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PC Nightwave: Nora's Mix Vol.6: Update 35.6


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If they don't fix Acid Shells now when Kuva Sobek is out, they never will. For those unaware, Acid Shells scales off of regular enemy HP and doesn't take into account SP modifier making the 45% hp damage actually something like 17%.

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Posted (edited)

I had no idea the nightwave was so close to ending, I didnt realize the "Ends in XX" at the top was for the act and not for the week.  In the future can yall just send a mail to my in-game inbox to warn us its ending, the News / Community tabs on the orbiter also didnt show that the nightwave was ending soon.

Edited by BZeeB
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Change magazine and reload speed into exilus mod already. Half the weapons have nothing worth putting in exilus slot and these 2 stats almost never worth the normal mod slot. Wow you have to reload 35% less often with primed magazine equipped! Wow your reload takes 1.2 sec instead of 1.8!!!! I don't see the concern. Then maybe swap magazine for punch-through on the shotgun radiation mod, or leave it alone, either is fine. And maybe swap reload speed on the rifle radiation mod for 60% status chance or 40% crit damage.

Even weapons with mag-dump gimmicks won't become op or anything, just a stronger burst in a small area. Tenet plinx, stronger explosion before that long ass cooldown. Tenet detron, better burst on single target at close range. Kuva hek, you get 3 normal shots alongside the quad-shot before having to reload in exchange for passing on galvanized acceleration and losing your improved fall-off. Random fodder like kuva kraken, more meh shots. None of these are a big deal.

Also get rid of the 2 shot cap on tenet diplos lock-on please. Being able to not miss shots while spending twice the ammo per shot isn't broken. It is equivalent to aiming properly while also maintaining mobility.

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vor 5 Stunden schrieb Gaxxian:

LoS is trash, and they are ignoring the problem again. They said that they were working, but at this point it doesnt seem to be true, tbh.

The quality of the programming suffers extremely after the company was sold...
I just tested sobek with the unique mod and saryn skills and 2 green shards in simulation........ so........ it's not serious.

but Saryn kills 20x lvl 190 elite sp units in 2-3 sec with low dmg secondary.

Therefore the weapon with such los code is the last garbage and pure mastery fodder at the moment...

vor 40 Minuten schrieb Kaokasalis:

Those Dawn skins are pretty gaudy looking. 🤢🤮


vor 4 Stunden schrieb FiveN9ne:

If they don't fix Acid Shells now when Kuva Sobek is out, they never will. For those unaware, Acid Shells scales off of regular enemy HP and doesn't take into account SP modifier making the 45% hp damage actually something like 17%.

good info. and it definitely won't be fixed. because what for? maybe only if prime version is sold for real life cash.

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9 hours ago, Megazawr said:

When farming holokeys, you also get your mission rewards, endo/credits(which is quite ok for new players), possibly bonus stuff from derelicts and ofc primes from relics.
In duviri, you only get pathos clamps, all other stuff you get is useless.

No they're not. You can use those resources to buy Origin System resources from Acrithis. Sure, you could just go farm those in a mission elsewhere, but sometimes a small boost of 5,000 Nano Spores saves you some farming time. I know it did for me.

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So...immediate feedback on the nightwave is that it's somehow getting worse.  Remember that you replaced our random missions with nightwave...and that the average length of nightwave is currently half a year...and the rewards are mostly garbage skins that I literally will never equip because they look like you guys got the interns to play with MS paint and create the gaudiest eyesores that you could imagine.  Yeah, daybreak is pink, purple, white, and about as fun as somebody choosing a white energy color on an explosive weapon.


Less immediate feedback.  16 rounds of sister hunting required to finally get one to spawn the new Glaxion.  Not ideal...as I was under the impression you "fixed" that grind by having them go through everything once...yet I got multiple Plinx and Flux Rifles.  That was...ok.  Fine.  A few hours and I got my shiny new gun.  Viral, heat, magnetic is quite possibly the most pleasantly broken combination that I've had the pleasure of constructing in some time...and this is without the augment mod that may make me reconsider in a few weeks.  The biggest "problem" is that the other options are now garbage.  The vandal's "bubble" of cold on contact was never great...but now it's a 6 forma sink that while way higher disposition is present on, chaining to two or three enemies instantly makes irrelevant.  Yeah the single digit stat improvements are a joke, but in practice a two forma tenet variant stomps a 6 forma vandal so bad it isn't funny.

