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Transference Bug Rendering Warframe Completely Passive


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This glitch has been going on for some time now and I don't know if this is an XBOX only problem or a game wide problem.

In any case, when I'm transferring back into My Warframe it will occasionally glitch out and render My character COMPLETELY useless.

All I can do is move around, nothing else. Can't shoot, Melee attack, roll, bullet jump, can't re-enter transference, I can't even revive other players. Cant use warframe abilities either.

It basically locks you out of everything except basic movements. (Walking) All I can do when this happens is run around.

The other problem with this is that sometimes when this happens, it lessens the aggro of the enemy. In rare cases it removes aggro completely which a huge problem because the only way to get yourself out of this horrible bug is to respawn after being down. Specfically after being downed. NOTHING else will fix this

So without enemies attacking you, you're just stuck. Falling off cliffs and /unstuck also do not fix this problem. You have to be downed and then hold the respawn button.

Once it happens, you are rendered usless and there is nothing you can do about it, except hope the enemy notices you and kills you or you reset the game entirely.

This is a huge problem because it prevents you from being able to even play the game when it happens and it can happen at any time, at any moment. It could happen on your 1st Transference or your 50th. Completely random

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To my knowledge this is an on-going issue. I'm on PC and for as long as I've played the game this has been a problem. Sometimes your an hour into an arbitration and the game just decides you won't be fighting anymore.

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