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Jade Eximus may have finally pushed me away from warframe.


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On 2024-08-19 at 11:03 PM, Underurth said:

That's a great tip, when the beam doesn't instantly melt you while running a lower health frame

it doesn't, the damage slowly ramps up in my experience. LoS is a reasonable demand though.

Usually I just shoot them while walking, if I have to aim being too slow I tap slide while shooting for doing little dashes

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On 2024-08-21 at 4:15 AM, hellodownthere said:

I think that the reason power creep is such an issue is because DE doesn't actually want people playing Warframe, they want people to take a break while also feeling that everything has meaning

This is something I DETEST as an idea.
If you design a video game to be not played, you may as well be paying to stare at paint drying.
The latter situation would likely end up being more fun, because at the "plot" would be clearer.

Jabs at the notion of turning video games into glorified movies aside?

It's okay to have people come and go with a game, but only when the game needs time to actually output some decent content.
Every game will have their downtime, but you can't just tell everyone "Oops! You ran out content. Guess you gotta wait 5-6 months for more" whenever people log back in.
Especially when said updates devolve into "Lotus Eaters", a Quest that could've been a sticky note for all intents and purposes.

I mention this because Warframe is a live-service game. They gotta keep SOME kind of semi-stable cash flow incoming.
Maybe it's just me, but if I keep having to take breaks from a game that are longer than a week at a given time? I'm probably going to forget the game exists.

Hell, the only reason I'm still STUCK here is because nothing else really matches Warframe.
You either got Destiny or... I dunno, Duet Night Abyss for alternatives.
The former is paid-pack subscription hell, the latter is a gacha that has last seen news back in March of this year.
I don't know what gods DE has bribed, but they do some killer miracles. Stop hogging them! I want a turn! >:(


However, I feel power creep isn't at all due to this.
It's simply because DE doesn't know where the hell THEY want to go with the game.
How else do you explain some of the "out-of-left-field" choices they pick for the game?

You can't. You simply cannot explain it. Not rationally.

On 2024-08-21 at 4:15 AM, hellodownthere said:

I honestly think a gamemode that doesn't have this go-go-go mindset would be great

We have those. It's called "Spy".
Spoiler-alert, people hate it.

... I don't know what else to tell ya there.


On 2024-08-21 at 8:10 AM, quxier said:

Not sure about numbers but there abilities that prevents you from moving when you tap button.

I chose to humor you ONE time... and you say something stupidly redundant.
I already said that, but I guess it's on me for assuming better after all this time. "Naive to forgive" and all...

Yes, abilities DO exist that make a player stationary. I also mentioned they're pretty rare.
could have searched and listed every single ability-- but people tend to have attention spans small enough that I NEED to jingle keys in front of them.
Dear god, I wish I was kidding on the keys part. I've had to ACTUALLY do it to people. It's disgraceful.

... you know, I don't block people often. When I do though, it's usually because it's a detriment to both sides no matter the effort I put in to be civil.
Please do not perceive me in your head, sights or imagination ever again.
The least we can mutually do to prevent some degree of nonsense.
Now, back to your regularly scheduled "Tired Parent Binket" because this planet continues to vex my every heartbeat.

23 hours ago, supernils said:

I tap slide while shooting for doing little dashes

Slide-dashing is something I wished more people talked about-- but HOT DAMN is it good for dodging stuff.
For example: Jade Eximus beams. As you mentioned.

Coincidentally, it's also REALLY good on Melee.
If you input a slide to "dash" after you've already made a Melee input?
You won't slide attack, instead you'll get the momentum from the slide mid-swing.

I use this little Melee Technique to perfect slashing through crowds.
Once you get the hang of it? It adds a lot of depth to some stances. Such as Tempo Royale, Gnashing Payara, Vulpine Mask, etc.

... though, I mention it half to advise if you don't know it already and half in case anybody else can use that knowledge!

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6 minutes ago, Binket_ said:
On 2024-08-21 at 1:10 PM, quxier said:

Not sure about numbers but there abilities that prevents you from moving when you tap button.

I chose to humor you ONE time... and you say something stupidly redundant.
I already said that, but I guess it's on me for assuming better after all this time. "Naive to forgive" and all...

Yes, abilities DO exist that make a player stationary. I also mentioned they're pretty rare.
could have searched and listed every single ability-- but people tend to have attention spans small enough that I NEED to jingle keys in front of them.
Dear god, I wish I was kidding on the keys part. I've had to ACTUALLY do it to people. It's disgraceful.

