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Jade Shadows - Dev Workshop: Enemy Resistances and Status Rework (LIVE!)


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16 minutes ago, stp_007 said:

Only if they change how we forma our weapons or Warframes....So,we do have duplicate weapons or warframes in our inventory...for example when we forma a weapon let us pick which loadout we want on  A, B or C not that system they have now....that way we have different loadout for every enemy

I dont mind shared polarities, you can make a lot of configs work. I have like 5 mirage builds of varying polarities and I just made sure it all could fit. Speaking of loadout slots, having more than an innate 3 would be nice, considering we fight more than 3 factions now.

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Hello gamers and Devs, I spent the past day trying to wrap my head around this conversation and have some ideas I'd like to present regarding the conversation on Armor scaling vs DR reduction with forms of armor strip that are not a 100% removal.

First off, as I understand it, the argument being presented is akin to "Partial strips do almost nothing to units with this high armor values, so the solution is to set an armor cap of 2,700, so a level 54 and above to 9,999 have the same amount of base damage reduction". Even if this was implemented, that still means that 2,700/3000 = 90% DR, but with 10 corrosive procs that 2,700 becomes 540, which is 540/840 = 64.28% DR.  So instead of a 10% DR removal like shown in the example, players with the same tools are now removing 26%, and the formula accounts for 7% less overall DR due to the cap.
D.E, why don't you simply make the minimum armor threshold of 300 scale with enemy level like the armor does? What I mean by this can be explained with this example:

Enemies with levels 1-49 will have the base armor threshold be at 300, so the standard formula would apply (Armor / Armor + 300 = DR)
enemies starting from levels 50-99 will have the base armor threshold be at 600, so instead the formula would be (Armor/Armor + 600 = DR), and this can continue to scale to the current level cap as damage reduction will have to be calculated with the reduced armor due to strips but higher armor threshold, so the return isn't as high.

Let me know if this is still unclear, I will be glad to provide more examples of how this could work in the following replies.

Ok so for example: On https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Heavy_Gunner, the unit at level 50 is listed to have 2,232.31 Ferrite armor, which is equivalent to 88.15% DR due to its current formula of:
(2,232.31 / 2,232.31 + 300). 

Now if we were to apply my suggestion, the unit would fall under the minimum threshold of 600 instead of 300, so the new formula would be:
(2,232.31 / 2,232.31 + 600), Which would total up to 78.81% DR, which is already 10% less DR.

However, it doesn't just stop there! if the Current unit gets its armor reduced by 80%, the new armor value used in calculation would be:
2,232.31 X 0.2 = 446.46 Armor, (446.46 / 446.46 + 300) = 59.81% DR After the strip.

Now let's do it again with the same partial strip but with the new minimum armor threshold:
2,232.31 X 0.2 = 446.46 Armor, (446.46 / 446.46 + 600) = 42.66% DR After the strip.

Hopefully, this isn't as complicated as most readers think it is, and the benefits to this solution are made clear.

P.S: Don't touch the faction armor types please, it would ruin a great mechanical feature that doesn't just boil down to element type for faction damage, rather what units are hindered most by each status effect depending on the material they have, makes them more unique.

Edited by N1ven5
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I know people love their "difficulty" through bullet sponges, but since we feel like we have to strip the armor all the way at current, I feel like this is a good approach allowing players more freedom in their loadouts and allowing us to move away from meta equipment even for higher level missions. (Which in tern for all you complainers out there will make everything that "forces" a random loadout on you more bareable btw ;) )

Edited by LittleLeoniePrime
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On 2024-04-26 at 6:00 PM, [DE]Sam said:

Players’ Armor is to be untouched.

can we actually get a health tanking buff tho? because shieldgating being the only viable option for high level content feels kinda meh tbh...

Or maybe... hear me out... maybe the enemies need a damage nerf.. so that having litrerally 99.999% DR actually feels like you have DR and you don't get one shot anymore...

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5 minutes ago, LittleLeoniePrime said:

can we actually get a health tanking buff tho? because shieldgating being the only viable option for high level content feels kinda meh tbh...

Or maybe... hear me out... maybe the enemies need a damage nerf.. so that having litrerally 99.999% DR actually feels like you have DR and you don't get one shot anymore...

My thoughts were the same actually. Give us less bottom-heavy armor scaling. Health tanking is already in a questionable spot, it would be nice to have that for frames who lean into those types of builds or cannot access shield gating at all. 

