BohemiaDrinker Posted July 23 Share Posted July 23 (edited) So, infested Liches are coming, I farmed an obscene amount of sisters of parvos (who used to guarantee me a steady but modest plat influx) and now I need to get rid of them. Here is pricing: Every ephemera goes for 140pl. (In the rare instance that the sister has both an ephemera and a 60% weapon, price is 200 plat) Every weapon with a bonus from 25% to 52% goes for 10 platinum. (That's right, only 10 platinum!) Every weapon with a bonus 53% or higher goes for 50 platinum. And in new addition to this great sale, starting now every sister up to 52% can also be traded BY ANY FULL REQUIEM MOD. You read that right: need a tenet arca plasmor but have no plat, you can now trade them for a full XATA, VOME or any other! Both my psn and my game id are BohemiaDrinker, so you can find me on PS or when in laptop. Here is a list of Sisters with Ephemeras: Kyruna Ephemera Fabilla Rab - Tenet Spirex 44% impact Nidia Lampota - Tenet Spirex 26% impact Seba Tarpileer - Tenet Detron 27% impact Sitta Jav - Tenet Plinx 25% impact Gratiania Obb - Tenet Detron 26% Sybillina Ephemera Appia Genox - Tenet Diplos 26% Ona Une - Tenet Cycron 30% electric Zydia Tagg - Tenet Detron 26% electric Lucretia Ephemera Miratia Scaervo - Tenet Envoy 36% toxin Rufulia Nonex - Tenet Cycron 25% toxic Solena Ephemera Lir Sor - Tenet Cycron 26% magnetic Possiania Numesro - Tenet Flux Rifle 25% magnetic Bubliana Une - Tenet Plinx 38% magnetic Brutis Petis - Tenet Enovy 60% Magnetic Nila Panta - Tenet Diplos 28% magnetic FEnia Valek - Tenet Diplos 26% Magnetic Mila Kis - Tenet Spirex 43% magnetic Aedia Lak - Tenet Detron 32% magnetic Remmla Turpilia - Tenet Spirex 45% magnetic Hypatia Ephemera Seddia Udd - Tenet Glaxion 33% radiation Besk Lusidek - Tenet Detron 48% radiation Sisters without epehemeras coming in the first reply to this post so it doesn't get ginourmous. Edited yesterday at 02:29 AM by BohemiaDrinker Solda Sistah Link to comment
BohemiaDrinker Posted July 23 Author Share Posted July 23 (edited) So here it goes: Impact Tenet Arca Plasmor Sossiana Fitika - 46% Lylia Pantox - 38% Porcesoniana Sev - 29% Cesta Labek - 29% Naeviana Viterix - 28% Osshiana Rulleka - 27% Varstavilla Nasia - 26% Maba Jel - 26% Lydia Plaripha - 25% Vaba Ennidia - 25% Drubiana Bil - 25% Tenet Envoy Lucima Rullox - 37% Maba Pedanro - 31% Yolla Caliceer - 28% Jul Fabripha - 28% Varya Enn - 27% Lissa Mae - 26% Lil Hatex - 25% Tenet Flux Rifle Mohva Hirtoneka - 56% Viba Macretel - 55% Alispinia Plach - 55% Aedia Appaka - 52% Lilla Mood - 39% Lissa Nob - 33% Caecillia Mentanune - 27% Nel Pop - 26% Lylbincta Une - 26% Petun Fobb - 25% Tenet Tetra Padia Orr - 46% Lucilla Lux - 43% Aelia Quiro - 41% Vala Az - 35% Brudiana Oclaterisideer - 34% Tilina Tagg - 31% Petta Vequasta - 30% Abaliana Mucia - 26% Yodia Luciden - 26% Avitiana Fulveronek - 26% Madia Petinox - 26% Brubiana Gir - 25% Amitiana Deleka - 25% Fedia Vib - 25% Tenet Cycron Fadia Asu - 36% Necco Fanneer - 30% Padia Nia - 28% Rissaia Tirgo - 26% Tenet Detron Jinna Rustia - 49% Nodio Furto - 48% Jundiana