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Dev Workshop: Koumei & the Five Fates - Caliban + Nova Rework


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  • Fusion Strike's beam now applies the Armor Strip, not the radial field.
    • Previously, the damage field left behind is what enabled Armor Stripping, which felt awkward if enemies left before it could apply. Now, it applies when the Beam hits an enemy, making it much easier to work with.

Wait, does this mean he no longer leaves fields that instantly remove every enemy's defense for a duration? Was he changed from a debuffer to an ability nuke? Rip my playstyle.

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Does this mean that Sentient enemies will also receive this new Tau damage type and status ailment to use against us? They are Sentients, after all, and were apparently already dealing something called Tau damage before this rework (which only ignored resistances, as far as I know), so it would be nice if this could apply to enemies as well. Might make them a bit more dangerous, as the Sentients are supposed to be. Fewer numbers, higher threat level.

Also in regards to Tau damage, is it possible we could one day receive mods that allow us to place Tau status onto our weapons? Or is this a situation similar to Void damage where it will only come from very specific sources?

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13 hours ago, [DE]Sam said:


Hildryn is also receiving a few changes to her kit! Our goal with Hildryn was to add functionality to her Aegis Storm, tying in some nice-to-haves with her Balefire Charger!


There's a few things I think Hildryn needs in addition to this - she's fun, but she.... 
how to put it.
half baked.

1) Balefire gets a firing mode. Faster charge, more penetration, no aoe. You can swap between them instantly(no animation). use these if you just want to blast a single dude. Maybe a headshot multiplier since its a non-aoe now. Basically, give her a rocket pod(already present) and a needle beam for your tony stark cosplays.

2) Aegis storm gets a 'tap to release / let you perform midair aim glide stuff' - just like zephyr is airborn, just let her dip out of it'  - and HOLD is the ground slam. Ie, you shouldn't be forced into a chunky animation. let me glide cancel and go to a wall latch or whatever.
Further QOL:
  Tone down the 'black screen fade' timer so she can cross gaps
   Needs an up-swell like protea's grenades to get distance. Just a tiny little flex upwards - maybe on spacebar.
   Sprint should work for faster movement at the expense of shield drain.

3) Exilus Augment treatment for balefire surge. Blazing pillage should be a candidate for incorporating into base power.

4) New augment that straight up whips out your archgun during aegis storm and makes repleneishing its ammo take shields or something. She was always supposed to be the helicopter mom, let her be a gunship.

5) Balefire Charge should be given the Dante/Noctua book treatment: If you helminth off the 1, she still whips it out during aegis storm. Exactly how he works if you get rid of his exalted weapon - still remains in armory, still moddable, you just lose the power to summon it on demand - and it works with other powers that reference it just fine.

6) Cosmetics. Let us change the looks of the balefire - PARTICULARLY with her delux's archgun skin. That thing looks like it was made to be slapped on her wrist - straight up give the babe an armcannon.

6) if you have time for development or other unused features or powers leftover from her, ah, obvious half baking: Consoliate her 2 and 3 into aone power: Tap 2 for pillage and pillage recall(current functionality), HOLD for Haven. Her 3 would be a new power entirely. Something proper and wonderful or team-useful, a pull, a gather, a slow, primed enemies damage buffs or vulnarbility, granting buffs to team based on the amount of  overshields they have, something like that. Proper defense tank on the ground, terror in the sky power.

b) Please give NYX an alternative assimiliate variant/augment that lets her use that big brain to fly like jade.  Full 'professor x doesn't need the wheelchair any more' mode.

Thats all! thanks

Edited by Udoshi
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1 hour ago, Grufti_Prime said:
I didn't expect a Nova rework and I didn't feel she needed one, but now that I see this? Yeah she needs it, I can't wait! Oddly enough this might be my most anticipated rework 😂

Honestly it's amazing. I never knew I needed a toggle between slow and speed, I just accepted I need to be careful about which build I take on which mission. It's such a nice QoL change, thank you!

I kind of disagree, I think it's good with healing for slow and energy for speed. I feel like generally when I take a slowva it's for higher level enemies, a more "dangerous" mission where I either try to avoid dying or it just makes it easier to kill enemies if they're slower. That pairs better with getting some extra health orbs. I see your point tho.

In my opinion, the currently advertised way makes more sense for the base scenarios when speed and slow is used most of the time, and for the general playerbase maybe. I think it makes more sense to balance her with the assumption that not all players will use a mod to convert energy to health or vice versa, and assuming most players use speed for lower and slow for higher level missions.

