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We Want The Old "quick Thinking" Back


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Look at the mod on it's own, not "If your allies do this or that...", that only works in premade teams if someone has the proper stuff.


And it's a "one trick pony" either way. Now it "buys you enough time for your allies to help you" (although in reality it just gets you killed/drain a large amount of energy), and if it was properly nerfed (i.e. lowering the % on QT, giving it a cooldown, etc) it'd be a one trick pony too.


And you're assuming that I want it back to where it was, which I don't. As I've stated MANY times, if you'd have bothered to read, I dunno, ANY of my other many posts on this subject. Hell, nerfing it to 200% means you lose 90HP on the first "death", and at 160% you lose 108. (assuming you're at 300HP and energy)

Lol 200% is too severe of a nerf. Statistically, the "inefficiency" is quintupled. To make the combo half as effective, make quick thinking capped at 225% efficiency.

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Hm, true, I'm just tossing numbers out as an example really.


It's kinda DE's fault here, I mean did NONE of them think of rage when they made QT?

Yea and we're meant to get what we "paid" for or something similar... not a completely different piece of junk that for some reason is rare as F***.

Edited by 2Fat2Kill2
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Yea and we're meant to get what we "paid" for or something similar... not a completely different piece of junk that we paid through our noses for.

Nah, that has nothing to do with anything. We didn't pay for it, and we still have it, it's just not very good. What you're saying HEAVILY reminds me of another thread where a guy was complaining his bow was crap, and he wanted a refund or something, and DE owes him, or something, I can't remember, but the point is: We still have mod (and how we got it is really besides the point).

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Nah, that has nothing to do with anything. We didn't pay for it, and we still have it, it's just not very good. What you're saying HEAVILY reminds me of another thread where a guy was complaining his bow was crap, and he wanted a refund or something, and DE owes him, or something, I can't remember, but the point is: We still have mod (and how we got it is really besides the point).

Hmmm well where I come from, merchants are pretty much obligated to refund you if you received the wrong product or if it was significantly different from what it was claimed to be. This is a similar case so I have included it as part of my reasoning.

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Hmmm well where I come from, merchants are pretty much obligated to refund you if you received the wrong product or if it was significantly different from what it was claimed to be. This is a similar case so I have included it as part of my reasoning.

It is different than what it claims to be, but really, DE just needs to change it again, and listen to some of the suggestions (before making a change)

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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Qucik Thinking should be like a skill.
When you die energy go to health, all enemies around are down to the ground 10meters radius, and after that your energy is blocked for about 10 seconds (just effect on your INFOBAR like those big infested.do to drain your energy) In those 10 seconds you are not able to gain any energy so if you will die again you will seriously die. After 10 seconds you are able to get energy orbs, and obtian energy from damage because of Rage. 

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I honestly now pity you... You've spent $250 bucks on Warframe... don't even value it for the game it is- an rpg action, sci-fi shooter- and desire a "balanced" game. Well lemme break it to you. Balancing is opinionated. Thats right. Not only would attempting to balance Warframe ruin the game completely and utterly but your idea of being "balanced" will never be achieved. Oh and also... you're opposing my argument which has no effect on you because you don't own quick thinking? Where's the justification in that? Honestly... everyone viewing this post right now... can you believe this guy?

Well, things don't need to be balanced. 

But they at least need to have some sense of proportion. If everyone is running one build/weapon/frame. That is a serious problem.

On QT+R, it was overpowered. 

And now it is worthless.  

It needs to be given some of its former strength back. Some. Not all. 

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Quick Thinking and Rage combo was a neat gimmick. It allowed a player to absorb crazy amounts of damage. The fact that it could fail due to lag and bad hosting did not balance it tho. It needed an intended in-game mechanic that could work against it. Right now, the fact that you can get easily stun locked while using it is not good. That stun mechanic needs to be tweaked, so that players have a chance counteract it. If that can happen, then I would be very happy with the new functionality of Quick Thinking.

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Well, things don't need to be balanced. 

But they at least need to have some sense of proportion. If everyone is running one build/weapon/frame. That is a serious problem.

On QT+R, it was overpowered. 

