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New Status Effect Suggestion


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I don’t know where to put suggestions to DE, so I’ve tried to put it in as relevant a location as possible. But what if we had a new status effect using water ? The status would proc a “drowning 🌊” status effect that would do damage over time like slash’s bleed effect. 
We get new mods, weapons, quests and even new liches from time to time, why not a new status? 
Heat 🔥+ Water 💧= Fog ☁️ (this could proc blind and/or -50% weapon accuracy)

 Cold ❄️+ Water 💧= Slush 💦 (this could proc frostbite, a status slightly similar to Cold by slowing the target(s), but unlike cold it’d be unable to freeze them.)

 Toxin ☠️+ Water 💧= Sludge  (this could jam weapons and proc disarm, forcing melee combat)

 Electricity️ + Water💧= Conduct🔌 (this could cause shock to have an AOE, spreading the proc to nearby targets in a limited range)

DE, please add a water status! I know y’all can perfect this idea and make it a reality. 

for anyone else seeing this: Thoughts?

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They could.

I think you're going to meet resistance to the idea because DE's already trying things to simplify their damage system, instead of complicate it further.

And then... the results you've got are... to be polite I'll say they're not very well thought through.


Damage over time is available from Slash, Toxin, Heat, Electric and Gas, considering the bases those cover in terms of bypassing armour, bypassing shields, infinite scaling and radial damage, why add another one?

Blind is usually reserved for Warframe functions, as is adjusting Weapon Accuracy, it's open to be added to weapons, but even -50% accuracy won't actually affect much (for example, Xaku has a base passive of 75% evasion, or enemy weapon inaccuracy, and that one-in-four shots that hit are just as damaging), while Blinds are usually used for the CC, or to prevent them attacking while you're focusing on a different enemy. If you're already focusing on the enemy you're blinding, do you actually need the effect? Does it do anything besides put them into a similar animation to a heat or electric status effect?

Cold having been buffed, massively, with the last update... having a combined status that does the same thing, but worse, is a bad plan.

Disarms and Weapon jams are, again, Warframe functions. On top, they're really limited functions unless used by those frames that have them as base functions, so having what would amount to single-target versions in most situations wouldn't help all that much (if you group enemies up, you're already using a CC, so why do you need a Disarm or Jam?).

Shock does have an AoE, it's exceptionally powerful when you group up enemies to a single point, such as with Vauban or Zephyr, because doing it on the group will mean quadratic scaling of the Proc damage thanks to every single enemy also damaging every single other enemy.

Tell you what, let's blue-sky a few new things that the element could do.

Here, some things that are a bit more... making sure enemies get killed and can help if they're used as part of a Warframe's kit.


Base Water damage.

Status: Wet. Wet enemies have a chance to spread any Status they receive to enemies within a short radius. Single stack spreads at 30% chance, with further stacks will stack 5% up to a cap of 50% chance to spread.

Heat and Water: Plasma.

Status: Fuse. Enemies with Fuse on them that touch another enemy cannot move more than 2m away from that enemy and cannot perform maneuvers (jumping, ground slam, grenade throw etc.) Single stack activates the fuse effect with no attraction radius, further stacks increase the attraction radius by 1m up to a cap of 5m radius. Only three enemies can be connected to any one single enemy by Fuse, so for each new enemy proc'd two further enemies can attach.

Cold and Water: Ether.

Status: Crystalise. Enemies crystalised will take more damage from Status. First stack applies 20% bonus Status Damage, stacking by 10% up to a cap of 60%

Toxin and Water: Caustic.

Status: Scald. Enemies that have been Scalded will take additional damage from Caustic. First proc is 100%, scaling by 25% up to a cap of 325%

Electric and Water: Abrasive.

Status: Ionise. An Ionised enemy will share damage dealt to them with enemies within 5m around them at a percentage. First proc shares 10% damage, scaling by 5% up to a cap of 50% damage.

So, in a comprehensive list, we have fifth base damage type that would, on its own, facilitate the spread of Status effects.

When combined you have choices between grouping enemies without a Warframe Ability to facilitate other damage types, increasing Status Damage for any other status you want to add, self-ramping damage, and even radial damage to help turn a single-target weapon into a radial weapon.

Functions that we don't have as part of the Status suite so far, but are very useful in terms of gameplay.



Extra things that probably won't happen because there's more and more things that would need to be taken into account. Balancing these against the enemy, what enemies are strong or weak against this, where you get the mods, whether any Warframe abilities will need to be reworked to use actual Water damage... Whether any of the weapons in the existing arsenal should use these new damage types instead of their current one...

And so on and so forth.

For a thought excercise, this was fun. For an actual damage type to implement in the game... probably not going to happen ^^

Edited by Birdframe_Prime
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I say have four NEW type of elements that can't combine with the old ones. The new four element can combine with each other to make 6 NEW secondary elements.

Edited by ominumi
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On 2024-09-07 at 10:27 AM, VenteonPrime said:

I don’t know where to put suggestions to DE, so I’ve tried to put it in as relevant a location as possible. But what if we had a new status effect using water ? The status would proc a “drowning 🌊” status effect that would do damage over time like slash’s bleed effect. 
We get new mods, weapons, quests and even new liches from time to time, why not a new status? 
Heat 🔥+ Water 💧= Fog ☁️ (this could proc blind and/or -50% weapon accuracy)

 Cold ❄️+ Water 💧= Slush 💦 (this could proc frostbite, a status slightly similar to Cold by slowing the target(s), but unlike cold it’d be unable to freeze them.)

 Toxin ☠️+ Water 💧= Sludge  (this could jam weapons and proc disarm, forcing melee combat)

 Electricity️ + Water💧= Conduct🔌 (this could cause shock to have an AOE, spreading the proc to nearby targets in a limited range)

DE, please add a water status! I know y’all can perfect this idea and make it a reality. 

for anyone else seeing this: Thoughts?

I could see this benefiting Yareli, hydroid, and Zephyr but as for sludge, I can see it just disarming them making them less of a threat and I could see the fog being replaced the blasted effect instead of accuracy and blast just disorient them instead

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On 2024-09-07 at 4:27 PM, VenteonPrime said:

this could proc frostbite, a status slightly similar to Cold by slowing the target(s), but unlike cold it’d be unable to freeze them

its not very well thought through because, why would you want an effect that is a worst version of cold without freeze? though I don't think the idea's is entirely a lost cause, I really love the idea of wet surfaces from playing original sin, say if you had some warframe that could create "water" surfaces (not status) it could combo with elemental status on anything standing on it...

an enemy standing in a water surface could take massively amplified electricity damage and spread that (aoe), cold status could turn the water to ice making anything that stands on it fall over (incapacitate), heat could make a steam cloud above the wet surface making anything inside take damage and unable to shoot out (effectively disarm), guess toxin would poison the surface and make anything standing on it stack viral (priming)

water as a mod / status effect probably not, but a water frame able to wet surfaces packing synergies to different status efects with the surface? sure I could dig that.

Edited by _Anise_
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