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Roar Dante, or Nourish Dante?

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I am kind of tired of Noctua already, Forma'd it so many times and just feel like it's a lot of energy wasted for a similar effect I can achieve with my weapons, besides I have a Noctua Copy and my own Grimoire Weapon...I'm not really missing out on anything.

One of my favorite Noctua replacements is the Quassus, this melee weapon shoots multishot projectiles that deal all guaranteed slash, perfect for his tragedy.

but that's not really the topic of this post, today I want to talk about potential subsumes...


Nourish seems universally more important, especially since Roar is just a damage and dot damage increase, a massive one...but it's just that.

I wonder which is the better option...if Roar is ever going to help me kill bosses faster and use any other Viral source, I'd probably use it.

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I tried Yareli's Aquablades with the augment, but sadly the damage increase only applies to the discs you throw.

So I guess that's an option if you enjoy casting abilities

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12 minutes ago, Prof-Dante said:

One of my favorite Noctua replacements is the Quassus, this melee weapon shoots multishot projectiles that deal all guaranteed slash, perfect for his tragedy.

but that's not really the topic of this post, today I want to talk about potential subsumes...

Well you could use a Sentinel or Panzer Vulp to spread Viral, and if you're mainly using a melee for slash, maybe Wrathful Advance for Wizard Teleporting and then High Crit Quassus?

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Since the nerfs to Tragedy I consider Dante to be more tilted towards a support role and rely on weapons to deal damage instead of abilities, so I find Nourish to fit my playstyle better since it allows for weapon modding freedom and solves any energy issues Dante may have.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Pakaku said:

You could be more creative than just those two overused abilities

There's no point subsuming over his Noctua, I gave it a try and it was terrible, Dante just became a Trinity with extra steps. The fact that I can take his Noctua into Steel Path to EDA proves how strong it is, sure there is always the choice to have a weapon and put in a boring power like Roar or what have you, but why, so that I can have another power I can spam?

Noctua is Dante's pride and joy, his bread and butter, without it, he may as well be a frame that has an OP version of those two overused abilities, with the power to give you Overgaurd. 


Unless DE release a new Tome weapon that deals purely Slash Damage and has default base numbers of 200.0 or higher, so it can reach up to 1k damage just with a basic set-up like Hornet Strike & Muiltshot mods & have an alt fire that can do 1-2k damage at base, then I will never be replacing Noctua

Edited by Circle_of_Psi
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I personally find noctua to be a good ability by itself.

I am curious if there is some synergy for sickening pulse if you want to go that route.

I am going to hold on recommending any damage buff abilities until we get the health and status rework closed.

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25 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:

I am curious if there is some synergy for sickening pulse if you want to go that route.

There is but very minor, as SP adds one stack for slash, heat or toxin. It will increase overall damage of Tragedy (because one extra stack).

What I would look for using SP on Dante is applying electric or heat in aoe + Pageflight, less effective just by Dark Versing + Tragedy but might have some interesting stacking.

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what I find annoying in Warframe is the endless search for the so called best option. I personally like an impossible situation where all subsumes arcanes weapons whatever had similar value when it comes to building for crit status DPS etc. I don't need the best of the best when if everything was equally powerful via different methods delivering a wider choice of options. I might be totally wrong but whilst the Dev's still make blunders as anything once out in the wild players find ways to do things the Dev's never considered but overall in the last year or so I find myself using a variety of different weapons and frames which leads me to believe that at least in some areas DE seem to be doing something right. Weapons and frames that 2 years ago I almost never used are becoming more frequent in my warframe adventures today so that for me is already a plus. I like the diversity but due to inbalance where good stuff was too often nerfed as opposed to junk stuff getting a boost has for too long prevailed in my humble opinion.


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4 hours ago, Prof-Dante said:

use any other Viral source, I'd probably use it.

Can i interest you cmin hydroids subsume with his augment.

Free corrosive AND viral.

Letting u mod a weapon for anything else. (Made my melee pure toxin/slash)

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I mean the obvious answer is Silence of course. 

Dante reads books, and is a studious fella. Even his idle animations have him making a cup of tea, pulling up a chair and settling in to read a great tale. Much like one might do at a grand library. The number two rule of any good library is that its occupants have a relaxing quiet, atmosphere, as so they can read their books and texts in peace. No shouting, no wary cries, no running, no bullet jumping, none of what Styanax says or does when he is in the air shouting over and over... 