And now it is worthless.  

It needs to be given some of its former strength back. Some. Not all. 

Would agree.

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Guest Shibboleet

I tested QT+Rage on nightmare grineer defense earlier tonight accidentally (left it in nova), and it actually saved me quite a few times. I'm not sure what everyone is talking about with stunlock til death, but maybe they just were not playing behind cover when low health? I can stream it saving my life a few times before failing/getting more energy to let it proc again if you all want to prove it's still ok to use.


*Nightmare was 0 shields

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the old quick thinking was too Op, i like the new nerfed version. brings balance and fairness to the games.



I'm sorry, what game are you playing?....Warframe wasn't balanced or fair before U11, and it's even less so now, all because the Devs think 'hmm...players are playing a very specific way because our systems broken....lets break that way they're playing and remove it so players have to play our broken system!'...I'll *@##$ to high hell about QT+R loadouts, but I'm not going to say 'oh, nerf it'...it's not like with the Soma, where it was insanely good to the point of being the god gun. You could still get fked over a number of ways with QT+R, and now....Good luck running anything high level-- Good luck fighting the Stalker. Everyone that I know that was able to beat the stalker was doing so only with QT+R. So thank you DE, you've probably just killed your game literally now, seeing as you took the one soild and viable method of betting your game, and threw it out the window. GG.


And I can't wait until they make the fool mistake of making Rhino not invincible, or Trinity's Blessing not make you invulnerable. I'm sure 90% of the playerbase will just flip the table and say they're done.

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Guest Shibboleet


I'm sorry, what game are you playing?....Warframe wasn't balanced or fair before U11, and it's even less so now, all because the Devs think 'hmm...players are playing a very specific way because our systems broken....lets break that way they're playing and remove it so players have to play our broken system!'...I'll $#*(@ to high hell about QT+R loadouts, but I'm not going to say 'oh, nerf it'...it's not like with the Soma, where it was insanely good to the point of being the god gun. You could still get fked over a number of ways with QT+R, and now....Good luck running anything high level-- Good luck fighting the Stalker. Everyone that I know that was able to beat the stalker was doing so only with QT+R. So thank you DE, you've probably just killed your game literally now, seeing as you took the one soild and viable method of betting your game, and threw it out the window. GG.


And I can't wait until they make the fool mistake of making Rhino not invincible, or Trinity's Blessing not make you invulnerable. I'm sure 90% of the playerbase will just flip the table and say they're done.

1. The soma was a below par weapon before the patch, and its slightly worse after due to health scaling. I was and still am tired of people seeing yellow numbers and thinking it's good for killing 40s (pre patch 40s) really quick and saying it's good. (I went up to level 2000 mobs last patch and it became useless after level 1000; The lanka and vectis still 3-4 shot things.)

2. Stalker can be destroyed easily w/o Rage/QT, don't know who you know, but they probably are not very progressed in the game.

3. Not sure how to beat a grinding game, but I'll assume you mean finishing a mission, which is still as easy as it was last patch.

4. Rhino isn't invincible. He used to be if I remember right then added an absorb  number on his iron skin. It is 'invincibility' until lvl 20-30.

5. Trinity's blessing is probably too good for an ultimate with long duration mods. I still prefer the short duration energy vampire spec, but to each his own. With survival scaling nerf there isn't really a reason to even use the long duration blessing now as I don't see it being competitive anymore.


In summary, if you need to use old QT+Rage to bet a mission, you shouldn't be playing warframe...I'm sorry

Edited by Shibboleet
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did they get rid of the stagger on QT? i just ran a quick T2 ext run on my loki, and tested out the QT. i was left at 2 hp, and was able to quickly run back under cover, and i WASNT staggered. if this is the case, i think QT is fine as a "last resort, oh crap im about to die" method, which can be helpful if a player makes a little mistake here and there. forces players to actually play the game like they're supposed to instead of going God-mode through a lvl 50 map. 


note: i just ran a conclave last night to test the QT/Rage combo on my frost, and i WAS staggered. 2 hours ago was when i ran the t2 on my loki, WITHOUT getting staggered. idk if the QT stagger applies to pvp only, didnt see anything like that in the hotfixes. can anybody else test it out to verify?

