Popular Post [DE]Sam Posted April 26 Popular Post Share Posted April 26 Howdy, Tenno! As we continue our pursuit of Quality of Life changes, we believe the time has come to revisit how we handle Enemy Health Types, Resistances and Weaknesses, and a few Status Effects! Let’s get into it! Please keep in mind that much of this is a concept and prone to further changes as we near the Jade Shadows Update. Right now, your enemies in Warframe boasts 13 Unique Health Types. In addition, players can explore 13 Damage Types and Statuses, achieved largely through Mods or are intrinsic to your weapon. Now, each Health Type is resistant to a few Status Damage Types and weak to another few. For the players that don’t know, we have the following Health Types: And for Statuses: As you can see, there are a lot of potential combinations. These all have different interactions with Enemy Health Types, and none are easily presented in-game, creating confusion as to what hurts (or doesn't) what. Our design goal for this rework is to address the overly complex enemy Resistance and Armor systems so players have more freedom while building their loadouts. This rework addresses 3 core issues we frequently see when it comes to Status Effects and Resistances: Damage Types and Status Effects currently encourage a meta that favors a select few Effects. Enemy Resistances are incredibly expansive, with little presentation to show what affects what. Armor has an overwhelming impact limiting Builds to deal with Armor. We aim to streamline Faction Health types and Defenses, such as Armor and Shields, to promote more accessible Player Loadout building. As well, several Status Effects will receive additional changes, namely: Blast, Cold, Gas and Magnetic. Let’s get into it! New Health Types and Faction Resistances An example Let’s create an example: you bring a loadout of pure Viral/Slash if you’re fighting the Grineer on Earth. The Slash status activating Bleed is amplified by Viral status, and Bleed bypasses Armor to destroy your foes. But, Slash Damage does less damage to both Ferrite and Alloy Armor and has no beneficial difference to Machinery. In order to maximize damage against Grineer, you’d think to stock your loadout with Puncture, Corrosive, and Radiation. Blast is also especially effective against Machinery. Clearly, there are far too many things to juggle here, ultimately resulting in the one-stop-shop of Viral/Slash. Streamlining Enemy Health So, let’s simplify the system: Health, Armor, and Shields. All Flesh types become Health, Alloy or Ferrite becomes just Armor, and the difference between Protoshields fold into Shields. Instead of 13 Enemy Health types to juggle, we can work with 3 to better develop Faction Resistances and Weaknesses and create a more approachable system. The Star Chart So, Resistances then become more about the Faction. We can then recommend appropriate per-Faction Resistances which will then universally affect that specific Enemy group. As such, The Star Chart will show recommended Faction Resistances per planet. Aligned with the present Faction, there will be listed Weaknesses and Resistances to communicate the recommended options for Damage against any specific Faction or location. If multiple Factions exist on a planet, such as the Murmur or Infested on Deimos, then those separate Factions will have their own Resistances and Weaknesses, which will be communicated. And regardless of specialized Resistances, Status Effects will continue to work the same, even if the Enemy is resistant to that Damage Type. If enemies are present with Shields, but the node dictates resistance to Magnetic damage, the Status Effect will still hinder the effectiveness of Shields themselves. As well, Damage Resistances won’t change just because an Enemy’s Armor or Shields are removed; since they’re set per Faction, those Weaknesses (or Resistances) will continue to affect whatever Health Type they have equally. Resistance Variance Within a Faction, the Status Type Resistances and Weaknesses can vary based on Location. For example, regular Grineer may have different Resistances and Weaknesses than Kuva Grineer. This may not always be needed, but we believe it can add some flavour and variety! Example resumed For demonstrative purposes, let’s say the Grineer on Earth are weak to Corrosive and Heat. You bring Corrosive and Heat doing increased damage to all present enemies within that respective Faction. Then, your chosen Status Effects will continue to work independently as expected, so maybe you’d swap Corrosive for Viral or bring Viral via a Secondary. Viral’s Status Effect will then affect your weapon with Corrosive or Heat massively to all present foes. Now, instead of having your Status being