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The Lotus Eaters: Known Issues ×

The Lotus Eaters - Known Issues

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With The Lotus Eaters launch, we will be keeping a close eye out for any issues that arise. This thread will be used to track top priority known issues that affect player experience, and are pending a hotfix or cert build. 

Not all bugs will be tracked with this post, so if you don’t see your issue listed here, do not fret! We recommend ensuring that you still report it in the appropriate bug subforum, and following our General Bug Report guidelines:


Bug reports are the key to identifying and fixing issues in Warframe. We rely on our forums heavily for identification of bugs plaguing Tenno in the field. In order to improve on our ability to act on bugs, there are some steps you can take to help us keep the forum organized. This will help our team to prioritize fixes, allowing us to serve the community where we are needed most. Before posting on the bug forums, please read the following guidelines:

1) Search! Check to see if your bug has already been reported using our search function within the appropriate bug forum. If the issue has been reported previously, please comment on that thread instead of making a new one. In addition, some problems can only be solved by support; be sure to read this thread if you are unsure of where to submit your report.
2) Separate! If you have found multiple bugs, please separate them into one bug per thread. Even if the same item/ability/etc. is affected by multiple issues, keep them separated unless they are very closely linked, or the same bug can be recreated in two or more ways.

Include the following information where possible:

  • How can this bug be reproduced?
    • Reliable steps that cause the bug are the single most helpful thing to us!
    • If your steps aren't 100% reliable, how common is the issue? (every mission? once a week? seen once ever?)
  • What was happening before the issue started?
  • Can you provide your build and game settings?
  • What kind of squad were you in? Solo, host, client?
  • Can you share any images or a video of the bug?
    • Video of gameplay before things break, leading up to the problem is especially worth a lot!  NVidia's Shadowplay feature, or OBS's Replay Buffer feature can be useful to capture these sorts of videos.
  • Making sure the issue still occurs in the game's current version is important so that we can be sure we aren't chasing old issues.
  • If you get the crash reporter, please do not ignore the text box, and put in any information that you can think of about what was happening in the game at the moment you crashed. If you are writing about a problem where you got the crash reporter, pasting the "WAR number"  that it showed you (it looks like this:  WAR-12345678) can help us tie things together.

3) Specify! Make sure that your thread title is informative, indicating:

  • Which element(s) of the game are affected
  • How the bug affects these elements    

Helpful titles:
Unable to perform melee finishers after using Ash's Teleport
Event Badge in wrong position on Sentinels
Players can enter Conclave matches with improper Conclave ratings
Unhelpful titles:
Weird/Awesome/Gamebreaking Bug
Uhhh, So This Happened...
DE, This Bug Needs To Be Fixed NOW!!!!

Ensure that your bug report includes as many details as possible and that the report is made in the proper section. If possible, include any screenshots of the problem. If you know how the bug is reproduced, be sure to include that information as well.

Known Issues (Either Investigating or Pending Hotfix):

  • Dax Gladius does not attack players when they are too close
  • Blood Altar and Magnetize do not work together as expected
  • Citrine's Fractured Blast and Dagath's Doom have Line-of-Sight issues (INVESTIGATING).
  • Cases of Incarnon challenges not progressing for clients (INVESTIGATING)
  • Host Migrations into an Excavation stage in the Circuit will not spawn Excavators if the previous stage was Alchemy
  • NEW: Incarnon Reticles do not appear for Clients in the Circuit
  • NEW: Cleansing an Exolizer when just before Relic Reward Selection screen appears in Void Cascade Void Fissure missions can cause the Exolizer to be uncleansable for the rest of the mission



HF #1

  • Using Transference at a specific section of The Lotus Eaters Quest can result in a progression stop
  • Cases of [SPOILER] not moving in The Lotus Eaters Quest 

HF #2

  • Impaktor Fist elemental VFX applies to the entire weapon
  • Cases of too-dark lighting in the Helminth room of the Orbiter
  • Players cannot interact with Necraloid in the Sanctum Anatomica after completing The Lotus Eaters Quest
  • Using Transference right as you fall into a Teleport Volume can cause function loss (inability to use Abilities, etc.)
  • Protector Stalker does not drop Dojo Pigments

HF #3

  • "Don't Blow It" Nightwave Act doesn't progress for Clients
  • Maginav Prime Signa sits too high 
  • Enemies ragdolled by Atlas' Landslide can no longer be targeted by the attack
  • Players can enter Cetus in a Squad during Saya's Vigil Quest, resulting in a progression stop
  • Sprag is able to one-shot Kahl in Break Narmer missions 
  • Host Migration during Alchemy missions in the Circuit results in enemies no longer spawning
  • Lethal Levitation does not buff Melee damage
  • Roaming squadmates can reduce Netracell spawns

HF #4

  • Lethal Levitation does not buff Melee damage

HF #5

  • Clients do not see VFX marking the "kill zone" in Netracells

HF #6

  • Players are being matchmade into normal POE mission during Saya's Vigil if their matchmaking is not set to "Solo"
  • Mirage's Total Eclipse Augment deactivates Eclipse after Void Slinging

Known Issues Requiring a Code Fix:
For a refresher of what entails with a Code Fix, check out our Warframe Lexicon!

  • NEW: Reticle is displaced from the center of the screen after player pilots Railjack
  • NEW: Furis Incarnon mode and Ocucor with Sentient Surge causing SFX spam due to ammo pickups
  • Meleeing while in Archwing in Open Landscapes and/or transitioning back and forth between Landscapes and Hubs can cause Melee animations to no longer play
  • Clients unable to use Incarnon Mode in the Circuit after a Host Migration
  • Clients do not see bonus damage from Magnetic damage on Nullifier bubbles (UI only)
  • Kitguns with SEMI trigger type cannot equip new Cannonade Mods
  • Voruna can Melee Attack during Ulfrun's Descent
  • Atlas' Petrify and Dagath's Wyrd Scythes slow down Thrax transformation
  • Omni fissures do not count towards "Antiquarian" Nightwave Challenge
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