Equilibrium casually being the best mod to slot on a frame, idk why people even hesitate

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Please please please change his passive's interaction with adaptation. Either to additive capped at 90% (so you don't need to run max adaptation for max stacks) or multiplicative (adaptation and passive reduce damage by 90% and then by 40%). Passive alone is not enough damage reduction to be relied upon, but adaptation overriding it effectively means you have no passive when running adaptation.  

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7 hours ago, Joezone619 said:

Where limbo buffs?

Limbo needs more than a few tweaks to be in a good state.


I'm more curious about Nyx and Trinity.  Weren't they supposed to be receiving changes with this update, or was that for 1999?  I'm thinking it was for 1999, due to their protoframes existing in that update, but I'm not sure.

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I do hope that you'd be able to cast AMDrop, charge it up, release and cast another one immediately after, while the 1st one is still in flight.
Also removing or tweaking damage cap on it would be really nice, to bring it somewhat close to really powercrept damage numbers we have now.
Thank you for looking at her though.

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Also on the topic of his lethal progeny, why are we limited to rotating through the skill, Like why doesn't Caliban just summon them all, each type does vastly different things and only being able to have one type out at a time will be extremely limiting to gameplay, and might lead to the exact circumstances you are wanting to change with nova, because players might choose to tank duration just to change sentients in a more streamline way. So again i don't understand why you don't just summon all of them you could tweak the amount of summons if it's "too powerful" but again as they each do their own separate thing i don't see how it would be an issue, or you could just set them up as his passive where when using any one of his skills it summons a type of sentient linked to them, this is just going to leave players annoyed that you gave them three options but in reality they can only use one at a time. As a for instance if they want to use the shield type to help with survivability they will often times not be using the conculysts fusion strike because that would be limiting their ability to shield gate thus making the option of the conculysts seem far too underwhelming. Or if they are going for a status approach now they lose access to the shield gating because most of the time they will not be switching the sentients. To really drive this point home is Lavos/Vauban/Titania/Zaku all of these warframes have a somewhat similar style of "rotating the skill" and most of the time players ignore it because it's tedious to rotate between 3-4 skills as there is genuinely alot of down time and rotating over the one you wanted and having to do it again is a minor but noticeable frustration. My issue isn't with the options as in the instance of Caliban the sentients genuinely seem cool as all hell but only being able to use one type and getting "stuck" with that type because the others might turn out "less" useful just feels bad man. I want to be a general summoning a small army of sentients to dominate the battlefield! and they really seem like they should be working in tandem together not waiting to be ignored or "rotated" out. Sorry Mr Conculyst I gotta bench you shield boy is just doing a better job right now :(

Edited by Mr-Lex
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14 hours ago, [DE]Sam said:

This mechanic was originally introduced by Dante and his Pageflight Paragrimms, in which you could apply Status Chance Vulnerability to enemies. This mechanic increases the likelihood an enemy receives a Status Effect when being hit.

Will Dante stack additively or multiplicitively with Tau status? Or is Dante just going to apply Tau status now?

14 hours ago, [DE]Sam said:

Balefire Charger is now automatically equipped upon activating Aegis Storm instead of needing to activate it

Does this include if you've subsumed over her first ability? It might seem like a silly question, but Yareli's Loyal Companion can cast her 1 even if Yareli doesn't have her 1; and Sevagoth can still enter Shadow-form on-death even if he's subsumed over his 4. 

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On 2024-03-31 at 3:08 PM, crazywolfpusher said:

I think nova need a little bit more than a new passive. 

  1. Null Star damage reduction should affect shields as well.
  2. Her Antimatter Drop (or at least the augment) need better scaling, Range, Duration? anything. Also the UI not showing that the damage absorb scale with Strength it's criminal.
  3. Molecular Prime is one of those abilities that would really benefit from a Hold/Tap revamp. Having to dump strength weakens Null Star and Antimatter Drop, leaving her with what, 2 "functional" abilities? make no sense. Problematic with Strength Archon Shards. Also I swear to god. I fear the day DE decide to "fix" the interaction with Xata's Whisper/some weapons perks. It would be nice if it's clarified on the ability UI tips that the explosions are meant to inherit "certain" aspects of the weapon that lands the killing blow.



I love the nova changes, way more than what I wanted lol 

Now I wish for a Hildryn Balefire Charger augment that replace the exalted for an archgun deployment that buff the weapon damage/status and uses her shields as ammunition also allowing her to use archguns during aegis storm. You know, considering that she is from orb valis were archguns are actually needed?

Edited by crazywolfpusher
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Anyone who knows me knows I'm all about Caliban. I am behind almost everything that you've done, bravo.

The one thing that is potentially a negative change is the fallout for Fusion Strike -- if you removed the ability to armor strip with this fallout zone, that feels more like a negative change than a positive one. Let both the beams and the fallout inflict strip and it's perfect.

