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[Dante Unbound] Our plans for next week (35.5.6)


Message added by [DE]Momaw,

These changes were implemented to the game with Hotfix 35.5.6:



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30 minutes ago, -ShadowRadiance- said:

Especially since no explanation for the deleting was given.

(I made a thread that was called 'NERF JADE' and it was deleted with no word as to why.)

Altough i have the post itself screenshotted in my dropbox for when Jade does come out.. il enjoy seeing if anything i said was accurate..


They also deleted my "caliban is too strong" thread

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3 hours ago, Drake_MPrime said:

Just a few hours after Dante's rebuff, content creators already making videos of Dante again, like Dante nukes this, Dante nukes that, Dante nukes level 9999 enemies blah blah blah!!! I swear, content creators are one of the main reason behind every nerf in gaming. They are just can't stop making these op, nukes videos and ruining every game! I'm sick n tired of this BS on YT. Please DE don't listen to them at all!!!

I see them too so pathetic  : /

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You are bad, DE, in a game where there are nuke frames capable of destroying a map really with one button, and also doing it absolutely unlimited, you have destroyed a beginner who is useless at any levels above the initial one. Dante is a piece of sh.t now, well, we'll play as before, nothing new, thank you. Just the old meta. Something new? Forget it.18eb4979f4727-screenshot-Url.png

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5 hours ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

I know you asked DE but I'll try to explain it as best I can

When you have Rage/Adrenaline (or both) it converts a percentage of Health damage received into Energy, so each time your Health takes damage you'll gain energy, For example, you'll have a total of 85% damage conversion if you use both mods. However, keep note of the fact it says Health

If you have -Zero- Shields (Like Inaros) you will always be gaining Energy since you have no shields, the shield protects your health bar from damage (with some minor exceptions), so you will not take any damage on your health, you will not gain any Energy.

Now the change allows you to gain Energy if you have Overgaurd, whereas before it didn't since Overgaurd acts like a 2nd layer of "shields" (in reality it's just a big layer of very strong health) and prevented players like Inaros/Nidus or Chroma from getting Energy. (So frames like Frost/Dante/Synax) where preventing players from getting Energy unintentionally.

However keep in mind that, even if you have Overgaurd over your Health and Shields, you'll still not get any engrey because you still have Shields (This makes zero sense and I think DE Mow might of missed something) but that's how it works.

No Shields = Energy

Health & Overgaurd = Energy

Shields & Health = No Energy

Shields/Health & Overgaurd = No Energy


I hope that explains it well, if you need any more questions, feel free to ask me


Edit: Also, if your shields break and you take damage to your Health you will gain Energy since there are no shields in the way but if your shields regen and go back up, you'll not gain Energy

And now I think about it, this is only creating a new problem, any frame that can restore your shields is now a problem since you'll not be able to gain Energy but luckily frames like Nidus or Inaros can't get shields regardless. 


We need a mod or Arcane (or something) that disables shields altogether, hell I even suggest it could be a Helminth injection of some kind "remove shields" and you can toggle it off and on by sitting in the chair

Yeah, that’s the optimistic take.

Which does nothing for Oberon, Grendel, Atlas (who all have just enough shields to interfere that will be protected by Overguard. and maybe  others


The problem is they said energy REGENERATES. Energy regen is a specific effect that differs in effect from “restore energy” Could be poor wording choice but that does beg clarification from people who did the change and speak with authority 


Edited by sXeth
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Still firmly in the "Revert the LoS and OG" changes camp. You made a good frame that was fun to play. Not even competitive games try to Old Yeller their new releases this fast. Let the space wizard do his thing.

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As I wrote in the other thread and I'll say the same here, I'm in favor of removing this LoS and returning Dante to his original state, but I'm even inclined to accept the idea of reducing his range but not having LoS. I also support all the comments against these changes.

Edited by MosesBg
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49 minutes ago, Hyzaku said:

Still firmly in the "Revert the LoS and OG" changes camp. You made a good frame that was fun to play. Not even competitive games try to Old Yeller their new releases this fast. Let the space wizard do his thing.

