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Anyone actually likes EDA ?


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Im not here to insult anyone or their work but personally i dont enjoy EDA at all , i dont see the point of spending all this time in the game , investing into builds and warframes , if its 'end-game' wont let me use the stuff that i achieved !! 

I dont believe in this style of 'challenge' and its the only thing i actually hate about warframe 

And dont start with the 'you dont have to tick all the challenge boxes' , yes i do , whats the point of a looter if i dont go for the loot , all of it  , are you crazy ?!?! going through the whole thing leaving even one reward behind would let any warframe player with a bad taste in their mouth and you all know that

After all the time i put into my builds id like a mission or game mode that's actually challenging , something that can really stress test your builds , instead of limiting you with bs conditions .. 

I wont run EDA ever again i think , ok rant done , i do feel better now , yesh 🫠

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12 minutes ago, __Izozel__ said:

are you crazy ?!?! going through the whole thing leaving even one reward behind would let any warframe player with a bad taste in their mouth and you all know that

Speak for yourself.  To an extent I'm with you up until the final reward.  But I have no bad feelings whatsoever about leaving the vosfor behind.


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I did EDA once when it first came out, it wasnt fun. Im ok with Duviri`s Randomized loadouts but having it added to other game modes takes the fun of doing them away.

30 minutes ago, __Izozel__ said:

And dont start with the 'you dont have to tick all the challenge boxes' , yes i do , whats the point of a looter if i dont go for the loot , all of it  , are you crazy ?!?! going through the whole thing leaving even one reward behind would let any warframe player with a bad taste in their mouth and you all know that

This is something i criticized after doing my EDA for the first time, not doing all the challenges wouldnt give players the whole reward list and many would feel left out because of it.

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Eh... I don't care about the game mode. I'm just here for the loot. Most of the time I just select the condition then let the team carry me. Warframe doesn't have any real challenges. It's really how well can the players abuse the systems for a easier time. 60 Eye Murmur comes to mind.

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im not the most 'efficient' player i know .. for example , the daikyu is my most used weapon by far😍 i have 7+ builds on it across 3 diff daikyu's 🤣because thats just what i like and even if its not 'meta' stuff i can deal with anything the game throws at me , because i invested into my builds and playstyle , and now the game wont allow me to use it anymore , to make it 'harder' , and im just not buying that 

this isnt about lack of 'power' or 'getting gud' , alot of players have specific playstyles and things they like in the game , me included , and all of a sudden im forced into using stuff i would never touch otherwise , because i just dont like it and yes im saying 'forced' because you are if you want the most loot possible for your time spent in there , which i do  

i dont care what you want me to do in the mission or how 'difficult' it is , but let me use my stuff bro 😭 you gave me those tools to use so dont just take em away now , force me to use them even better instead !

Edited by __Izozel__
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EDA is fun content 

We have 57 frames and hundred of weapons andd many companions  its a co op game with Frames of war life hard but you adapt you overcome 

Also keep in mind we are HUGE community and many people play it in different ways 

Other than that EDA has its +and - but it is more than solid we all lift together and we all use many builds (you dont have to be best all the time) 

Its up to you if you will play it but you should think about it and the concept of Warframe also this discussion has been done thousand of times already. And all players are still here its just a small inconvenience in grand scheme of sooo many builds you can do. Its actually good so you can learn more in a long run.

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1 hour ago, MaxTunnerX said:

Welcome to Warframe, where half of the community complains about the game being too easy and the other half for it being too hard.

Imagine the classic, World of Warcraft, but instead of adding new raids and new enemies, the developers announce that all future content will be re-releases of previous ones, with the little exception that all equipment, consumables, classes, and specialisations will be randomized on every try. Also you can only do the raid once per week, and there's no rerolling the random loadout until next week.

Now imagine players are saying that the developers of WoW are washed up and out of ideas, and in return the developers mock the players for "not being good enough" to play with random loadouts (which have no guarantee of being functional at all).

Also imagine >50% of all stuff eligible for the randomizer being bugged and including troll items/classes that serve no purpose other than to annoy other players, like Limbo.

"This is the new difficulty, our lord and saviour the randomizer! If you don't like it git gud!" How long do you think until WoW is completely dead and forgotten?

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EDA is fun, and you can complete it with so many different tools that are great to use when you aren't stuck in any meta.

Warframe's endgame always been about owning a big variety of items in your arsenal, and this gamemode highlight your knowledge and your investment into it.

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20 hours ago, __Izozel__ said:

Im not here to insult anyone or their work but personally i dont enjoy EDA at all , i dont see the point of spending all this time in the game , investing into builds and warframes , if its 'end-game' wont let me use the stuff that i achieved !! 

I dont believe in this style of 'challenge' and its the only thing i actually hate about warframe 

And dont start with the 'you dont have to tick all the challenge boxes' , yes i do , whats the point of a looter if i dont go for the loot , all of it  , are you crazy ?!?! going through the whole thing leaving even one reward behind would let any warframe player with a bad taste in their mouth and you all know that

After all the time i put into my builds id like a mission or game mode that's actually challenging , something that can really stress test your builds , instead of limiting you with bs conditions .. 

