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[Dante Unbound] Our plans for next week (35.5.6)


Message added by [DE]Momaw,

These changes were implemented to the game with Hotfix 35.5.6:



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Revert or reduce the range nerf to Nezha's augment please. There is no reason for a hefty multiplicative nerf on the range of this augment. It legit created a new build for Nezha that gave him an identity of his own, instead of just being fast Rhino.

At the current range, it is virtually impossible to keep up with other players in kills, if all 4 are in a large room, since the spears will barely affect a small corner somewhere in that room. There is absolutely no need for such an insane nerf to this augment when you do not have enough data to warrant it.

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18 minutes ago, [DE]Momaw said:

It's been an exciting week for Warframe. Following the very positive launch of Dante Unbound, we threw open the doors to the Deep Archimedea and Elite Deep Archimedea. People have been laughing all the way to the bank with their new-found riches of Archon Shards.

But there's also been some missteps which we must take responsibility and apologize for, with regard to Dante himself and the rapid changes that caught people unawares. We've already made a big correction by fixing the new Line of Sight calculations which were, to put it bluntly, not as good as they should have been on release.

We never stop reviewing feedback, and in the spirit of making constant improvements to our game, here's a preview of our next steps in response to what players have said:

  • Adding back and formalizing the Status Damage Vulnerability to Dante's "Pageflight". In other words not just making enemies take more Status procs, but also increasing the damage of their Status. We removed this in Hotfix 35.5.3 because it was unexpected, and we regarded it as a bug. But many of you have expressed a desire to have this back, so we are working to restore it.
  • Improving the co-op play between Warframes that give their teammates Overguard and Warframes that rely on taking damage:
    • Vex Armor can charge its damage buff by getting ranged kills and its armor buff by getting melee or ability kills. This is in addition to the existing functionality. This allows Vex Armor to work while having Overguard and also in general provides a nice interaction where you can get the buff faster from playing well and not just from tanking hits.
    • Rage/Hunter Adrenaline will now grant Energy when you don't have Shields, so Inaros and Nidus (or any frame when their Shields are temporarily down), can regenerate Energy even through Overguard.

You can expect to see a Hotfix next week that adds these items. Other forms of self damage like Combat Discipline will also be reviewed in the future. We have definitely heard you on this point, we're just not sure that it will be done as quickly as the other interactions already mentioned.




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Remove LoS from Tragedy. Dark Verse is already LoS. It's mandatory for Tragedy to be even remotely viable as a damage ability. Tragedy, as a "detonator" does NOT need LoS.

Edited by Gandalf_White
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17 minutes ago, [DE]Momaw said:

Vex Armor can charge its damage buff by getting ranged kills and its armor buff by getting melee or ability kills. This is in addition to the existing functionality. This allows Vex Armor to work while having Overguard and also in general provides a nice interaction where you can get the buff faster from playing well and not just from tanking hits.

I absolutely did not expect a Chroma buff. Goodbye Combat Discipline!!

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Trying to fix problems that YOU guys created. Don't expect me to be impressed.

Furthermore, this doesn't fix the heavy handed nerf to Nezha's new augment. Or the fact you took Crowd Control out back and put a bullet between its eyes with the latest enemy overguard changes. Tonedeaf doesn't even begin to describe this.

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This is simply not enough. Anything short of removing LoS is a bad play. The ability was released without LoS checks, and should remain that way. As it stands, this is no different than Riot releasing champs for League in a stronger state, waiting for the money to roll in, and THEN breaking out the nerf bat now that you've collected all your (deceptively marketed) champ revenue. 

Does DE really want that kind of reputation?

Revert Tragedy. 

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Please revert the Dante LOS change and lower his range from 30 to 20 or 15 your players will thank you and find a way to compensate with the loss of range. Also, the overguard change was a good middle ground would like an extra 500 go the gaining overguard but overall the triumph buff is good. However, please revert the change on Dante.

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I'm still on the page that LoS should be removed. It's historically buggy and has never worked as 'intended.' Ember and Khora players know the pain well. No matter how much you try to 'improve' it, it simply won't work, because it's been tried and tried before. You have too much geometry in the game that can interfere with it to possibly make it work, and everyone knows this from painful experience. Can we just get rid of it when it should never have been there in the first place?

Nice to see some of the other changes, but the big one is still unaddressed. It would be nice to change Nezha's augment too while you're at it. The nerf was huge for multiplicative range.

