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Any Good Builds For Fighting The Tenno?


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It's been rough lately.

I have an extremely hard time maneuvering through the Tenno faction. They're too quick, they do to much damage and D.E. doesn't seem to be planning on nerfing them any time soon. Some have recommended running the Arctic Eximus mod for survivability but they just walk into through it and kill me or just pop it in a few shots. The only viable option seems to be Blitz Eximus mod but it only works on low level Tenno and even then it some times doesn't get through their shields.

Currently the only viable way to farm Tenno is by running Earth missions where there's mostly MR1-MR5 Tenno, but currently there's a bug where occasionally an MR30 or higher Tenno will be present in the mission making it impossible to grind for resources. Depending on RNG it could take up to a day or SEVERAL YEARS to kill a Tenno depending on their rank, some times never. Because of this I have yet to upgrade past Heavy Gunner.

Also, I'm not sure if this is a bug or something, but some Tenno straight up don't take damage. I once saw a buddy of mine cast his fire wave point blank at a Tenno and the game must have forgot to register it because the Tenno walked right through it without getting knocked down or getting affected by heat procs. Please D.E. just make Venomous Eximus available to us and not just infested or NERF THE TENNO.


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Posted (edited)

Have you tried the toxic eximus mod? Try your best to sneak up from out of their field of view as well, bonus if you have some form of stealth. Get them in range and stand around, not attacking, till they notice. You should be able to get tenno higher than mr5 but the highest mr ones might be trickier. Best to do the strat when they've "zoned out" so to speak. Sadly there isn't a very reliable method

Edited by Sephylon086918
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Posted (edited)

Just don't. Because even if you kill them, they will come back and will be angry once they return.

Saw one valiant maggot once getting a lucky shot with his Ogris, destroying one of these warframes. His reward was that a weird kid appeared a few seconds later looked very mad and then blasted him out of existence with a strange energy beam.

Edited by Prexades
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It sucks and is RNG dependent on sortie modifiers, but I once (once) got lucky during a Radiation Modifier. Was a low level Tenno, and I was able to rad proc it, and that let it get killed by it's allies. I still died to the other 3 Tenno but, it's viable? 




Radiation Eximus When, DE?

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30 minutes ago, ZiIIion said:

Your best bet is to grind until you reach the Kuva Lich Story Quest to unlock Lich Form. Either that or party up with someone who already does.

Only downside to Lich Form is they might keep me in their inventory forever or sell me. The fact that they can do that to Liches is downright broken. My buddy's cloned cousin once became a Lich and was never heard from again after fighting a Tenno.

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1 hour ago, Prexades said:

Just don't. Because even if you kill them, they will come back and will be angry once they return.

Saw one valiant maggot once getting a lucky shot with his Ogris, destroying one of these warframes. His reward was that a weird kid appeared a few seconds later looked very mad and then blasted him out of existence with a strange energy beam.

I thought of avoiding them once. I found a nice spot to hide in until the mission was over. Normally they capture the target and make a run for their ship but randomly it feels like some overwhelming rage takes over and they begin slaughtering dozens of us. And those kids they bring with them, didn't the queens want one of those? How do we even catch these guys.


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1 hour ago, (XBOX)CaligulaTwily said:

It sucks and is RNG dependent on sortie modifiers, but I once (once) got lucky during a Radiation Modifier. Was a low level Tenno, and I was able to rad proc it, and that let it get killed by it's allies. I still died to the other 3 Tenno but, it's viable? 




Radiation Eximus When, DE?

We NEED a radiation eximus. Those trigger happy goons won't be able to resist blowing themselves up

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vor 6 Minuten schrieb _4shes:

I thought of avoiding them once. I found a nice spot to hide in until the mission was over. Normally they capture the target and make a run for their ship but randomly it feels like some overwhelming rage takes over and they begin slaughtering dozens of us. And those kids they bring with them, didn't the queens want one of those? How do we even catch these guys.


I wouldn't count on a queen's gratitude here. Even if you find a way to get one of these kids.

When you can't beat them, join them. There is a guy named Kahl-175, contact him and use the code word: Bluegirl.

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Posted (edited)

The key to fighting the Tenno is to figure out why they've arrived and misdirect them. If the Tenno's mission is...