effective against a few enemies and neutral to many others, your chosen Damage type becomes more universally effective while being able to lean into your tried-and-true Status Effects. With this, Status juggling between 13 unseen Health/Defensive Types has been reduced, enabling you to build easily for a Faction through two Statuses and your own preferred playstyle. New Armor Adjustments Armor is king, most applicably on Grineer. Grineer EHP, also known as Effective Hit Points, is the amount of actual Health an Enemy has, including Damage Resistance (DR). For example, A non-Steel Path Heavy Gunner at Level 200 has 104,805 HP. Then, they have 10,815 Ferrite Armor, creating a 97% Damage Reduction, ultimately leading to 3,883,359 EHP. That’s a big jump from 104,805 off of just DR. Approaching the Issue So, it’s no secret that Grineer Armor scales their EHP to often crazy numbers—making Armor Strip that much more important. And without Armor Strip, players rely on Viral/Slash and Heat to work around this, as Corrosive struggles to reduce Damage Reduction to a level that feels useful to players (at 10 Corrosive stacks, the Heavy Gunner retains 87% of their Damage Reduction). To address this issue, we aim to do the following: Enemy Armor will cap out at a certain percentage to give Corrosive Armor-reducing stacks more of an active impact. The Armor scaling curve will aim to be a bit more spread out, as opposed to being bottom-heavy. Partial strip from the top end will allow for more consistent damage gains, as opposed to needing to have a total Armor Strip. Have a minimum threshold of any Enemy Armor. a. No armor-accessing Enemy will have below a certain minimum, Armor shouldn’t feel unimpactful. Health scaling of Grineer enemies will be re-aligned, to an extent, to help compensate for the loss in Damage Reduction and to try and maintain a similar time-to-kill feel. This should reduce the feeling for necessary total Armor Strip, while making partial Armor Strip more impactful. Players’ Armor is to be untouched. New Shield Adjustments The Grineer are tankier by design, but the Corpus try to make the difference through their Shields. However, Corpus Effective Hit Points is significantly lower, making them often trivial to deal with. Our goal is to reduce the discrepancy between Grineer and Corpus time-to-kill (TTK) through their Shields by making Corpus Shields a bit more challenging and interesting to fight. Here, our goal is to provide some scaling factors to Shield Regeneration and Delay, designed to create a more perceivable benefit of affecting Status Effects, particularly at a higher level. Such scaling factors may look like: Enemy Shields having a shorter Regeneration Delay when depleted. Enemy Shields having a shorter Regeneration Delay when hit. Enemy Shields Regenerating faster. Players early in the game and at lower levels in general will still be able to power through Shields, as the factoring, like other stats, will be less noticeable. However, the impact of Status Effects like Magnetic will be much more perceivable at higher levels. Players’ Shields are to be untouched. Enemy EHP Scaling Notably, enemies starting from levels closer to 100 will see faster rates in which they gain stats—Health, Shields, etc. Status Effect Changes With a slew of new Resistance changes, Armor adjustments, and Health changes, we wanted to revisit the Status Effects that are generally less used in the community! Again, everything is prone to changes as we lead into Jade Shadows! Blast The blast is blasting! More to come! Our concepts and ideas with Blast are rapidly changing; no specifics will be made as of right now while we continue to work on the Status! Cold Our goal with Cold is to emphasize the effectiveness of the fantasy of slowing and freezing your enemies. Cold now has a new effect where you freeze your enemies upon reaching the new Cold stack maximum. Cold has a new stack cap! Freezes enemies for a few seconds after inflicting full Cold stacks. While Frozen, Critical Damage is greatly increased. How do Frozen enemies deal with additional damage? Do not regenerate Shields. Weapons and Warframes that deal Cold will be updated to reflect this new behaviour. Freeze may synergize with other Status Effects, such as Bleed. VIP enemies (Acolytes, Bosses, etc.) cannot be completely frozen; they’ll also be immune to the frozen-inflicted Critical Damage increase, naturally. Gas Gas often lacks effective readability, making it difficult to distinguish its presence from the Enemy or yourself. It’s important to introduce enhanced visuals for the Gas Status so its presence is noticeably present. Some ideas we had were to, which are very prone to change: Extends the range of the Gas Cloud FX based