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I wonder how quickly the developers will comply with the demands of the players and return everything to the imbalanced state that was before the patches? or will they show firmness, as was the case with the nerf of Wukong, and not make concessions?

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Idk why you guys just won’t listen to the players. Nobody wants LoS on Dante at all, regardless if it works as intended or not. You keep stressing how important it is but totally ignore the frames that nuke easily with no LoS at all. Just revert the whole nerf and do the OG thing you’re talking about. It’s like you guys are putting a stick in the spoke of your own wheel at this point, I just don’t understand the thought process behind it. Also, why kill the first resurgence that Nezha has seen in years and years and not even address it? Wish you guys would just listen to what people are saying, instead of just saying you’re listening.

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If you could simply remove the LoS from tragedy altogether and continue with what this post contains, it’d be a lot better. It’s unneeded and very unnecessary. That’s the real issue, nobody asked for you guys to add it, it was the overguard that was main the problem. Simple as that. Nothing else.

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Praise, the Chroma change he so desperately needed to be actually viable. It was always a challenge to charge Vex Armor, and now it should be reasonable.

The Dante LoS improvement is mild at best. I'd still prefer it the original way you had it on release. The question is, why is LoS triggered from our camera, and not from the front of the warframe? Are we actually just using abilities from behind the warframe, and it is actually a physical barrier?

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Chroma buff is solid, and restoring functionality to Pageflight is very very welcome. Thank you for this. While I still have gripes with the new LoS requirement on Tragedy, this is definitely a step in the right direction and I am glad to see that our feedback is not being ignored.

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Remove the LOS already. It's clearly too bugged to be implemented right now (not going to argue about if it should or not). You have broken the frame by trying to quick patch in functionality that is not ready. just straight revert it at least until you 100% have the time to make it work. Emergency rush patching on a broken system is not going to fix this.

Edited by Void2258
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I know the Loki Community is small and quiet, but can damage decoy please not be affected by Friendly Fire. This augment seemed really neat on paper, yet in practice it's making me want to return the augment for my standing back. 

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10 minutes ago, Voltage said:

Why not just remove Line of Sight from Tragedy? It's been a point of negative feedback every time it's been added to something. It doesn't matter whether it's Dante, Khora, or several other abilities and weapons. Line of Sight in Warframe has just been historically bad. I am all for allowing room for fixes and benefits, but Line of Sight has never really worked "well". I know most players forget about something a few weeks after it's passed, but Line of Sight issues have remained in the game for a very long time.

I agree. Line of sight was always horrible, and it took DE months to at least partially fix Khora Los, and it is still problematic. I understand that Khora back then without los gave pretty much afk gameplay, but Los created an inconsistency in Khora's gameplay.

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21 минуту назад, [DE]Momaw сказал:

Rage/Hunter Adrenaline will now grant Energy when you don't have Shields, so Inaros and Nidus (or any frame when their Shields are temporarily down), can regenerate Energy even through Overguard.

can someone clarify pls

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18 minutes ago, [DE]Momaw said:

Vex Armor can charge its damage buff by getting ranged kills and its armor buff by getting melee or ability kills. This is in addition to the existing functionality. This allows Vex Armor to work while having Overguard and also in general provides a nice interaction where you can get the buff faster from playing well and not just from tanking hits.

That's such a welcome change! Very nice to see!

After all this Dante drama is getting us Chroma buffed, and LoS fixed in general more than just for Dante. That's great.

Also glad to see you have combat discipline in mind!

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il y a 21 minutes, [DE]Momaw a dit :

It's been an exciting week for Warframe. Following the very positive launch of Dante Unbound, we threw open the doors to the Deep Archimedea and Elite Deep Archimedea. People have been laughing all the way to the bank with their new-found riches of Archon Shards.

But there's also been some missteps which we must take responsibility and apologize for, with regard to Dante himself and the rapid changes that caught people unawares. We've already made a big correction by fixing the new Line of Sight calculations which were, to put it bluntly, not as good as they should have been on release.