  • Assassination
    • If your facility is the main headquarters for one of our VIP, then there's a good chance the Tenno aim to assassinate that person.
    • Assign one of the body doubles to fight while the VIP evacuates; try to keep them from taunting the Tenno over comms. Fortunately the Tenno never seem to wonder why they can assassinate the same person repeatedly.
  • Capture
    • Ask your crewmates if they have any information vital to the Tenno cause. If so, then the Tenno probably want to interrogate that crewmate.
    • Swap the uniform with another crewmate and have them pretend to be the capture target. The Tenno can't tell us apart.
  • Defense
    • Sometimes we uncover useless relics like Warframe cryopods. The Tenno will obsessively try to defend those objects.
    • Humor them by trying to destroy it; the longer the Tenno spend there, the less time they'll spend doing something we actually care about.
  • Disruption
    • Alad V has put together a shipment of goods, as well as a game of sorts to disrupt the Tenno's plans to steal them.
    • Distract the Tenno by dropping keys to the conduits, and use death-row inmates strapped with bombs to rush it. We'll be unloading the real items while this happens.
  • Excavation
    • Areas with rich Cryotic deposits attract the Tenno.
    • The Lotus has an amazing talent for locating deposits. Keep bringing Power Cores to the Tenno and eventually they'll leave; we'll mine those areas when they're gone.
  • Exterminate
    • Sometimes that psychotic Lotus will just tell the Tenno to go on a killing spree.
    • They only seem to want to kill a preset number, so spread out evenly throughout the facility while we evacuate vital personnel.
  • Interception
    • When your facility is a communications hub, then the Tenno are probably there to intercept messages.
    • Just inform your superiors of the situation; they'll reroute communications through another facility. Try to keep the Tenno there as long as possible.
  • Mobile Defense
    • Occasionally all a Tenno wants to do is hack our consoles. If you see them holding a Data Mass then that's likely why they came.
    • Switch that facility's connection over to our dummy network and then pretend to resist. They only seem to want to hack about three consoles before leaving.
  • Rescue
    • If your facility is housing prisoners (not to be confused with wall-decorations), then the Tenno are probably there to rescue the prisoner.
    • Immediately kill the prisoner and swap them with an operative clothed in a Tenno Relay uniform. Have that operative pretend to be saved.
  • Sabotage
    • Our crewmen who have reached the end of their lifespan want to go out with a bang, so we put them in retired galleons and send them toward civilian settlements.
    • The Tenno will destroy the vessels. Ideally you should try to keep them there while it blows up, but your main goal is to simply let them do our demolition work.
  • Spy
    • Some of our facilities are data servers. When the Tenno arrive, it's probably to extract data from those.
    • Just decrypt some information on cryopods or prisoner locations and then walk around pretending you can't see the Tenno.
  • Survival
    • The Tenno sometimes like to split their forces between a diversionary Tenno squad and a lone operative that raids for supplies.
    • Cut off life support near the squad but leave it on for the lone operative. The operative never finds anything of real value, and it's good combat training for our troops.

The Tenno are just children who can't see the bigger picture. Though powerful individually, they've yet to deal any lasting damage to our empire or take any of our territories. They seem obsessed with making more and more powerful weaponry, but rarely if ever do they change their overall tactics and mission roster. It's a nuisance, but by using misdirection and littering our facilities with random crates and ore we've effectively domesticated them. Years of Tenno resistance has failed to win them even a single node on a single planet, so leadership is reasonably certain our strategy will remain effective for the foreseeable future.

Edited by Probably_Asleep
You're vs Your & "ever to they" should be "ever do they"
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Yeah you have to use the environment, so spec into Decoration and Interior Design. Including increasing max capacity, so you can place more decorations around your base. You may have to spend Plat to get some, but it will be worth it in the end. Some specific Decorations you may want to place around the tile set or your base, would be Friendship Doors. Objectives that require killing enemies within a red circle, and you'll want to invest in Cipher Disabling technology, then place Narmer level Security Nodes everywhere... Then finally and this may sound counter intuitive, but you will want to leave Ayatans, Kuria, Voca, Plumes, and Red Shards everywhere... like in the furtherest corners of the tile set... In obvious places, but distance far out places... 

Tenno are notorious for being bad at team work, being greedy and focusing on side objectives, and for going at different paces. You can't out DPS a Tenno, but you can divide and conquer. Plus why battle them, when you can get them to battle each other. You'll start to see them stop moving and this is probably a sign they are communicating to each other through some system we are yet to decipher. Then after that one or two of them will probably leave, then the rest will usually quit. Job done. 

Alternatively be John. John Prodman. I once saw John Prodman solo ten Warframes without breaking a sweat, and he only used his right hand. Thing is... he's left handed! One time he punched an Eidolon Hydrolyst in the knee, causing it to fall over. He said he did it because some of Konzu's plants looked like they needed water, so he made it rain! I saw him walk up to The Man in the Wall one time, surprise him, and then say Hey Kiddo and the Man in the Wall was shook. 