... you know, I don't block people often. When I do though, it's usually because it's a detriment to both sides no matter the effort I put in to be civil.
Please do not perceive me in your head, sights or imagination ever again.
The least we can mutually do to prevent some degree of nonsense.

I felt like I need to make distinction as you mentioned Ivara arrows that you hold to shoot (maybe tap/hold changed) and Banshee's earthquake that you hold to continue "shaking" (or was, I don't know, you probably won't read it; still you are sitting for some time).

I've mentioned that abilities that have that small time where it prevents you from moving. I find it important as e.g. "hold to shoot arrow Ivara" is like something that bad players would do. Like "let's stand there, expecting for Jade's beam do nothing for second when I'm on low health". On other hand not everyone is aware of that short "pauses". Like why one ability pauses your movement and another jumps? There are no reasons. Player forgetting about them, when they don't play that frame too much, is nothing unusual.

oh well, that's answer for not Blinked who probably blocked me :|

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8 hours ago, Binket_ said:

We have those. It's called "Spy".
Spoiler-alert, people hate it.

... I don't know what else to tell ya there.

Spy missions still have the go-go-go gameplay, they can be completed in like 4 minutes and personally spy missions are fine, I don't know why people would dislike spy missions other than not liking doing the hacking mini-game.

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9 hours ago, hellodownthere said:

I don't know why people would dislike spy missions other than not liking doing the hacking mini-game.

Besides my usual answer of "people are crude and barbaric things"? No idea.

Honestly, it's half the reason I even call into the question the whole "Ninja" part of the advertising.
We're more "Space Mercenaries" or "Space Former-Knights" if all else.
... "Space Mercenaries" sounds more marketable, I'd say. Has a nice ring to it.

I can usually handle it myself since I think first and THAN shoot, but eh...
Kinda just how people have progressed outside of the game over the years I'd have to guess.

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14 minutes ago, Binket_ said:

Besides my usual answer of "people are crude and barbaric things"? No idea.

Honestly, it's half the reason I even call into the question the whole "Ninja" part of the advertising.
We're more "Space Mercenaries" or "Space Former-Knights" if all else.
... "Space Mercenaries" sounds more marketable, I'd say. Has a nice ring to it.

I can usually handle it myself since I think first and THAN shoot, but eh...
Kinda just how people have progressed outside of the game over the years I'd have to guess.

The way Ninjas are often portrayed in media isn't how Ninjas really were. They did a bunch of different things no different to a mercenary that people didn't want to know about. Ninjas are also portrayed as basically being wizards of speed and destruction in some cultures, which is similar to Warframes.


As for the subject of Jade, people like saying it's an instant death and quick, but never show such happening. I've sat in one before and was not insta-downed at SP.

Edited by Yamazuki
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As a client, I agree. As a host, I disagree. Idk why but as a client my experience with them is hell too, it feels like it's always on me no matter what. As a host however, they barely even use the pillar, so there's no issue there. 

There's definitely something off with this unit between host and client. 

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On 2024-08-23 at 4:31 AM, Yamazuki said:

The way Ninjas are often portrayed in media isn't how Ninjas really were.

Yes, that's generally how media works.

Keep in mind, I say this as "we all know how STEREOTYPICALLY ninjas work" and advertising works on that premise.
When you hear a product say "ninja", you automatically think shurikens, scrolls, ancient stealth techniques, creeds they stand by, blah blah blah.

It's the whole "why Vikings have horns on their helmets" schtick.
Media do crazy things at times.

On 2024-08-23 at 4:31 AM, Yamazuki said:

As for the subject of Jade, people like saying it's an instant death and quick, but never show such happening. I've sat in one before and was not insta-downed at SP.

The thing about a lot of newer players I've noticed is that they're not as aware of Status Effects or Enemy-Conditions as some of the older players are.
... and I chalk that up to most new players instantly scouting out "Playground Invincibility+2" Revenant Prime to cheese everything the game can throw it at them. (Or similar)

Older players knew the dangers those procs held and learned ways to not only recognize it quickly-- but evade or counter it with reaction to spare.
It's a byproduct of "dumbing down gameplay". Jade Eximus are not actually that volatile, people are just comparable to rock-moss in terms of reaction time.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2024-08-19 at 4:02 AM, Underurth said:

Been with warframe since the beginning. Through all the good and bad. The nerfs we gripe about, the qol we liked and needed, and the weird decisions we don't always understand.

