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[Dante Unbound] Our plans for next week (35.5.6)


Message added by [DE]Momaw,

These changes were implemented to the game with Hotfix 35.5.6:



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Dante's Tragedy still doesn't seem to hit enemies in his line of sight consistently, probably due to some weird interactions that have been brought up earlier in this thread regarding Dante himself covering up enemies sometimes in his camera depending on how he's positioned on screen. That being said it's significantly better with this latest patch compared to how it was before and I'm glad to see the issue of how LoS is calculated is still being looked into. My general view is that if an enemy could hypothetically be hit with Mesa's Regulators from a given point it should be considered "in line of sight", and there's definitely some occasional times where Dante's Tragedy still doesn't seem to hit targets that I know Regulators would be mowing down in that same position.

I don't think fully reverting the LoS requirement is necessary or beneficial to the game, however. Overdramatic forum complainers have consistently gotten it wrong when it comes to complaining about balance adjustments "ruining" an otherwise overpowered frame (the overguard caps and Styanax ult nerf being pretty blatant examples of this). Dante was in a pretty mindless state on release, being able to spam overguard to the whole team and nuke entire tiles without ever having to interact with enemies at all, and adding some necessary incentive to at the very least move around and aim at targets (basically, a form of player skill expression) makes him more interesting to use in my opinion. I think we're going to look back in a few months down the line and wonder what the hell these people complaining in these threads were talking about thinking that this somehow made Dante "broken" when there's still so many incredible traits about his kit and why they didn't just play Gara in non-steel path missions if they wanted mindlessly easy content where they could repeatedly nuke the map without interacting with enemies at all. 

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Nice chance DE!

Now that you have found the best possible solution to Dante's problem and he will no longer disturb other people's games with his overguard (which was the majority of complaints, which was disturbing builds) and that his overguard has received a nerf Also (some were thinking the numbers were high) can we roll back his LoS?

After all, LoS wasn't part of people's feedback, and Tragedy wasn't one of the complaints. You found a nice solution to the main and most frequently mentioned problem. Now you can respond to the huge feedback you received about introducing LoS in it, right? Can you remove it?

Edited by Dullaran
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Historically, I've been an open wallet for DE.

Give me a coupon with a 50% or greater discount, I'll buy plat. New Prime access, I'll buy it. Regal Ayatan has some interesting items, I'm game.

This is the first time I've been not just disappointed, but disgusted by DE. They were doing amazing recently too.

The LOS addition to Tragedy is laughable (the attempts to fix how LOS works are admirable - cause next to host migration it's one of the worst things about this game.) But this is the first time I've bought something from DE and thought "Damn, I want my money back." First time I've ever wondered if it's worth clawing it back forcefully and just having my account banned.

Over a $16 collection. 

Revert LOS.


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Im taking a massive break from warframe for a while and restricting my money from DE and I suggest anyone that is un happy with the dante changes or any other changes do the same 

Take your money and give it to a company that actually listen and care for there comunity vote with your wallet majority say enough is enough 


They have 45 pages of people now that want Dante to be reverted to his original purfect state and they have yet to do so 

This is how you know that DE dos not care about there comunity and what they truly want 

They would rather pay there warframe partners to say that Dante is now good instead of listening to there comunity when we say that HE IS NOT GOOD and the only way he will ever be good again is to revert him back to his purfect state before all these burning garbage nerfs you put on him 


6 hours ago, OneOmniverse said:

I already did that. Disappointed but what choice do I have. They clearly don't care so why play a game where the makers don't give a damn about you or your opinion 

Exactly if they gave any care for there comunity or there opinion they would have listen to us when we sead he was fine and didn't need any nerfs instead they ignored us and continue to do so

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I think reverting LOS is the best option for Dante, as do many others. No one really had a problem with Tragedy in the first place except maybe people that just dislike nuke frames. In that case, I think the most reasonable nerf would simply be reducing the base range of the ability. But anyways, LOS will always have inconsistencies no matter what, so no amount of fixes can fully fix it. It should also be removed from plenty of other warframe abilities because there’s really no point in having such restrictions in a pve power fantasy game. Especially with how detailed and obstructive certain tile sets are, removing LOS as a whole would just be so much better for everyone.

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11 hours ago, [DE]Momaw said:

Rage/Hunter Adrenaline will now grant Energy when you don't have Shields, so Inaros and Nidus (or any frame when their Shields are temporarily down), can regenerate Energy even through Overguard.

Really need clarification on this. So it grants one time energy whenever the Shields breaks or it works like Energy Siphon (energy per second) for frames without Shield?

