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Just a nobody's take on unexpectedly learning what kuva liches are.

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i play solo for lots of good reasons, mostly cuz the world seems to love making a mockery of any 'appointment gaming' i may try, but also partly cuz i'm just terribly awkward and very bad at communicating online.

.i'm moving through the warframe content rather slowly; i have lots of time, and even a bit of cash to burn and up till just now have very much been enjoying leveling the different factions and syndicates, fishing mining, and all of it... even have a dojo that i painstakingly rebuilt from scratch after i had a clear picture of what a working dojo with all the amenities would actually require... even have a few members in my stupid little clan

but i was totally unprepared, i mean i had no idea the absolute TREAT that the Kuva Lich i reflexively activated in the heat of battle after being drawn in by map markers where i saw PRESS X... something something.... i dont remember i was being killed pretty hard by a cloud of baddies i had to shuck and jive and get that alarm turned off so i did the thing... then i tanked the mission badly, aborted and opened up the wiki...
i thought they were just assassins, really had no idea what was happening...  forgot about the queens with so much stuff going on, should i have drank the blood, or destroyed it? 
(reads more)

it feels like my game and everything i have put together has been taken away from me
it feels like the things i was working on now have to go on hold cuz stupid me was thinking i was just clearing star chart nodes... and now i'm stuck in an artificially difficult fight i really don't have the gear or friends or inclination to deal with

nope, not gonna do it

but this is really a drag
its getting old putting dollars and time into games that turn around and put me in thumbscrews for it
this was one of the last games, that i still had any interest in, i was actually legitimately having fun, was almost even possibly maybe making a friend to replace the one that got me started then dropped the game...

...but i was probably playing too much, and in my smell-the-roses-oh-whats-that sort of way, not getting as far as i should have.

I know most of the content is intended for squad play anyway and this little kuva lich event really feels like a send off, with the railjack sitting on top lookin at me all like: "mmmm hmmm, you know you don't have any friends..."

i guess thanks for clearing my schedule, and putting things into perspective
just not sure what else im gonna do with myself... video games are about all i have left... im old, broken down, starting to smell bad, and i'm half crazy with stuff that would have a proper person looking for the exit.

but warframe has made it very clear im not welcome here
its not like the game WANTS or NEEDS to be played, i'm the one with a gap to fill
besides, the people who profit from warframe don't need my piddley platinum money, they rakin it in with both hands, a man and a boy

just another butthurt rando farting out an 'i quit' thread

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Quit because you can't fight Liches alone? You probably never heard of Acolytes, Archon, Angels, Eidolon, Profit Taker, Murmur boss (there's a different name for them) and the entire game as an multiplayer where you had to join PUGS? Well, go back and play COD or Fortnite then.

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Posted (edited)
12 minutes ago, BroDutt said:

Well, go back and play COD

COD is a team game.

You can ignore the lich safely untill you can manage to handle it. It doesnt permamently steal anything or obstruct your progress in any way. Once dealt with everything is given back.

At some point in life you may do something with unpredictable consuequences. What are you going to do? Run away?

Edited by Zakkhar
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I don’t recall being forced to fight the lich; I’ve had mine sitting around for months at a time.

The good news is that you can load up some public matches, not say anything, and someone’ll be along shortly to eradicate it for you, no need to ask

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I mean this in the most friendly and kind way, but I think you might just be giving Liches too large and special a weight and importance, to give you this much negativity. Also, to be clear, I am not trying to invalidate or undermine how you might feel... Since you are new to Liches, and you might not know the consequences, so you might have to guess and make assumptions, and sometimes people may make negative assumptions and... Basically what I am trying to say, is they aren't actually a big deal. 

Everything about Liches is intended to be fun! Except you do not have to fight them right now. Or next week, or next month. Occasionally they might pop up and say something silly, funny or stupid, on the corner of the screen. Occasionally they might steal resources from you, on the planet they are on, if you happen to do a mission there. You will get all those resources back eventually. I mean, if you want. Again, you don't have to fight or interact with the Lich if you don't want to. 

Thing is, in a few weeks or months, you might want to. Why? Well because it can be fun. Everything about them, their names, their silly sense of humour and taunts, their dramatic red mood lighting, many of their unique animations, including some you inflict on them, thats all designed to be content, stuff you enjoy, more game for you. You get cool weapons from them too. 