Before you ask, no.  I am not asking to remove the chaining.  I'm asking you to make the other two variants less terrible by allowing them to chain too.  If you don't this means we'll have a Tenet Glaxion that has extra elements, more mod capacity, chaining, and constant availability versus its nearest competition...a Baro only weapon whose only grace is if you've got an insanely good riven to bolster damage and a large radius mod to make the cold bubble hit more than one enemy at once.  How have you made 3 different versions of the same weapon that all act completely differently?  This is the embodiment of the amprex-opticor-battacor energy weapon debate with negligible statistical changes.  Is it better to chain low damage, have a point of contact and explosive radius around said point of contact, or just single target enemies.  Well...this is a horse killing looter shooter...so there is an answer to that question...and it's why he Ignis Wraith gets more playtime than both Opticors combined.



Other stuff...the Hek getting the extra multishot is a tacit admission of power creep....and now relegates the choice to just the kuva variant.  2% for each cold proc seems a little low.  This is especially concerning because depending upon your element choices you've got 100% cold + 60% elements + ? mod elements.  If I want 100% status to guarantee something hits...it's about 120% and 2 60-60 + galvanized aptitude.  100% cold + 60% + 60% +34% = 254%...100/254*0.02 = 0.7%....so if I put 1000 cold statuses on enemies I get 7 energy orbs...  Even assuming something silly like 100% + 60% cold + 60% radiation + 60% cold element = 220/280*0.02 = 1.57%....or about 16 energy orbs for every 1000 procs.  I...don't see this as a reason to compromise my elements...ever.

I have hopes for the Sobek.  15 shots at 15% means 225%...which sounds great.  Acid shells is guaranteed explosive...maybe the greatness will be in priming...but it will force us to reload only when out of shells to see a value...which is going to be a hard sell.  Still....acid shells.

I'm...not sure if you guys understand your game anymore.  Let me elaborate.  The Ropalolyst fight is only done for nightwave or guaranteed sentients for challenges.  If I wanted to skip the motion abilities I play Zephyr, and her 1 gets me from center platform to side platform in a single cast.  It also lets me jump out and ride the thing easier.  The need for complex navigation was a problem you introduced to us...and we already had the tools to nope out of it.  The Glaxion is a three weapon set that shows how dominant one attack pattern is above all others (chaining).  The Sobek, by initial reports, is showing all the fun of Line of Sight calculation shenanigans.  I'm just so tired of seeing the same failures like all of this is new, and knowing that years in it's not an error.  It's how DE operates with Warframe...and if you cannot tolerate it then you're meant to just wait until about 4 more iterations include it and the community finally snaps.  Only then will we get a band-aid fix....that will probably last a few dozen hotfixes.  

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4 hours ago, NinDude said:

No they're not. You can use those resources to buy Origin System resources from Acrithis. Sure, you could just go farm those in a mission elsewhere, but sometimes a small boost of 5,000 Nano Spores saves you some farming time. I know it did for me.


Let me offer you a counter.  The four resources that are rewarded as completion for the end of a Duviri run are Pathos Clamps, Steel Essence, Kulervo resources, and a decree.  Assuming that you absolutely jam through the Duviri experience, 6 different missions are completed along with a multi-stage boss fight.  Note that the above basically means no Kullervo's Bane and no Steel Essence...but whatever.  You have 4 open world objectives, 2 undercroft battles, and potentially a long boss battle if your RNG weapons suck.  Cool.  Jam through all of that...and Acrithis can sometimes offer me some bad common resource drops.  


Now, let's enter a parallel universe.  Instead of loading into a main chamber, building a load-out, loading into Duviri, running through a pseudo open world to fixed points of RNG missions, I just did a mission.  Let's pop over to Eris, and get nano spores, and a bunch of other stuff.  I want it done fast, so I go with my Limbo and a decent gun.  I can get an entire mission done in about 110 seconds, that's start to ready to start another mission.  I'll likely bang out 5000+ spores in a single run.  Add in a bunch of credits, potentially rare crates, and other resource types, and I've got more stuff in one capture mission than a 12 minute Duviri run (fastest I've been able to run one solo).  Cool....about 1/6th the time and way more rewards.