The LOS should be reverted in my opinion as well, but I am curious to see how it shakes out once we get more fixes. As for the overguard, they basically doubled the regen/s on kills and bumped up the initial gain again. He has invulnerability on casts of his 2, 3, and 4 in addition to his overguard initial gain and regen/s on kills. The overguard feels more in line with what other frames have, though I am confused by them not reducing the amount gained for allies like Intrepid Stand has as a first balance measure before touching any other values.

Edited by Beryliberries
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I'm gonna try and be as respectful and thorough as possible here. Our community's request regarding Dante is not for slight improvements, but rather a full restoration to his original state at launch. The bandaid fixes currently implemented are not what we desire. I believe it should be straightforward to understand that we simply want the removal of the increased overguard recharge which was not needed because he had his original setup when he launched that didn't need some much recharge, and was only introduced as compensation for the nerfs to both his final verse and his second verse. The requests hope was to have his abilities returned to their original values: a maximum overguard of 5,000 and a maximum light verse of 500. With these changes, the increased recharge would no longer be necessary and they weren't before because he didn't need it. 

I appreciate the efforts made to address the overguard problem in other frames and builds, as well as the improvements made to the way overguard interacts with them. Therefore, I kindly request that Dante be reverted to his initial state from the game's launch because that's what people paid for and that's what was advertised to us. Instead of making incremental adjustments, it would be ideal to fully restore him to his launch state because that's what people paid for and what they farmed him for not anything less. Additionally, the inclusion of line of sight mechanics was not requested or desired for Dante or any other Warframe, for that matter and it does not work for this game, other games sure. It seems that forcing this mechanic into Warframe goes against its nature and only seems to make everyone more angry. 

I understand that game development can be challenging, but I believe that reversing a Warframe to its original state should not be overly complicated. Since the nerf was implemented with ease, It should also be that easy and the reversal of the nerfs can be equally straightforward. I kindly ask you to change him back to how he originally was without all the bandaid fixes and unnecessary adjustments. 

As a side note I don't play Nezha but it would be nice also if you reverted the nerfs you made to him, we Dante and Nezha players just want our frames back to how they originally were and as developers you're really supposed to ensure our continued playing and paying of the game and also our fun and enjoyment. Thanks 🙂


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There are so many ways to nerf that Tragedy without LoS to be involved. Reducing the range, as you did in Nezha's Augument, but keep his 4th ability as AoE skill, why not to have some new frame with AoE. There are other AoE skill Frames too, but I am going to plays the old ones now even more than the Dante, because of that nerf... I was excited for that frame and I was going to buy his stuff, when DE nerfed it before even I to try him in his pre-nerfed version...Sad story


Edited by SamaelWar
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the theads being deleted are bait threads, and you know exactly what you did to get them deleted... you where posing trash threads trying to provoke a reaction from the devs by being trolls

you guys should just be banned from the forums

Edited by spider_enigma
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5 minutes ago, spider_enigma said:

the theads being deleted are bait threads, and you know exactly what you did to get them deleted... you where posing trash threads trying to provoke a reaction from the devs by being trolls

you guys should just be banned from the forums

Can't imagine why someone would be so upset as to post bait threads, its almost like DE did something that drove people to that. weird. anyways- Revert Dante.

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8 minutes ago, DeadlyDullahan said:

Can't imagine why someone would be so upset as to post bait threads, its almost like DE did something that drove people to that. weird. anyways- Revert Dante.

I can't imagine what xD still waiting for them to do the right thing though 

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22 minutes ago, DeadlyDullahan said:

Can't imagine why someone would be so upset as to post bait threads, its almost like DE did something that drove people to that. weird. anyways- Revert Dante.

plus this is really weird behavior for them. Constantly putting out PR speech riddled announcements about, patting themselves on the back for "listening" and then ignoring all the feedback unless it aligns with what they want.

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13 minutes ago, Renkuya said:

plus this is really weird behavior for them. Constantly putting out PR speech riddled announcements about, patting themselves on the back for "listening" and then ignoring all the feedback unless it aligns with what they want.

yep it's giving the same energy as "I'm a good person, I did a good thing, look at all the good I do"

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46 minutes ago, Renkuya said:

plus this is really weird behavior for them. Constantly putting out PR speech riddled announcements about, patting themselves on the back for "listening" and then ignoring all the feedback unless it aligns with what they want.

