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New feature idea: Weapon Scrapping & Customization


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A notice before the post, i structured it using ChatGPT. I am bad at that sort of thing. However, the idea is my own.

I wanted to share an idea for a potential endgame feature that could bring more variety and customization to Warframe's weapon system.

Weapon Scrapping & Customization

The concept is simple: allow players to “scrap” any fully crafted weapon into three distinct parts — such as the barrel, stock, and core. Each of these parts would carry specific stats or characteristics from the original weapon. These scrapped parts can then be combined with parts from other weapons to create entirely new, unique weapons.

How It Works:

  • Players can scrap any non-prime weapon into three separate components.
  • These components can be mixed and matched with parts from other scrapped weapons.
  • The resulting custom weapon would inherit stats based on the parts used — for example, the barrel might affect the crit/status chance, the stock could influence firerate/dmg/alt fire, and the core would determine the weapon type (sniper, shotgun).
  • The possibilities would be endless, allowing for extremely unique combinations tailored to individual playstyles.

Integration in the game:

As for how this could be integrated into the game, I envision this feature being introduced through a new expansion or update, possibly alongside a new NPC. This NPC could be a master weapon-crafter, hidden away in some facility, who has the knowledge to help Tenno disassemble and reforge their weapons using advanced tech.

Perhaps unlocking this NPC and the weapon-scrapping system could be tied to an endgame quest or event, adding more lore and depth to the process.

Endgame Potential: This system would serve as an exciting endgame feature, giving veteran players more incentive to experiment and create weapons that suit their specific needs. It also offers another use for crafted weapons, instead of just using them for mastery rank fodder.

What do you think? I’d love to hear feedback and ideas on how this could be balanced or improved!

Thanks for reading!

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IMO, it’s better to propose more Kitgun variation than this.

With unrestrained combination, it leads to either complete OP or complete duds.
Furthermore, no matter how many are there, they’ll end up as only one or few useful combinations (due to minmaxxing)

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