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I liked the simplification of health/armor/shield types and the idea of having an option to mod for specific factions and actually feeling the difference. If they add a way to automatically assign loadouts depending on primary enemy faction I may even bother to set it up.

Much of it is wait and see though, the status changes on their own definitely didn't inspire me to plan any loadout changes.

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31 minutes ago, Unimira said:

I liked the simplification of health/armor/shield types and the idea of having an option to mod for specific factions and actually feeling the difference. If they add a way to automatically assign loadouts depending on primary enemy faction I may even bother to set it up.

Much of it is wait and see though, the status changes on their own definitely didn't inspire me to plan any loadout changes.

Adding to this, I want to see an expansion of loadout slots to compensate for the two new factions we have gotten over the years (Corrupted, murmur). Having a loadout slot per faction without having to fork over plat per slot would be nice, or, at the very least, a way to swap elementals and banes on the fly, config-less. 

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2 hours ago, N1ven5 said:

First off, as I understand it, the argument being presented is akin to "Partial strips do almost nothing to units with this high armor values, so the solution is to set an armor cap of 2,700, so a level 54 and above to 9,999 have the same amount of base damage reduction". Even if this was implemented, that still means that 2,700/3000 = 90% DR, but with 10 corrosive procs that 2,700 becomes 540, which is 540/840 = 64.28% DR.  So instead of a 10% DR removal like shown in the example, players with the same tools are now removing 26%, and the formula accounts for 7% less overall DR due to the cap.

I think it works a bit different . They aren't keeping the DR = armor/(armor + 300) equation for enemy armor anymore. They will be implementing a new equation that spreads it out more evenly but only on enemies. They will also be increasing the minimum armors to reflect the change so that lower level enemies don't get like 3% DR.

As of yet they haven't given information on the new equation and they probably aren't done working it out yet.


"The Armor scaling curve will aim to be a bit more spread out, as opposed to being bottom-heavy. Partial strip from the top end will allow for more consistent damage gains, as opposed to needing to have a total Armor Strip."


Although they did say 2,700 and I don't see how you'd get that to still work out to 90% using a different equation but that might have just been said because they still haven't worked it out yet and don't have the final defense number after implementing the new system. They just know they want a 90% DR from defense cap.

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4 hours ago, Beryliberries said:

ttk with slash will be longer if the balance in EHP comes from health values entirely. The EHP difference will be about ~4x less than what it is now if no health values are adjusted.

yep absolutely true, as max hp rises slash doesnt, since its a flat amount not a hp% true damage, so ttk will go up but is that a problem when most slash weapons can kill enemies in 2 procs anyway ? this is coming from someome who primarily uses slash as their main source of damage, a lot of weapons these days do like 1 slash damage then the slash proc instant kills the enemy after the bleed effect kicks in. if there is a reason for it and DE thinks its the right thing to do, slash damage could be adjusted with it as you say it

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If u are nerfing enemy armor -> Make enemy resistances matter more 

reduce irregularities between bonus dmg. Like at least 30% per "+" ( now every "+" can mean anything between 15% to 25% that makes no sense)

And when u run steel path u would need to change bonus armor to bonus resistance.

Either or Or change cap of DR every like 10 levels across board. then when u hit 90 it goes by like 1%  till it hits 99% and thats a final cap or change it to 95% . 90% could be way too low with amount of dmg people can do already.

GAS WAS NEVER GOOD AND U NERFED IT ONCE ALREADY - WDYM ITS GOOD never has been since then. IT NEEDS MORE THAN VISUAL CHANGE visual change will affect people framerate - HELL NAW

Give up on whole "dmg weakness concept" cuz it could make game TRIVIAL. People play it becouse of CHALLANGE  they would quit if everything was easy and there was no learning curve and would litteraly never bother to learn "Meta" if everything works.

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Here's the one and done rework.

Impact: concussed status, enemies are staggered and have lower accuracy, increasing with higher stacks. Move blasts current effect to this to align it with the concept of blunt damage dealing cc affects.

Puncture: honestly the status is fine as is, as a debuff boosting survivability and crit chance. I would like to see more ways to apply it, i.e. abilities that deal puncture damage  have a guaranteed puncture status proc.

Slash: It's good as is. Especially with boosted enemy health it should be indirectly brought down a little.

Heat: It too is good as is.