Calm, peace, relaxing. Except of course when hooligans and ruffians, do enter Dante's vicinity of quiet, for when they disturb the peace, and make a ruckus, Dante merely needs to cast SILENCE, and all is well in the library, of books and tomes, and stories yet to be read. 

(I actually like all of Dante's abilities as is). 

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5 hours ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

There's no point subsuming over his Noctua.

True, I like it, but Since I use Grimoire anyway (it's a lot better at stacking the tome mods, and it's damage ain't that bad) I find it more convenient to subsume for the time being.

especially since I dumbed a truck ton of forma on it and explored every build potential it has, I want to try something new.

5 hours ago, 0_The_F00l said:

sickening pulse

So in terms of Heat slash and toxin, Sickening pulse adds 1 extra stack with the damage of all previous stacks or of one?

I'm asking whether it doubles the damage or not, like Archon Vitality.

4 hours ago, johnno23 said:

what I find annoying in Warframe is the endless search for the so called best option. I personally like an impossible situation where all subsumes arcanes weapons whatever had similar value when it comes to building for crit status DPS etc. I don't need the best of the best when if everything was equally powerful via different methods delivering a wider choice of options. I might be totally wrong but whilst the Dev's still make blunders as anything once out in the wild players find ways to do things the Dev's never considered but overall in the last year or so I find myself using a variety of different weapons and frames which leads me to believe that at least in some areas DE seem to be doing something right. Weapons and frames that 2 years ago I almost never used are becoming more frequent in my warframe adventures today so that for me is already a plus. I like the diversity but due to inbalance where good stuff was too often nerfed as opposed to junk stuff getting a boost has for too long prevailed in my humble opinion.

That is true, And I still hate using helminth but I really want some Innovation, and I don't know, I thought about using Wyrd Scythes, but that might be too much casting for me.

4 hours ago, -ShadowRadiance- said:

Can i interest you cmin hydroids subsume with his augment.

Free corrosive AND viral.

Letting u mod a weapon for anything else. (Made my melee pure toxin/slash)

Great choice actually.

3 hours ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

I mean the obvious answer is Silence of course. 

Dante reads books, and is a studious fella. Even his idle animations have him making a cup of tea, pulling up a chair and settling in to read a great tale. Much like one might do at a grand library. The number two rule of any good library is that its occupants have a relaxing quiet, atmosphere, as so they can read their books and texts in peace. No shouting, no wary cries, no running, no bullet jumping, none of what Styanax says or does when he is in the air shouting over and over... 

Calm, peace, relaxing. Except of course when hooligans and ruffians, do enter Dante's vicinity of quiet, for when they disturb the peace, and make a ruckus, Dante merely needs to cast SILENCE, and all is well in the library, of books and tomes, and stories yet to be read. 

(I actually like all of Dante's abilities as is). 

Indeed, SILENCE!

I just wanna try how crazy Roar would be right?

first it double dips dot damage, then it double dips ability damage of tragedy from the double dipping of dot damage.

Sounds funny.

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Posted (edited)

Would honestly do Nourish if you're just comparing the two, only because Nourish brings more to the table


Shall I interest you with breach surge on Dante? Reminds me of the time he didn't have LoS, and it buffs his beautiful damage
It's quite fun

Honorable mentions are tempest barrage and wyrd scythes

Edited by Aruquae
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5 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

Rest & Rage.  Not because they're especially synergistic in Dante's kit or anything, but just to rub Equinox's nose in it a bit more.


But she can also slow and reduce damage on 50% of enemies =/

The no more double energize ruined my Equinox build.

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vor 15 Stunden schrieb (PSN)Sentiel:

Since the nerfs to Tragedy I consider Dante to be more tilted towards a support role and rely on weapons to deal damage instead of abilities, so I find Nourish to fit my playstyle better since it allows for weapon modding freedom and solves any energy issues Dante may have.

Yes. Extra viral does have its advantages. and op doesn't describe exactly how the hell he plays. how can you give any advice here...

what I like about Dante: he has good synergy with all standard skills and can be very useful for teams. That's why I use his book for team buffing! So it's actually a very solid warframe with at least one very good build.