I wont run EDA ever again i think , ok rant done , i do feel better now , yesh 🫠

Over all, I enjoy it.  But I think it's right on the edge for me.  And as someone who has invested in every single frame and almost every single weapon so that I can assuage the randomizer, that's maybe not a great sign for the average player.  The RNG I can handle, but I hope that we don't get something even more focused on handicapping players, because that's getting really old.


My biggest problems with EDA are:

  • no self-revives = overly incentivizing tank frames
  • constant chip damage and nukes = overly incentivizing tank frames
  • vampiric liminus = overly incentivizing tank frames
  • UI bloat and VFX spam combine to make some modes really awful
  • the first phase of alchemy is boring and terrible
  • assassinate boss is too spongey and has way too many VFX explosion spawning adds (luckily, assassinate seems to be removed for now *knocking on wood*)
  • leech eximus Necramechs
  • lack of mission/tileset variety.


What I really like about EDA are:

  • archon shard rewards
  • challenge worthy of creating builds for
  • the final reward tier being safely skippable
  • gear is often allowed (unlike Netracells and Archon Hunts).
Edited by sunderthefirmament
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6 hours ago, __Izozel__ said:

im not the most 'efficient' player i know .. for example , the daikyu is my most used weapon by far😍 i have 7+ builds on it across 3 diff daikyu's 🤣because thats just what i like and even if its not 'meta' stuff i can deal with anything the game throws at me , because i invested into my builds and playstyle , and now the game wont allow me to use it anymore , to make it 'harder' , and im just not buying that 

this isnt about lack of 'power' or 'getting gud' , alot of players have specific playstyles and things they like in the game , me included , and all of a sudden im forced into using stuff i would never touch otherwise , because i just dont like it and yes im saying 'forced' because you are if you want the most loot possible for your time spent in there , which i do  

i dont care what you want me to do in the mission or how 'difficult' it is , but let me use my stuff bro 😭 you gave me those tools to use so dont just take em away now , force me to use them even better instead !

You can still use your stuff in EDA. The drop table is the same thing regardless of conditions. Hell, even Netracell has the same loot table. Using the same exact keys. The conditions are for those looking for something extra. Then getting rewarded for their effort.

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Yes I do.

I already collect basically every weapon & frame and try to have viable builds for each of them.


From my point of view, it's good content specifically because players are forced out of their boring Revenant-Torid-Laetum-Praedos meta, so those that have no actual gaming skilled are gatekeeped away for one, and on the other hand, you see all sorts of funky builds specifically tuned for EDA on frames you basically never see.

Even though some modifiers are overtuned I feel (hello vampyric liminus), it's still a breath of fresh air, and the rewards are good.


Frames I never see in squads nowdays are Banshee and Trinity, but in EDA specifically they're pretty much your best allies because of their abilities having everything you could want from teammates.

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I'm confused... You've basically contradicted yourself in the first line and not realised it.

See, you say this:

17 hours ago, __Izozel__ said:

i dont see the point of spending all this time in the game , investing into builds and warframes

Which implies that you've spent a lot of time investing into Warframes and weapons and getting them ready for play in the higher levels of Warframe, which should mean that you then have these higher-level builds available to you when EDA does the random roll of frames and weapons for you.

Then you say this:

17 hours ago, __Izozel__ said:

if its 'end-game' wont let me use the stuff that i achieved

When EDA is then picking the 'stuff that you achieved' for you to use...

What I'm saying is that if you've genuinely spent the time investing into the builds, then EDA is just giving you the chance to use the things you've invested into, where you might instead stagnate into a single play style.

I think it's healthy because it encourages exactly what you've described, which is investing into the frames and builds.

If you're being left out by the EDA randomly picking some frames over others, then all you need to do is invest harder ^^

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A couple of you are trying to 'corner' me with some weird logic to say the least 😅 

Just because you spent your time forma-ing garbage doesnt mean i have to and its surely not a flex to tell me you fully built and modded every weapon in this game 🤣 i dont want to forma and mod stuff that i dont like alright ? thats a true waste of time , im alredy not being productive by playing a game , so i might aswell enjoy myself while doing it , some of you have a real hard time trying to understand that 

This is nothing but a bs randomizer for a game mode thats basically just a more annoying and boring sortie and the fact that some of you . not only are defending it but actually seem to have a problem with me for this is just sad to see tbh


Saying EDA feels like a 'breathe of fresh air' just makes me think you never felt it in the first place 

And why is it always a weird 'competition' with you guys , why do you always have to leave some bs reply trying to make people feel wrong or stupid just for having a diff opinion ? me not liking this game mode rn for example 

I said everything i had to say about this in the op and some of you are still trying to read between the lines and its silly to see

No you damn maniacs 🤣 , i didnt 'contradict' myself , yes i want to use stuff that i actually like , crazy right ? and no im def not a 'stuck meta user' since my main weapons are fn bows and im actively making the game harder for myself ea time i play it 🤣


I am perfectly capable of running the mission at its hardest difficulty , i just dont like it , and thats it . I cant be wrong about this since its just personal pref , so stop trying to 'prove' that i am , its weird , you re weird 🫤

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29 minutes ago, __Izozel__ said:

And why is it always a weird 'competition' with you guys , why do you always have to leave some bs reply trying to make people feel wrong or stupid just for having a diff opinion ? me not liking this game mode rn for example 

A couple of points here:

1. It's not a competition, it's a Forum of your Peers. You come here to express your opinion and have it Peer Reviewed. These are all players on a completely even standing to you expressing how they agree or disagree with your opinion. That's what the Forum is for.