But the jade eximus may be the final straw to break this camels back. I hate them. Worst creation in the game. They make the game.less fun to where I may just say thank you warframe for a decade of fun, but i guess it's over now.

They deal insane damage(still) they can hit from almost anywhere, they don't need line of sight(yes I've verified this having been hit by the beam from enemies in complete other rooms), and they can just spam the hell out of the beam. Oh almost forgot, they are extra tanks and you have to deal with them in literally every single mission.

I can avoid railjack, or archwing, or heck even infested or corpus or whatever, but not jade eximus. Nope they can be anywhere and they can stack. Nullifier jade eximus, leech jade eximus. It's just overkill

I hated em during the event, but dealt with it cause of the event, but the event is over. At the very least if you insist on keeping them and making them so frequent, make them require line of sight...as you have done to so many frames that were "overpowered".

Yes I know "just shoot the beam" or "just kill the eximus" but sometimes the beam can't be shot cause it clips through a ceiling, and if the jade eximus is rooms away you don't even know where they are.

I'm sure I'm just on a rant, and I hope I'll be able to enjoy the game again, but right now I just don't. The things I dislike are really starting to overshadow the things I do. Which is sad because I've loved warframe and supported it from the start. But it just isn't fun for me anymore. 

Look into the jade eximus, they aren't a "challenge" they are just fun crushing annoying enemies that make it a less enjoyable experience.

My two cents anyway. Maybe some agree, maybe some don't. I'm sure some will give me gruff about git gud or they are so easy. W/e it's my opinion. 


I've seen a trend of Warframe players (Must be mainly forum users because those in-game seem to agree) where they just give a ton of grief to people complaining about the JL Eximus.  The amount of times I've had a buff up, like Nyx's 4, and I've cancelled it to move to the next area and suddenly I'm dead because a Jade Light beamed down and wiped me out in a flash, it's actually insanely obnoxious.


The amount of times I've died in a flash from a green beam that just popped up and killed me before I could properly respond to it, is far far more than I expected.  Sometimes I'm just like "Oh okay.. this sucks" and then the majority of the time I'm in a high end mission and suddenly I just die because I happened to be ADS and the light shows up to wreck my affinity.  More occasions I've seen are teammates getting beamed down and I run over to heal them and get killed while reviving them because I couldn't cancel the rez and counter it intime.


For some reason, in the game, everyone hates it, but on forums, reddit etc, players are suddenly just griefing people who complain about it.  I'm not gonna follow this thread because I'm not here to discuss it, it's purely to bring it to the attention of the dev team.  I hope it gets fixed, or changed, because right now, being killed by unseen enemies in a flash in late-game incursions is anti-fun.  If you insist on this mechanic, at least give it a charge up before blasting you.

Edited by QuipSilver
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On 2024-08-23 at 8:31 AM, Yamazuki said:

The way Ninjas are often portrayed in media isn't how Ninjas really were. They did a bunch of different things no different to a mercenary that people didn't want to know about. Ninjas are also portrayed as basically being wizards of speed and destruction in some cultures, which is similar to Warframes.


As for the subject of Jade, people like saying it's an instant death and quick, but never show such happening. I've sat in one before and was not insta-downed at SP.

Not to doubt how good you are at Warframe, but in the late game, when you are running the higher end missions (Upper Steel Path etc), if you were able to do those, and could just sit in one and not die, you're either lying, for whatever reason, or you are only using the extreme tank frames or perma-stealthers.  If you have to avoid using a lot of the frames the game has, because of a haphazard mechanic, then that's a massive problem that needs fixed quickly, because not everone wants to use cheeseframes.

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32 minutes ago, QuipSilver said:

The amount of times I've died in a flash from a green beam that just popped up and killed me before I could properly respond to it, is far far more than I expected.

As has been said many times, don't stand still.

33 minutes ago, QuipSilver said:

More occasions I've seen are teammates getting beamed down and I run over to heal them and get killed while reviving them because I couldn't cancel the rez and counter it intime.

If you're far enough along to have eximus in general being more common and mildly more dangerous, you should probably also have spoiler mode, you should know it's best to pop into that and rez people while invisible.

As has been pointed out over and over, this is a game about movement. So move. If you're not moving, you'd better be damned sure you can tank it or at least only fall over once and then know that's not going to work on that mission.

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42 minutes ago, QuipSilver said:

More occasions I've seen are teammates getting beamed down and I run over to heal them and get killed while reviving them because I couldn't cancel the rez and counter it intime.

