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The Most Hated Warframe ever -- Limbo


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Limbo as we all know is the troll of Warframe. And its honestly sad that this is the case since he has potential to actually be great considering he gets access to a different plane (or dimension). So, these are my ideas for some Limbo Changes and tweaks to make him more desirable for teamplay


Same thing as before but Limbo and allies as well will gain the energy regen, and are faster in the rift.

1st Ability: Banish

Instead of single target, just make it an aoe cast, or even have it a tap to cast on 1 single enemy or hold cast on group of enemies.

2nd Ability: Stasis

The same thing really, but weapon projectiles fired from Limbo and allies are faster. Also, this should literally freeze most (if not every) enemy types in the game. Just because an eximus have overguard shouldnt mean they can just waltz right through the rift no issues. I know its an ability and they're immune to that but its literally a different dimension.

3rd Ability: Rift Surge

The rift torrent augment should just be mandatory at this point, like i hate how mandatory it is to have this augment in Limbo's builds. Or if not, have the ability do something like it affects enemies outside the rift or something. There is literally quite a lot of potential this ability has, and without the augment.....its aight at best.

4th ability: Cataclysm 

The same thing, but since this is like a gateway to a different plane, i think it should do more for enemies who enter the bubble like take continuous damage on the edges of the bubble, or even upon entering, enemies take a small percentage of true damage dealt to them.

There is literally so much they can do with Limbo that its actually shocking how much potential he has to be a great warframe, for not only himself but to allies as well as a support and etc. Another interesting thing is, Limbo is meant to help allies especially in defense missions to protect the objective, but the problem is, using the bubble (with large range) and with stasis, means enemies are gonna be stuck on the outer edges, which slows the mission down, since now its all about killing enemies as fast as possible. So the 2 main abilities Limbo players uses with occasional 3s here and there, are the main issues, so i dont know what to be said about that. Let me know

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15 minutes ago, (XBOX)AudiGuard20 said:

Another interesting thing is, Limbo is meant to help allies especially in defense missions to protect the objective, but the problem is, using the bubble (with large range) and with stasis, means enemies are gonna be stuck on the outer edges, which slows the mission down, since now its all about killing enemies as fast as possible.

You acknowledge this, yet your ideas for changes do nothing to address it.  The most significant change you seem to be proposing is to allow Limbo's gamebreaking CC to work through overguard again.  This is a bad idea, as it is impossible to balance.


Most of your changes aren't really changes.  You basically say "the same thing" for almost every part of his kit.  With respect, I don't think there's anything worth salvaging in Limbo's kit.  It's a shambles that leads to stale gameplay (if it even can be called that) when it works.  And when it doesn't work, it doesn't work, and you'd be better off bringing literally any other frame. 


If it were up to me, he'd get a floor to ceiling rework that throws the rift away in everything but name.  He'd be more generic, with powers and a passive that beg and borrow from existing abilities on other frames, but he'd also be more useful and balanced.  Most importantly, he'd lose the ability to grief his teammates.

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48 minutes ago, sunderthefirmament said:

Most of your changes aren't really changes.  You basically say "the same thing" for almost every part of his kit.  With respect, I don't think there's anything worth salvaging in Limbo's kit.  It's a shambles that leads to stale gameplay (if it even can be called that) when it works.  And when it doesn't work, it doesn't work, and you'd be better off bringing literally any other frame. 

To be honest it can be 'salvaged' but they need to make it fair for both sides. I've been thinking about limbo rework. I've some thought but I still have some missing part, so bear with me. No enemies can enter Catasis. Instead of they reduce (or make it faster) limbo's timers. So if your Catasis is at 15 second left, enemy can make it 2x faster (so 7.5 second). Add max drain (e.g. like Gloom, based on enemy count). I would say that that Limbo can damage enemies outside Rift but with small value (e.g. 0.5x damage).

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1 hour ago, (XBOX)AudiGuard20 said:

Limbo as we all know is the troll of Warframe. And its honestly sad that this is the case since he has potential to actually be great considering he gets access to a different plane (or dimension). So, these are my ideas for some Limbo Changes and tweaks to make him more desirable for teamplay


Same thing as before but Limbo and allies as well will gain the energy regen, and are faster in the rift.

Sooooo, you say he is the trolliest frame yet do nothing with the changes to address that?