This is literally what you signed up for.

2. Nobody is trying to make you feel wrong or stupid, we're replying to you. If you feel stupid from the replies, that may be because some of them are expressing points that you hadn't considered and don't like, rather than because you're stupid. You could be feeling bad because people aren't agreeing with you on the topic, and that's fine, but you were the one that made the initial post to get some feedback on.

3. You don't have to like the game mode. But the rules of the game mode are that it will pull things from the rest of your Arsenal whether you've put the effort into them or not.

If you don't like that, then I would suggest that it's not a game mode problem, it's a you problem.

You've already said that you're probably not going to play EDA again, so why are you upset that other people are pointing out that this game mode probably isn't for you?

We don't don't have a problem with you. But you certainly came here and made a thread to make it everyone else's problem.

Final point:

37 minutes ago, __Izozel__ said:

No you damn maniacs 🤣 , i didnt 'contradict' myself , yes i want to use stuff that i actually like , crazy right ?

Except that's not what you said.

You said, and I quote:

22 hours ago, __Izozel__ said:

i dont see the point of spending all this time in the game , investing into builds and warframes , if its 'end-game' wont let me use the stuff that i achieved !! 

What you should have said, to not contradict yourself, was something like "I don't see the point of spending all this time in the game, investing into builds and Warframes that I enjoy playing, if its 'end-game' won't let me use the things that I like!!"

Because otherwise this sentence here is a contradiction. It says that you built up warframes, non-specific to whether you liked them, non-specific as to whether you enjoyed playing them, and that the game mode won't let you use the stuff you achieved, which would be everything that you built, rather than just the stuff you like.

The whole Original Post is a contradiction, because you never mentioned that you only play the things you like, that what you want is for EDA to let you play the things you like.

So yeah, your comment did contradict itself. You just used your reply to shift the goalposts of the original from 'stuff you achieved' to 'stuff you like'.

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EDA isn't actually terrible because you can skip one modifier and still get all of the relevant loot. DA, by comparison, is just unredeemable trash. On release week, I literally only had Limbo of all frames available. Also a couple of bugged weapons. Way to make a horrible first impression.

I was so indignant about being forced to play Limbo, that once I had completed both DA and EDA for that week I gave Limbo a maximum investment build with 5 Tau shards, so I would never have to suffer through the steaming pile of obsoleteness that is Limbo's base kit. And that build turned out surprisingly great (relative speaking - it's still Limbo after all)...

Task failed successfully, I guess.

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Man thats such a fat nothing-sandwich God Bless 🫠

Me not liking something is a me problem ? Man how did i make it so far in life without you 😁

That's such a weird and specific non-problem to have with the way i spoke , english is my third language , i may not choose the words you would but you can def understand what i meant there ... cmon dude ... what are we doing ☹️

Esp the way you started with that one . 'Well what you should have said' , man thats so crazy 🤣 cartoonishly annoying you know

And what i meant by the 'competition' bit is that guys like you , always have to 'prove' someone wrong , even if its not the case or if there isnt anything to prove or problem to fix

I just said that i dont like it , and i asked if others do , end of story !

You re sitting on a high-horse that you put yourself onto , have this strange need to 'win' internet points by being right about something , point out the obv , make problems out of nothing so you can solve them yourself .. you really just start saying sweet nothings like that . and i just dont like this ish dude 🤣

yuck .

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vor 11 Minuten schrieb Quest:

Honestly would be fine if the randomizer was removed

It wouldn't be fine, but better. Heck, give more modifiers in return IDC, just get rid of that OBVIOUSLY FAKE RNG that gives me garbage upon garbage upon garbage. Like the fake RNG of invigorations that never have something good on there. 

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3 hours ago, __Izozel__ said:

You re sitting on a high-horse that you put yourself onto

Have you ever actually tried sitting on a high horse? Pretty good view from up here. Especially when we don't get mad that somebody has a different opinion, and we can hold a coherent discussion.

You're the one that got upset that I read your post as it was written. You're the one making this everyone's problem by complaining here. Seems like you've got some issues, and the Forum isn't your therapy group.

If all you're here to do is shout into the void, I can suggest somewhere better; LiveJournal definitely seems more your speed.

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Upset ? what problem ? and what do you mean by everyone's ? issues ? therapy ? You re going in weird places my dude again over nothing , but seeing you have over 9k posts here i guess i understand why you want so badly to have the last word ..


Also , thats me 'shouting' at you ? What are you talking about ... really now , whos shouting at you love ? You actually believe that ? 😒

Edited by __Izozel__
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