Right now, since you did it by accident, it may feel very overwhelming. I also personally think that DE should implement some sort of opt out feature, but if everything else is true about how you enjoy the game, have spent money, have made a dojo etc, I genuinely and sincerely don't think you should feel like the game is taking anything away from you. I really don't think that Warframe has made it clear that they don't want you here. I really just think you are giving this more concern that is necessary. 

If you are on Playstation, I can literally give you the mods you might need, help you kill your Lich in around 2 hours (I am not sure if you will need a Railjack of your own, or whether you can just use mine). If that might help you enjoy the game again. Thing is, you may eventually actually enjoy hunting Liches, and what you once thought was a sign telling you to leave, was actually a sign to make you feel like staying because you enjoy it! 

Either way, I wish you luck and good fortune (and do also feel free to contact me if you want help, even if you aren't on Playstation. Though I might not be able to trade with you some of those mods you need. You can also try asking in recruit. I am sure someone would be willing to help you, if they knew your situation. Take care! 

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4 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

I mean this in the most friendly and kind way, but I think you might just be giving Liches too large and special a weight and importance, to give you this much negativity. Also, to be clear, I am not trying to invalidate or undermine how you might feel... Since you are new to Liches, and you might not know the consequences, so you might have to guess and make assumptions, and sometimes people may make negative assumptions and... Basically what I am trying to say, is they aren't actually a big deal. 

Everything about Liches is intended to be fun! Except you do not have to fight them right now. Or next week, or next month. Occasionally they might pop up and say something silly, funny or stupid, on the corner of the screen. Occasionally they might steal resources from you, on the planet they are on, if you happen to do a mission there. You will get all those resources back eventually. I mean, if you want. Again, you don't have to fight or interact with the Lich if you don't want to. 

Thing is, in a few weeks or months, you might want to. Why? Well because it can be fun. Everything about them, their names, their silly sense of humour and taunts, their dramatic red mood lighting, many of their unique animations, including some you inflict on them, thats all designed to be content, stuff you enjoy, more game for you. You get cool weapons from them too. 

Right now, since you did it by accident, it may feel very overwhelming. I also personally think that DE should implement some sort of opt out feature, but if everything else is true about how you enjoy the game, have spent money, have made a dojo etc, I genuinely and sincerely don't think you should feel like the game is taking anything away from you. I really don't think that Warframe has made it clear that they don't want you here. I really just think you are giving this more concern that is necessary. 

If you are on Playstation, I can literally give you the mods you might need, help you kill your Lich in around 2 hours (I am not sure if you will need a Railjack of your own, or whether you can just use mine). If that might help you enjoy the game again. Thing is, you may eventually actually enjoy hunting Liches, and what you once thought was a sign telling you to leave, was actually a sign to make you feel like staying because you enjoy it! 

Either way, I wish you luck and good fortune (and do also feel free to contact me if you want help, even if you aren't on Playstation. Though I might not be able to trade with you some of those mods you need. You can also try asking in recruit. I am sure someone would be willing to help you, if they knew your situation. Take care! 

Pretty much what this guy said but the TLDR is: All they do is steal a small percentage of resources from you if you do a mission they have control of. You can pretty safely ignore them. They can steal some pretty frustrating things but nearly all of the time it's not something you can't get somewhere else fairly easily. And you will get it all back once you eventually defeat them, plus their weapon.

I do think it's pretty frustrating the game doesn't bother to warn you about them tho, and it's REALLY frustrating that the devs were working on a way to dismiss your litch without fighting it and then decided to drop that idea. But ultimately, they're not as big of a hassle as they initially seem.

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If you're willing to quit over a mild inconvenience brought about by your own refusal to engage with part of the game then it seems you're making the correct choice here. Especially as seemingly every notion you have on the game is just wrong.

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2 hours ago, Fnord_Asteroid said:

it feels like my game and everything i have put together has been taken away from me
it feels like the things i was working on now have to go on hold cuz stupid me was thinking i was just clearing star chart nodes... and now i'm stuck in an artificially difficult fight i really don't have the gear or friends or inclination to deal with

Oh, the memories this brings back for me!

Ignore the walnuts in this thread who clearly can't relate or can't remember what this is like.