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2 hours ago, (XBOX)AudiGuard20 said:

Limbo as we all know is the troll of Warframe. And its honestly sad that this is the case since he has potential to actually be great considering he gets access to a different plane (or dimension). So, these are my ideas for some Limbo Changes and tweaks to make him more desirable for teamplay


Same thing as before but Limbo and allies as well will gain the energy regen, and are faster in the rift.

1st Ability: Banish

Instead of single target, just make it an aoe cast, or even have it a tap to cast on 1 single enemy or hold cast on group of enemies.

2nd Ability: Stasis

The same thing really, but weapon projectiles fired from Limbo and allies are faster. Also, this should literally freeze most (if not every) enemy types in the game. Just because an eximus have overguard shouldnt mean they can just waltz right through the rift no issues. I know its an ability and they're immune to that but its literally a different dimension.

3rd Ability: Rift Surge

The rift torrent augment should just be mandatory at this point, like i hate how mandatory it is to have this augment in Limbo's builds. Or if not, have the ability do something like it affects enemies outside the rift or something. There is literally quite a lot of potential this ability has, and without the augment.....its aight at best.

4th ability: Cataclysm 

The same thing, but since this is like a gateway to a different plane, i think it should do more for enemies who enter the bubble like take continuous damage on the edges of the bubble, or even upon entering, enemies take a small percentage of true damage dealt to them.

There is literally so much they can do with Limbo that its actually shocking how much potential he has to be a great warframe, for not only himself but to allies as well as a support and etc. Another interesting thing is, Limbo is meant to help allies especially in defense missions to protect the objective, but the problem is, using the bubble (with large range) and with stasis, means enemies are gonna be stuck on the outer edges, which slows the mission down, since now its all about killing enemies as fast as possible. So the 2 main abilities Limbo players uses with occasional 3s here and there, are the main issues, so i dont know what to be said about that. Let me know

He already gives his 2 energy per sec regen to any ally in the rift with his passive, only thing it doesn't give allies is the 10 energy per rifted enemy killed, so are you asking to give that portion out as well?

His 1 was changed into a cone aoe ages ago, and has a hold function to unbanish all things on the map (yes its a  map wide aoe that ignores walls, something another wizard with a shorter range wasn't allowed to have /s XD)

And his 4 will always inflict 300 forced impact on enemies that enters it, i.e. enemies frozen at the edges of it that reenter. If you want it to deal more damage, that could be a discussion to have, but I don't think de wants it to be a damaging skill.

Edited by Sephylon086918
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I still stick with my idea that Banish should instead be a simpler buff/debuff action, where as a debuff it reduces damage dealt to and increases damage taken from Limbo and any ally of Limbo with the buff, all the while having the rest of his abilities instead have some sort of greater or additional effect against enemies with that debuff.  His passive could technically remain the same since it only really affects Limbo, and Cataclysm could be mostly the same aside from applying the buffs and debuffs to allies and enemies in the radius of the ability.

Not only would it make Limbo less detrimental to groups, but it would also make him a teeny bit more capable against eximus units since a simpler debuff could be made to work through overguard.

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I honestly do find these suggestions to be a little messy and do not fully adress the underlying issues though with them mostly being aimed on adressing teamplay / quality of life issues it does mean that your impression of the issue is right on the money never the less!.

Limbo currently suffers from a mixture of 3 issues.

Poor team synergy: 
Any player picking up limbo for the first time is bound to make a mess. Banished enemies left strewn about, Banished allies by random, Cataclysm + stasis + long range = Slowdown. 
He is also currently clunky with some of his more powerful moves which means that for all practical purpose's the banish + mesa peacemaker(immortal mesa) combo is limited to premade levelcap squads and not general usage.

Old bugs/Old Nerfs and Inconsistency. 
Limbo is an old warframe and one notorious for breaking the game in one form or another and so weather by Patchwork intervention or just entropy he has accumulated bug.
One of limbo's main jobs to give an example is to defend targets. Be it NPC or objective. Coil drives in Fortuna cant be affected by abilities and so not even cataclysm can defend them from incoming fire. In the Deimos arcana bounties Juggernauts cant be banished more than once because of ability resistance. If cataclysm is up and a void angel disables your warframe you have to now wait for cataclysm to expire before you can shoot your self free. Same issue with the last gasp ability from Unairu. Enemies/ Environmental effects piercing the rift the rift when they shouldn't, So on.

