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[Dante Unbound] Our plans for next week (35.5.6)


Message added by [DE]Momaw,

These changes were implemented to the game with Hotfix 35.5.6:



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Ok, but can we get some clarity as to why Dante needed LoS and overguard nerfs at all? The only legit criticism I've really seen is the interaction some frames have with overguard, and the fix mentioned here solves that, so why the nerf still? It isn't even as much that he is "unplayable" now because hopefully he isn't, it doesn't seem like he is, but without a real explanation, it feels like the reason was "y'all were having too much fun, can't have that" and we had to bring out the nerf bat within a week. Meanwhile, Qorvex has been gathering dust in my arsenal and (from the squads I've matched with) everyone else's, but there was no quick reaction to make him a compelling option at all. It's really disheartening when it feels like if we like something it's wrong and we can't have it forever.

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Nezha's new augument deserved a nerf but not an 50% range reduction. In my opinion is just killing the mod. If i was DE i woud reduce by around 20% the range and reduce the status damage to 1.3 . 50% is just to much and just kills the fun of using that augument and satisfaction that u can get from it.

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31 minutes ago, [DE]Momaw said:
  • Rage/Hunter Adrenaline will now grant Energy when you don't have Shields, so Inaros and Nidus (or any frame when their Shields are temporarily down), can regenerate Energy even through Overguard.

I had known Dante was the new frame but have been having a lot of fun with the Inaros rework. I really appreciate this is being looked into.

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Lots of good news so far but until the Line of Sight checks can be properly and fully fleshed out then Dante's Tragedy should just be reverted to a Zero check in the meantime while the team works on making a 100 percent proper check. This Hotfix adjustment to the Line of Sight check is a last second bandaid, that at times makes it even more frustrating. If it really is so bad that Tragedy could hit all enemies in range through walls then just reduce its overall damage or scale it based on distance but REMOVE the Line of Sight, at least until the team has created a fully realized and meaningful method of accurately Checking for Line of Sight.

Nezha's Augment still needs to be addressed also.

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It's also worth mentioning that party-wide overguard would then also interfere with electric Elemental Ward functioning as intended, so party overguard is a hindrance to players attempting to use it offensively.

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32 minutes ago, [DE]Momaw said:

Improving the co-op play between Warframes that give their teammates Overguard and Warframes that rely on taking damage:

  • Vex Armor can charge its damage buff by getting ranged kills and its armor buff by getting melee or ability kills. This is in addition to the existing functionality. This allows Vex Armor to work while having Overguard and also in general provides a nice interaction where you can get the buff faster from playing well and not just from tanking hits.
  • Rage/Hunter Adrenaline will now grant Energy when you don't have Shields, so Inaros and Nidus (or any frame when their Shields are temporarily down), can regenerate Energy even through Overguard.

Love to see these changes. Thank you DE for all your hard work <3

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Starting to feel more like a (bait-and-switch) scam. DE Advertisements "Buy Dante because he is new, shiny, and does amazing damage." Spend 4 Forma and Umbra forma with matching time spent in ESO just to be told, "Yeah that new shiny Dante, Well we decided to make him half of what we sold you and the other half only works sometimes, but we're keeping the money and if you don't like it complain on the forums and hold you breath."


Revert changes and just reduce range, period.

Edited by Clamchop
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5 minutes ago, .PapaDocnasty. said:

WHAT ABOUT NEZHA'S RANGE? 50% was WAYYY too much! 

265% Range = 25m -Nezzy's Spears

265% Range = 32m - Gauss Thermal Sunder

Balance? Nope, Fix it or NERF THERMAL SUNDER ! The Nerf was Completely Unnecessary to begin with, Then Way TOO much.

just fix it not nerf thermal, thx god ill leave if thermal sunder got nerfed  

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31 minutes ago, [DE]Momaw said:

Adding back and formalizing the Status Damage Vulnerability to Dante's "Pageflight". In other words not just making enemies take more Status procs, but also increasing the damage of their Status. We removed this in Hotfix 35.5.3 because it was unexpected, and we regarded it as a bug. But many of you have expressed a desire to have this back, so we are working to restore it.