on the range of the Status (caps at 6m at 10 stacks). Additional FX added to affected enemies to communicate Status activity. Gas FX having billowy volume to better present presence. Gas FX having additional floating particles around the smoke. Enemy Gas FX having additional red coloring to communicate threat to player. Magnetic While Magnetic won’t be getting dramatic changes, our goal is to make the Status a stronger pick against Corpus and Shielded enemies. As mentioned, Magnetic aims to have an updated Status Effect behaviour that’ll affect the Regeneration Delay, the Regeneration Rate and Reset Delay of Enemy Shields! Additionally, we’re interested in the idea that the Magnetic Damage Type will have improved effectiveness against Nullifier Bubbles! Currently, this would look like: Increased minimum damage against Nullifier Bubbles. Increased maximum damage against Nullifier Bubbles. Thanks, Tenno! We look forward to reading your feedback! May Devstream Update: Howdy, Tenno! Over here, we’re still iterating on how best to approach reworked Statuses and Enemy Scaling. However, we’re focusing on one bite at a time, which will help inform further decisions! Additionally, our goal is not to disrupt damage king, but to provide additional buffs to other Statuses less used. However, we’ve noted a few questions and seek to answer them! Please remember that this is all still a work in progress and is subject to further change. An Update on Status Effects Magnetic (and Toxin) As mentioned, we aim not to dethrone the established Meta. However, we believe it prudent to lift alternatives to a further viable point without dethroning the best. Toxin will likely reign, especially with plenty of raw damage. Magnetic, while likely not dethroning, provides another avenue to tackling the Corpus and their enhanced Shields! However, we did have some additional ideas we have planned for Magnetic for the Status to do bonus damage to Overguard, and on Shield Break, deal Electrical damage hitting for a percentage of max Shield per stack (if 10,000 Shield, 3% of that per stack, type of thing.) Currently, we aim to let Magnetic marinate for a minute with these new changes! From there, we’ll continue to iterate, but we believe it’s important to get data and how the changes will feel before making further changes. Gas Gas is extremely powerful due to the interactions with Bane Mods, where Gas double dips into multiplicative bonuses. As of right now, we don't have plans to change how Gas works, as players have invested a lot into making Gas work alongside Primed Bane Mods. As it stands, we don't want to nerf that interaction, so we feel there is currently no room to buff the Status any further. Viral Similar to Toxin reigning king, we don’t seek to disrupt Viral as a powerhouse of big numbers! We have no desire to nerf Viral, and that’s the most realistic way to dethrone it, so we will not be touching it! Blast We have an answer for you! Blast will certainly be blasting. When you deal a Blast Status, the damage dealt will trigger a smaller, secondary detonation following a delay. If you eliminate an enemy or reach X Blast stacks, they’ll detonate, dealing a percentage of the summed-up damage on an AoE range! IPS (Impact, Puncture, Slash) We saw some questions surrounding a desire for IPS changes, and for now, we have nothing planned for these three (for the immediate future). Currently, we want to focus on everything mentioned above—one step at a time! Reconvening on Armor With Armor being capped, our goal is to make total Armor Stripping far less dominant and far less “mandatory” feeling. While Strip isn’t necessary by any means, we seek to bring the partial strip further up. Armor Strip will lose value by design, forcing the feeling of needing full Strip to a desired trait, not a necessary one. Additionally, with capped Armor, there was some expression over less Armor making Corrosive less potent to Strip away those values. However, the raw amount removed isn’t what matters nearly as much with this design; we’re focusing on how much Damage Reduction is removed with each Corrosive stack, which will go up with our design goals, especially as we reconfigure the Armor formula to be less bottom heavy! An important note is that we don’t intend to match the loss of Effective Hit Points due to an Armor cap. Our goal is to slightly increase the rate at which Health increases after level 70 so as to prevent their EHP from completely stalling. Clarifying Resistances We had some extra clarifications surrounding Faction Resistances so we can better explain other Factions (or independent targets!) Enemies such as The Stalker, Acolytes, Zanuka, etc., will, generally speaking, be neutral! Corrupted, being a group