As a rule you should always revive people with your operator while in "void mode" than to use your frame.

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I feel like some people imply that without Jade Light, we're all just standing around doing nothing, which is pretty far from the truth. Honestly, Jade Light really affects how I play. Instead of having a smooth flow, when it's active, it turns my gameplay into this awkward mess where I’m just trying to dodge one thing while dealing with this enemy type.

And let’s be real—sometimes the damage it deals is insane. In a busy situation It can accidenatlly clip you and take you out on the spot. The Jade Light can’t be killed with AoE, it can’t be targeted by abilities, and it isn’t affected by any form of crowd control. Even if the Jade Eximus is 90% slowed, this thing just keeps charging at full speed and can hit you in situations where you have no chance to react!


yeah I hate it

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hace 2 horas, _Anise_ dijo:

I feel like some people imply that without Jade Light, we're all just standing around doing nothing, which is pretty far from the truth. Honestly, Jade Light really affects how I play. Instead of having a smooth flow, when it's active, it turns my gameplay into this awkward mess where I’m just trying to dodge one thing while dealing with this enemy type.

And let’s be real—sometimes the damage it deals is insane. In a busy situation It can accidenatlly clip you and take you out on the spot. The Jade Light can’t be killed with AoE, it can’t be targeted by abilities, and it isn’t affected by any form of crowd control. Even if the Jade Eximus is 90% slowed, this thing just keeps charging at full speed and can hit you in situations where you have no chance to react!


yeah I hate it

That's what they say, but in every single test I've done and every game in SP I've never seen that damage from a single hyper-fast shot. What I've seen has been minuscule damage in the first 3 seconds and a laser that moves slower than my character walking, In the end I only see people exaggerating when they don't like something.

Edited by --Leyenda-yight6
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30 minutes ago, --Leyenda-yight6 said:
2 hours ago, _Anise_ said:


That's what they say, but in every single test I've done and every game in SP I've never seen that damage from a single hyper-fast shot. What I've seen has been minuscule damage in the first 3 seconds and a laser that moves slower than my character walking, in the end I just see people exaggerate when they don't like something.

You know, maybe they are affected via Cold... :D

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3 hours ago, --Leyenda-yight6 said:

In the end I only see people exaggerating when they don't like something.

like I said in busy situations, where I am getting shot at, trying to manage my survival, my skills, my weapons, while I'm trying to parkour against incoming damage of level 300 sp enemies, it might not even be a beam aimed towards me but accidentally running into one off the back of a shield gate and having the dot mess up my day if the direct damage doesn't just instantly paste me.

there is also the "awesome gameplay" mechanic where jade light can touchdown on your warframe while you are incapacitated and kill you without you being able to do anything about it and there are multiple ways you can be incapacitated and killed by jade light this way, the only one DE put specific work in to preventing was during execute animations which just magically turn off the enemy jade light xD (now do it for when a warframe is ragdolled, frozen, slowed, hooked, activating life support, reviving to name a few)

I think its disingenuous to pretend there are NO issues at all with the jade light, it clearly has issues and it really isn't fun for a whole bunch of people.

I'd rather JadeLight be gone but it can stay and will contribute to the downfall of fun and interesting warframe design, While I and others settle their feet on the mantle of overplayed frames, instead choosing to play some immortal frames so we don't have to deal or even think with this ridiculous enemy skill that should probably not exist outside of a boss fight.


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hace 18 minutos, _Anise_ dijo:

like I said in busy situations, where I am getting shot at, trying to manage my survival, my skills, my weapons, while I'm trying to parkour against incoming damage of level 300 sp enemies, it might not even be a beam aimed towards me but accidentally running into one off the back of a shield gate and having the dot mess up my day if the direct damage doesn't just instantly paste me.

what do you play? dark souls, elden ring, sekiro? They've made this game so easy that you can OVERRIDE many of the enemy's mechanics.

hace 19 minutos, _Anise_ dijo:

there is also the "awesome gameplay" mechanic where jade light can touchdown on your warframe while you are incapacitated and kill you without you being able to do anything about it and there are multiple ways you can be incapacitated and killed by jade light this way, the only one DE put specific work in to preventing was during execute animations which just magically turn off the enemy jade light xD (now do it for when a warframe is ragdolled, frozen, slowed, hooked, activating life support, reviving to name a few)

easy, use the operator, if you have problems with status effects there are dozens of ways to avoid them.


hace 21 minutos, _Anise_ dijo:

I think its disingenuous to pretend there are NO issues at all with the jade light, it clearly has issues and it really isn't fun for a whole bunch of people.