Poor visual Language
The rift is terrible at communicating what it does to the player upfront. You got to do rather extensive research and not fall into one of the myriad noobtraps and bugs along the way at the same time. Fx long range limbo builds being the first thing people turn to or suddenly getting deleted when you thought your self safe. The result is a rather terrible experience and combine that with limbo being an advanced warframe with abilities that demand the player to be able to read the battlefield to make the most use off it and you got a recipe for a lot of players simply writing the frame off. Regardless of how powerful it is.

My personal solution to limbo.

1. Address the team synergy issue by streamlining and ironing out some of the kinks.

The frame already works more or less with exception of CC slowing missions down which is a can of worms that DE will have to address separately I'm afraid but what can be done is ensure the rift at least does not get in the way of allies, regardless of how much mess an unskilled limbo player makes.

My Suggestion here is to hand out limbo's passive to people via a relatively easily attainable method. By handing out Limbo's passive while limbo is in the squad we essentially remove the main issue of players not being able to shoot rifted targets there and then! All you need to do is just know its in the rift and dodge in to get it killed simple as that. The main part is that the buff needs to be easily atainable and the player has to be able to control the rift them selfs not waiting for limbo to grant them access or leave. 

Balance of this is entirely on DE's side though. Weather or not they want it to be reduced duration one can remain in the rift as an ally or what other consideration they want to take.

A look through limbo and updating his ruleset to reach more consistent results by removing old nerfs old bugs and potentially even making cataclysm able to drag ability immune enemies into it( Some issues may arise from this and will need its own separate adjustments) Operator Rift interactions fix. So on.

3. Getting limbo To teach himself better.
This is where the improved visaual language comes in but i admitedly am no expert here. What i would personally do however is ensure that the rift visuals are clearly distinguishing between shootable and non shootable targets WITHOUT falling into the trap of the pre rework limbo of visual clutter. This visual upgrade should also aim to communicate clearly weather or not an aly got a target available to shoot at. 



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5 hours ago, JmDaFuz said:

My Suggestion here is to hand out limbo's passive to people via a relatively easily attainable method. By handing out Limbo's passive while limbo is in the squad we essentially remove the main issue of players not being able to shoot rifted targets there and then! All you need to do is just know its in the rift and dodge in to get it killed simple as that. The main part is that the buff needs to be easily atainable and the player has to be able to control the rift them selfs not waiting for limbo to grant them access or leave. 

This would be incredibly frustrating and likely lead to more people ragequitting when they encounter a Limbo.  Dodge rolls are an important part of maintaining velocity in the parkour movement system, to say nothing of Rolling Guard.  Forcing players into or out of the rift whenever they dodge while a Limbo is in the same mission would mean that even considerate, Narrow Minded Limbos are more of a hindrance than a help in most content.  You do a good job of acknowledging Limbo’s many flaws, but this suggestion is one I hope DE never enacts.  


The whole “putting enemies and allies in separate dimensions” thing needs to go.  It has never been executed convincingly or in a satisfying way. It also leads to stale gameplay that can’t be balanced.  Limbo needs a complete redo.  

One of the reasons DE is hesitant to rework frames is that they don’t want to alienate players who currently use and enjoy the frame. With a frame as simultaneously griefy and unpopular as Limbo, I don’t think alienating his current players matters. They’re not the ones who have to deal with the grief of his kit. 

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6 hours ago, sunderthefirmament said:

This would be incredibly frustrating and likely lead to more people ragequitting when they encounter a Limbo.  Dodge rolls are an important part of maintaining velocity in the parkour movement system, to say nothing of Rolling Guard.  Forcing players into or out of the rift whenever they dodge while a Limbo is in the same mission would mean that even considerate, Narrow Minded Limbos are more of a hindrance than a help in most content.  You do a good job of acknowledging Limbo’s many flaws, but this suggestion is one I hope DE never enacts.  


The whole “putting enemies and allies in separate dimensions” thing needs to go.  It has never been executed convincingly or in a satisfying way. It also leads to stale gameplay that can’t be balanced.  Limbo needs a complete redo.  

One of the reasons DE is hesitant to rework frames is that they don’t want to alienate players who currently use and enjoy the frame. With a frame as simultaneously griefy and unpopular as Limbo, I don’t think alienating his current players matters. They’re not the ones who have to deal with the grief of his kit. 