I got my first lich accidentally when I was mr5. I was so underpowered with skills, weapons, and knowledge of what to do. At the time there were only a few, very garbage, so-called tutorials online that really didn't help and nobody, anywhere, ever mentioned that I did not have to fight the stupid thing. Yep, I had no idea I COULD JUST IGNORE IT. So I spent every second of my time in the game trying to get it back to the game I loved. I found one video on YouTube -- iflynn has no idea he is my hero -- to guide me, and one player, as underpowered as me, to assist and finally I vanquished it to hell. It was so satisfying!

That lich was one of only two times I ever considered quitting the game.

My second lich was accidental as well. I almost cried when I got that one because I'd tried so hard to avoid being in that situation ever again. But at least with it I knew the process, albeit I was still underpowered in the weapon area. It took much less time to destroy it and I did that one all on my own.

These days I hunt them purely for fun, and have HUNDREDS of them in codex as reminders. I also spend quite a bit of time helping others defeat theirs. 

I know it feels like your game has been ruined, but I promise it is not. Avoid the lich or find players to lend a hand, or arsenal as the case may be. Warframe has a lot to offer, all of which you will miss out on if you quit.

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4 hours ago, Fnord_Asteroid said:

i play solo for lots of good reasons, mostly cuz the world seems to love making a mockery of any 'appointment gaming' i may try, but also partly cuz i'm just terribly awkward and very bad at communicating online.

.i'm moving through the warframe content rather slowly; i have lots of time, and even a bit of cash to burn and up till just now have very much been enjoying leveling the different factions and syndicates, fishing mining, and all of it... even have a dojo that i painstakingly rebuilt from scratch after i had a clear picture of what a working dojo with all the amenities would actually require... even have a few members in my stupid little clan

but i was totally unprepared, i mean i had no idea the absolute TREAT that the Kuva Lich i reflexively activated in the heat of battle after being drawn in by map markers where i saw PRESS X... something something.... i dont remember i was being killed pretty hard by a cloud of baddies i had to shuck and jive and get that alarm turned off so i did the thing... then i tanked the mission badly, aborted and opened up the wiki...
i thought they were just assassins, really had no idea what was happening...  forgot about the queens with so much stuff going on, should i have drank the blood, or destroyed it? 
(reads more)

it feels like my game and everything i have put together has been taken away from me
it feels like the things i was working on now have to go on hold cuz stupid me was thinking i was just clearing star chart nodes... and now i'm stuck in an artificially difficult fight i really don't have the gear or friends or inclination to deal with

nope, not gonna do it

but this is really a drag
its getting old putting dollars and time into games that turn around and put me in thumbscrews for it
this was one of the last games, that i still had any interest in, i was actually legitimately having fun, was almost even possibly maybe making a friend to replace the one that got me started then dropped the game...

...but i was probably playing too much, and in my smell-the-roses-oh-whats-that sort of way, not getting as far as i should have.

I know most of the content is intended for squad play anyway and this little kuva lich event really feels like a send off, with the railjack sitting on top lookin at me all like: "mmmm hmmm, you know you don't have any friends..."

i guess thanks for clearing my schedule, and putting things into perspective
just not sure what else im gonna do with myself... video games are about all i have left... im old, broken down, starting to smell bad, and i'm half crazy with stuff that would have a proper person looking for the exit.

but warframe has made it very clear im not welcome here
its not like the game WANTS or NEEDS to be played, i'm the one with a gap to fill
besides, the people who profit from warframe don't need my piddley platinum money, they rakin it in with both hands, a man and a boy

just another butthurt rando farting out an 'i quit' thread

They giving you advice up there of how to deal consequences.
I will be more honest, than previous commentators: you need the help of a qualified specialist to get rid of the cause.
This is a very good sign that you are aware of your problem, as you wrote in the first paragraph. Just take the next step

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2 hours ago, (XBOX)RaeOvSunshyn said:

Ignore the walnuts in this thread who clearly can't relate or can't remember what this is like.

This is a big problem with the issue because most players were already playing for years and saw the dev streams talking about the liches mechanics and how they work, while new players only get a teaser cinematic after War Within that doesn't explain anything, kill a larvling and then this guy appears from nowhere and starts stealing resources.
It really needs a quest to tell new players how the mechanics work, what to expect, and how to kill one. Sisters don't have this problem because you need to do Granum void to make them spawn first, but Larvlings just exist in the open.

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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, Fnord_Asteroid said:

i play solo for lots of good reasons, mostly cuz the world seems to love making a mockery of any 'appointment gaming' i may try, but also partly cuz i'm just terribly awkward and very bad at communicating online.

