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[Dante Unbound] Our plans for next week (35.5.6)


Message added by [DE]Momaw,

These changes were implemented to the game with Hotfix 35.5.6:



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Just now, ClockworkDirge said:

Not a terrible idea actually, if DE continues ignoring us. Anyone know how to contact IGN and/or PCGamer?

There contact info is uusually on there websites if we continue to get ignored by de we can all band together and take this to ign and PCGamer and have them publish a story on DEs neglect of the comunity and how they don't listen to us even after 28 pages of people ask for Dante to be reverted to his perfect form before all this crap nerfing 

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I am not content with the changes so long as Tragedy is still LoS based. It would be perfectly reasonable to make it either a Cone of Effect like Dark verse, or to reduce its overall range in general. Line of Sight does not feel good regardless of what frame is being affected.

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4 minutes ago, Undivided_Infinity said:

Why Not Remove los and make it an 50 degree angle instead like dark verse but make it scale with range up to 360 degree angle of not  

Seems good for me. But 180 degrees, like Baruuk's Elude abillity, will be better (or 120 to more investiment on range mod's).
Certainly better them LoS. A lot of warframes were harmed by this change... Sad with DE's decision...

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1 hour ago, Renkuya said:

it doesn't need to be like that though. there are elegant approaches. Nerfing his range would honestly be better than LOS. Asking for us to not complain so they don't react in spite, that's a them problem, not an us problem. If they react in spite, they're doing so towards their customers and that generally doesn't end well. It already has a crazy energy cost because you have to cast 3 skills to get 1 nuke. I'd rather them do something like Punch Through for abilities. You can reach 70m out but your punch through only goes through like 4-8m, something less probably. Then I can probably safely say "oh, I see red on the map on the other side of that thin wall" and do something other than physically go into that room and try to get LOS on all the enemies after casting Dark Verse on everything so I have a CHANCE to nuke. LOS is stupid in a game like this and punch through would go a long way to finding a middle ground between LOS and multi-tile death frames.

I'm more or less saying...

Stop asking to be completely OP. Like 90% of folks are basically saying: Let us wipe 3 rooms at a time. Let us be completely broken. 

Irony is these same folks will turn around in a few weeks and say the game is too easy, boring, or how "toxic" Dante is. 

Line of Sight is kind of a GIVEN mechanic in ALL games. 

Everyone keeps saying Saryn. But Saryn's spores actually follow a different method. They DO use line of sight. As spores, essentially spread from enemy to enemy in the same way beam weapons divide. 

It only seems like she avoids LoS.

That said...

After all this is said and done, I'd say it might be time DE gives Saryn the ole Ember and banshee treatment. 

The fact Saryn keeps being brought up kind of says: "She needs to be addressed."

Might be time to give her a spore and damage cap, reduce the range of her abilities and maybe even slap on a cooldown. 

Mechanically she functions differently, yes. But the more I think about it. The more I just go: "There can't be a double standard."

Admittedly, I actually think DE intended for Dante to be a support (like Harrow) but a lack of testing and a flawed release introduced him as an AOE dps. Now, the court of public opinion only sees him as a DPS. 

There might be no going back. 

*Look at the Monkey's Paw* I feel like Saryn and Kullervo might be on the radar now though.

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So since your changing the way overguard works which was the suggestion that we gave  you In the first place that you just chose to ignore you can now reverse the nerfs to his overguard and put it back to where it was when he first released since that was never the problem In the first place so we can survive on higher level content without having to use up over 1000 energy just to try and keep ourselves and our teammates alive.

Cause all you're doing now is casting 2 2 4 to heal yourself and your teammates over and over until you die anyway cause the enemies are chewing through your overguard too fast like termites In a log cabin. And stop trying to make line of sight happen it's not going to happen


Edited by OneOmniverse
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Whatever the case may be Dante’s abilities need to obviously work as they were when he was first released everything about him was perfect and he was fun to play. Line of site has in deed always been an issue and honestly needs to be at some point removed. If they want to make line of sight relevant do 5% more damage to enemies who are in sight. I know target went through walls and honestly it needs to go back to doing so as it allows a tactical advantage wants you understand how his abilities work.