If this is going to stay - could it be expanded? We have mods like Continuous Misery which make status effects last longer, but it'd be interesting to have mods which make status effects more potent. Similar to how we have Crit Chance vs Crit Damage, having something like Status Chance and Status Intensity. It would be a good way to help out weapons with a low rate of fires which currently fall behind on Status. For example a sniper rifle that shoots slowly can't stack up a lot of Corrosive, but a machine pistol or shotgun can. Snipers and SARs could then have a high base Status Intensity as a new stat which could be modded, and weapons with very high RoFs could have a low base Status Intensity.

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Edited by NLGUnknown
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34 minutes ago, [DE]Momaw said:

But there's also been some missteps which we must take responsibility and apologize for, with regard to Dante himself and the rapid changes that caught people unawares. We've already made a big correction by fixing the new Line of Sight calculations which were, to put it bluntly, not as good as they should have been on release.

You did it again... enemies that are obscured by Dante model are not being targetted, seriusly why use LoS if it DOES NOT WORK, everyone hates LoS and its still bugged after the fix... you should be ashamed, you did  a great update and ruined for most people... Shame on you guys for lying to us and then screwing up twice... its unbelivable how amateur it makes you look, 10 minutes testing it and i noticed it was not targeting enemies behind my warframe... 10 minutes...

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38 minutes ago, [DE]Momaw said:

Improving the co-op play between Warframes that give their teammates Overguard and Warframes that rely on taking damage:

  • Vex Armor can charge its damage buff by getting ranged kills and its armor buff by getting melee or ability kills. This is in addition to the existing functionality. This allows Vex Armor to work while having Overguard and also in general provides a nice interaction where you can get the buff faster from playing well and not just from tanking hits.
  • Rage/Hunter Adrenaline will now grant Energy when you don't have Shields, so Inaros and Nidus (or any frame when their Shields are temporarily down), can regenerate Energy even through Overguard.

Both of these are excellent changes. I'm sure you're going to hear people complain about how Vex Armor still gives base damage instead of a multiplier, but that's their fault for using Merciless arcanes on all their guns instead of one of the excellent non-base damage giving weapon arcanes like Shotgun Vendetta that synergizes really well with this ability. The real problem with Vex Armor has always been how restrictive it's made Chroma's builds especially with updates to the game mechanics over the years. When Chroma was originally released it was a lot easier to reliably get small amounts of health damage to trigger the buffs because you could take self-damage from weak explosive weapons like an unmodded Hikou thrown at your feet without dying, but after the AOE changes you had to resort to taking actual enemy damage (extremely risky now with how powerful enemies currently are in endgame content) or using wonky setups with mods like Combat Discipline to get self damage indirectly.

This change means you can free up that aura slot for a more useful alternative and just melee and shoot some enemies at the start of a mission to get your Vex Armor buffs going. Another change that would be really nice is if it was possible to make Vex Armor reliably affect allies without having to invest a massive amount of mod space into Ability Range (which is hugely problematic on Chroma since you need space for a bunch of survival mods on top of everything else and Overextended directly counteracts the ability's effectiveness by reducing Ability Strength). The Guardian Armor augment already makes Chroma's HP damage sharing affect allies in affinity range, so I think it would be nice if it just made Vex Armor's entire effect work based off of Affinity Range instead. This would be a massive buff to the ability since you could use the augment and make Vex Armor work without modding for range at all, but it's Chroma's best tool and he's not exactly in a great state power-wise right now so I think further dramatic tweaks like this are warranted.

Edited by Vryheid
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36 minutes ago, [DE]Momaw said:

It's been an exciting week for Warframe. Following the very positive launch of Dante Unbound, we threw open the doors to the Deep Archimedea and Elite Deep Archimedea. People have been laughing all the way to the bank with their new-found riches of Archon Shards.