Sabilix - 25% Saesoniana Avor - 25% Vaaru Soh - 25% Tenet Plinx Caestai Praeconox - 27% Lissaia Scanulek - 25% Tenet Diplos Cordaliana Asu - 56% Jun Ato - 52% Nissiania Heia - 48% Siba Ana - 40% Padia Lottex - 34% Zossiania Gratonek - 32% Diocletina Aha - 31% Yondiania Fib - 27% Jundi Sosyo - 26% Riij Expenta - 25% Bruna Bex - 25% Tenet Spirex Laba Taka - 48% Jundi Vibika - 42% Yossiana Stex - 41% Drustia Eggek - 37% Lyssiana Faarsulox - 36% Rilla Didyio - 33% Ersai Hatex - 27% Gnaia Tal - 25% Nonis Tettieerronex - 25% Lucretiania Jun - 25% Heat Tenet Arca Plasmor Tilia Addate - 37% Aga Spuriva - 30% Bruti Terrex - 27% Floriania Pacconeka - 26% Tenet Envoy Nix Obi - 45% Rufilia Kho - 30% Zyssi Fulveno - 26% Tenet Flux Rifle Varsai Ato - 27% Oolla Til - 25% Tenet Tetra Nella Hoff - 31% Dimilli Julyo - 30% Besk Nasitika - 29% Cordiania Grateer - 25% Lilla Abrek - 25% Tenet Cycron Siddi Nonek - 27% Tenet Detron Otha Loc - 41% Othia Calatex - 28% Crisca Mal - 27% Tarquinia Hirto - 26% Cilla Viryo - 25% Tenet Plinx Tenet Diplos Kuo Fib - 44% Iovilla Lom - 42% Petta Cispi - 36% Otha Lak - 36% Aquila Herek - 29% Cav Mimesro - 26% Tenet Spirex Jei Satryo - 45% Lucitai Voh - 29% Kuo Dolatex - 29% Zossiana Janek - 25% Cold Tenet Arca Plasmor Nev Cispi - 48% Yossaia Ner - 45% Vidia Suella - 45% Rufilia Minix - 38% Cila Immonro - 37% Aju Maecanti - 36% Caenobarbill Gavix - 33% Cusha Pacconee - 29% Laba Gemilox - 28% Ciddio Gan - 27% Cilliania Gu - 26% Klio Lucia - 25% Augusta Grateer - 25% Cloelia Sogg - 25% Tenet Envoy Varu Volusonk - 54% Calli Flach - 43% Publa Geminia - 39% Fessa Ana - 35% Yolina Staz - 34% Sevessaia Iyo - 32% Fabila Cispi - 30% Alisca Fas - 29% Uvi Fid - 28% Klio Lae - 28% Silma Mussidia - 27% Cusha Laronilix - 27% Sabina Mas - 26% Ahenobarbi Firmox - 25% Tenet Flux Rifle Padia Turpilek - 47% Vinia Udo - 44% Cae Mahdd - 43% Gonia Janek - 39% Senia Sulpha - 39% Yia Plach - 39% Viba Hook - 37% Naba Hoff - 32% Fenni Obi - 26% Colla Barbu - 25% Othilli Tel Tenet Tetra Lys Aff - 52% Yotavilla Appaka - 50% Brunua Herentang - 35% Zyba Lucidiva - 32% Fania Jel - 32% Balba Tattex - 30% Lynia Rullix - 25% Tenet Cycron Kuo Ituriro - 47% Yossiania Cru - 43% Palia Vinix - 35% Cossiana Mood - 32% Vopia Fos - 31% Consa Lucimonro - 30% Cinia Caripha - 29% Porva Med - 28% Yolla Ux - 28% Bruti Grang - 27% Cusha Staccinon - 27% Viba Sor - 26% Juna Faucox - 26% Jiria Anya - 25% Tibba Rominiticulox - 25% Cordalia Vilis - 25% Tenet Detron Lucilianiana UX - 48% Oolla Bex - 39% Adiliana Flacilix - 38% Brudiana Frenronia - 34% Fedia IX - 28% Cidia Nonek - 28% Yol Tild - 26% Caestavia Rustik - 25% Betun Grantilox - 25% Yilla Nummia - 25% Tenet Plinx Zoltiana Icileer - 29% Ommitia Erucox - 29% Juna Hoortineka - 26% Tenet Diplos Gonia Pasidek - 47% Caaeliana Sok - 47% Zyssiana Onia - 42% Lilla Ara - 42% Sida Butar - 36% Bruba Oma - 33% Nissaia Cruu - 33% Septima Volcex - 32% Sossiana Gu - 31% Lossaia Gan - 31% Lynia Avor - 31% Fenia Tattex - 29% Varya Caripha - 29% Culvinina Fufunek - 28% Quiniana Ed - 27% Lossiani Stacilox - 26% Apush Erucox - 26% Rona Pilis - 25% Tenet Spirex