TLDR Dante’s release state was perfect and as such should go back to what it was. As it wasn’t overpowered especially since he is designed as a high level frame.

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You will not be getting another cent out of me until our lord and savior Dante has his deliverance from the nerf demon's Line of Sight.

Please, for the love of god. I don't want to have these negative impressions of the dev team blatantly ignoring the monstrous outcry.

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Please revert the LoS change on Tragedy. You haven't produced a good explanation for it because there isn't one. You apparently aren't even testing these changes before you put them out and it's unacceptable to be messing with something a week old like this. Just revert it. Even when you "fix" LoS (if that happens) it's not necessary for Tragedy.

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Hey there, I appreciate your efforts to respond to player feedback, but I must express my disappointment regarding the recent changes to Dante's Tragedy ability in Warframe. As a paying player, I purchased Dante with specific expectations based on its advertised gameplay. However, the addition of Line of Sight (LoS) mechanics has drastically altered Dante's functionality in a manner that I find disheartening. Despite numerous reports from players expressing their concerns about these changes, it appears that our feedback has not been adequately acknowledged or addressed by the development team. Reverting this change may be challenging if it introduces unforeseen bugs or technical issues, but it's essential to recognize the significant impact it has had on the player experience. As a result of these changes, I find myself questioning the value of future platinum purchases, as I'm hesitant to invest in frames that may undergo similar unexpected overhauls. I urge Digital Extremes to reconsider their approach to player feedback and prioritize transparent communication and collaboration with the community moving forward. Thank you for considering my concerns, and I hope to see meaningful improvements in how player feedback is acknowledged and addressed in the future.

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I still think most of the nerfs were unjustified. Especially when you had to invest forma and resources to even achieve " big damage numbers". You still have to be good at the game to even make most of the builds even work. Honestly, only a few people that didn't enjoy Dante as a caster Warframe complained about Dante's kit. The Nezha augment nerf was unfortunate. His ultimate didn't feel powerful until the augment was released.  Now, it's not even worth wasting Syndicate standing on. DE, would you just let the community take polls and feedback surveys for abilities augments? And votes to rework unpopular or underused warframes? Thanks in advance.

Edited by OmniSword7777
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Please also take a second look at the Arca Titron. The nerf was too punishing considering various factors as it is a very low stat wise traditional melee weapon with no stronger variants and requires the mechanic of charges to get a stronger slam which is made difficult by the stats themselves. In contrast to other slam oriented melee weapons that require no mechanic to get stronger slams or any meta or decent melee weapon it is outshined in every aspect.

Another topic proposed a buff to 150% additional damage instead of only 100% per charge results in 10 post nerf charges to have about the same damage of 4 pre nerf charges. A significant drop in damage so that it isn't as busted as before but can still have at least a viable niche. I know I don't speak much with how little people actively use the Arca Titron and its low usage rate, but its just there's something so satisfying with the gimmick to power up your melee and do a strong attack, and with it not paying off is kind of a bummer now, even more so, its disappointingly sad that the answer to a broken mechanic of a terrible weapon stat wise is to nerf it to the ground into unviability in comparison to today's choices.

Edited by StyreRai
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1 hour ago, Aerikx said:

Line of Sight is kind of a GIVEN mechanic in ALL games. 

Everyone keeps saying Saryn. But Saryn's spores actually follow a different method. They DO use line of sight. As spores, essentially spread from enemy to enemy in the same way beam weapons divide. 

It only seems like she avoids LoS.

That said...

After all this is said and done, I'd say it might be time DE gives Saryn the ole Ember and banshee treatment. 

The fact Saryn keeps being brought up kind of says: "She needs to be addressed."

*Look at the Monkey's Paw* I feel like Saryn and Kullervo might be on the radar now though.

I've summarized your message and I'll explain why you're only partially right...

1. Yes line of sight is a given in *most* games.. In any half-decent FPS you can punch through obstacles.. and guess what you can do in warframe?