Toxin: as many have voiced concern with the shield changes and toxin interaction bypassing shield altogether. I believe changing toxin to a 10 stack limit and having each stack deal 1% max health damage per tick up to 10% would be a good change. It would still bypass shields but wouldn't insta gib corpus making all of the work on adjusting and buffing enemies shields completely pointless. I find that poison in games should always be a nice passive and methodical way to kill enemies over time/ supplement damage and this should fulfill that role.

Cold: especially love these proposed changes!

Corrosive: also fine as is.

Magnetic: adding the bullet attractor bubble effect would add a lot of utility to the status, and it just makes sense too. Magnetic damage, bullet attraction bubbles, duh. Also you can keep void damage arbitrarily applying the affect. I'm sure it's required for some weirdo eidolon farm strat. It's better to keep the 10 people that do that happy than to remove it.

Blast: primed status = timed detonations/time bombs that is all.

Viral: not a nerf if you read past, but changing to a status chance and status damage amplifier would fulfill the role/fantasy of viral being associated with weakness and sickness. A weakened immune system means the person has trouble fighting off infections and sicknesses and are more susceptible to contracting more. Viral would be us weakening enemy immune systems. Values would be 50% final status damage multiplier and 25% flat status chance similar to puncture's crit chance.

Gas: I couldn't think of a new name for it, but the status could be called chemical burn or something similar. Gas currently is made up of heat and toxin so chemical burns fit the bill. This would simply take on viral's current health damage amp status. Other than associating chemical burns with tissue damage this is more of a reach analogy wise, but it would definitely make gas more useful without having to remove current viral's effect while adding the aforementioned status amp.

Radiation: I'm super excited about this. Take gas's(gasses'?) current effect of AOE dot damage and move it to where it belongs. Irradiated objects depending on how severely they are seeped in radiation can spread to other living things and objects. Radiation would do 2 things DoT(damage over time) auras around enemies. 10 stacks like gas, and enemies within the aura have a 10% unmodifiable chance to have a radiation proc applied to themselves thus starting a chain reaction(no pun intended) of AOE  DoT damage and radiation spreading among the battlefield. Also, finally remove that stupid friendly fire status it doesn't make sense and it messes up crowd control abilities. It sucks. This change would make radiation and it's status effect lore accurate to real life and would ironically buff Loki to new heights since the dev team is scared to do so kit wise, making irradiated disarm a status nuke, and damage decoy somewhat not suck balls. I guess Qorvex and Oberon too would see some nice buffs indirectly.

If you made it here thanks for reading, I appreciate you and hope the dev team sees this as well.

edit: I forgot shock, but that and it's status are perfectly fine too.

Edited by Ulfey
Forgot viral change values and shock damage
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18 hours ago, Somnia said:

None of the proposed changes to Magnetic would encourage me to use it at all.
Magnetic's core problem is that it only affects shields, which Toxin & Slash bypasses outright.

(Gas used to be a preferred option against the Corpus because in the past it applied Toxin procs, too.)

Perhaps Magnetic should have an additional CC effect? Mag, superconductors, & metals in MRI machines come to mind.

While not entirely overtaking Toxin, the Faction damage changes also makes it so that Magnetic hurts Corpus health too, one half of Magnetic's problem is gone now.

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12 minutes ago, pawlodiablow said:

If u are nerfing enemy armor -> Make enemy resistances matter more 

reduce irregularities between bonus dmg. Like at least 30% per "+" ( now every "+" can mean anything between 15% to 25% that makes no sense)

And when u run steel path u would need to change bonus armor to bonus resistance.

Give up on whole "dmg weakness concept" cuz it could make game TRIVIAL. People play it becouse of CHALLANGE  they would quit if everything was easy and there was no learning curve and would litteraly never bother to learn "Meta" if everything works.

Did you read the part where they are simplifying enemy health types? The irregularities you mentioned will certainly be going away.


Also hate to break it to ya but a lot of people find even the current system easy. The power fantasy of mowing down tons of enemies is the appeal to them. And people not wanting to learn Meta? Good for them, that means they're playing how they want.

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I am extremely split in opinion across the core changes  proposals listed here.

The general status effects buffing and armor/EHP changes sound great! I see nothing but positive ideas here and should anything not be balanced, then future number tweaking can easily fix difficulty without too much tearing of hair from anyone (dev or player).

Having said that:

I absolutely hate the current plans for aligning damage resistance (and weakness) based upon faction types.

Making all units of a faction (or faction subtype) be strong and weak against the same damage types will completely vanilla-ize all combat vs the same faction.

