was actually to your left (unless you messed up the basic stereo sound setup and got the speakers reversed).

So yes, you can ascertain which direction the beeping is coming from due to which speaker is making the beeping the loudest!

And you don't need some expensive sound setup to do this, only a basic stereo sound system with two separate speakers placed slightly apart on your desk!

And no, it didn't only work at perfect 90 degree angles.  There was plenty of sound blending to tell "Well, its largely coming from my right speaker, but I do hear it in my left speaker, this means its to my right and slightly ahead or behind...."
And because most tiles don't have a dozen doors placed everywhere from that you can determine pretty much exactly where the demolyst was coming from...and pretty immediately at that.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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35 minutes ago, CrownOfShadows said:

Or maybe I am well aware of them? What are you basing this on? Your desire to put me in the ground?

Buddy you didn't even know that Disruption had Directional Sounds. 

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vor 9 Minuten schrieb CrownOfShadows:

For the millionth time now... I am fully in support of adding visual feedback.

Then you have no arguement because the visual indicator shows up at the same time as the audio indicator. Which on the new map instantly tells you where the demo is coming from and on bigger maps like lua disruption needs you to travel a few jumps. Visual feedback of the same quality as the sound will lead to exactly the current situation.

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