2. Nobody is referring to Saryn's spore, Saryn's 4 Miasma, Has no line of sight requirement, and alone is plenty for a nuking ability, Spore acts as a primer, and Miasma acts as a multiplier.. Like Tragedy acting like a damage multiplier, and proc condenser

3. Ember and banshee are useless.. They are so useless that their augments to patchwork fix them are useless beyond enemy level 20, especially resonating quake..

4. The fact that saryn keeps being brought up is clear evidence of DE's double standard and hypocrisy.. as she's hardly the only one that is being brought up with these line of sight issues, Gauss, Harrow (with thermal sunder), Equinox, Citrine, Dagath, Volt, Frost, Nyx, Nova..
Their very big AOE abilities do not have line of sight..
Yet they're forcing line of sight onto Tragedy, ignoring Triumph even though it's effectively the same ability with an inverted effect (Overguard + regen vs slash + proc condensation)

I've said this in a tweet, 

Dante has changed from a warframe that casts a lacerating magic nova.. to a warframe that throws a tennis ball and hopes it hits something other than a figment of his imagination.

Edited by Korpsite
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11 hours ago, (XBOX)toughdragon17 said:

There contact info is uusually on there websites if we continue to get ignored by de we can all band together and take this to ign and PCGamer and have them publish a story on DEs neglect of the comunity and how they don't listen to us even after 28 pages of people ask for Dante to be reverted to his perfect form before all this crap nerfing 

I said something similar in the other megathread. Which was a quite from someone else about how there playing with thin ice. With this constant bait and switch getting people to spend money and then yanking or breaking the thing they paid for and having it not work when they bought it. It's false advertising and if journalist get a hold of it well we all know what gaming journalist are like and it ain't gonna be pretty for DE


18 hours ago, JellyTroupple said:

This is simply not enough. Anything short of removing LoS is a bad play. The ability was released without LoS checks, and should remain that way. As it stands, this is no different than Riot releasing champs for League in a stronger state, waiting for the money to roll in, and THEN breaking out the nerf bat now that you've collected all your (deceptively marketed) champ revenue. 

Does DE really want that kind of reputation?

Revert Tragedy. 

Clearly they do and that's what they are getting on here on reddit and on x and if it keeps up I'm sure the journalist will pick up on it too andctjays a while nother can of worms I'm sure they don't want to deal with 

18 hours ago, Merrcenary said:

I wonder how quickly the developers will comply with the demands of the players and return everything to the imbalanced state that was before the patches? or will they show firmness, as was the case with the nerf of Wukong, and not make concessions?

You're part of the problem go play minecraft or something 


18 hours ago, Calluna_V said:

Chroma buff is solid, and restoring functionality to Pageflight is very very welcome. Thank you for this. While I still have gripes with the new LoS requirement on Tragedy, this is definitely a step in the right direction and I am glad to see that our feedback is not being ignored.

Stop thanking them for problems they caused In the first place it only tells them that they can keep messing up and getting away with it until enough outcry is heard


18 hours ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

This change should've been on day 1 and BEFORE the Dante nerf, this isn't acceptable in the long-run, so with that being said: Please revert all the changes you have done to Dante and his OG and the LoS issue (Below are the changes you have made)

Undo ALL of this but leave the bolded text changes alone

  • Increased Wordwarden’s weapon damage on warded allies from 30% to 50%. 
    • The Wordwarden felt a bit lacklustre in comparison to the rest of Dante’s abilities, so we gave it a boost to encourage players to experiment and engage with it more. 
  • Final Verse’s “Tragedy” now only affects enemies within Line of Sight.
    • This felt like the most reasonable change to Tragedy since it could be cast back to back without much forethought on positioning. So to make it a more active ability, enemies must now be within range in your Line of Sight to be impacted by it. 
  • Reduced the amount of Overguard gained from Final Verse’s “Triumph” from 5000 to 2000 at Max Rank. 
    • For a bit of compensation, we increased Triumph’s base Overguard Regeneration per second from 50 to 100 at Max Rank (can still be modified with Ability Strength). 
  • Reduced the amount of Overguard gained from Light Verse from 500 to 250 at Max Rank (can still be modified with Ability Strength). 
  • Added Overguard Cap stat to Final Verse’s “Triumph” description to make it clear that there are cases where the cap for Light Verse and Triumph can be different (ex: when using the Precision Intensify Mod). 
  • Final Verse’s “Pageflight” no longer applies increased Status Effect Damage to enemies hit by its Paragrimms. 
    • This was an undocumented element of Pageflight, but for the sake of transparency, we wanted to inform you of its removal. We believe its removal strikes a better balance and synergy with Status Damage inflicted by Tragedy.
    • NOTE: This is not a removal of the Status Vulnerability added to enemies by Pageflight. We are only removing the unintended additional damage taken from Status Effects. 
    • (This change will be undone, good!)