This is SO DULL and will lead to uninteresting gameplay. This will lead to differences in units becoming even less noticable, when already separate enemy types struggle to maintain identities (thanks to the old armour/shield/flesh EHP imbalance that defines the factions).

So you will fix the armor OP problem, only to reintroduce faction weapon mono-meta dullness through a different route.

This isnt even addressing the problem of how much faction mods will be beyond preferable over actually trying to come up with good mod builds. And I already think faction mods are awful enough by design if the idea is to encourage build diversity.

I was extremely pleased to see armor on corpus units with shields, and on deimos infested. If it was up to me I would like to see even more mixing of health types across different fractions. It makes the game much more interesting.

I thought this would lead to positive ideas in the future, not simply chucking out the entire concept of elemental bonus vs health types.

It's simply dumbing down the game mechanics, way way to aggressively, to the point of where it will impact game interest and complexity.

Sure, not everyone understands it fully but I'm sure most tenno at least "sense" the difference when they shoot different enemies with different elements (besides noticing procs).

Finally: how has the horrible imbalance between the primary damage types of Impact puncture and slash gone completely unaddressed? In my opinion it is probably the biggest, loudest, screaming problem of them all that none of these changes listed help with.

By all means tinker and rebalance the percentage elemental dmg bonus vs health types against their corresponding procs to whatever % that makes sense.

But please for the love of it all and heck: dont rip the entire system out. It is simply dumbing down too far.

We might as well just chuck out the concept of status effects and procs as well, because it's like a heart trying to live without a brain, and vice versa.

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Right now i like the slow levels that cold damage has at the moment and by the sound of there being a stack change is the slow CC part gonna be nerfed in favor of the damage stuff? Cause its one of the few ways to deal with most of the overguard and enemy stuff and if suddenly a lot more things become immune to cold and it just becomes another generic damage increase then CC is slowly dying in this game.

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1 minute ago, Firaxion said:

I am extremely split in opinion across the core changes  proposals listed here.

The general status effects buffing and armor/EHP changes sound great! I see nothing but positive ideas here and should anything not be balanced, then future number tweaking can easily fix difficulty without too much tearing of hair from anyone (dev or player).

Having said that:

I absolutely hate the current plans for aligning damage resistance (and weakness) based upon faction types.

Making all units of a faction (or faction subtype) be strong and weak against the same damage types will completely vanilla-ize all combat vs the same faction.

This is SO DULL and will lead to uninteresting gameplay. This will lead to differences in units becoming even less noticable, when already separate enemy types struggle to maintain identities (thanks to the old armour/shield/flesh EHP imbalance that defines the factions).

So you will fix the armor OP problem, only to reintroduce faction weapon mono-meta dullness through a different route.

This isnt even addressing the problem of how much faction mods will be beyond preferable over actually trying to come up with good mod builds. And I already think faction mods are awful enough by design if the idea is to encourage build diversity.

I was extremely pleased to see armor on corpus units with shields, and on deimos infested. If it was up to me I would like to see even more mixing of health types across different fractions. It makes the game much more interesting.

I thought this would lead to positive ideas in the future, not simply chucking out the entire concept of elemental bonus vs health types.

It's simply dumbing down the game mechanics, way way to aggressively, to the point of where it will impact game interest and complexity.

Sure, not everyone understands it fully but I'm sure most tenno at least "sense" the difference when they shoot different enemies with different elements (besides noticing procs).

Finally: how has the horrible imbalance between the primary damage types of Impact puncture and slash gone completely unaddressed? In my opinion it is probably the biggest, loudest, screaming problem of them all that none of these changes listed help with.

By all means tinker and rebalance the percentage elemental dmg bonus vs health types against their corresponding procs to whatever % that makes sense.

But please for the love of it all and heck: dont rip the entire system out. It is simply dumbing down too far.

We might as well just chuck out the concept of status effects and procs as well, because it's like a heart trying to live without a brain, and vice versa.

This has been a growing trend honesty. The easifcation and homogenization of everything. As soon as Hydroid was given a generic armor strip/armor up/power boost omni button I was sure this game is headed for genericsville.

I get they want to make the game accessible to more people but it already is with some time and patience. Just a lot of people lack it and they need GO GO GO NOW NOW NOW.

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37 minutes ago, Omega-Shadowblade said:

Did you read the part where they are simplifying enemy health types? The irregularities you mentioned will certainly be going away.


Also hate to break it to ya but a lot of people find even the current system easy. The power fantasy of mowing down tons of enemies is the appeal to them. And people not wanting to learn Meta? Good for them, that means they're playing how they want.