Just wanted to comment on this bit. Don't worry about communication, 90% of the time any team I join don't even reply to what I type in the chat. Having someone speak in team chat is a rarity. Nobody will get angry at you.

Edited by _Eclips3_
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Posted (edited)
18 hours ago, Fnord_Asteroid said:

, but also partly cuz i'm just terribly awkward and very bad at communicating online.

I mena, you don't have to talk online if you don't want to, I don't. I don't have my mic on unless I'm in a private chat with friends, and I don't talk in squad chat unless there's something important I need to say, like "don't kill them outside of the red circle" (Netracell players know what i mean). otherwise, when it comes to randoms, I use them and they use me, but that's ok, it's a co-op game, we're all just here to kill stuff and get loot and be on our merry way. we can just be meatshields for one another, we don't have to be friends, just colleagues for the sake of getting the objective done. 

18 hours ago, Fnord_Asteroid said:


the process to kill a lich - farming requiem mods, killing thralls for murmurs, then dealing with the lich itself when it shows up - these thigns aren't that hard, and again, you can use randoms for this, or use recruit chat. "H murmur farm" is all you need to say, and if they have a lich of their own and want to squad up, they will come. the problem is that it can take a while to deal with a lich, due to the randomization of the requiems you need and the RNG on whether or not they show up for you to try and kill them even when they're enraged. assuming you don't need to suddenly farm more requiem mod, it can take a few hours in total to defeat a lich from start to finish, but the only penalty is that they take a small amoutn of resources from missions on the planet they're occupying, but you will get it ALL back and more when you finally kill them. the best thing to do is just take it at a pace that's comfortable to you.

18 hours ago, Fnord_Asteroid said:

I know most of the content is intended for squad play anyway and this little kuva lich event really feels like a send off, with the railjack sitting on top lookin at me all like: "mmmm hmmm, you know you don't have any friends..."

if you aren't willing/able to invest in the railjack don't worry, you can still hop on randoms to do the final confrontation. you'll have to fight their liches too, but it's really easy and if you have a Necramech you can just use that if you like. the actual railjack portion of the finale is just a taxi basically. I would however still recommend putting some level of investment in your Railjack if you're planning on doing The New War quest at some point.. you'll actually need it then.

you really don't need to let this defeat you. and I think once you defeat your first Lich, it'll make you feel a lot more powerful. it'll also actually make you more powerful if you Vanquish the Lich because then you can take it's weapon, and the Lich weapons are among the best in the game. 

Edited by (PSN)robotwars7
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18 hours ago, BroDutt said:

Quit because you can't fight Liches alone? You probably never heard of Acolytes, Archon, Angels, Eidolon, Profit Taker, Murmur boss (there's a different name for them) and the entire game as an multiplayer where you had to join PUGS? Well, go back and play COD or Fortnite then.

Except those aren’t as intrusive as Liches.

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This was similar to my first Lich experience. I didn't know about them and I ended up activating one by mistake. I hadn't cracked any Requiem Relics just yet either, and I wasn't even through my Star Chart so my equipment was not great.

I also play solo.

I still shudder when I remember that first Lich. I have a habit of trying things out first on my own before looking up guides on it, which meant I ended up handling this Lich in the WORST way possible:

  • Started by farming Requiem Relics and Requiem Mods
  • Kept that up until I got one of each type of Mod (that took days)
  • Next I started gathering murmurs, but didn't know that failed attempts to kill the Lich would level them up and move them to another planet
  • I made that mistake twice, wasting precious nodes on Earth and Mars
  • Finally got enough Murmurs to get the Requiem candidates, and started trying different combos
  • My first two combos failed, so my Lich got all the way to max level before I got the sequence
  • I didn't have any gun that could make a dent in my Lich, so the 2nd-to-Last battle was awful; I ran out of ammo in both my Primary and Secondary
  • For the final battle I was like: "Forget this!" and I spawned every type of specter I had. (12 of them I think)
  • It was a chaotic mess, two armies fighting in cramped quarters, but I won

And guess what weapon it was? A Kuva Seer! A week of headache for a Kuva Seer! Having to listen to that voice and those dad-joke level taunts for a week just to get a Kuva Seer.