of the three combined Factions, will have their own unified Resistances! To clarify subfactions, we’re currently aiming for just three: Kuva Grineer Corpus Amalgams Deimos Infested New players (or catching-up players) won’t see certain Faction Resistances until a specific Quest is completed. Similarly, this will also apply to the Subfactions! Updating a few Warframes Frost has received some changes! His passive has been updated, and his Abilities are updated to be properly centred around Cold stacks. Any numbers here are prone to changes - all of this is still a work in progress as of this Dev Workshop! Additionally, Atlas, Baruuk and Gauss are receiving a few changes to align with how Cold will work. A new passive: Cold Status Effect applied by Frost Abilities have increased duration of X% and gains Y Armor per enemies inflicted with Cold in a Zm Radius. Freeze Updates: Adds required Cold stacks to freeze instead of simply freezing to both initial hit and AoE interactions. Increased the AoE range component of the projectiles baseline (twice as large). AoE aspect will scale with Range, AoE radius is on Ability description. Duration was changed to ‘Freeze Duration’, but scales the same - purely to communicate how long Frost freezes targets easier. Ice Wave: Changed the label to ‘Freeze Duration’ as well! Snow Globe: Applies a Cold stack every X seconds, with no limit, when inside the Globe. The Slow label is gone - replaced by ‘Cold Status/Second.’ Instantly apply full Cold stacks on cast if an enemy is within Snow Globe range. No longer blocks player projectiles from the outside anymore! Avalanche Adds the required Cold stacks to freeze instead of simply freezing. Augments Ice Wave Impedance Apply Cold stacks per second up to full freeze for anyone standing on the trail. On full freeze, it continuously refreshes the freeze if the trail is there. Chilling Globe Augment Update the Augment to add 10 Cold Procs if the condition is met (i.e., unify the freeze with the cold procs as we normally do now). We'll also be aligning Warframes like Atlas, Baruuk and Gauss to properly match the incoming system changes! Atlas All enemies caught within the cone are instantly turned into stone. Petrified enemies have their damage type modifiers increased by a certain %. Here, we're ensuring it works with the new Health Type system, alongside working cooperatively with Cold's Freeze Status Effect, while reducing the complexity of how we use damage vulnerability. Baruuk We’re simply ensuring Reactive Storm will appropriately apply with the new Faction Resistances! Gauss We’re aligning Thermal Sunder to properly work with the new Cold Freeze Status Effect as well! Tapping Thermal Sunder during Redline will now apply 10 Cold Status Effects - resulting in the same full freeze. The duration of the freeze lasts for the scaled duration of his ability. Tapping Thermal Sunder will add 9 Cold Status Effects on the second tap if it hits a target already affected by a Cold Status to reach full freeze. And Everything Inbetween To give more room to the D Polarity, we’re introducing seven more D Polarity Weapon Mods! We’ll have a full list of these new Mods with the Jade Shadows Patch Notes. Vulpaphyla and Predasite Mutagens As well, Mutagens provide Resistances based on Health Types. Instead, these will be changed to specific Resistances. The below allocations are, of course, still work in progress! 101 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
French Posted April 26 Share Posted April 26 (edited) Dear DE, The game is at a point where you can take any weapon to level cap and you decide to nerf the enemies again. I was really hyped after seeing the enemies scaling rework expecting a buff. First of all the cap to armor isnt THAT bad. it's so easiely stripped now that you dont really care about armor anymore. But you need to buff the HP by a lot, way more than you think. The recharge delay on shield isnt bad. Exept Toxin damage exist, it will ignore the shield and ignore this buff. Also encouraging people to use Impact and magnetic when is a bad idea. You go in a Corpus map you use Toxin, you go in a grineer map you use slash, you go in an infested map you use viral. Thats it. it's a problem with the status in general. But this is encouraging people to play worse loadout when you put that in the game. Edited April 26 by French 43 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Voltage Posted April 26 Share Posted April 26 (edited) I really like this squeeze, but telling players to use Impact Damage in the fashion presented is sort of misleading. For a status rework to feel impactful, I do think you guys need to look at Viral and Toxin. For Blast, I think letting it dissolve corpses for stealth