I'd rather JadeLight be gone but it can stay and will contribute to the downfall of fun and interesting warframe design, While I and others settle their feet on the mantle of overplayed frames, instead choosing to play some immortal frames so we don't have to deal or even think with this ridiculous enemy skill that should probably not exist outside of a boss fight.

I've said it so many times that I've lost count, fun is SUBJECTIVE, just because you don't find something fun doesn't apply to everyone.

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il y a une heure, _Anise_ a dit :

like I said in busy situations, where I am getting shot at, trying to manage my survival, my skills, my weapons, while I'm trying to parkour against incoming damage of level 300 sp enemies, it might not even be a beam aimed towards me but accidentally running into one off the back of a shield gate and having the dot mess up my day if the direct damage doesn't just instantly paste me.

there is also the "awesome gameplay" mechanic where jade light can touchdown on your warframe while you are incapacitated and kill you without you being able to do anything about it and there are multiple ways you can be incapacitated and killed by jade light this way, the only one DE put specific work in to preventing was during execute animations which just magically turn off the enemy jade light xD (now do it for when a warframe is ragdolled, frozen, slowed, hooked, activating life support, reviving to name a few)

I think its disingenuous to pretend there are NO issues at all with the jade light, it clearly has issues and it really isn't fun for a whole bunch of people.

I'd rather JadeLight be gone but it can stay and will contribute to the downfall of fun and interesting warframe design, While I and others settle their feet on the mantle of overplayed frames, instead choosing to play some immortal frames so we don't have to deal or even think with this ridiculous enemy skill that should probably not exist outside of a boss fight.


Jadelight is the only mecanic that prevent any ultra-tanky endgame players to afk-cheese any content while standing still. Eventually, even a level 1 Jade eximus can take down a Rhino or a Baruuk.

That's healthy for the game.

For any normal player running and jumping around, and shooting stuff, Jadelight barely has enough time to ramp up, or to even damage you ; unless you run back and forth into the beam, while refusing to shoot the eximus or the beam itself.

It's not a ridiculous skill, it's just that you don't play around it in the right way.

It's like saying you can't kill nullifier with your spells. Duh'.

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2 hours ago, dwqrf said:

Jadelight is the only mecanic that prevent any ultra-tanky endgame players to afk-cheese any content while standing still. Eventually, even a level 1 Jade eximus can take down a Rhino or a Baruuk.

Honestly it doesn't do anything to my Rhino build. Once I have like 150k overguard I can just stand still and do nothing but shoot with the rare stomp. Unless you're saying that doing the stomp is your point then nvm and carry on.


Also it's quite easy to get that 150k overguard.

Here's the build if you're curious, it's quite basic tbh. And the archon shards are just blue for armour (image is before I added them)


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5 hours ago, _Anise_ said:
9 hours ago, --Leyenda-yight6 said:

In the end I only see people exaggerating when they don't like something.

like I said in busy situations, where I am getting shot at, trying to manage my survival, my skills, my weapons, while I'm trying to parkour against incoming damage of level 300 sp enemies, it might not even be a beam aimed towards me but accidentally running into one off the back of a shield gate and having the dot mess up my day if the direct damage doesn't just instantly paste me.

there is also the "awesome gameplay" mechanic where jade light can touchdown on your warframe while you are incapacitated and kill you without you being able to do anything about it and there are multiple ways you can be incapacitated and killed by jade light this way, the only one DE put specific work in to preventing was during execute animations which just magically turn off the enemy jade light xD (now do it for when a warframe is ragdolled, frozen, slowed, hooked, activating life support, reviving to name a few)

I think its disingenuous to pretend there are NO issues at all with the jade light, it clearly has issues and it really isn't fun for a whole bunch of people.

I'd rather JadeLight be gone but it can stay and will contribute to the downfall of fun and interesting warframe design, While I and others settle their feet on the mantle of overplayed frames, instead choosing to play some immortal frames so we don't have to deal or even think with this ridiculous enemy skill that should probably not exist outside of a boss fight.

Wait, so you are telling me that you have problems with "hooking" (e.g. ancients), activating life support & reviving teammates? At level 300 SP?! Let me ask you something, are you just joking with us? I could get past being ragdolled, frozen or slowed but those 3 things should be easy at your level. Like someone said why not use Operator or other "immortality for short time" options? Or you say getting hooked? You know that any very common action like rolls or bullet jump "turns off" hooks? Some abilities & casting them do the same. Are you telling us to believe you?