Woha! Calm down u went bit aggresive there for no reason.

Yea i have read that post.... 🤦‍♂️ Thats why im commenting..... Hope my ideas are just as valid as urs

Also did u read entirely my post? Because u seem to have omitted steel path part...

...Maybe ... start ... hating ... less?... Imagine.

Feel welcome to "break it" i have insurance to cover for that 🤣

If i wanted to mow sth down i would use lawnmower.

No it doesnt suprise me that people learned "meta" nor that they play how they want...I know shocking

They would have no incentive to learn if there was marginal diffrence between using Blast or Gas or Magnetic or Toxin against armored  units.

All im saying is : Instead going "weakness route" they shouldve gone "resistance route" make other types clearly less effective not marginaly  so instead -75% dmg which is 4x less the dmg like =  10x  less the dmg 90% resistance to other types (INCLUDING toxin and slash and their corresponding DoT's) *Also that would stack well with armor*

And make bonus visible in UI if u use correct / matching dmg type its like stonks go up  green sign  or red sign for  using wrong dmg type (stonks going down).

Making players use magnetic or impact on corpus instead of toxin is borderline misleading....

Edited by pawlodiablow
*i forgor to mention armor*
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22 hours ago, SentientTaco said:

Blast is... actually useless. No seriously, in 99% of cases you shouldn't use it and you're handicapping yourself if you do. It's damage matchup is +75% against... machinery. Yay. I was excited for the Murmur, as the Culverin/Arcocanids use this healthtype. I experimented with having blast damage on my weapons, and even with a faction damage mod on them to help, it was just awful - Alloy armor is present on anything with machinery and it REDUCES BLAST. Halfway through I just gave up and went back to my corrosive tatsu. Not only this, but the status effect feels useless, and may even be mechanically negligible. Reducing enemy accuracy isn't effective or even noticable at all - how would I know the one Grineer or Corpus gunman missed some bullets among all of his other buddies that did? Even then, near the high end of accuracy scaling it seems barely effective. And that's even if your target uses a gun! Grineer butcher? Every infested unit? Murmur fragments? It's actually doing nothing. So if the damage bonus AND status effective is useless, why would you ever use Blast for anything?

Exactly. In the end game enemies deal so much damage anyway that some players simply opt to build no resistances onto their builds simply because no matter how much of it you add and how much you debuff the enemies, 10 million damage shot will still one-shot kill you anyway. So what if the enemy would miss 75% of its shot when any of those 25% hit chance shots will still kill you, and only on that enemy. Since it's conception it blast has been a terrible damage type with a pointless status effect. I am glad it's getting changed.

21 hours ago, TheKengineer said:

Magnetic - my number one issue with magnetic is it only affects one faction. Corrosive affects corpus and infested armor even if it's less common than grineer. Viral affects corpus health even if they also have shields. Magnetic has no effect on unshielded enemies making it overly niche. If looking to make a meta that doesn't favour so few types, making types more universal seems a strong win to me rather than doubling down on making magnetic the "correct choice" for corpus. *My personal change* would be to add a Disruption effect to magnetic. Similar to how magnetic drains *Tenno* energy, affecting abilities, it could disrupt *Enemy* abilities. For example, an enemy would have a 1/(1+x) chance of successfully casting an ability where x is the number of magnetic procs on them. By abilities, I mean the ones we block with Banshee's Silence, like grapples, eximus powers, that sort of thing. While this wouldn't affect all enemies, it certainly affects all factions to make magnetic be more than discount viral while also matching it closer to how we get affected. Boss type units can resist this by capping the procs they receive, or specifically ignoring the Disruption effect just as how Archons ignore Corrosion.

I have the same issue with Magnetic as you do: It's one faction only and too specific. However before Melee Vortex came out, my hope was that Magnetic would be given an innate ability to pull enemies together. This way you'd have a status effect that is universally useful and the player might want to consider it because it would allow certain weapons to boost their performance by quite a lot. I feel like disabling abilities is nice, but it's also a bit too niché to be able to compete with giants like Viral. And while I don't expect my suggestion to topple off Viral either, I think a pulling vacuum effect would be more preferable. Just imagine that on an explosive weapon or a shotgun.

As I think of it, statuses like Viral, Heat and Slash are not simply useful because of their status effects and universality against factions but also simply because they are useful status effects at all situations and against all enemies within said factions. Disabling abilities would only affect some, wheres vortexing would affect everyone.