But I still don't think you should quit! I did everything wrong and made it much harder for myself, but a little research and preparation would have made it a lot easier. But even with it being more difficult than it had to be, I still look back at the experience with some fondness. It was a dumb nemesis with a dumb weapon who pestered me constantly, but it turned into a funny story that I chuckle about now and then. Just because something isn't enjoyable now doesn't mean it will be a bad memory later. I can activate and defeat a Lich now in a few hours, and that only feels good to me because I still remember how miserable my first Lich was.


19 hours ago, Fnord_Asteroid said:

I know most of the content is intended for squad play anyway and this little kuva lich event really feels like a send off

I'm begging you, could you tell me a little about what you have in your Arsena? There's a good chance you have a weapon in there that can be modded to obliterate a Lich. And if not, then I'm sure there's an easy-to-farm weapon that's available.

I only use Mag, and she can destroy pretty much anything with a face, but that spoiled me into thinking the weapon I had doesn't really matter. I got through both the Start Chart and Steel Path using mainly a Sancti Tigris, but then the Archon Hunts came out and Damage Attenuation / Status Capping made everything I had useless. So I got onto this Forum and asked for advice, and people told me to go farm the Phenmor and give that I shot. I did, and it destroyed the Archon. It was a wake up call that I should try new weapons even if I like the one I've been using. It also just felt good being able to see a once-formidable enemy defeated, and seeing advice I got from others work out so well. I highly recommend giving the community a chance to help!


We're all on the side of the Tenno and want to see those filthy thieving Liches get what they deserve. Please give our experience a chance!

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Well my Lich has been living happily on Earth for roughly a year now, though I would love to have him visit me on Lua Circulus sometimes. Long distance relationship, you know?

What I was saying is that there is no need to engage Lich/Sister at all. They only find you (occasionally) when you hit that few red nodes on their planets. Is there any misunderstanding between you and your Lich?

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Btw, if you are having problem fighting level 5 Lich/Sister, Nyx is always the answer. At merely 130 strength, her 2 can 100% strip their armor and shield. Slap on her augment and you can just stand there and kill them.

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This brings back memories of when I put down Warframe for the first time. I was not prepared for Liches when they released, and it was an awful experience. On top of Railjack being unplayable solo at the time, the big grind to try out that game mode ASAP burned me out.

Came back a couple of years later, and things were improved enough I could finally do something about the git. I think I got a Kuva Seer too...

It's definitely possible to get up to that barrier, and arguably it's even easier now with all the tools needed for higher-level Steel Path enemies.

Take a break, but do come back soon to rebuild and try again.

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I'm starting to get the feel letting Larvlings spawn during lvl20 Saturn missions was a mistake

They either need to be moved to optional objectives like Parvosisters already are (you have to actively seek them out in lvl60 side content) or they need to come from a quest. War Within 2: Kuva Lich Boogaloo. Either way they shouldn't be able to spawn until you have personally conquered content in the lvl60-70 range, because that's where Requiem Mods come from

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after reading some of the community replies to this person i can see why some things never improve in Warframe.

the loud minority of voices in the community love being inconvenienced.


ignoring a by design inconvenient feature doesn't make it less inconvenient and annoying. that is the bottom line.

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Posted (edited)

All this talk is making me want to pay a visit to my lich to get them ranked up. I really like fighting them and get sad in the downtime between defeating the last one and coming across the next one

edit: Funnily enough, I think this one is a Kuva Seer as well, which I’m not complaining since my first one I converted was also a Seer and I wanted a second shot at it

Edited by Merkranire
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I quit the game for similar reasons, of which there are sooooo many now. In a nutshell a couple years back Warframe stopped being about Warframes and started adding all this stuff with "hacked in" bolted on mechanics that don't feel like they are part of this game. Railjacks, Liches, Mechs, friggin "skate boards", the two versions of the Tenno/operator, etc. etc. etc.

Just chores upon delays upon chores and more chores, interfering with and gatekeeping the game I was trying to play. Then they started with the "woke" nonsense and I was out.

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On 2024-06-05 at 11:40 AM, WT240 said:

In a nutshell a couple years back Warframe stopped being about Warframes

Irony of these kinds of comments when game modes like Railjack or Duviri end up feeling half-baked given that they focus on the base warframe content so much and don't flesh the other stuff they add. Want to do a lone story run? Prepare to spend the majority of your time in the Undercroft. Want to run some Railjack missions? Prepare to wipe out the fighters and crewships quickly and be left with the Grineer bases, and more notably the Corpus missions that are all regular warframe stuff, bar Orphix.

Also the "woke nonsense" point do be goofy.

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