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Il y a 2 heures, hellodownthere a dit :

Honestly it doesn't do anything to my Rhino build. Once I have like 150k overguard I can just stand still and do nothing but shoot with the rare stomp. Unless you're saying that doing the stomp is your point then nvm and carry on.


Also it's quite easy to get that 150k overguard.

Here's the build if you're curious, it's quite basic tbh. And the archon shards are just blue for armour (image is before I added them)


Are you afk and letting the beam ramp up or are you killing the jade eximus ? Please.

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il y a 10 minutes, hellodownthere a dit :

I'm standing there tanking it for the full duration for the most part, unless it's in my LoS and is getting shot at.

Yes.. and you would eventually die if it didn't get shot, now, wouldn't you ?

(And that, much much faster that if it was just normal enemies shooting at you).

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3 minutes ago, dwqrf said:

Yes.. and you would eventually die if it didn't get shot, now, wouldn't you ?

(And that, much much faster that if it was just normal enemies shooting at you).

All I know is, is that I can stand still with Rhino's Ironskin and never need to move (I still do though as not moving hinders survival missions because it stops LS canisters from dropping) and with the mob numbers from SP I can easily get 150-300k overguard through Ironskin, if I got the double ability strength and range buff from cracking relics that number can easily reach ~2 million which I got like an hour ago. Think it was ~1,670,000 which could've again gone higher if I had the wandering Dax buff on top of all that.

I might not be standing in it for the full duration, but at the very least it's ~80% of it at it's longest and since Rhino's 4th augment "Reinforcing Stomp" replenishes 4% of Ironskins health per enemy affected, all I'd need is 25 (which is very doable in SP) and my 150-300k Ironskin is back at 100% health. That number is more likely to be 10-20 enemies.

Okay, after doing a Murmur survival fissure, me standing and doing absolutly nothing does break my Ironskin, even a 1 million Ironskin but that's with me literally doing nothing, no shooting, not stomping, nothing but if we're actually looking at it through a gameplay PoV (eg: how I normally play) I just ignore Jade Eximus units, so much so that I thought I was sitting in a full one. Do note though that it takes like 5 seconds to break a high Ironskin and if it breaks then that's just on you. If you're standing in that for 5 seconds without moving/killing the eximus then you're doing something wrong.

One last thing, other mobs shooting at me means very little, the Jade beam does an exorbitant amount of damage on it's last tick (it did ~500k damage to my overguard) which is what by in large gets rid of it (unless it's a low value Ironskin), you'd have more than enough time to simply Roar and reapply Ironskin while the Jade beam is hitting you negating the damage.

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il y a 47 minutes, hellodownthere a dit :

All I know is, is that I can stand still with Rhino's Ironskin and never need to move (I still do though as not moving hinders survival missions because it stops LS canisters from dropping) and with the mob numbers from SP I can easily get 150-300k overguard through Ironskin, if I got the double ability strength and range buff from cracking relics that number can easily reach ~2 million which I got like an hour ago. Think it was ~1,670,000 which could've again gone higher if I had the wandering Dax buff on top of all that.

I might not be standing in it for the full duration, but at the very least it's ~80% of it at it's longest and since Rhino's 4th augment "Reinforcing Stomp" replenishes 4% of Ironskins health per enemy affected, all I'd need is 25 (which is very doable in SP) and my 150-300k Ironskin is back at 100% health. That number is more likely to be 10-20 enemies.

Okay, after doing a Murmur survival fissure, me standing and doing absolutly nothing does break my Ironskin, even a 1 million Ironskin but that's with me literally doing nothing, no shooting, not stomping, nothing but if we're actually looking at it through a gameplay PoV (eg: how I normally play) I just ignore Jade Eximus units, so much so that I thought I was sitting in a full one. Do note though that it takes like 5 seconds to break a high Ironskin and if it breaks then that's just on you. If you're standing in that for 5 seconds without moving/killing the eximus then you're doing something wrong.

One last thing, other mobs shooting at me means very little, the Jade beam does an exorbitant amount of damage on it's last tick (it did ~500k damage to my overguard) which is what by in large gets rid of it (unless it's a low value Ironskin), you'd have more than enough time to simply Roar and reapply Ironskin while the Jade beam is hitting you negating the damage.

That's what ramping up damage on afk target means. It kills you in a few seconds.

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