Please, it's not that hard!

This, there's literaly no reason to not imdo all the asanine changes they made since they finally going to fix the issue people had a problem with In the first place which was the overguard affecting others. Now they can revert him to how he wasxwhen he released.


But keep everything else including the bird buffs and the book buffs and remove line of sight entirely. Just take it out of the game no one asked for it and no one wants it not on dante not on khora nowhere. 

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37 minutes ago, StyreRai said:

Please also take a second look at the Arca Titron. The nerf was too punishing considering various factors as it is a very low stat wise traditional melee weapon with no stronger variants and requires the mechanic of charges to get a stronger slam which is made difficult by the stats themselves. In contrast to other slam oriented melee weapons or any meta or decent melee weapon it is outshined in every aspect.

Another topic proposed a buff to 150% additional damage instead of only 100% per charge results in 10 post nerf charges to have about the same damage of 4 pre nerf charges. A significant drop in damage so that it isn't as busted as before but can still have at least a viable niche. I know I don't speak much with how little people actively use the Arca Titron and its low usage rate, but its just there's something so satisfying with the gimmick to power up your melee and do a strong attack, and with it not paying off is kind of a bummer now, even more so, its disappointingly sad that the answer to a broken mechanic of a terrible weapon stat wise is to nerf it to the ground into unviability in comparison to today's choices.

Agree wholeheartedly, it feels perfect in Star chart and sorties, but killing anything tougher than a butcher with regular attacks in Steel Path is very hard. If not slam capacitor, at least buff the rest of the weapon's stats. BUFF IT.

Adding another drop into the ocean of complaints, REVERT DANTE'S TRAGEDY NERF.

I wonder if bold text and CAPS LOCK catch DE's attention more. Probably how those two were nerfed in the first place.

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Revert the Dante and Nezha changes entirely.

There is no other acceptable option.


There is no way you have enough data in 8 days to make sweeping nerfs. All you are doing is making sure the community has no reason to get excited for future content on release in the future. It follows the pattern of Styanax post release nerfs and Voruna / Dagath / Qorvex pre-release nerfs and lack of fixes for months. There is no reason to get excited for new content anymore, it'll either come out in a worthless state or be nerfed to oblivion within the first month.


I don't care about the new game mode, my best friend that I wanted to play the new game mode with was so excited for Dante and enjoys playing him so much I can't just ruin his entire reason for playing at the moment by breaking the news about the nerfs to him. Thanks for ruining what was a golden update with bull$%#@.

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18 hours ago, RedAtrocitus said:

Ok, but can we get some clarity as to why Dante needed LoS and overguard nerfs at all? The only legit criticism I've really seen is the interaction some frames have with overguard, and the fix mentioned here solves that, so why the nerf still? It isn't even as much that he is "unplayable" now because hopefully he isn't, it doesn't seem like he is, but without a real explanation, it feels like the reason was "y'all were having too much fun, can't have that" and we had to bring out the nerf bat within a week. Meanwhile, Qorvex has been gathering dust in my arsenal and (from the squads I've matched with) everyone else's, but there was no quick reaction to make him a compelling option at all. It's really disheartening when it feels like if we like something it's wrong and we can't have it forever.

It's exactly what it feels like they finally listens and used the suggestion the community gave them in the first place to make it where it doesn't affect them so why is it still nerfed. Being overguard back to where it originally was and just let people have the damn fun it's a fantasy game people want to feel powerful and that's what we had before these asanine changes, and since you're fixing the interaction with frames there's no reason to have it nerfed now so put it back to how it was when he released thanks. 