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14 hours ago, [DE]Sam said:


  • Removed Wormhole’s duration. 
    • Wormhole will now stay up indefinitely unless a) all of its charges have been used or b) it has been replaced by a recast Wormhole when players have created the maximum number of portals.
  • Added icons above each Wormhole indicating how many times it can be used before disappearing. 
    • Each orb represents one use!
  • Holding the ability input will display the exit point of the Wormhole, similar to Kullervo’s Wrathful Advance. 

Molecular Prime:

  • Added a Tap / Hold functionality: Tap to cast a Slowing effect on enemies. Hold to cast a Speed-Up effect instead.
    • The “Speedva” build has been a long-time staple of Novas everywhere, and is a fantastic example of bug-turned-feature. While we love the quirk that resulted in our beloved Speedva, negative Strength offers little benefit to Nova’s kit beyond this mechanic. After much deliberation, we decided it was best for all Nova players to make this quality of life change: swap between Speed and Slow in-mission as you wish, without worrying about accidentally bringing a Slowva to your Defense Sorties. 
    • Slow and Speed effects are both capped at 75% respectively, and scale the same with Strength. (i.e. a max Slow build will also provide max Speed).  
  • Increased base Slow/Speed effect from 30% to 50%. 
  • Bonus damage multiplier now applies to Overguard, Health, and Shields.
    • Previously it only applied to enemy Health!
    • This multiplier has also been added to the Ability screen so players can better understand Molecular Prime’s mechanics. 
  • Speed-Up effect will bypass crowd control immunity (ex: enemies with Overguard). 
  • Killing Primed enemies has a 20% chance to proc Blast on nearby foes.

Those are great changes. Especially the Speedva/Slowa toggle.

What does the antimatter change actually mean? Is the damage cap removed and we can put 5 Sniper bullets in it or do 5 shots of the Stug charge it now?

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15 hours ago, [DE]Sam said:

Sentient Wrath:

Sentient Wrath has been brought in line with similar Crowd Control Warframe Abilities while removing the target cap to ensure that the Ability is reliable and effective at its job.

  • Enemies suspended by Sentient Wrath will now be locked in place to prevent them from floating away, similar to how Xaku’s Deny and Hydroid’s Tentacle Swarm hold enemies in position.
  • Sentient Wrath no longer has a target cap.
  • Sentient Wrath now inflicts only Tau Status Damage, instead of Impact, onto affected/lifted enemies.
    • Sentient Wrath deals 2,000 base Tau Damage with 35% Damage Vulnerability, in addition to the Tau Status Effect. 
  • Increased the casting speed of the Ability by 25%
    • You can also re-cast the Ability even if the first “wave” hasn’t finished casting. 
      • If the recast hits enemies, you’ll refresh their stun duration. 


Could that lift change be also implemented for Titania's Spellbind? Pretty please

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15 hours ago, [DE]Sam said:

Sentient Wrath:

Sentient Wrath has been brought in line with similar Crowd Control Warframe Abilities while removing the target cap to ensure that the Ability is reliable and effective at its job.

  • Enemies suspended by Sentient Wrath will now be locked in place to prevent them from floating away, similar to how Xaku’s Deny and Hydroid’s Tentacle Swarm hold enemies in position.
  • Sentient Wrath no longer has a target cap.
  • Sentient Wrath now inflicts only Tau Status Damage, instead of Impact, onto affected/lifted enemies.
    • Sentient Wrath deals 2,000 base Tau Damage with 35% Damage Vulnerability, in addition to the Tau Status Effect. 
  • Increased the casting speed of the Ability by 25%
    • You can also re-cast the Ability even if the first “wave” hasn’t finished casting. 
      • If the recast hits enemies, you’ll refresh their stun duration. 


That's cool and all but now do the same with Nekros' Terrify!

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Il y a 7 heures, Monolake a dit :

Is Nova Antimatter drop still capped to pathetic 25k? then it still wont be used at all.

It is not capped, has not been for a long time. If you do not believe me, check the Warframe wiki, specifically Nova -> Antimatter Drop -> Bugs

Personally, I do not think that it is a bug but that is just me. At most it is a visual bug that the ingame description is not updated when ability strength is greater than 100%.

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7 hours ago, MerlintheAgeless said:

Is this set in stone? It feels like it would be more helpful the other way around. If I'm Slowva-ing I really don't need Healing, but I do still need Energy. If I'm Speedva-ing I can kill just fine, but may take more damage, so would like the Healing, and things like Health Conversion, and Arcane Blessing stacks.

just pop an Equilibrium mod on her so that you get just that

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