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1. The soma was a below par weapon before the patch, and its slightly worse after due to health scaling. I was and still am tired of people seeing yellow numbers and thinking it's good for killing 40s (pre patch 40s) really quick and saying it's good. (I went up to level 2000 mobs last patch and it became useless after level 1000; The lanka and vectis still 3-4 shot things.)

2. Stalker can be destroyed easily w/o Rage/QT, don't know who you know, but they probably are not very progressed in the game.

3. Not sure how to beat a grinding game, but I'll assume you mean finishing a mission, which is still as easy as it was last patch.

4. Rhino isn't invincible. He used to be if I remember right then added an absorb  number on his iron skin. It is 'invincibility' until lvl 20-30.

5. Trinity's blessing is probably too good for an ultimate with long duration mods. I still prefer the short duration energy vampire spec, but to each his own. With survival scaling nerf there isn't really a reason to even use the long duration blessing now as I don't see it being competitive anymore.


In summary, if you need to use old QT+Rage to bet a mission, you shouldn't be playing warframe...I'm sorry


1: if you're playing to 1k+ mobs, you're the definition of no-life-ing  a game. Sorry for that sounding rude, but it's the true, and it also kinda shows that WF is terribly balanced, when the 'real' game starts with 200-500-1k+ mobs, when the original max was 100.

1.2: The old Soma when properly built could 1~3 shot lvl 60s, and kill anything above that, within reason. I'm sick of people claiming that it's not the best gun-- It was, for rifles. Strunt Writhe was best for shotgun, hands down, Acrid was the best for pistols, hands down. Again, when a gun can kill 60% of the enemies in a game with little effort required, and could kill multiple enemies in single shots/bursts, yet most others can barely hold a candle to those at 40, it's a step above.

2: Bar glitching him out now and then, I've only seen people do it by doing really silly things-- like body checking him with shotguns. I play with people that are master 10 ffs, and killing him, before he one-shots [or close enough] his target is beyond difficult. Unless you're playing Rhino or Frost with max armor, you're taking some 300~400 damage from him on his knives, and a death blow on his bow or slash. You're right, you can do it without QT+R; but it's not a feat of skill.

3: Not sure where I mentioned grinding, but the game, overall, is grindy. The missions tend to be pants, unless you got above a level, then they have a large difficulty jump. The issue is, the majority of the game is in that large jump, and you're meant to grind it over and over again, and most likely get nothing for your troubles. WF has no end game, and as a result suffers greatly.

4: which figures to be 60% of the game again [20~30 is the new 40~60]. For the purposes of damage and the like, it's invincibility-- it's literally an anti world defense ability. You get an extra reserve of health, in exces of 1200 [otherwise known as double HP] to 2600 [triple hp], you're immune to stuns and knockdowns, save from one enemy, you take no DOT, and no status effects [Dirsuptor's drain notably]. For all intents and purposes, you are invincible for the low price of 50 to 20 energy.  

5:Trinity's Blessing is truthfully was the only way to play as someone who wasn't Frost or Rhino. At high levels at least. Personally, I only care for the healing part of her blessing, but her invun-save makes her mandatory in some cases, as you can revive downed players with little issue if the game throws bs at you [5 napalms all at once is bs, there is no arguing that.]  


Then a majority of higher level players shouldn't be playing WF. QT+R, again, was a get out of jail free card for whenever the game threw some bs at you. Commander drops you in the middle of 15 guys? Napalms ignoring cover AND setting you on fire? Drones coming from nowhere and MGing you down in seconds? Stalker? The new stalker that is.....QT+R wasn't an anti-world thing like most think-- most who've never used it. It was overpowered, don't get me wrong, but it balanced an otherwise unbalanced game. It was the only counter to flaws that had never been fixed, and just barely that. If you run into a horde of enemies with QT+R on, you will still die; the most good you'd do is be a bullet magnet so your allies could pick them off. It's real use was as luck protection, and helping you with higher level bosses. I'd enjoy seeing the people who played to high levels on defense and survival with QT+R try now, now it'll just be a few try-hards who have the gear and time.