would be a nice bonus. Also, please don't forget about Predasites and Vulpaphylas for resistances! Edited April 26 by Voltage 18 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thecluelesswolf Posted April 26 Share Posted April 26 cool 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheTundraTerror Posted April 26 Share Posted April 26 So, my first question: is Toxin going to retain is shield bypass? Because, if so... 21 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Discord Posted April 26 Share Posted April 26 (edited) i would rather see enemies with more armor rather than nerf their armor Edited April 26 by Discord 18 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ominumi Posted April 26 Share Posted April 26 this is very limited info 14 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
flowerflower1 Posted April 26 Share Posted April 26 ok Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tomplexthis Posted April 26 Share Posted April 26 (edited) Yes. Blast i've been asking for to change it to explosive napalm forever Grineer - Puncture Corrosive Radiation Corpus - Impact Magnetic Blast Infested - Slash Gas Viral Still wish we could get a kuva stug, and Progenitor for weapons for Gas Maybe this can get addressed. along with Phorid, Sargus Ruk, Vor, Lech Kril, and The Super meme, The Sergeant Or any other old bosses, (Hyena Pack, Vay hek, The Raptors) (Stalker, G3, Zanuka, Alad V) Edited May 15 by Tomplexthis 8 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nevan_4 Posted April 26 Share Posted April 26 nice :3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ExcaliburSpecter Posted April 26 Share Posted April 26 PLEASE... give us the ability to see enemy health life that... 24 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AprilsVeryOwn Posted April 26 Share Posted April 26 Bring back Toxin scaling on GAS PLEASE! 18 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Popular Post RAZORLIGHT Posted April 26 Popular Post Share Posted April 26 (edited) This stuff is incredible. But it won't solve one big issue, changing loadouts manually is tiresome. We need some kind of adaptive loadout system, based on the faction we fight. If we fight corpus it will automatically chose the corpus loadout (if activated by the player) and so on. Edited April 26 by RAZORLIGHT 77 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EchoesOfRain Posted April 26 Share Posted April 26 That Blast status rework could allow for snipers to do some interesting things! Looking forward to it 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0_The_F00l Posted April 26 Share Posted April 26 (edited) I am glad there is plans to consolidate things and i love it so far. I was hoping for this sort of holistic rework of enemy scaling and status effects for a long time and it makes me very hopeful for whats to come. i can smell there is more to this though , slash is going to get something changed too, and i am all for it. But i also bet its not going to stop there, there is going to be many little things that will be impacting a lot of the load outs we are used to.. Edited April 26 by 0_The_F00l 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Enxchiol Posted April 26 Share Posted April 26 I am saddened to see that there are no planned Gas buffs. If there is only one change we would get, I really think Gas damage should scale with the elemental mods on the weapon, currently it does not, so it literally doesn't matter if you have 15% elemental heat and toxin mods or 165% mods. 17 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ABlindGuyPlays Posted April 26 Share Posted April 26 I'm in the camp of 'Someone explain to me how Gas damage isn't in need of a complete rework' because honestly I don't see it DOING anything at all, and for it to get brushed off feels... honestly kinda insulting. 9 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aerikx Posted April 26 Share Posted April 26 (edited) Glad to see these changes. Before the account link erased my old forums name I constantly said: "Less is More." Complexity for the sake of complexity is a flawed approach. Streamlining and cutting all that bloat really helps the game. Gonna stew a little longer on the changes before making a full "Thoughts and Opinions". Overall this looks amazing. But be careful. You don't want to make the game challenging. We've seen how that ends. Edited April 26 by Aerikx 7 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McRibbles Posted April 26 Share Posted April 26 I think Magnetic is still going to end up far too weak to actively consider, and could stand to get another pass, especially when Toxin exists. Source: Just trust me on this one bro 12 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NovaUmbral Posted April 26 Share Posted April 26 If you want to make Magnetic GENUINELY good against Corpus, all you have to do is nerf Toxin. As long as Toxin is present and capable against corpus, Magnetic will never see the light of day and remain as an objectively bad elemental combination. 