Hmm interesting idea, I haven't really heard it he said that limbo just takes too much control out of ppl's hands in his current state. He is able to dictate how other people play by saying who you can or can't hit, and what you can or can't pickup, so I can see why people generally don't like him, especially since most don't know how to play him.

An idea I've been floating around was to maybe make him like khora/hydroid: frames that want you to stay within a certain area and reward you for doing so with more loot. Maybe give him an augment mod where rifted enemies drop more loot, or items picked up inside his 4 have a chance to get doubled. That would atleast put him in line with khora who wants the team to camp her dome. Or perhaps make him either a more selfish frame, or let him allow cross rift shooting with his 3.

Rework wise, I wouldn't be against a full rework of limbo, but only if de expand on his lore; who was he before he got rifted? What were his abilities back then? How did the rift change his abilities if at all? His current iteration I find enjoyable, but it doesn't really make sense to me. He died on his maiden voyage to the rift due to a miscalculation, how does ordis fixing that calculation suddenly give him total control over it? Imo limbo's rift mechanics should be on his passive and 4, with his 1 2 and 3 being remenants of who he was prior to the rift, possibly getting distorted/empowered by the rift while he's in the rift dimension.

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7 hours ago, sunderthefirmament said:

This would be incredibly frustrating and likely lead to more people ragequitting when they encounter a Limbo.  Dodge rolls are an important part of maintaining velocity in the parkour movement system, to say nothing of Rolling Guard.  Forcing players into or out of the rift whenever they dodge while a Limbo is in the same mission would mean that even considerate, Narrow Minded Limbos are more of a hindrance than a help in most content.  You do a good job of acknowledging Limbo’s many flaws, but this suggestion is one I hope DE never enacts.  


The whole “putting enemies and allies in separate dimensions” thing needs to go.  It has never been executed convincingly or in a satisfying way. It also leads to stale gameplay that can’t be balanced.  Limbo needs a complete redo.  

One of the reasons DE is hesitant to rework frames is that they don’t want to alienate players who currently use and enjoy the frame. With a frame as simultaneously griefy and unpopular as Limbo, I don’t think alienating his current players matters. They’re not the ones who have to deal with the grief of his kit. 

Your aversion to the rift is honnestly not beyond understanding man as being trapped in it likely in general has been an annoying as #*!% experience so getting it "Forced" upon you might seem like a terrible deal. 

Firstly imagine if you could actually control going in and out 1. though. Secondly consider that the issues you brought up has never been an issue to use for either my or anyone elses limbo as we use both on the regular and you should see what im getting at. It rly should not be that bad at a base line and the benefits from the rift is nothing to scoff at either. The rift will need that visual upgrade of cause though just so you don't forget which plane ur actually on and of cause have it be a not map wide buff but more akin to a wisp mote for pickup. With all that it rly should not present a problem.


Edited by JmDaFuz
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If you wanted to make Limbo work outside of clunky solo play, you *have* to make rifted enemies attackable. And since Limbo *has* to have Stasis active 100% of the time anyway, you might as well make it part of an enemy being rifted by default.

That way, being rifted is simply a form of CC like being frozen, plus enemies shooting across the rift get a 75% chance to automatically miss (similar to Xaku's dodge chance), which would in practice only apply to CC immune enemies as a "consolation price", and to Limbo/banished allies when being shot by non-rifted enemies.

Limbo can still enter the rift himself to get the energy and damage benefits (from the augment, which would become an augment for his passive), but he would no longer be impervious to weapon attacks from enemies shooting across the rift, instead having the above 75% dodge chance for attacks from outside the rift.

Next you'd change Cataclysm to very quickly shrink from being touched by a Nullifier bubble (until it ceases to touch them), instead of instantly detonating. Plus *nothing* outside of Cataclysm can damage anything *inside* (and vice versa), not via abilities nor via weapons, unless it is rifted (in other words, rifted creatures outside of Cataclysm count as both inside and outside at the same time, being able to damage anything either inside or outside), *and* all enemy gunfire is frozen within Cataclysm (which would only apply to CC immune enemies within Cataclysm).

And you make Banish *always* banish enemies, even if Limbo himself is in the rift, and have Banish persist when entering/leaving Cataclysm.