Edited by Gigaus
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Guest Shibboleet

1: if you're playing to 1k+ mobs, you're the definition of no-life-ing  a game. Sorry for that sounding rude, but it's the true, and it also kinda shows that WF is terribly balanced, when the 'real' game starts with 200-500-1k+ mobs, when the original max was 100.

1.2: The old Soma when properly built could 1~3 shot lvl 60s, and kill anything above that, within reason. I'm sick of people claiming that it's not the best gun-- It was, for rifles. Strunt Writhe was best for shotgun, hands down, Acrid was the best for pistols, hands down. Again, when a gun can kill 60% of the enemies in a game with little effort required, and could kill multiple enemies in single shots/bursts, yet most others can barely hold a candle to those at 40, it's a step above.

2: Bar glitching him out now and then, I've only seen people do it by doing really silly things-- like body checking him with shotguns. I play with people that are master 10 ffs, and killing him, before he one-shots [or close enough] his target is beyond difficult. Unless you're playing Rhino or Frost with max armor, you're taking some 300~400 damage from him on his knives, and a death blow on his bow or slash. You're right, you can do it without QT+R; but it's not a feat of skill.

3: Not sure where I mentioned grinding, but the game, overall, is grindy. The missions tend to be pants, unless you got above a level, then they have a large difficulty jump. The issue is, the majority of the game is in that large jump, and you're meant to grind it over and over again, and most likely get nothing for your troubles. WF has no end game, and as a result suffers greatly.

4: which figures to be 60% of the game again [20~30 is the new 40~60]. For the purposes of damage and the like, it's invincibility-- it's literally an anti world defense ability. You get an extra reserve of health, in exces of 1200 [otherwise known as double HP] to 2600 [triple hp], you're immune to stuns and knockdowns, save from one enemy, you take no DOT, and no status effects [Dirsuptor's drain notably]. For all intents and purposes, you are invincible for the low price of 50 to 20 energy.  

5:Trinity's Blessing is truthfully was the only way to play as someone who wasn't Frost or Rhino. At high levels at least. Personally, I only care for the healing part of her blessing, but her invun-save makes her mandatory in some cases, as you can revive downed players with little issue if the game throws bs at you [5 napalms all at once is bs, there is no arguing that.]  


Then a majority of higher level players shouldn't be playing WF. QT+R, again, was a get out of jail free card for whenever the game threw some bs at you. Commander drops you in the middle of 15 guys? Napalms ignoring cover AND setting you on fire? Drones coming from nowhere and MGing you down in seconds? Stalker? The new stalker that is.....QT+R wasn't an anti-world thing like most think-- most who've never used it. It was overpowered, don't get me wrong, but it balanced an otherwise unbalanced game. It was the only counter to flaws that had never been fixed, and just barely that. If you run into a horde of enemies with QT+R on, you will still die; the most good you'd do is be a bullet magnet so your allies could pick them off. It's real use was as luck protection, and helping you with higher level bosses. I'd enjoy seeing the people who played to high levels on defense and survival with QT+R try now, now it'll just be a few try-hards who have the gear and time.

1. That was pre patch level, it now starts at around level 600..roughly. That takes around 2 hours to get to in a defense; I don't even want to know what that will take in a survival now after the level nerf. Don't know how 2 hours is no-lifeing >.>

1.a I'll give you that on how it was the best rifle ammo using gun, but if we're talking about rifle mod using weapons I still say torid/lanka/vectis were better than a soma back then. Nowadays it's still the snipers ;)


2. I think I died to him once on a rank 10 nekros since the update, and even then I didn't know they had buffed him. I've killed him around 3 more times since then just fine. Mastery rank means nothing to me btw. (I'm only rank 9 if you were curious)


3. Did you mean bet then? I assumed you meant beat so I was saying there is no way to beat the game, just grinding.


4. I guess it is around 60% of the game if all you do is normal missions...don't know why people would just grind the star chart over and over again. And here I thought most people did survival/defense since they're the two most popular mission types. (Enemies go way beyond level 20-30)


5. I'll give you this one since we sorta agree


There are counters to everything that you listed. QT+Rage was just a crutch for people who didn't know these counters. Even now it's still good to use if you know how to slide + melee out of there really quick (assuming you are not hit by a napalm/standing in toxic cloud). Also assuming you are playing behind at least some cover.