Instead of this, why not just create a Corrupted Mod where it still grants converts a percentage of Health damage received into Energy but frames would not be able to receive Overguard.

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7 minutes ago, (XBOX)toughdragon17 said:

They have 45 pages of people now that want Dante to be reverted to his original purfect state and they have yet to do so 

This is how you know that DE dos not care about there comunity and what they truly want 

They would rather pay there warframe partners to say that Dante is now good instead of listening to there comunity when we say that HE IS NOT GOOD and the only way he will ever be good again is to revert him back to his purfect state before all these burning garbage nerfs you put on him 

It's pathetic and so scummy wtf smh I never trust them anyway they are so fake

5 minutes ago, (XBOX)toughdragon17 said:

Exactly if they gave any care for there comunity or there opinion they would have listen to us when we sead he was fine and didn't need any nerfs instead they ignored us and continue to do so

Exactly and these the people that expect you to buy there tennocon tickets and merch and keep spending money on the game smh I hope people finally wake up after. This whole mess 

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Please remove the line of sight check. I appreciate the effort put in to making LOS checks better, but it won't be enough to fix the issue. It seems that every time LOS is added to anything in the game, it makes whatever it is way worse.

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I'm just confused at what Dante did to deserve such a huge """adjustment""".

Your stated three pillars for needing to nerf a frame are

AFK capability (how? Dante is constantly casting to do anything)

being disruptive to other players (that problem was with overguard which you've now addressed, but never had anything to do with tragedy)

and being overly dominant. Is this the one? He's been out for a week. Of course people are going to play the shiny new frame. Those who've already managed to get their hands on him, anyway, a good part of players didn't even have a chance to try Dante before he got a massive nerf. What gives?

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4 minutes ago, SECURATYYY said:

Please remove the line of sight check. I appreciate the effort put in to making LOS checks better, but it won't be enough to fix the issue. It seems that every time LOS is added to anything in the game, it makes whatever it is way worse.

The only thing that will make this any better is if they completely revert the flaming garbage nerfs they put on Dante in the first place he was purfect before and now he's just crap 

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Just remove LOS altogether, it's terrible and janky and remove fun from the game. Increase the difficulty of the game I don't mind but give us consistent stuff.


Would be nice if players could keep yapping about how horrendous some old (or new tbh, look at you qorvex) frames are just terrible at the game right now.

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3 hours ago, OneOmniverse said:

Stop thanking them for problems they caused In the first place it only tells them that they can keep messing up and getting away with it until enough outcry is heard

3 hours ago, OneOmniverse said:

This, there's literaly no reason to not imdo all the asanine changes they made since they finally going to fix the issue people had a problem with In the first place which was the overguard affecting others. Now they can revert him to how he wasxwhen he released.


But keep everything else including the bird buffs and the book buffs and remove line of sight entirely. Just take it out of the game no one asked for it and no one wants it not on dante not on khora nowhere. 

Agree 👍


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Not even mentioned Nezha augment change woow... This is so bad. 50% range reduction ? Cmon. Why he cannot be nuke frame like many frames out there ?? I mean range is not that problem just reduce dmg. Why are u making this augment and after 1 week u nerf it to the ground its actually UNPLAYABLE.

Edited by qSunShine
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4 hours ago, AlbinoBlacky said:

Revert the LOS changes. That's it.

Still not listening to feedback. Trademark DE.

3 hours ago, Mewvg2 said:

Revert the Dante and Nezha changes entirely.

There is no other acceptable option.


There is no way you have enough data in 8 days to make sweeping nerfs. All you are doing is making sure the community has no reason to get excited for future content on release in the future. It follows the pattern of Styanax post release nerfs and Voruna / Dagath / Qorvex pre-release nerfs and lack of fixes for months. There is no reason to get excited for new content anymore, it'll either come out in a worthless state or be nerfed to oblivion within the first month.


I don't care about the new game mode, my best friend that I wanted to play the new game mode with was so excited for Dante and enjoys playing him so much I can't just ruin his entire reason for playing at the moment by breaking the news about the nerfs to him. Thanks for ruining what was a golden update with bull$%#@.

