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What is your favorite gimmicky Warframe?

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I always enjoyed playing gimmicky characters in games, and Warframe is no exception. With that being said, what are your favorite gimmicky/unique Warframes to use? Right now, my favorite is Vauban. His different abilities are fun to set up. Especially his 2nd ability. I like building what is essentially a blender in the middle of the room.

Edited by Crusadatron
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I would have to say Nidus and his Mutation Stacks is my favorite gimmick. Building up stacks feels very satisfying with the way it gives him more damage, armor, and self-resurrects. Also changes his appearance, which is super dope.

Though Lavos and his Cooldown/Alchemy shenanigans is quickly climbing the ranks with with addition of his most recent Augment.

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Limbo and his rift gimmick

I love the ability to shift through different planes

See what I did there? Shift? Because dodge on keyboard is the shift key? Get it? Get it? I’m funny

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Kullervo... no wait, he isnt gimmicky, he's stereotypical, the dude from finland that is way too knife happy and doesnt stray from cursing at people while threatening them wrathfully with those too many knives he is too happy about.

Lavos for actually gimmicky. I mean, CDs in WF, can it get more gimmicky than that?

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I dunno.. what classifies as gimmicky, really? I suppose Atlas with Wrathful Advance, where the gimmick is "I punch, they die, big red number come out and make brain happy", does that count?

normally I do try to use as much of a frame's kit as possible, including trying to make sub-par abilities work in certain ways, often with varying results.


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Grendel. See when he was released he was fairly straight forward work horse style worker. Nothing flashy, no gimmicks, he just use to straight up eat people. Devour them, tuck them away in his tummy basket. Literally munch their flesh. Like Saturn devouring his son, but every Grineer, Corpus, Infested etc are his children, in this analogy. 

That was on release though, see a few years down the road, and Yareli is released. With a cutesy vibe and frilly dress and throwing up gang symbols with her hands, and hugging her eldritch abomination ketamine skateboard, Yareli was polarising. Some people liked the anime stylings and mannerisms, and some people were the Clint Eastward looking disgusted GIF. 

Grendel though, he saw an opportunity, he saw Yareli trying to make a splash and trying to muscle her way onto the card, she was pointing at the sign, and in the age of social media, even having a lot of haters can be profitable, so Grendel did the unexpected... He changed and developed a new ability, and this new ability wasn't just strong and one to quickly become one of the top used Helminths... Grendel used this ability with a new voice line, as he uttered... UWU. 

Now Grendel was just as cute, just as kawaii, just as anime, just as girly as Yareli. He had stolen her gimmick, just like he stole her animation stance/idle animations (well stole, but also 50 Plat), and now he was the UWU master. Now he reigns as the UWU master, he can't eat as many as he used to, but he eats up Gimmicks, and now he is undisputed, undoubtedly, without question the Master of the Gimmick the UWU King. ~#OWO#~

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Not using it currently so I don't know if I can call it a favorite but Saryn. No, not for its widely popular nuking potential but rather its raw DPS potential. You can get up to three weapon-DPS boosting effects on Saryn, most people tend to use this for PT(Profit Taker) setups but this was how I made quick work of the Corpus Steel Path nodes and Veil Corpus Railjack and then later on using it as a bossing build but have since moved on to other tankier options.

Haven't used it that much but another gimmick setup I have is Eternal Archon Staff Twin. Bit of a mouthful but you can make all four of those work together. The synergy combing all of that makes it feel very fluid to play without needing to constantly spam abilities since they three of your four are always up with the last being a get out of danger button. Also applicable for others like Excalibur or Valkyr.  Sadly not very applicable in many forms of content that Warframe has to offer.


However, probably my favorite "gimmick" playstyle above those two would go to Disruptive Mirage. This is a nice one with its main benefit being used to quickly farm up Axi relics in disruption. Everyone knows Mirage has two main playstyles, you either increase DPS with doppelgangers and eclipse or legerdemain nuke, which isn't exclusive to ESO by the way. What if I told you that you can have both? In disruption the key carriers are usually more tanky and just browsing about you can use Explosive Legerdemain to wipe out the scrubs since this is more passive-based over other forms of enemy killing you can instead turn your focus on dealing with the demolysts where you pull out the doppelgangers and dps boosting ability to kite the demo unit down. The kicker here is that since the carriers have a slightly higher health they won't get killed by the mines as easily making them spawn faster or even leaving them through the round transition for easy pickings at the start of next round. There are two main helminth abilities to use here, Roar which boosts both mine damage and makes demo one-shots possible or Nourish for energy upkeep on mines. As an added bonus even Mirage's passive helps out a ton in disruption where you are always constantly on the move with it boosting parkour maneuvers.

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