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24 minutes ago, pawlodiablow said:

Woha! Calm down u went bit aggresive there for no reason.

Yea i have read that post.... 🤦‍♂️ Thats why im commenting..... Hope my ideas are just as valid as urs

Also did u read entirely my post? Because u seem to have omitted steel path part...

...Maybe ... start ... hating ... less?... Imagine.

Feel welcome to "break it" i have insurance to cover for that 🤣

If i wanted to mow sth down i would use lawnmower.

No it doesnt suprise me that people learned "meta" nor that they play how they want...I know shocking

They would have no incentive to learn if there was marginal diffrence between using Blast or Gas or Magnetic or Toxin against armored  units.

All im saying is : Instead going "weakness route" they shouldve gone "resistance route" make other types clearly less effective not marginaly  so instead -75% dmg which is 4x less the dmg like =  10x  less the dmg 90% resistance to other types (INCLUDING toxin and slash and their corresponding DoT's) *Also that would stack well with armor*

And make bonus visible in UI if u use correct / matching dmg type its like stonks go up  green sign  or red sign for  using wrong dmg type (stonks going down).

Making players use magnetic or impact on corpus instead of toxin is borderline misleading....

Who's being aggressive? All I asked was if you read the post. You mentioned something they outlined in the main post. Then I said that people find the game very easy and play for the thrill of numbers go up.

I didn't have anything to say on the steel path part. They're gonna have to figure out how that works as they make it.

as for incentive to learn, it would boil down to preference. Do they want to get bonus damage from using effective types? or are the status effects enough that its worth the damage decrease. Take slash right now for example. It actually has damage down vs. armor but its status makes it very effective regardless.


As for weakness vs. resistance I'll say this: making bullet sponges isn't fun. I don't think people would be happy if it suddenly became you HAD to use certain damage types or you're shooting yourself in the foot.

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1 hour ago, Xenevier said:

yep absolutely true, as max hp rises slash doesnt, since its a flat amount not a hp% true damage, so ttk will go up but is that a problem when most slash weapons can kill enemies in 2 procs anyway ? this is coming from someome who primarily uses slash as their main source of damage, a lot of weapons these days do like 1 slash damage then the slash proc instant kills the enemy after the bleed effect kicks in. if there is a reason for it and DE thinks its the right thing to do, slash damage could be adjusted with it as you say it

Likewise, I always have some form of DOT, primarily slash. Ticks do kill instantly basically if the initial hit doesn't drop them already. Just curious how health and net EHP will be handled. Not saying it will be unusable of course, will still be one of the better types of damage we have. You probably wouldn't be able to notice on certain weapons for a while since some can hit 9 digit DOTs pretty easily. :>

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Changes are always welcome, but many statuses are completely ignored because they are obsolete at high levels. Players get stuck in statuses like Slash + Viral, Electric + Viral with enemy-joining synergy, Heat + Viral/Heat + Corrosive, and even Gas with armor removal synergy. 

And the others? Were past changes so relevant? In my opinion yes!

My suggestion is to reformulate some statuses so that they are more competitive with those mentioned previously. 

EXPLOSIVE: You said it's explosive, I liked that, but the explosion could scale with the enemies' health, losing the functionality of reducing their accuracy.

MAGNETIC: Ao works in the same way, but it would add a small radial explosion to its effect that would cause a staggering effect on enemies that would open them up for execution and reduce their accuracy as with the explosive currently.

COLD: Cool to freeze enemies without using Frost.

I saw a lot of people talking about "GAS" He's not weak if you take off his armor. But if I were to change, i would add a chance or a guaranteed effect that when an enemy affected by gas dies, it will pass the effects on to another nearby, creating a cascade effect.

I really don't see any reason to change the other elements. I thought of this disregarding the enemies' resistance and armor changes. but it could work with a certain balance.

Finally, I want to remember that these are just ideas that I would consider cool if they made it into the game. Thanks.

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I know health types are being converted to faction based bonuses to certain statuses but I have some relevant feedback for CC. Enemy type based CC. So what if Enemies besides being divided in to factions were also divided into types. Here is some suggestion of how this could work. 


Edited by TitanFireForged
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DE, please don't forget about Railjack enemies when it comes to reworking health, armour and shields, not just the enemies in the ships but the enemy ships as well.

Just pointing out that there is no mention of Railjack anywhere here. If no changes are going to happen to Railjack, then it at least needs to be stated.

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