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I just got Protea today, and her dodge animation is way too cool. I'm very salty I can't have that acrobatic move on Voruna where it feels it would fit very well. Any chance we could get dodge Animations available one day?

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6 minutes ago, KewpieKyu said:

I just got Protea today, and her dodge animation is way too cool. I'm very salty I can't have that acrobatic move on Voruna where it feels it would fit very well. Any chance we could get dodge Animations available one day?

I doubt it, but this is something I would happily spend plat on, along with walk-styles like Wisp, Titania, and Dante.  I just really want Gyre's dodge on other frames.

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2 minutes ago, KewpieKyu said:

I just got Protea today, and her dodge animation is way too cool. I'm very salty I can't have that acrobatic move on Voruna where it feels it would fit very well. Any chance we could get dodge Animations available one day?


Don't lose hope maybe one day we well be able to disassemble and customize animations sets. I mean, there are so so many it feels like wasted potential only being able to select one at the time.  

Don't forget we just got one of the oldest requested features related to fashion. Invisibility VFX can now be selected! invisible frames can look amazing 24/7 all year.


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Well invisibility and similar are essentially overlays and considerably easier to make/change. I do it all the time for modding games. Boots that are on fire as you walk. Swords that burst with energy when you hit a target, changing eyes without changing the actual Mat like this.


That being said. Typically animations are set to only work with specific model skeletons so either all frames use the same skeletal points for animations or they have been importing every new frame stance animation by hand which I kinda doubt. So it should be pretty easy to change the dodge animations.

I agree that Protea's dodge is cool though. I use lightning step ephemera just to watch her flip the lightning as she goes.

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Having changeable dodge animations seems like something DE can add in the future, similar to animation sets. You probably just need more people to request it on streams. Remember how the recent Sand ephemera came about and gausses emote. Having their attention turned in that direction definitely helps, when it come to having people spend more plat.

I personally wouldn't mind having custom dodge rolls.

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I recall DE explicitly stated that dodge animations would not be made customizable. Whether that was Pablo on Twitter, or Rebecca in their weekly YouTube Devshorts, can't remember specifically. That being said... If they ever were to make the customization available, I'd revert Protea to the basic roll. Her flip is just jank and awkward.

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12 hours ago, Xzorn said:

That being said. Typically animations are set to only work with specific model skeletons so either all frames use the same skeletal points for animations

Yes, so far as I can tell, Frames (and Drifter) share a rig.

It's worth noting that Operator does not; presumably this is why Drifter can use all emotes but Operator can only use a subset.

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18 hours ago, Packetdancer said:

Drifter can use all emotes but Operator can only use a subset.

drifter can't use all emotes in normal gameplay, only in 2 areas, being new war, and duviri, everywhere else he's just operator but taller. (also they let us back in the day, when the war within came out, they let us do all emotes with the operator, they got rid of that quick, just like how they got rid of drifter parazon finishers quick, or the equip pistols on drifter bug quick,)

And also, for the "bones" thing, we can do every emote on kahl.

Edit: turns out, I thought they patched it, but no, it's still in the game, I just did it now to confirm.


Edited by rahetalius4.2.0CE
scratch that on the gun thing
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47 minutes ago, rahetalius4.2.0CE said:

drifter can't use all emotes in normal gameplay, only in 2 areas, being new war, and duviri, everywhere else he's just operator but taller.

Fair; I suppose I should say, it's why Drifter is technically able to use all emotes (whether or not they make all emotes available during transference) while Operator is not, though there's enough similarity you could try to play them all to Operator (likely with a great deal of attendant jank and deforming in certain cases).

Maybe a better example would be that, so far as I can tell, Operator lacks the attachment sockets for things like syandana, while Drifter has them.

(Doesn't surprise me that Kahl's also just a Warframe under the hood, though, in terms of being able to do all the emotes.)

Edited by Packetdancer
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