Neba Mood - 54% Wila Asu - 53% Albunia Liga - 48% Yodia Panteer - 46% Yolla Petilox - 46% Jundi Ku - 41% Caelina Sozz - 38% Aelina Volcidpha - 32% Sabba Dolatex - 28% Lyl Salvik - 28% Othilia Feto - 28% Regilla Okka - 25% Bruti Saria - 25% Aelia Kah - 25% Jun Sosyo - 25% Oma Mucinox - 25% Electricty Tenet Arca Plasmor Naeviana Latilon - 41% Rinna Man - 36% Anwa Spurro - 26% Tenet Envoy Zix Dissidieerroni - 27% Aga Mal - 25% Tenet Flux Rifle Mucha Numesro - 50% Pontiania Stex - 46% Ano Mahdd - 39% Rinni Longinia - 37% Brula Faberek - 36% Appinia Scaervo - 29% Nessaia Laecatinp - 27% Siz Fosli - 27% Essva Losh - 25% Tenet Tetra Peshiania Orfinek - 48% Ulla Pompota - 34% Festa Dia - 33% Nissaia Spuriro - 30% Bruta Lissidpha - 29% Aga Bhi - 27% Sedia Mas - 25% Lyl Vanneer - 25% Tenet Cycron Aquinia Joo - 35% Alispia Aemilox - 34% Flaviana Furnox - 33% Ossha Ner - 30% Laeellia Loa - 29% Senla Numonro - 26% Othia Calatex - 25% Tenet Detron Miratia Gossideer - 47% Bruti Araneka - 37% Hahni Fabra - 36% Fadia Kibb - 33% Nix Sok - 31% Bruta Hoi - 31% Parniana Ennek - 30% Avuna Tag - 28% Varba Aemileri - 27% Tenet Plinx Nex Cia - 47% Tenet Diplos Iba Nonek - 47% Nax Fanneer - 33% Yotavia Vilif - 30% Tenet Spirex Fessa Losh - 34% Ersai Flavoneka - 29% Palba Serva - 25% Toxin Tenet Envoy Lylba Lottik - 45% Septima Aj - 32% Zossianel Sittex - 25% Tenet Flux Rifle Avitiana Okka - 50% Cushiania Lutacidi - 42% Jinna Julyo - 29% Sabila Oria - 28% Conu Falex - 25% Tenet Tetra Yonda Nasidyo - 29% Yia Fadia - 27% Druba Mood - 26% Ziana Fit - 25% Tenet Cycron Sabia Hatex - 28% Senessa Mas - 26% Tenet Plinx Vitai Placcix - 25% Senesta Vah - 25% Tenet Diplos Orfadia Sozz - 38% Aquila Lottex - 28% Sanna Gabika - 27% Gilla Odartyo - 25% Tenet Spirex Siz Barrutik - 53% Zyassiana Sozz - 45% Magnetic Tenet Arca Plasmor Jila Lio - 40% Conu Hadz - 38% Neba Bil - 25% Tenet Envoy Vila Rominnix - 46% Zyssiania Enniliceerrone - 40% Crispia Totanex - 39% Zylia Turpilia - 36% Apush Laecsneka - 34% Xiba Gan - 34% Ninia Sabinex - 29% Saestavia Vol - 28% Decitavita Petinon - 26% Yoba Raburnel - 26% Vaarliana Vel - 26% Tenet Flux Rifle Regia Pop - 60% Varo AX - 42% Tenet Tetra Cilla Vius - 29% MAba Rabulon - 26% Lydia Iclix - 25% Tenet Cycron Fabilia Victumeer - 44% Essva Iyo - 42% Sadia Calateri - 38% Fessaia Ennidia - 27% Ovei Hob - 25% Aelia Cispi - 25% Tenet Detron Ahena Volcex - 51% Caella Hirtia - 43% Sevessi Rullox - 38% Liassaia Furnis - 37% Varu Cru - 25% Tenet Plinx Lil Ennex - 43% Odu Heia - 32% PRisa Appaka - 30% Drussai Ran - 25% Tenet Diplos Ninia Lacerro - 25% Abbala Immox - 25% Yia Mas - 25% Tenet Spirex Buximilla Pau - 46% Sabina Kah - 31% Gonia Dexyo - 28% Pomponiana Via - 28% Zix Firmox - 26% Nessiania Gabilix - 26% Radiation Tenet Arca Plasmor Fenia Brutik - 45% MAxia Acutik - 44% Sabba Lucretia - 29% Faadia Numox - 26% Zyl Bel - 26% Varya Lusis - 25% Latsa Fas - 25% Zianiana Aha - 25% Tenet Envoy Nista Cia - 46% Rutavia Graneka - 34% Cinia Lom - 31% KAessia Fev - 29% Lynia Hirteer - 28% Aessaia Calatelr - 27% Junia Lak - 25% Quiniana Falek - 25% Tenet Flux Rifle Aedia Odartyo - 