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Capturathon Summer 2024


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Pygmachia (pig-mah-KHEE-ah, fist-fighting) was among the contact sports included in the original Olympic Games in Ancient Greece. It is the ancestor of modern-day Boxing.

I figured Atlas in a fighting stance and equipped with Ankyros would be best suited to harken to that particular sport, what with the former being the dedicated Punch Warframe and the latter having a prominent grecian feel in its overall design.

An additional thought that occured in the process was this: many depictions of the Games, including pygmachia, have been found in works of art, including on murals and pottery, from those ages.

Among the most well-known techniques employed in said artworks were Black-Figure Painting (characters and objects in black, with orange outlines, features and backgrounds) and Red-Figure Painting (characters and objects in orange/red, with orange/red outlines, features and backgrounds), so I thought I could maybe incorporate that in some way. That was made possible through the Colour Key Scene.

(This captura actually consists of two individual capturas spliced together! Took one with Shikoro Atlas as the Black Figure and one with Standard Atlas as the Red Figure; the text in the middle was fully black in the former and fully orange in the latter. The two shots were then cut and merged into one. Thankfully, the word had an odd number of letters, so the cut was even, down the middle of the A.)

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