1 hour ago, (XBOX)toughdragon17 said:

They have 45 pages of people now that want Dante to be reverted to his original purfect state and they have yet to do so 

This is how you know that DE dos not care about there comunity and what they truly want 

They would rather pay there warframe partners to say that Dante is now good instead of listening to there comunity when we say that HE IS NOT GOOD and the only way he will ever be good again is to revert him back to his purfect state before all these burning garbage nerfs you put on him 

1 hour ago, (XBOX)toughdragon17 said:

Exactly if they gave any care for there comunity or there opinion they would have listen to us when we sead he was fine and didn't need any nerfs instead they ignored us and continue to do so

1 hour ago, OneOmniverse said:

It's pathetic and so scummy wtf smh I never trust them anyway they are so fake

Exactly and these the people that expect you to buy there tennocon tickets and merch and keep spending money on the game smh I hope people finally wake up after. This whole mess 

Meme Reaction GIF by Robert E Blackmon


1 hour ago, Razgris05 said:

Really need clarification on this. So it grants one time energy whenever the Shields breaks or it works like Energy Siphon (energy per second) for frames without Shield?

I know you asked DE but I'll try to explain it as best I can

When you have Rage/Adrenaline (or both) it converts a percentage of Health damage received into Energy, so each time your Health takes damage you'll gain energy, For example, you'll have a total of 85% damage conversion if you use both mods. However, keep note of the fact it says Health

If you have -Zero- Shields (Like Inaros) you will always be gaining Energy since you have no shields, the shield protects your health bar from damage (with some minor exceptions), so you will not take any damage on your health, you will not gain any Energy.

Now the change allows you to gain Energy if you have Overgaurd, whereas before it didn't since Overgaurd acts like a 2nd layer of "shields" (in reality it's just a big layer of very strong health) and prevented players like Inaros/Nidus or Chroma from getting Energy. (So frames like Frost/Dante/Synax) where preventing players from getting Energy unintentionally.

However keep in mind that, even if you have Overgaurd over your Health and Shields, you'll still not get any engrey because you still have Shields (This makes zero sense and I think DE Mow might of missed something) but that's how it works.

No Shields = Energy

Health & Overgaurd = Energy

Shields & Health = No Energy

Shields/Health & Overgaurd = No Energy


I hope that explains it well, if you need any more questions, feel free to ask me


Edit: Also, if your shields break and you take damage to your Health you will gain Energy since there are no shields in the way but if your shields regen and go back up, you'll not gain Energy

And now I think about it, this is only creating a new problem, any frame that can restore your shields is now a problem since you'll not be able to gain Energy but luckily frames like Nidus or Inaros can't get shields regardless. 


We need a mod or Arcane (or something) that disables shields altogether, hell I even suggest it could be a Helminth injection of some kind "remove shields" and you can toggle it off and on by sitting in the chair

Edited by Circle_of_Psi
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The more I play with Dante, the more I feel sad about Los in the tragedy, many times enemies right in front of me don't take damage.

It's no longer fun to play with Dante it just makes you feel bad playing with him.


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23 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

Meme Reaction GIF by Robert E Blackmon


I know you asked DE but I'll try to explain it as best I can

When you have Rage/Adrenaline (or both) it converts a percentage of Health damage received into Energy, so each time your Health takes damage you'll gain energy, For example, you'll have a total of 85% damage conversion if you use both mods. However, keep note of the fact it says Health

If you have -Zero- Shields (Like Inaros) you will always be gaining Energy since you have no shields, the shield protects your health bar from damage (with some minor exceptions), so you will not take any damage on your health, you will not gain any Energy.

Now the change allows you to gain Energy if you have Overgaurd, whereas before it didn't since Overgaurd acts like a 2nd layer of "shields" (in reality it's just a big layer of very strong health) and prevented players like Inaros/Nidus or Chroma from getting Energy. (So frames like Frost/Dante/Synax) where preventing players from getting Energy unintentionally.

However keep in mind that, even if you have Overgaurd over your Health and Shields, you'll still not get any engrey because you still have Shields (This makes zero sense and I think DE Mow might of missed something) but that's how it works.

No Shields = Energy

Health & Overgaurd = Energy

Shields & Health = No Energy

Shields/Health & Overgaurd = No Energy


I hope that explains it well, if you need any more questions, feel free to ask me


Edit: Also, if your shields break and you take damage to your Health you will gain Energy since there are no shields in the way but if your shields regen and go back up, you'll not gain Energy

And now I think about it, this is only creating a new problem, any frame that can restore your shields is now a problem since you'll not be able to gain Energy but luckily frames like Nidus or Inaros can't get shields regardless. 


We need a mod or Arcane (or something) that disables shields altogether, hell I even suggest it could be a Helminth injection of some kind "remove shields" and you can toggle it off and on by sitting in the chair


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This thread has been open for 14 hours now and has alredy hit 16 pages with 387 replies from people who want the nerfs reversed on Dante and him to go back to his former perfect state 

And the developers have done nothing to do this for there comunity this shows how little they care for us 

We sit there and tell them exactly what we want and they ignore us and say that the comunity asked for this when the majority DID NOT

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