Uhh...I was in a group that got to wave 100 post patch and we weren't using QT+R. This is also that level 600 point I was posting about earlier. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/138037-wave-100-damage-20-tenn-os-strike-back/#entry1644672 - for reference


Or here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqNDyizg_uQ  No QT+Rage here! (Pre patch)


We're also thinking about streaming a high wave defense in the next few weeks if you really are interested =)

Edited by Shibboleet
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1. That was pre patch level, it now starts at around level 600..roughly. That takes around 2 hours to get to in a defense; I don't even want to know what that will take in a survival now after the level nerf. Don't know how 2 hours is no-lifeing >.>

1.a I'll give you that on how it was the best rifle ammo using gun, but if we're talking about rifle mod using weapons I still say torid/lanka/vectis were better than a soma back then. Nowadays it's still the snipers ;)


2. I think I died to him once on a rank 10 nekros since the update, and even then I didn't know they had buffed him. I've killed him around 3 more times since then just fine. Mastery rank means nothing to me btw. (I'm only rank 9 if you were curious)


3. Did you mean bet then? I assumed you meant beat so I was saying there is no way to beat the game, just grinding.


4. I guess it is around 60% of the game if all you do is normal missions...don't know why people would just grind the star chart over and over again. And here I thought most people did survival/defense since they're the two most popular mission types. (Enemies go way beyond level 20-30)


5. I'll give you this one since we sorta agree


There are counters to everything that you listed. QT+Rage was just a crutch for people who didn't know these counters. Even now it's still good to use if you know how to slide + melee out of there really quick (assuming you are not hit by a napalm/standing in toxic cloud). Also assuming you are playing behind at least some cover.


Uhh...I was in a group that got to wave 100 post patch and we weren't using QT+R. This is also that level 600 point I was posting about earlier. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/138037-wave-100-damage-20-tenn-os-strike-back/#entry1644672 - for reference


Or here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqNDyizg_uQ  No QT+Rage here! (Pre patch)


We're also thinking about streaming a high wave defense in the next few weeks if you really are interested =)


1: Again, sorry for this sounding rude, but....that's part of the problem. Bar maybe a Turn Based Strategy, or something persistent like PS2, spending 2 hours of your life on a game tends to be a lot.....Spending 2 hours on one mission is just...Again, that's the definition of no lifeing it, because I don't think any of my friends would do that, save for bragging rights. We have jobs/family/friends/hobbies/whatnameyou that tend to take up a fair amount of time....And even I, the reviewer, don't spend more than 5 hours on a game/games at a time.

1.2: I'll concede that point, at higher levels, snipers were better in terms of damage output given their high values. Though now...Maybe it's just because I only have the Vectis, but it feels like damage 2.0 nerfed them unintentionally. Unless I'm fighting Grineer, it feels gimped; it takes multiple shots to kill one corpus now [partially an issue since they didn't remove armor properly from the buckets], and Infested....If you're using a sniper rifle against Infested, I expect you to bring paddles to an airshow. It is fairly good against Corrupted, but that's partially because they're not majorly corpus.


2: Mastery normally don't matter to me, but in this case it kinda does. Fighting the stalker isn't about skill as much as it was before; to Kill him, you need specific weapons, since they all now count as specialized....And since the array of guns you have is determined by mastery...[i'm 8 last I checked, so there abouts]. And to be frank, then you're lucky in one way or another...just right after the patch, I rand into him around 14 times...Only once did he get killed, and that's because he bugged out in the wall. The major issue is the fact he heals now, meaning you have to kill him twice effectively....and because under the new system, he basically amounts to being a lvl 90 enemy under the old system...every single time you run into him...That's a bit much, especially for new players. Maybe he's killable, but it comes down to killing him before he kills his target...which doesn't seem to happen much anymore.