In summary: Banish is purely an upside to the team. No more frustration with their weapons not working, instead it's CC on enemies and a 75% dodge chance plus energy regen on allies. Cataclysm works on everything including abilities, being able to reliably protect whatever is inside from the outside (except anything outside that is banished). Stasis is the default now; Banished enemies are frozen, as are enemy projectiles within Cataclysm.

Bonus: Limbo now has 2 free ability slots where DE can put some actual abilities instead of the redundant crap he has now.

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where´s your proposal to the trolliest thing limbo does? banishing their allies . that´s in need for a change. I´ve lost the count on how many times I was banished for like a minute and not being able to do anything

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3 hours ago, Saltyboi777 said:

where´s your proposal to the trolliest thing limbo does? banishing their allies . that´s in need for a change. I´ve lost the count on how many times I was banished for like a minute and not being able to do anything

They made it so you can dodge out of being banished years ago

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I will dare to criticize and suggest reworks only for Cataclysm, as this ability is very characteristic of Limbo. That doesn't mean the rest of the kit is ok, I don't play with limbo so I can't comment on everything. To me the bubble doesn't look like a dimension and I think this could change to be more beautiful if Cataclysm received some of the new visual mechanics from the graphics engine.

The bubble should have a pleasant appearance, only the outer shell should be visible while the inner shell should be totally invisible to synergize with the following suggestions.

From the outside point of view, everything inside Cataclysm should be colorless similar to the orokin ghost of the moon, all enemies inside Cataclysm should be transparent with reduced visibility similar to what we have in Loki Semi Cloak, enemies can also be bypassed With Semi Glow, the sound from inside the bubble must also be reduced by 100% or filtered with 75% muting.

From the interior point of view, everything outside Cataclysm will have the same visual effects mentioned above, but the sound inside is characteristic of the parallel dimension.

Any shot on the outer walls of the ball must go through the Cataclysm bubble, shots through it can hit targets outside the bubble, exactly that, shooting at targets on the other side of the bubble will hit them completely ignoring the existence of the bubble, this will give the feeling that the bubble is in fact a dimension inaccessible by external physics.

Any shot on the inner walls of the bubble have a 26% chance of hitting any enemy inside the bubble, this is the same percentage as Xata's Whisper and the hit randomness is the same mechanic as invisible Peacemaker Regulators centered on bubble with 360 degrees + 75% punch through based on bubble size, this punch through are to work on enemies within walls.

This is the end of trolling, players outside the bubble have no gameplay impediments, and players inside the bubble also have no gameplay impediments, walframe skills keep works on both dimension.🤷‍♂️

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On 2024-04-15 at 9:37 PM, (XBOX)AudiGuard20 said:

1st Ability: Banish

Instead of single target, just make it an aoe cast, or even have it a tap to cast on 1 single enemy or hold cast on group of enemies.

Its already AoE, it banishes in a chain. But i do somewhat agree, IMO it should be an AoE cone radius.

On 2024-04-15 at 9:37 PM, (XBOX)AudiGuard20 said:

2nd Ability: Stasis

The same thing really, but weapon projectiles fired from Limbo and allies are faster. Also, this should literally freeze most (if not every) enemy types in the game. Just because an eximus have overguard shouldnt mean they can just waltz right through the rift no issues. I know its an ability and they're immune to that but its literally a different dimension.

Agree here too. Though ally projectile speed wont do much when enemies are litterally frozen in time, freezing overguarded enemy projectiles would help to mitigate the overguard-limbo issue. IMO though, it should just give them slowness.

On 2024-04-15 at 9:37 PM, (XBOX)AudiGuard20 said:

3rd Ability: Rift Surge

The rift torrent augment should just be mandatory at this point, like i hate how mandatory it is to have this augment in Limbo's builds. Or if not, have the ability do something like it affects enemies outside the rift or something. There is literally quite a lot of potential this ability has, and without the augment.....its aight at best.

If im understanding you correctly, you want them to fuse rift torrent into rift surge. If so then i agree aswell, limbo's builds are incredibly crowded with bandaid mods, any excuse to have some room to play with is a plus in my book

On 2024-04-15 at 9:37 PM, (XBOX)AudiGuard20 said:

4th ability: Cataclysm 

The same thing, but since this is like a gateway to a different plane, i think it should do more for enemies who enter the bubble like take continuous damage on the edges of the bubble, or even upon entering, enemies take a small percentage of true damage dealt to them.

