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PC Dante Unbound: Deep Archimedea: Hotfix 35.5.3


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Dante changes were exactly what I expected. Well done.

Literal team wide immortality was beyond ridiculous. Why folks are so upset over this? I don't know. If you couldn't see why full squads of night infinite Overguard was beyond reason.

Line of Sight. Yeah makes sense.

That all said...

Get to work on neutering Deep Archimedia. Those modifiers and that level challenge doesn't belong in the game. 

You literally JUST nerfed The Circuit into the ground because it was "Too Hard". 

More than half of those modifiers are brutal. Especially since they'll be stacking on top of random Loadout preventing meta builds and compositions. 

I look forward to seeing Deep Archimedia's upcoming nerfs.

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The thing with nerfs when it's done this soon, and as everyone is hyped, it just makes me resent the frame, specially when it didn't feel like he was that OP, specially in high level content. I'd love to see an usage chart for Dante before and after the nerf. If the goal was to make people stop playing him...it will for sure hit the mark. 

I might subsume mine out of spite.

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11 minutes ago, SpyLeech said:

Line of sight requirement is an awful thing and extremely inconsistent, revert all Dante changes and make it so his team-wide overguard is an augment.

This was the only change they needed to make. I had my hopes up when they talked about their nerfing reasons, and again when they said at the start it wasn't his damage that needed to be addressed, then they shafted him and ignored what people were actually unhappy about 

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4 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Final Verse’s “Tragedy” now only affects enemies within Line of Sight.

I kinda get it, but this sucks.

EDIT: Update, I played with it and no longer get it. This massively sucks and is rife with bugs that his 3 otherwise had the ability to get around.

Edited by KitMeHarder
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38 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed Caliban’s Fusion Strike visual radius fading out before the actual duration expires.   

nice!!! they finally started looking at caliban. After so much time he gets some needed fixes.

Now add a proper outline to this ability because it's visual effect becoming transparent if player get close to it.

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Dante's now gone from luxury to trash.
I'm not even going to say anything about some of the comments here. throw dante in the drawer of oblivion, maybe wait 10 years to get a job as inarus.
It's pathetic 

Edited by ---HattoriIga---
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I will quote a Reddit user




Automated play? A friend and I last night were running Octavia (him) and Dante. You have to believe it, my fingers are CRYING after thar run. Automated play my balls. This nerf is why I didn't want to do so much things in this game, the nerfs are back for no reason. But a lot of others frames are dying for an update, clan missions gone, a lot of potential in open worlds gone, etc.

Believe me, a nerf is always a fun killer. Think about the people who bought Dante and days after recieve a nerf....
I don't find words for this, I'm just dissapointed.

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This is absolutely ridiculous i most people have to spend over 100hrs of their life on this game just to get to the chance to unlock dante at the very very end game and between the LOS nerf and removing archon intensify interaction is absurd considering how early you can get sayrn mesa and lots of other nuke frames.

Not even a week after releasing the longest grind to get to frame you have made it less worth to farm for. Also, your charging people money for big bundles on something you straight away change, honestly I think the packs should be free and make dante a starting choice frame if your gonna change him this much.

Honestly I think you should refund all who spent money or plat on dante, you misrepresented the product you were selling and then made worse.

Please for the love of everything holy stop listening to the 1% of people and take a look at the whole picture in the future... 

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The nerfs to Dante go beyong just "some tweaking", I hope they will be reconsidered, it would have been much simpler to simply reduce the amount of Overguard given to allies instead of touching everything or make it some sort of optional augment. I get that in a way Archon Intensify wasn't meant to work this way, but it's yet another case of it being thrown back into the dust.

Also Dante's animations still aren't fixed, he has interactions where he breaks animations, like using pistol with a carriable object or the fishing spear, which uses Speargun animations and I assume those are broken too. Basically he starts walking in a very floaty way instead of properly floating.

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The Dante changes are tone deaf. I wanted to say that you were doing a great job with balancing frames, but now based on just a casual understanding he's in an incredibly bad place right now. I won't deny that a nerf was likely necessary, but the act of nerfing him so egregiously now creates more substantial problems.

So overguard has been dropped by 60% with only a bandaid of additional generation? The right fix was making his overguard only apply to him and drop it 20%. That makes him get around 30k overguard. It makes him more selfish.

Wordwarden buff. Required, it was subpar and ended up being a energy waster, it still seems to be that way as Dante is a caster frame, not a weapon buff frame.

Pageflight nerf. Understandable, additional status damage is excessive and not required.

The nerf to tragedy is the biggest issue. Are we just going to ignore that most other warframes don't need line of sight requirements and how unreliable line of sight is in Warframe? Khora still has an issue with hitting enemies on a slight incline with her whipclaw, can you not focus on fixing that before you apply nerfs that affect his line of sight requirements? And I can even provide a better nerf, decreasing his range by 30-50%. It was never a problem about line of sight, it's the problem of its base range being so large.

I think people would be upset with my suggested changes, but he'd still be useful. The state he's in right now makes him an outright detriment to people who use Warframes that need to take damage to use their kits, and less useful than any other frame that can be used in his place.

I've enjoyed playing Dante, and understand he's strong. I agree he needs nerfs, but you've gone as far as crippling him. I hope that you go back over him and correct the changes, but I have no faith in that, sadly.

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Damn. I haven't played seriously in years but I got back into the game because y'all finally added a mage/caster themed frame. I spent a decent bit of plat on top of the money from refunding that battlefront rerelease for Dante to make him good damage dealer/nuker. Now he's just a support. Thanks DE.

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There is a book icon on the left when u cast that ability (dont remember the name). Please add a time to it. A huge proble is I DONT KNOW my ability timers. There are 2 rows of buffs up there in the corner.

Add an owl icon with a timer for the peregrin owls ability maybe on the right side or below the book.

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The change to Divine Retribution is genuinely an awful way to go about it. It makes Nezha's 4 effectively useless unless you build for range.

At 100% range, having the mod on brings the radius down to 9m which is practically nothing. Wukong's defy end attack and Valkyr's 3 have a higher range than that.

They should at least have it so it doesn't go lower than the base range or something. That would stop high range builds but not absolutely gut the ability itself.

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Yeah so I bought the $15 Dante bundle, are we getting that and all the resources back because you said you weren't nerfing him into the ground, and then proceeded to do just that. He needed slight tweaks not a funeral pyre for Christ's sake. 

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Eclipse nerf (30% lmao), Nezha nerf (50% less range bruh), Dante nerfed to hell (Ah yes, the bugged line of sight, when all you had to do is reduce it's range a bit)... What else is going to be nerfed to hell? Just tell me already so I can avoid touching it, or maybe just leave the game. Every hotfix I see just make me feel sick, I've already lost the will to play the new game mode.

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6 minutes ago, OggerAZ said:

The consideration in question being even more casting speed? There are still the same 4 range mods to choose from

The consideration being whether using the augment and possibly all those range mods is worth it 50%, 75%, or 95% of the time.  

Divine Retribution  still reaches out to 25m+ with no LoS.

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