We never stop reviewing feedback, and in the spirit of making constant improvements to our game, here's a preview of our next steps in response to what players have said:

  • Adding back and formalizing the Status Damage Vulnerability to Dante's "Pageflight". In other words not just making enemies take more Status procs, but also increasing the damage of their Status. We removed this in Hotfix 35.5.3 because it was unexpected, and we regarded it as a bug. But many of you have expressed a desire to have this back, so we are working to restore it.
  • Improving the co-op play between Warframes that give their teammates Overguard and Warframes that rely on taking damage:
    • Vex Armor can charge its damage buff by getting ranged kills and its armor buff by getting melee or ability kills. This is in addition to the existing functionality. This allows Vex Armor to work while having Overguard and also in general provides a nice interaction where you can get the buff faster from playing well and not just from tanking hits.
    • Rage/Hunter Adrenaline will now grant Energy when you don't have Shields, so Inaros and Nidus (or any frame when their Shields are temporarily down), can regenerate Energy even through Overguard.

You can expect to see a Hotfix next week that adds these items. Other forms of self damage like Combat Discipline will also be reviewed in the future. We have definitely heard you on this point, we're just not sure that it will be done as quickly as the other interactions already mentioned.



Seeing you guys being so obstinate about killing Dante that you keep fixing things that have been rotting in a corner for years is hilarious.
Seriously, at this point if folks keep complaining the game will be an exemple of technical perfection by the end of next week.

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23 minutes ago, [DE]Momaw said:

We never stop reviewing feedback, and in the spirit of making constant improvements to our game, here's a preview of our next steps in response to what players have said:

  • Adding back and formalizing the Status Damage Vulnerability to Dante's "Pageflight". In other words not just making enemies take more Status procs, but also increasing the damage of their Status. We removed this in Hotfix 35.5.3 because it was unexpected, and we regarded it as a bug. But many of you have expressed a desire to have this back, so we are working to restore it.
  • Improving the co-op play between Warframes that give their teammates Overguard and Warframes that rely on taking damage:
    • Vex Armor can charge its damage buff by getting ranged kills and its armor buff by getting melee or ability kills. This is in addition to the existing functionality. This allows Vex Armor to work while having Overguard and also in general provides a nice interaction where you can get the buff faster from playing well and not just from tanking hits.
    • Rage/Hunter Adrenaline will now grant Energy when you don't have Shields, so Inaros and Nidus (or any frame when their Shields are temporarily down), can regenerate Energy even through Overguard.

This change should've been on day 1 and BEFORE the Dante nerf, this isn't acceptable in the long-run, so with that being said: Please revert all the changes you have done to Dante and his OG and the LoS issue (Below are the changes you have made)

Undo ALL of this but leave the bolded text changes alone

  • Increased Wordwarden’s weapon damage on warded allies from 30% to 50%. 
    • The Wordwarden felt a bit lacklustre in comparison to the rest of Dante’s abilities, so we gave it a boost to encourage players to experiment and engage with it more. 
  • Final Verse’s “Tragedy” now only affects enemies within Line of Sight.
    • This felt like the most reasonable change to Tragedy since it could be cast back to back without much forethought on positioning. So to make it a more active ability, enemies must now be within range in your Line of Sight to be impacted by it. 
  • Reduced the amount of Overguard gained from Final Verse’s “Triumph” from 5000 to 2000 at Max Rank. 
    • For a bit of compensation, we increased Triumph’s base Overguard Regeneration per second from 50 to 100 at Max Rank (can still be modified with Ability Strength). 
  • Reduced the amount of Overguard gained from Light Verse from 500 to 250 at Max Rank (can still be modified with Ability Strength). 
  • Added Overguard Cap stat to Final Verse’s “Triumph” description to make it clear that there are cases where the cap for Light Verse and Triumph can be different (ex: when using the Precision Intensify Mod). 
  • Final Verse’s “Pageflight” no longer applies increased Status Effect Damage to enemies hit by its Paragrimms. 
    • This was an undocumented element of Pageflight, but for the sake of transparency, we wanted to inform you of its removal. We believe its removal strikes a better balance and synergy with Status Damage inflicted by Tragedy.
    • NOTE: This is not a removal of the Status Vulnerability added to enemies by Pageflight. We are only removing the unintended additional damage taken from Status Effects. 
    • (This change will be undone, good!)


Please, it's not that hard!

Edited by Circle_of_Psi
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3 minutes ago, DecadeX said:

Can we get a look at the Nezha augment change as well. 50% base radius reduction is a 75% area reduction, and that's no small tweak.

I have more to say about Dante now but this. Please. That reduction is waaaaay too much. Please reconsider the amount. 

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