Good additions too. Limbo's damage is pitiful and this would mitigate an issue with enemies hugging the edges of the bubble.


Overall, 6/10. Nothing here is harmful to the current limbo, and some of it helps to deal with the a couple problems he has. But honestly? Its not enough IMO. These changes don't make him easier to understand for new players, nor offer any new ways to interact with the rift.

3/4 of limbo's abilities still fundamentally do the same thing, banish enemies. IMO we need to get rid of rift surge, add the damage from rift torrent somewhere else, and have a new ability that allows us to interact with the rift more as an entire dimension that limbo alone controls.

Edited by Joezone619
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2 hours ago, Joezone619 said:

Its already AoE, it banishes in a chain. But i do somewhat agree, IMO it should be an AoE cone radius.

Agree here too. Though ally projectile speed wont do much when enemies are litterally frozen in time, freezing overguarded enemy projectiles would help to mitigate the overguard-limbo issue. IMO though, it should just give them slowness.

it already does that, it just has a cap of 300 bullets before cancelling stasis w/o much warning.


2 hours ago, Joezone619 said:

Good additions too. Limbo's damage is pitiful and this would mitigate an issue with enemies hugging the edges of the bubble.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but they(de) nerfed limbo and/or his 4 every time it became a dps tool. Also, entering 4 through its edges already does damage, and can be alleviated by pressing 3, or turning off stasis till they're deeper into the bubble, or recasting the bubble.



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1 hour ago, Sephylon086918 said:

it already does that, it just has a cap of 300 bullets before cancelling stasis w/o much warning.

I have no idea what your going on about, they remove the stopping bullets mechanic a week after they added the ability.

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40 minutes ago, Joezone619 said:

I have no idea what your going on about, they remove the stopping bullets mechanic a week after they added the ability.

test it yourself if you don't believe me, bullets of eximus units are frozen while stasis is up. Corpus tech eximus will be the most noticeable if you'd likeFrozen-Bullets.png

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35 minutes ago, Sephylon086918 said:

test it yourself if you don't believe me, bullets of eximus units are frozen while stasis is up. Corpus tech eximus will be the most noticeable if you'd likeFrozen-Bullets.png

Huh... that might be a bug from left over features XD a week after stasis was added, they changed it so ally bullets don't get frozen but i guess because enemies were frozen and overguard didn't exist, they didn't fix it for enemy bullets.

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3 minutes ago, Joezone619 said:

Huh... that might be a bug from left over features XD a week after stasis was added, they changed it so ally bullets don't get frozen but i guess because enemies were frozen and overguard didn't exist, they didn't fix it for enemy bullets.

I see the confusion. The change was to make it not freeze ALLY bullets. Enemy bullets are fair game. Skill's description ingame even says so


Freezes Rift-bound enemies. While active, enemy projectiles are arrested in mid-air, resuming its trajectory when stasis ends.


and remember only eximuses can shoot under stasis

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Il y a 2 heures, Sephylon086918 a dit :

I see the confusion. The change was to make it not freeze ALLY bullets. Enemy bullets are fair game. Skill's description ingame even says so


Freezes Rift-bound enemies. While active, enemy projectiles are arrested in mid-air, resuming its trajectory when stasis ends.


and remember only eximuses can shoot under stasis

If you use Silence, the only attack an eximus can effectively use within a stasified rift is a melee attack.

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il y a 2 minutes, Sephylon086918 a dit :

I don't keep stasis bubbles, I do the 1>3>1 or 4>3>4

I see. By the way...

Le 16/04/2024 à 05:36, Sephylon086918 a dit :

And his 4 will always inflict 300 forced impact on enemies that enters it, i.e. enemies frozen at the edges of it that reenter. If you want it to deal more damage, that could be a discussion to have, but I don't think de wants it to be a damaging skill.

It's not specific to his 4. The 300 fixed Impact damage is something Limbo inflicts to any enemy target that changes planes, no matter into which they go. It could definitely be set to 10% Current Health as true damage, and it wouldn't even be overpowered, as mods do NOT affect that damage. Even max health would still require going inside or outside the rift ten separate times, which is in no way fantastic.

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