For something else there are much better warframes... whether ranged, mele, aoe etc... and Dante with his dmg skills can't even keep up with something like Harrow. unpopular warframe harrow gets 800-1k kills without any problems only with secondary in sp void surv after 5min. He shoots non-stop and with headshots he almost only has red crits with my weapon. Dante can only dream of this at night? At least I don't know of any build for it...

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17 hours ago, Prof-Dante said:

I am kind of tired of Noctua already, Forma'd it so many times and just feel like it's a lot of energy wasted for a similar effect I can achieve with my weapons, besides I have a Noctua Copy and my own Grimoire Weapon...I'm not really missing out on anything.

One of my favorite Noctua replacements is the Quassus, this melee weapon shoots multishot projectiles that deal all guaranteed slash, perfect for his tragedy.

but that's not really the topic of this post, today I want to talk about potential subsumes...


Nourish seems universally more important, especially since Roar is just a damage and dot damage increase, a massive one...but it's just that.

I wonder which is the better option...if Roar is ever going to help me kill bosses faster and use any other Viral source, I'd probably use it.

Roar dante. You can get viral from other means but. My boi roar dante can kill pretty much everything without viral.

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Posted (edited)

This is just my personal experience, but because of the gear restrictions in Elite Archimedea, I've opted to keep Noctua.  That way every week I can use my "fun slot" on Dante, and with that single slot not only do I get all of Dante's abilities, but I get an energy regain tool that doubles as a strong weapon (for anything that abilities or status is less effective against).

Though if I had to subsume away Noctua, Roar seems like a fairly obvious choice, as I believe it triple dips on Tragedy:

  1. Increases the initial damage of whatever attack you're doing.
  2. Double-dip by increasing the status damage (which has already been increased by step 1).
  3. Triple-dip by increasing the damage of Tragedy (which has already been increased by steps 1 and 2).
Edited by UnstarPrime
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I went back to Noctua honestly, @UnstarPrime it's true it's just better this way.

the combination of modded heat, Archon Vitality plus Secondary outburst just makes it do soooo much damage, then just using Nourish...and Roar is great but I am loosing massive AOE or chain damage when I use a normal gun or grimoire.

Noctua and it's copy they hit multiple times and chain to nearby enemies


I am hoping the devs add an exilus to exalted weapons, they did with exal melee, it's Guns' turn.

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23 hours ago, Prof-Dante said:

I am kind of tired of Noctua already, Forma'd it so many times and just feel like it's a lot of energy wasted for a similar effect I can achieve with my weapons, besides I have a Noctua Copy and my own Grimoire Weapon...I'm not really missing out on anything.

One of my favorite Noctua replacements is the Quassus, this melee weapon shoots multishot projectiles that deal all guaranteed slash, perfect for his tragedy.

but that's not really the topic of this post, today I want to talk about potential subsumes...


Nourish seems universally more important, especially since Roar is just a damage and dot damage increase, a massive one...but it's just that.

I wonder which is the better option...if Roar is ever going to help me kill bosses faster and use any other Viral source, I'd probably use it.

Noctua is GREAT!! High damaging, highly resourceful and an alt-fire on top of the time mod usage means I have a ton of power and utility in one ability! I run the Grimoire (with Xata and Vome mods for energy and strength boosts) as my secondary, offering two, very reliable alt firing utility weapons: Noctua for killing and using "per kill" tome mods, and Grimoire for "per hit" mods and stat procs. Really good stuff!

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9 hours ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

Noctua is GREAT!! High damaging, highly resourceful and an alt-fire on top of the time mod usage means I have a ton of power and utility in one ability! I run the Grimoire (with Xata and Vome mods for energy and strength boosts) as my secondary, offering two, very reliable alt firing utility weapons: Noctua for killing and using "per kill" tome mods, and Grimoire for "per hit" mods and stat procs. Really good stuff!

I was amazed at the damage Noctua puts out as well, it kills enemies in Steel Path no drama.

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15 minutes ago, Slayer-. said:
10 hours ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

Noctua is GREAT!! High damaging, highly resourceful and an alt-fire on top of the time mod usage means I have a ton of power and utility in one ability! I run the Grimoire (with Xata and Vome mods for energy and strength boosts) as my secondary, offering two, very reliable alt firing utility weapons: Noctua for killing and using "per kill" tome mods, and Grimoire for "per hit" mods and stat procs. Really good stuff!

I was amazed at the damage Noctua puts out as well, it kills enemies in Steel Path no drama.

Yeah definitely why I went back to using it.

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