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Nikana's Heavy Attack


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6 hours ago, BoruBoru said:

More helpful than posting personal problems on warframe forums and thinking DE is gonna fix something that doesn't need fixing.

Imagine having one single criticism about a weapon (a weapon that have a lot of pros that I LIKE) being consider "personal problems". You do realize user experiences are subjective to begin with, right?

If we go by your logic, most if not all criticisms are "personal problems" and those people should just quit the game, or to paraphrase someone "Play another game if u dislike Warframe. Not that hard."

Edited by Onigirigo
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I've had issues landing the nikana weapon type Heavy Attack, even while upgrading the range with Primed Reach, and even going as far as trying to use Opportunity's Reach Tennokai mod.

I think the problem comes from the motion the frame makes, it tends to get you out of range, which is kinda silly when you're just using Tennokai, because the animation is too fast for you to correct the angle to compensate for the movement.

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