3: No, I meant beat, I mistyped. And not beat in the normal sense...The only way I can consider this game 'beat' is either getting 100% [which is excessive], or clearing the starchart, beating the big infested in assassination, and maybe getting a high mastery rank....I'll be blunt, the fact WF doesn't have a solid, concise ending, or end game even, is...both disappointing and damning. I know a lot of reviewers that give games negative marks for that, but as with everything, the popular thing can't be negatively marked.


4: When I say 60%, I mean the literal 60%. I'm not talking about the 5% that makes up the majority [75%] of the endgame content and the 'main' part of the game....You said it yourself; Why would anyone grind the starchart?...First of all, why would anyone -want- to grind, it wasn't even a generation ago that that was a dirty word, and damned a game to oblivion, yet now it's somehow a goal?....and second, the starchart is the majority of the content...Unless someone would like to argue that the game is made up of defense and survival missions, then the starchart makes up the majority. Which, most of that, Rhino can just flex his muscles, look like he  crapped a brick, and literally walk through a firestorm of bullets, which you couldn't do with QT+R. For the insane level content, like 100+ defense and survival, no, he is not invincible; he just has triple HP and CC immunity. Also, people grind the star charts for mat drops...and it sucks ewe;


5: Glad to hear that. Honestly, I love playing healers in almost all the games I play, but as of late, they're either utterly useless, or so overpowered they're required. WF falls in the latter I'm afraid, in that you need to have a trinity if you're not going to use a small number of frames.


Good for you...But it looks to be you actually are fairly 'pro', not in a joking way....For the rest of us out there though, who aren't, this was the way we were able to enter such high levels that make up the majority of the active content. you're right, most people run Survival, Defense, and other stuff that accounts for maybe 10% total of the content....But most people either don't have the time, or the skill to get up to that level, which would be fine...if the game wasn't designed around this being 90% of what you're expected to do/play. This is the meat of the game, as there's no end, no real goal, nothing....And the way it breaks down is, people either leave after the first wall [entry], the second wall [grinding/mats], the third [slots/potatos/money], or the forth [high level content]...Or they leave when they figure out 'oh, this never ends'. Warframe's a good game to waste time in, but as it stands, it has no point to it, other than to waste time in....And QT+R at least made it so some of us who weren't willing to, or couldn't, make up for that gap to get to the main content.


And fair's fair, I'll be blunt; QT+R was OP, for the lower 90% of the game, and I rarely used it after I got it. Why?...If it wasn't insane level, I just used Rhino or Frost, if it wasn't oneshot worthy, I used Mag or Volt, and if it wasn't that, I used whatever I felt like because it wasn't hard at all. But when I played high level...QT+R, again, wasn't a 'lol I'm god' combo, it was 'lol, I have extra body armor' kind of combo...so you could make a mistake, and walk away from it. Or have bad luck, and walk away from it.


And, just as an aside, what is the counter to Grineer Commanders?...They're teleport switch?...Unless I'm Rhino, I get showered with bullets for two seconds, and then die...Especially considering I can get damaged -while- being TPed....And Napalms?...Again, they ignore cover, which really is my only gripe about them. I stick to cover like white on rice, and they're the only things that just go 'what's a cover?' Though, at least with them, you can 'maybe' kill them before they do that...Commanders can TP you without any requirements, save a range.

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DE: Hmm people seem to rely on Redirection+Vigor, it only improves survivability, I wonder why. Oh you silly people!

*DE makes a new system that ruins shield mods, releases tons of new mods to somehow make up for it*


DE: Hmhm now people seem to use this silly combo called Rage+QT which eventually leaves you in an indefinite stunlocked state rather than 'indefinite invulnerability'. Don't they know, you're supposed to die in Warframe! And very often!

*DE nerfs the poop out of it*


Soon, the common folk with use and rely on another mod combo, it will become popular, and will be "balanced" consequently whilst the dodgy enemy AI and imbalanced/underpowered warframes remains as it is. :P




can I get a "cool story brah" now? :D

if it only gets you stunlocked until you die, why people use it :)?