56% Aelia Gossidex - 49% Sadio Granune - 43% Naba Obb - 43% Cusha Mutex - 42% Lylia Vinia - 42% Cordaliana Immox - 41% Fabila Jov - 36% Lissiana Cispi - 35% Nila Losh - 34% Tenet Tetra Yia Dia - 33% Aia Barbu - 25% Tenet Cycron Othia Justox - 51% Fabinia Opetrenteer - 51% Oblia Ottacia - 36% Viba Mae - 26% Aella Varix - 25% Lyssiania Kah - 25% Tenet Detron Olibba Nollix - 42% Viba Salvenka - 35% Avitiana Petinox - 32% Ariliana Lusidyo - 28% Ogla Talis - 27% Cilo Destox - 27% Lylliana Victrek - 25% Caecila Lac - 25% Tenet Plinx Yolia Calatex - 43% Hildi Lentulox Rufina Babra - 34% Zyssa Rabulox - 31% Varia Hatex - 27% Junia Acutennox - 25% Junia Rammis - 25% Tenet Diplos Nissiana Plarix - 51% Fabriciana Hatex - 50% Vidia Mussideer - 48% Koza Maecanul - 42% Lissiana Gu - 39% Cae Cispi - 33% Zossa Lac - 32% Gnaia Ril - 27% Tenet Spirex Anwa Mahdd - 52% Cavia Cru - 49% Zylia Ato - 48% Valerina Laceerronix- 46% Fadio Fit - 41% Niha Brutik - 35% Petun Vol - 30% Varlla Lusis - 28% Fenia Gratox - 26% Orfadia Ces - 25% Aessiana Lirruten - 25% And that's it. Please help a tenno brother to not sink that much time for nothing! Sales start tomorrow but feel free to message me in game, on psn or here at the forums. I'll keep this post updated. Edited Sunday at 07:20 AM by BohemiaDrinker Solda Sistah 1 Link to comment
BohemiaDrinker Posted July 24 Author Share Posted July 24 3 hours ago, Vilbot33 said: when are you gonna be on? In about an hour, 1 Link to comment
BohemiaDrinker Posted July 24 Author Share Posted July 24 One sold, about 500 left. Let's go tenno! Link to comment
BohemiaDrinker Posted July 27 Author Share Posted July 27 4 sold, still about 500 to go! Link to comment
BohemiaDrinker Posted August 2 Author Share Posted August 2 The best ones are going guys! Link to comment
BohemiaDrinker Posted August 29 Author Share Posted August 29 (edited) If you want Gloriana Ephemera now is the time. Only two one Left! Edited August 29 by BohemiaDrinker Link to comment
ScarlettMage Posted August 30 Share Posted August 30 When will you be on? Need multiple weapons Link to comment
Stafelund Posted August 30 Share Posted August 30 Posting here so I would get back to this later after I vanquish the lich I have right now, and I've been planning to buy ephemeras lately. If you happen to have liches as well that you want to sell I'd like to buy them too, would like to have a bunch of them besides Chill and Toxin. Link to comment
BohemiaDrinker Posted August 30 Author Share Posted August 30 12 hours ago, ScarlettMage said: When will you be on? Need multiple weapons I'll be online in about six hours from now. 6 hours ago, Stafelund said: Posting here so I would get back to this later after I vanquish the lich I have right now, and I've been planning to buy ephemeras lately. If you happen to have liches as well that you want to sell I'd like to buy them too, would like to have a bunch of them besides Chill and Toxin. I have very few liches, about ten or so. One or two ephemeras I guess Link to comment