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2 hours ago, _4shes said:

We NEED a radiation eximus. Those trigger happy goons won't be able to resist blowing themselves up

😲 The greatest enemy they’ll ever face is each other? DE, please add Radiation Eximus mods! Balance has been non-existent, why not push unbalanced alternatives? It’s the only way we’ll have a chance at destroying those objectives, is to have the Tenno do it for us!

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It is pretty easy.  You just knock them back and forth a few times till they are auto downed from transference static stacks.  Kuva trokarian with some thrax guys works well.

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I have some recommendations on this , 

The Tenno are greedy little grabbers and tend to be lazy in their approach , anything that takes too long or is not rewarding enough will act as a defense against them.

You can use this to your advantage. 

Have a reward behind many magnetic fields , and this time don't have their off button sitting on top of them. Keep it somewhere hidden. 

Have locked doors scattered around as well for good measure. And have a demolyst field nullify them when they try to use any console , followed by zapping them with electric mines non stop. Then lock the doors behind them each time and cut off their air supply.

Next , stop filling into a room in a straight line. DO NOT RUSH the near immortal being , run away and keep them into that room , flood it with toxin and magnetic barrels and let em explode. 

If you make it frustrating e ough the Tenno will just leave.

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Magnetic and Toxin damage work the best. Heavy Gunner's shockwave gives you some cheap shots if Tenno is not using Handspring.

I rather do Grineer vs Corpus fights than fight Tenno at this point.

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Profit Taker has some decent builds. Nihil and Exploiter Orb have some lol-worthy cheese tactics going aswell if that is your cup of tea.

I wouldnt follow anything that comes from Stalker or Acolyte guides though, they are so freakin' overrated and scale like crap. If you follow those you'll be worse off than you are when grabbing the Arctic or Blitz mods. I mean Stalker still thinks we are playing WF 2013 or something. And the Acolytes have probably not updated their guides in ages.

The Archons could probably have some decent advice, but it really depends on what playstyle you prefer. And even in those cases you might face really poor scaling anyways, so no guarantee to survive. Have a chat with the Fragmented One(s), they/it/whatever might have some good advice.

In the end though. You are SoL no matter what if you run into one of those tenno with Overguard. Worst S#&$ mechanic ever added. CC is totally useless, we cant inflict them with statuses, so no toxic to penetrate their shield and so on. And I know some here will say "you can always CC the other 3", well yeah, if that OG frame is selfish little Kullervo, but what happens when it isnt? And we face that broken ass Dante or Styanax, or have to struggle with Frost, not only buffing up allies with OG, but freezing us all in place aswell, what then?

I mean not everyone of us has the luxory of being an Eximus with OG ourselves, or a boss immune to everything. Not that it would matter since all it would do is prolong the suffering.

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30 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

Profit Taker has some decent builds. Nihil and Exploiter Orb have some lol-worthy cheese tactics going aswell if that is your cup of tea.

I wouldnt follow anything that comes from Stalker or Acolyte guides though, they are so freakin' overrated and scale like crap. If you follow those you'll be worse off than you are when grabbing the Arctic or Blitz mods. I mean Stalker still thinks we are playing WF 2013 or something. And the Acolytes have probably not updated their guides in ages.

The Archons could probably have some decent advice, but it really depends on what playstyle you prefer. And even in those cases you might face really poor scaling anyways, so no guarantee to survive. Have a chat with the Fragmented One(s), they/it/whatever might have some good advice.

In the end though. You are SoL no matter what if you run into one of those tenno with Overguard. Worst S#&$ mechanic ever added. CC is totally useless, we cant inflict them with statuses, so no toxic to penetrate their shield and so on. And I know some here will say "you can always CC the other 3", well yeah, if that OG frame is selfish little Kullervo, but what happens when it isnt? And we face that broken ass Dante or Styanax, or have to struggle with Frost, not only buffing up allies with OG, but freezing us all in place aswell, what then?

I mean not everyone of us has the luxory of being an Eximus with OG ourselves, or a boss immune to everything. Not that it would matter since all it would do is prolong the suffering.

Man, Stalker really fell off. What happened? He was a legend. I used to look up to that guy when I was a Butcher back in the day. I liked his old melee playstyle videos but now-a-days, running at a Tenno with a knife is practically suicide.

The Archons were on to something, used to run a couple missions with them every now and then. Things went south when Tenno started literally ripping their shards out of them though.

I thought Overguard was gonna be great, extra layer of defense, immune to crowd control and all that but no one mentioned that we'd still feel the searing pain of having hundreds of bullets hitting against our chest, being immolated or being cut in half.

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