Edited by lautalocos
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1. The soma was a below par weapon before the patch, and its slightly worse after due to health scaling. I was and still am tired of people seeing yellow numbers and thinking it's good for killing 40s (pre patch 40s) really quick and saying it's good. (I went up to level 2000 mobs last patch and it became useless after level 1000; The lanka and vectis still 3-4 shot things.)

2. Stalker can be destroyed easily w/o Rage/QT, don't know who you know, but they probably are not very progressed in the game.

3. Not sure how to beat a grinding game, but I'll assume you mean finishing a mission, which is still as easy as it was last patch.

4. Rhino isn't invincible. He used to be if I remember right then added an absorb  number on his iron skin. It is 'invincibility' until lvl 20-30.

5. Trinity's blessing is probably too good for an ultimate with long duration mods. I still prefer the short duration energy vampire spec, but to each his own. With survival scaling nerf there isn't really a reason to even use the long duration blessing now as I don't see it being competitive anymore.


In summary, if you need to use old QT+Rage to bet a mission, you shouldn't be playing warframe...I'm sorry

Soma is a below par weapon? WOW... please just get off the forums and go education better in the field of maths before you post outrageous remarks. Warframe is primarily a stat based game therefore your irrelevant and worthless opinions are NOT needed here thank you very much. Everyone who is viewing this post, please refrain from causing irrelevant controversy between you and another individual but instead, try to maintain relevance by discussing the quick-thinking mod and/or its nerf.

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Guest Shibboleet

Soma is a below par weapon? WOW... please just get off the forums and go education better in the field of maths before you post outrageous remarks. Warframe is primarily a stat based game therefore your irrelevant and worthless opinions are NOT needed here thank you very much. Everyone who is viewing this post, please refrain from causing irrelevant controversy between you and another individual but instead, try to maintain relevance by discussing the quick-thinking mod and/or its nerf.

Oh, have you also been killing level 600s in todays system? Have you also faced level 2000's pre U11?


Math also states that the Soma won't stand to these levels due to basic scaling and damage per bullet. Please at least provide solid math before you claim math against me please. Also, I appreciate everyones opinions as it allows a debate to start (as seen above); It allows me to better understand my opponent and maybe even learn something in the process...even if our two opinions clash.


I was also one of those people who claimed that the soma was good before I started doing 'end game' content, but then I saw myself having to use ammo mutation, and then I saw myself unloading all of the ammo I had into one tech and giving up on it. Then I see my lanka buddy 3 shot one....I'm disappointed with the weapon.

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Oh, have you also been killing level 600s in todays system? Have you also faced level 2000's pre U11?


Math also states that the Soma won't stand to these levels due to basic scaling and damage per bullet. Please at least provide solid math before you claim math against me please. Also, I appreciate everyones opinions as it allows a debate to start (as seen above); It allows me to better understand my opponent and maybe even learn something in the process...even if our two opinions clash.


I was also one of those people who claimed that the soma was good before I started doing 'end game' content, but then I saw myself having to use ammo mutation, and then I saw myself unloading all of the ammo I had into one tech and giving up on it. Then I see my lanka buddy 3 shot one....I'm disappointed with the weapon.

Ohhh do I need to provide solid math? Isn't it obvious? Any fool out there who has played Warframe for a week can tell you AP works as an AI elemental based off a weapon's dps before update 11 and these debates are worthless because they are NOT relevant. Soma would stand above lanka in pure AI dps if you mod it properly and you should have stockpiled your ammo restores since you were obviously around before they removed them.


Absolute MAX AI damage before update 11 for soma is 366.4245 damage a shot whereas for the lanka(split chambers included)it is 8458.8. Absolute MAX AI dps for the weapons are 8794.188 and 10714.48- not that much of a difference.

We shall discuss this no further.

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Guest Shibboleet

Ohhh do I need to provide solid math? Isn't it obvious? Any fool out there who has played Warframe for a week can tell you AP works as an AI elemental based off a weapon's dps before update 11 and these debates are worthless because they are NOT relevant. Soma would stand above lanka in pure AI dps if you mod it properly and you should have stockpiled your ammo restores since you were obviously around before they removed them. We shall discuss this no further.

That's fine if you believe that, if you don't want to discuss it then don't call me out.

Edited by Shibboleet
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