Theu even have the  YouTubers trying to quiet the storm 🫢

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28 minutes ago, OneOmniverse said:

Theu even have the  YouTubers trying to quiet the storm 🫢

So then how is it not blatantly, "we don't want to listen to the players, we want to do our own thing"? Which, hey, that's fine.. but say so. You can't just sit there and pretend to be community focused when you blatantly don't listen to the complaints.

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26 minutes ago, Renkuya said:

So then how is it not blatantly, "we don't want to listen to the players, we want to do our own thing"? Which, hey, that's fine.. but say so. You can't just sit there and pretend to be community focused when you blatantly don't listen to the complaints.

Yeah 😞

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On 2024-04-05 at 4:00 PM, Voltage said:

Why not just remove Line of Sight temporarily from affected abilities while a solution is worked out?

And while we're at it, let's make every shot of the Laetum do True Damage with a x5 Multiplier.
What could possibly go wrong?

It's bad enough abilities like Vauban's Vortex or Gauss' Thermal Sunder aren't really restricted to Line of Sight.
The reason a lot of "overpowered" and "automation" abilities get used so frequently is because you can buff their range to entire rooms-- regardless of things in the way.
It's especially a problem on things like Vortex since players often don't fix the issue they're making. Everything gets snagged on a wall.

But eh, this kinda opinion is usually coming from the side of the playerbase that doesn't care if they're creating problems.
Other players can go sound themselves for daring to speak against their lord, clearly this Strangledome is the best thing since sliced cancer.
So what would I know, hm? I'm just some weirdo who thinks players should work a team in a Co-Op Multiplayer Game for once, what a lunatic right?

I just hope some of you don't have important jobs.
Because this kinda nonsensical logic carries over to that... and that scares me. A lot.

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Two things,

1)  Well, Dante is at least playable again.

  There are still way too many LOS bugs as several time in Sanctuary Onslaught two visible mobs standing side by side one gets hit by Dante's 4 and the other gets hit by nothing (different maps).

  Based on the fact that there are other frames that have no line of sight restrictions on damage why was Dante's damage touched at all?  Please remove LOS totally as it appears to be used to nerf abilities that users find creative mod combinations for that scale well.  Working within the games structure, using provided mods and synergies should be rewarded not penalized nor have a mechanic applied that makes the ability useless and / or too buggy to bother playing.

  I do appreciate the quick partial revocation but, would much rather never see a knee-jerk nerf nuke to begin with.  DE hyped Dante as great frame with new abilities and synergies then delivered (all a great plus), then 8 days later started this fire-storm.  LOS restrictions in Warframe have received mostly negative feedback from the user base as it is not universal and shows up only to nerf to certain abilities (this just reinforces the negative).

  Since there are already AoE abilities in the game that scale with level (and have been buffed instead of nerfed), adding others that can also scale up should not be considered a bug deserving an insta-nerf.  Attending to the unintentional interactions would lead to a lot less ill will and mistrust, in my opinion.

2)  As to the Nezha's Divine Retribution the same applies, please remove the nerf.  This mod is something that Nezha absolutely needed and was not overbalancing in it's released state.  A minor adjustment might be necessary long term but again 8 days is not enough time to determine a 50% base range nerf is appropriate.  One would think that expanding the range of Warframes and abilities that  people want to mod and forma for is a plus. 

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DE, for the love of god just take Line of Sight off of Tragedy. Imagine if Saryn's Spores or Miasma needed line of sight. It defeats the purpose of the ability and Line of Sight in this game has never been reliable or worked well at all to begin with. Just revert the changes, you fixed something that never needed fixing by breaking it. And to do this by saying it was all because of "Automated Play" and "Domination in Squads" is nonsensical. People had whole squads of Excal Umbra or other new frames when they came out and you never nerfed them for that.

This whole patch was unnecessary and a waste of manpower that could've been better spent fixing or polishing other parts of the game that actually need the attention. Stop being tone deaf.

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