9 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xzorn Posted April 26 Share Posted April 26 (edited) Okay, First a question. Are damage bonuses against Armor still going to double dip into Armor? ie Corrosive ignores 75% armor values. Can we please make sure we can get away from Heat against Armor? Cold status should probably be a multiplicative Crit Dmg bonus. Puncture and Impact still pretty useless status effects. Armor pen to Puncture? Move current Puncture to Impact? Viral probably should be nerf'd hate me if you want. 4.25x multiplier is just too much. Faction mod double dipping on DoTs? Originaly a bug but now accepted as normal. Toxic Vs Corpus might still be an issue. Electric is fine but there's rarely room. Gas just bothers me. Gas is a form of matter. What's in the gas is what matters. I would also like to promote Elemental Damage Boosts like Ember's Fireball Frenzy or Volt's Shock Trooper along with some other non-ability effects to no longer mix with weapon modded elemental damage. I feel this would give a lot more versatility to playing different frames esp with Arcanes. Edited April 26 by Xzorn 14 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Victaghost Posted April 26 Share Posted April 26 (edited) Armor getting worse will make Electric better since the main thing holding it back vs Heat is that it gets ruined by Armor. Still might not be good enough, especially since it's mutually exclusive with Corrosive, but that's for later tuning. The main thing I'd like to see tackled later is differentiating Magnetic and Toxin. They're both "the anti-shield status" but there's little reason to ever use Magnetic to remove shields when Toxin just bypasses them entirely. So I definitely think the Nullifier idea is good, probably won't be super useful outside of making non-full auto/Miter weapons good against them but it'll be something. Maybe tack on some grouping CC at max stacks? Very happy to see the status inequality tackled by adjusting the weak statuses rather than knocking down the good ones, you could nerf Viral, Heat, and Slash into the ground and Cold, Blast, and Magnetic would still be largely useless without their own changes. Edited April 26 by Victaghost 10 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
drascho Posted April 26 Share Posted April 26 When it comes to Magnetic, people don't use Magnetic because Toxin exists. There is no reason to mod for Magnetic because Toxin needs 1 less mod slot and just kills faster. 16 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BalaDeSilver Posted April 26 Share Posted April 26 3 hours ago, [DE]Sam said: Gas Gas often lacks effective readability, making it difficult to distinguish its presence from the Enemy or yourself. It’s important to introduce enhanced visuals for the Gas Status so its presence is noticeably present. Some ideas we had were to, which are very prone to change: Extends the range of the Gas Cloud FX based on the range of the Status (caps at 6m at 10 stacks). Additional FX added to affected enemies to communicate Status activity. Gas FX having billowy volume to better present presence. Gas FX having additional floating particles around the smoke. Enemy Gas FX having additional red coloring to communicate threat to player. Gas has one gigantic mechanical issue: its stacks are replaceable. For example, if I fill its 10 stacks with an extremely high damage weapon, it'll have 10 very strong gas procs, but then a teammate who modded their weapons with gas happens to proc 10 shotgun shells on that enemy with a barely modded weapon, and all of a sudden, all those 10 procs get their damage reduced to pretty much nothing. You guys need to either make gas procs selective to the ones with the higher damage, or you completely uncap gas and make it like Heat, where it only strips armor on the first stack, but Gas would only grow the bubble with the first 10 stacks, all other ones are just damage. Really, gas can be a pain in the clem in some instances specifically because of this quirk of it. Gas may be misunderstood and very strong in some cases, but this one is the absolute worst offender and needs changing. 38 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dan9871 Posted April 26 Share Posted April 26 why not mayby blast gas and magnetic can be usful now 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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