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Visual communication issues UI.


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Accessing the Nora Nightwave token shop is horrible for the first-time player, it's basically a tiny button to access a seasonal shop and this is completely unrelated to the main orbiter shop.

Look at what they did with the relics and the new Aya system, it's incredible, Aya's shop is easily recognizable to the first-time player, Aya's shop clearly states that there are rotating seasonal items there.

Darvo is a physical shop, Teshin is a physical shop, syndicates are all physical shops, the orbiter shop is a physical shop that is physically inside the orbiter... all of these are well positioned in the game but the nightwave shop is a simple button hidden in the user interface.

I made similar criticisms years ago, the interface for install catalysts, reactors and forma is a tiny button in the bottom right corner of the screen and these have no thematic relation to the main weapon system.

My criticisms seem stupid but they make first time players give up and leave the game forever before they discover that there is a wikia describing things about fine print.

Thanks for reading❤️

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