18 hours ago, Clamchop said:

Starting to feel more like a (bait-and-switch) scam. DE Advertisements "Buy Dante because he is new, shiny, and does amazing damage." Spend 4 Forma and Umbra forma with matching time spent in ESO just to be told, "Yeah that new shiny Dante, Well we decided to make him half of what we sold you and the other half only works sometimes, but we're keeping the money and if you don't like it complain on the forums and hold you breath."


Revert changes and just reduce range, period.

Exactly what they did and exactly what they are saying. Playing with thin ice. One day they gonna find the right people and they gona end up getting sued for false advertising 


17 hours ago, NLGUnknown said:

so much for listening to the community honestly just a shame you are going to lose players and even if they don’t leave the ones who paid for ur stuff won’t anymore because it can be nerfed to hell so stop being so thick headed and change it back and let the community rest how will you keep the game alive if ur players aren’t willing to spend anything?

It wont eventually people will wake up stop spending and move on to something else. This game continues to lose players and that means losing money. There's only so many times you can mess up before people get the picture and give up on your game entirely 


17 hours ago, iSiawPrime said:

What was the point of nerfing Dante then???

Did you guys really do a bait and switch to get people to spend money on it???

There was no point. And the community gave them the suggestion even before the nerf so they just chose to ignore us and went ahead and did it anyway. So there's no good reason now they can't change him back to how he was when he was released which is how it should if been in the first place he didn't need any changes. 


17 hours ago, (XBOX)MidlandGaming said:

Imbalanced? The main point of the nerf was that Dante was seen as overly dominant in matchmaking, but that was only for one reason at the end of the day he’s just a fun frame that isn’t hard to get. Grinding for me took maybe three hours and I personally had a blast just playing as him. He had an insane level of versatility we haven’t seen in a while when it comes to a new frame. If I was paired up with Saryn or Ember I didn’t play for high damage I played as a support frame primarily keeping up their overguard as needed, but if that wasn’t the case I could pick up some of the slack for the team even without a teammate whose whole frame is built around nuking the entire area. He’s a competent frame that could be used in a variety of situations regardless of who your team picks. I would argue it introduced more diversity into what frames actually got brought into steel path because my team felt more comfortable bringing Limbo, Valkyr, Hydroid, and even Nyx. Frames that would typically struggle with survivability got to see more action that just being MR fodder.  Punishing a frame for being well liked and viable isn’t a sound decision when you can tweak his stats to fall more inline with what they’re wanting without changing core features of his abilities. If the complaint was only level on one aspect of his kit it become more understandable, but they chose to change all of his essential abilities. Overguard was essentially cut in half meaning if you actually what to get anywhere near Rhino’s Iron Skin you have you use a LOT more energy (which his kit already lacks). Dante’s Dark verse was already line of sight and unless built correctly, or if Tragedy wasn’t used close enough to it, needed a primer to actually get full effect. Pageflight was and still is a great source of CC, but without a strong damage backing makes it more of an energy drain on his build more so. If the concern was truly too many Dante’s then why has Saryn, Wisp, and Octavia dominated the Meta for so long. Why would you be afraid of mixing things up for once and adding a frame that is a viable alternative to those picks while allowing other frames to actually have a chance to shine. I can’t tell you the last time I enjoyed playing with a Nyx in Steel Path, but Dante introduced a synergy with what what be considered weaker frames by just existing and being their survivability. Instead we’ll just go back to the same big three in every game and let them dominate late game play styles and missions.

Yes, and now that they've essentially fixed the problem of his overguard affecting chroma and others they can quite literally give him back what they took when they halved his overguard which wasn't the problem to begin with just how it interacted. 


15 hours ago, Noctly said:

Just revert all the changes made to Dante, he didn't need any of the nerfs. Every thread about this just ends up being 10-20+ pages of people telling you they want LOS removed. 

Even his overguard wasn't a problem, it melts in any content past star chart levels. The only issue he had was with Chroma and Rage/Hunter Adrenaline, which you just fixed. So revert him to his release state, which was fun, strong (but not overly so), and felt fun to play. 

