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Rauta Feedback


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Rauta Design is cool and beautiful with every mean, so I completely fall in love with this weapon and become my favorite. the style and the feel are so great with Rauta, but even if waiting for the prime, giving some buffs to the base version would be nice. even it have another porpuse which is building combo, i don't use it for this porpuse at all, i just want to deal reasonable DMG with her, as in my test it can deal easily with 150 lvl Corrupted Bombard but non-steel path.

Buffs : i suggest buffs and i have some expactations for the prime version

Base Version :

Crit Chance : 6% to 10%-18% 24%-28% (Crit Based)

Falloff : 10m-20m to 18m-36m (Averange Shotguns Range)

Status Chance : its fine if not buffed because i tested it and 12% was fine. but if there is a  buff i would suggest 14%-18%. 

other stats good, i enjoyed the fire rate as it is, 0.8, i have no problem with it, what really hurted me is the Crit 6%. and 4 magazine is great in my opinion.

Prime Version, i have some hopes : ofc if it got primed then it will powerful. (atleast make it around the averange stats)

Fire Rate : 1.0

Crit Chance : around 20% to 28% (want to see yellow numbers atleast)

Crit DMG : 2.0x (no buff to the crit dmg)

Magazine Capacity : 6 or 8 instead of 4

Falloff : 20m-40m 10m-20m

Status Chance : 18%-24%  12% Already Powerful (status effects are so powerful now days in warframe, just want it to be around averange but still maintain some Prime advances)

DMG : 1340 1040 (80% Slash)



Most Shotguns are around Averange Crit Chance & Crit DMG with high base dmg but short range (10m).

Some other shotguns that are not primaries are even stronger like Redeemer Prime (My previous fav weapon, Rauta are the fav now) have 3200 DMG (Heavy Attack) with 24% Crit chance & 2.20x Crit DMG.


Edited by PristineCore
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It is. You mod it for low damage, high fire rate, high multishot. You do not want to kill your target, you want to milk it for hits.

1 hour ago, PristineCore said:

Status Chance : 18%-24% (status effects are so powerful now days in warframe, just want it to be around averange but still maintain some Prime advances)

It is per Pellet. Do you even realise how much Status is that?

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il y a 11 minutes, Zakkhar a dit :

It is. You mod it for low damage, high fire rate, high multishot. You do not want to kill your target, you want to milk it for hits.

It is per Pellet. Do you even realise how much Status is that?

^This. It's a primer. Primary Dexterity in the arcane slot is a nobrainer.

It's also super useful to upkeep combo on stat sticks for abilities that don't regenerate combo (Gara's 1).

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