Stafelund Posted August 31 Share Posted August 31 (edited) 4 hours ago, BohemiaDrinker said: I have very few liches, about ten or so. One or two ephemeras I guess If you're selling those liches, I'd be interested in what ephemeras and weapons they have. I'll also go for Ziana Nollita - Tenet Spirex 44% Toxin, need it for my vauban drip 👍 4 hours ago, dwqrf said: And that's how you become a Corpus. When you think about it, lich trading is somewhat gorier and morbid human trafficking. Does the corpus do that? EDIT: just remembered the whole fortuna thing, which is along those lines Edited August 31 by Stafelund Link to comment
BohemiaDrinker Posted August 31 Author Share Posted August 31 2 hours ago, Stafelund said: If you're selling those liches, I'd be interested in what ephemeras and weapons they have. I'll also go for Ziana Nollita - Tenet Spirex 44% Toxin, need it for my vauban drip 👍 When you think about it, lich trading is somewhat gorier and morbid human trafficking. Does the corpus do that? EDIT: just remembered the whole fortuna thing, which is along those lines Great! Just looked and I have 17 liches. I'll make a list and dm their weapons and names for you tomorrow. 1 Link to comment
dwqrf Posted August 31 Share Posted August 31 Il y a 5 heures, Stafelund a dit : 👍 When you think about it, lich trading is somewhat gorier and morbid human trafficking. Does the corpus do that? EDIT: just remembered the whole fortuna thing, which is along those lines At least you have the decency to trade -full- liches, not part of them. For profit. 1 Link to comment
Stafelund Posted September 4 Share Posted September 4 Ready and waiting for the sale. Link to comment
BohemiaDrinker Posted September 4 Author Share Posted September 4 7 hours ago, Stafelund said: Ready and waiting for the sale. Sorry, had some time issues last week. I'm doing your list right now. 1 Link to comment
(PSN)sunflowerdoggo Posted September 7 Share Posted September 7 On 2024-07-23 at 12:21 PM, BohemiaDrinker said: Amitiana Stronek - 37% I'm currently going through the process of completing my first lich, but I wanted to get this (electric) cycron. Would you be willing to hold on to it for a couple of days until I finish that lich? Link to comment
BohemiaDrinker Posted September 8 Author Share Posted September 8 16 hours ago, (PSN)sunflowerdoggo said: I'm currently going through the process of completing my first lich, but I wanted to get this (electric) cycron. Would you be willing to hold on to it for a couple of days until I finish that lich? Sure thing! Link to comment
(PSN)sunflowerdoggo Posted September 8 Share Posted September 8 Finished that lich way faster than I thought, I can be on pretty much anytime in the afternoon for the next couple of days! Link to comment
BohemiaDrinker Posted September 12 Author Share Posted September 12 Fellas, I'm oficialy out of Goriana Ephemera. Zarina will end soon as well! BUY NOW! Link to comment
BohemiaDrinker Posted Sunday at 07:08 AM Author Share Posted Sunday at 07:08 AM Guys, I just updated the pricing on the sisters with lower bonuses. The time to buy them is NOW! Link to comment
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