Plus one 


9 hours ago, Korpsite said:

I've summarized your message and I'll explain why you're only partially right...

1. Yes line of sight is a given in *most* games.. In any half-decent FPS you can punch through obstacles.. and guess what you can do in warframe?

2. Nobody is referring to Saryn's spore, Saryn's 4 Miasma, Has no line of sight requirement, and alone is plenty for a nuking ability, Spore acts as a primer, and Miasma acts as a multiplier.. Like Tragedy acting like a damage multiplier, and proc condenser

3. Ember and banshee are useless.. They are so useless that their augments to patchwork fix them are useless beyond enemy level 20, especially resonating quake..

4. The fact that saryn keeps being brought up is clear evidence of DE's double standard and hypocrisy.. as she's hardly the only one that is being brought up with these line of sight issues, Gauss, Harrow (with thermal sunder), Equinox, Citrine, Dagath, Volt, Frost, Nyx, Nova..
Their very big AOE abilities do not have line of sight..
Yet they're forcing line of sight onto Tragedy, ignoring Triumph even though it's effectively the same ability with an inverted effect (Overguard + regen vs slash + proc condensation)

I've said this in a tweet, 

Dante has changed from a warframe that casts a lacerating magic nova.. to a warframe that throws a tennis ball and hopes it hits something other than a figment of his imagination.

Well said 


9 hours ago, Mewvg2 said:

Revert the Dante and Nezha changes entirely.

There is no other acceptable option.


There is no way you have enough data in 8 days to make sweeping nerfs. All you are doing is making sure the community has no reason to get excited for future content on release in the future. It follows the pattern of Styanax post release nerfs and Voruna / Dagath / Qorvex pre-release nerfs and lack of fixes for months. There is no reason to get excited for new content anymore, it'll either come out in a worthless state or be nerfed to oblivion within the first month.


I don't care about the new game mode, my best friend that I wanted to play the new game mode with was so excited for Dante and enjoys playing him so much I can't just ruin his entire reason for playing at the moment by breaking the news about the nerfs to him. Thanks for ruining what was a golden update with bull$%#@.

Exactly smh

9 hours ago, Mewvg2 said:

my best friend that I wanted to play the new game mode with was so excited for Dante and enjoys playing him so much I can't just ruin his entire reason for playing at the moment by breaking the news about the nerfs to him. Thanks for ruining what was a golden update with bull$%#@.

Damn sorry : ( 


8 hours ago, Bushy_Beaver said:

Yeah I can understand maybe using LOS for Dantes 3, but honestly you guys really should just revert his 4, It felt good and lets be honest here, it didn't touch any of the 3 pillars of nerfing as you had said in your dev short anymore than any other nuke abilities already do so I wouldn't call it disruptive or dominant. Especially in SP i have used multiple builds in SP with Dante and I can for surely say he isn't dominant is SP and that was all pre nerf.

There's no understanding nothing like of sight shouldn't even be in this game at all and whoever on DE thought it was a good idea should find a new game to work for cause all they've done is make thousands of players miserable 


8 hours ago, (XBOX)toughdragon17 said:

Im taking a massive break from warframe for a while and restricting my money from DE and I suggest anyone that is un happy with the dante changes or any other changes do the same 

Take your money and give it to a company that actually listen and care for there comunity vote with your wallet majority say enough is enough 

I already did that. Disappointed but what choice do I have. They clearly don't care so why play a game where the makers don't give a damn about you or your opinion 

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Yeah I can understand maybe using LOS for Dantes 3, but honestly you guys really should just revert his 4, It felt good and lets be honest here, it didn't touch any of the 3 pillars of nerfing as you had said in your dev short anymore than any other nuke abilities already do so I wouldn't call it disruptive or dominant. Especially in SP i have used multiple builds in SP with Dante and I can for surely say he isn't dominant is SP and that was all pre nerf.

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I feel the current Dante nerf is overdone.
Overguard works at lower levels, but at higher levels it is instantly stripped and lacks energy.
Please undo the Triumph changes.
In high level missions such as Net Cell, it is first important not to die yourself.
Nerfing the rate at which overguard is granted to squads would also be an adjustment.

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