But there's also been some missteps which we must take responsibility and apologize for, with regard to Dante himself and the rapid changes that caught people unawares. We've already made a big correction by fixing the new Line of Sight calculations which were, to put it bluntly, not as good as they should have been on release.

We never stop reviewing feedback, and in the spirit of making constant improvements to our game, here's a preview of our next steps in response to what players have said:

  • Adding back and formalizing the Status Damage Vulnerability to Dante's "Pageflight". In other words not just making enemies take more Status procs, but also increasing the damage of their Status. We removed this in Hotfix 35.5.3 because it was unexpected, and we regarded it as a bug. But many of you have expressed a desire to have this back, so we are working to restore it.
  • Improving the co-op play between Warframes that give their teammates Overguard and Warframes that rely on taking damage:
    • Vex Armor can charge its damage buff by getting ranged kills and its armor buff by getting melee or ability kills. This is in addition to the existing functionality. This allows Vex Armor to work while having Overguard and also in general provides a nice interaction where you can get the buff faster from playing well and not just from tanking hits.
    • Rage/Hunter Adrenaline will now grant Energy when you don't have Shields, so Inaros and Nidus (or any frame when their Shields are temporarily down), can regenerate Energy even through Overguard.

You can expect to see a Hotfix next week that adds these items. Other forms of self damage like Combat Discipline will also be reviewed in the future. We have definitely heard you on this point, we're just not sure that it will be done as quickly as the other interactions already mentioned.



as long as rage and hunter adrenaline keep doing some sort of damage conversion i'll be happy. nevertheless, i'm extremely glad this change is finally coming. Cheers to the team, and much love during these obviously trying times

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Since we are getting Pageflight's status damage back, can we look into the Onos and the headshot damage?

I get that scaling infinitely was too much, but it made me play in a way I don't usually bother. Even if it could kill enemies instantly on headhsots, it was still a single target, so it was never better than stuff like the Torid. 

Would be nice to at least make the stacks decay on miss instead of reset and increase the cap significantly. 

Also actually buffing the incarnon form. It lacks everything to be as good as it looks cool

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The Rage/Overguard change is welcome, although I wonder if Valkyr is overlooked with this change since she's still affected.  I'm also curious if Parasitic Armor Rhino can make use of it as well.

And as others have mentioned, the Nezha augment nerf is pretty heavy-handed and it'd be nice to see it lessened so it's more usable

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so much for listening to the community honestly just a shame you are going to lose players and even if they don’t leave the ones who paid for ur stuff won’t anymore because it can be nerfed to hell so stop being so thick headed and change it back and let the community rest how will you keep the game alive if ur players aren’t willing to spend anything?

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39 minutes ago, [DE]Momaw said:

Improving the co-op play between Warframes that give their teammates Overguard and Warframes that rely on taking damage

What was the point of nerfing Dante then???

Did you guys really do a bait and switch to get people to spend money on it???

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Please as every single person who actually owns a dante is asking remove los i would suggest from every frames abilities not just dante look at khoras whip claw its a trash mechanic the dev team can not clearly grasp the concept of or properly implement so again all we ask is for the dante everyone was enjoying on release... yes OG needs some tweaks but not the nurf rocket if you haven't played with dante on SP lvl 1k plus enemies you really don't know what we are talking about when we say this nerf killed dantes damage output making him a support weapons platform witch is not what we were sold on... 

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20 minutes ago, Gandalf_White said:

Remove LoS from Tragedy. Dark Verse is already LoS. It's mandatory for Tragedy to be even remotely viable as a damage ability. Tragedy, as a "detonator" does NOT need LoS.

This simple statement has actually convinced me that this ability shouldn't have LOS.  Isn't it just a relatively small radius around Dante anyway? That's what it has always looked/felt like to me, anyway.  Strong but short range ability.

Anyway, it IS a good thing that DE is gonna maybe fix LOS in general. And yeah, funny. That they're fixing bigger issues with the game mechanics thanks to this OP frame!

How they are managing to get any work done in a room full of screaming babies is amazing to me!

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