Now....let's look at Railjack.  It's got its own ecosystem of rewards...because of course it does.  It's structured so you have a minimum of 2 missions....usually the ship borne murder, a couple of boarding actions, and then a traditional mission type.  They're usually about 7-8 minutes minimum as there's a lot of traversal time...and your railjack gear will largely impact how fast you can go.  With the key farms you're usually also doing relics...so it's going to be a bit longer but with cracked relics and void traces.  Still, my worst railjack times are under my Duviri time because running half way across the world so I can do two 5 minute survivals as my undercroft experience is...miserable.

My point here is that railjack rewards directly, standard missions reward more faster, and I don't have to deal with garbage load-outs anywhere but Duviri and Deep runs....  If you are faced with less rewards, more time, and greater challenges because of garbage gear then there's no reason to do Duviri...until you note it's the only source for adapters and Pathos clamps.  The former makes old gear slap, the later is required to pay for it...so your motivation for Duviri is literally just the chance at stuff which is powerful.  I know the only reason I did a bunch of Duviri was the adapters...and now that I have all of them I don't engage with the weekly grind to do missions constantly for greater difficulty, with less rewards per level because 100/300 is less than 100/700...but that 100 is what you get for facing level 100 enemies and level 4000 enemies.  

Summed up...Duviri rewards exist but suck.  They suck because they take the most effort, and thus are not worth the large cost in time and efficiency.  In a looter-shooter efficiency is not a bad thing...it's the price paid for the power fantasy....and as that fantasy spoils with grind minimizing time between engagement and rewards is desirable.

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Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, Gaxxian said:

LoS is trash, and they are ignoring the problem again. They said that they were working, but at this point it doesnt seem to be true, tbh.

Yup, totally true. I was feeling like the sobek augment was not going boom (i used lenz for a quite long time, hence now that 15m explosion radius is quite large). tested it, and the LoS check is so broken, its not even consistent when it triggers and when it doesn't.

Like, at this point, it feels like DE is just forcing content instead of fixing actually game breaking bugs. Like, why is there even an LoS check in the augment, it should have been a simple aoe explosion like lenz or tonkor


Edited by CephalonSamara
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11 hours ago, BZeeB said:

I had no idea the nightwave was so close to ending, I didnt realize the "Ends in XX" at the top was for the act and not for the week.  In the future can yall just send a mail to my in-game inbox to warn us its ending, the News / Community tabs on the orbiter also didnt show that the nightwave was ending soon.

The end date in Nightwave itself was right in your face, this has been the best way to do it since previous messes by DE.

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23 hours ago, Megazawr said:

still no fixes for these old bugs:

I do enjoy seeing release notes get ratio'd by a simple reply from Megazawr listing old, unfixed bugs. Shows people care about seeing bugs get fixed more than just the new shiny. Should we ask DE to list all known & unfixed bugs in every release to help keep you accountable?

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How much longer will it take me to find Tenet Glaxion?  Over and over again, don't you think that's a terrible mechanism?  Players spend too much time and effort trying to find the weapon they want, and as new weapons are added, this problem becomes bigger and bigger, and you need to pay attention and solve this problem

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9 hours ago, Miss_deeply said:

How much longer will it take me to find Tenet Glaxion?  Over and over again, don't you think that's a terrible mechanism?  Players spend too much time and effort trying to find the weapon they want, and as new weapons are added, this problem becomes bigger and bigger, and you need to pay attention and solve this problem

Although I agree with you and feel your pain as it took me 14 tries before the Kuva Sobek finally made an appearance,  it's mostly a minor annoyance and not worthy of attention at this point in time.  The list of game breaking bugs or major annoyances accumulates and remains unfixed and would prefer to have their attention focused on such things as LoS than worry about making sure you and I get the latest Kuva or Sister weapon in a timely fashion. 

Have a pleasant tomorrow!

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12 hours ago, Miss_deeply said:

How much longer will it take me to find Tenet Glaxion?  Over and over again, don't you think that's a terrible mechanism?  Players spend too much time and effort trying to find the weapon they want, and as new weapons are added, this problem becomes bigger and bigger, and you need to pay attention and solve this problem

I haven't got that one yet but I did a Kuva Lich tonight and it took about 12 goes to get it to drop a Kuva Sobek, the part I like about this was its bonus dropped at 59%.  beaF1.gif


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