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Valkyr: Feedback Megathread


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This entire thread is pretty much summed up by saying that most ranged weapons will give you better survivability and greater damage per second. Why bother with Valkyr when that's true? Taking the risk of closing distance should be met with some kind of reward.

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Returning the armor calc to its previous formulation is a non-starter because it'd bring back the crazy armor scaling enemies had. Remember, it's not just us who have armor.


(Ideally Frame armors get buffed even more. A happy side effect is increased benefit from Steel Fiber)



Exactly why I stated:

Return the Warframe armor algorithm back to normal, if you can without effecting enemy armor


But, I guess that means they put all armor in the game under one algorithm instead of separating Players from NPC



This entire thread is pretty much summed up by saying that most ranged weapons will give you better survivability and greater damage per second. Why bother with Valkyr when that's true? Taking the risk of closing distance should be met with some kind of reward.




1. Give Valkyr some more shields OR even more armor300 base aint going to cut it

2. Give Rip Line maneuvers more pulling power

3. Make Valkyr's Ult have more CleaveReach. and (maybe)Higher Damage. "try punching a level 70. w/o Blind Rage + Focus" 

Rip Line does more damage than 1 Ult melee modded currently

4. Fix or replace Paralyze, PUH-LEAZE! 

5. Increase the Casting speed animation on WarCry. Or let it be cast while moving, I always have to cower some where safe to use it

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In all honesty, paralyze as a concept belongs on a frame with high shields, if it's meant to be a damage ability. If not, its cc has to be amped to useable levels, and its casting animation could be sped up just a tad. right now, you cc yourself almost as much as you cc the enemy what with standing still to deliver a mediocre amount of damage and stun.


War Cry has been an interesting thing. I personally don't like it, and used it only on a few missions before giving it up as too expensive for what it offers. But a friend of mine likes using it very much, buffing our team often and pairing it with Hysteria. most of the time it's cast pre-battle. I say the enemy slow component of War Cry is useless, and what with armor being the way it is, the armor buff from War Cry is hardly noticeable. So in addition to increasing the casting speed animation, make it an all-around weapon attack speed steroid and lose the other components, and it'll be a much more fun buff. Maybe add a health regeneration component to War Cry to make it more attractive to use.


Anything that could be said about Ripline or Hysteria has been said by others. Valkyr isn't a bad frame, just has some idiosyncrasies.

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I did find that even though Valkyr isnt considered a "Caster" in some eyes. All the Frames are Casters FYI


Stacking Blind Rage and Focus in those V polarities increases her effectiveness exponentially.


IT made Warcry have 100% more armor/attack speed and 60% enemy slow, if not higher when you max the two mods.

IT made Hysteria do 4-6k damage a punch for me against 30-45 enemies

                                2-3k damage a punch to 46 and beyond.


the only thing that sucks about this is that without Streamline or Fleeting Expertise...

I ended up spending 109-115 energy a Warcry

and 145-155 energy a Hysteria >.<


Valkyr Excells at Melee Combat.. Against other Melee.

But lacks the ability to efficiently close the gap on 35+ ranged units.

And you Can't play Valkyr reasonably without an Uber powerful Ranged Weapon.

Even Nekros (with his initial low stats) can play without an Uber Powerful Ranged Weapons against 35+


He is Ultimate IS actual an Ultimate though... he can summon  an army lol


Not saying that Valkyr's Ultimate isnt good.

Just needs some work to be great.

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I'm trying to setup Valkyr with Rejuvenate and Equilibrium, so at least she heals up during the ultimate move, thus making her a Survival mission specialist.

Don't bother with rejuvenation. It's a useless aura. If equilibrium isn't enough, rejuv won't help, it's just too small of an effect to be useful.
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There are occasionally moments when Hysteria runs out and you're in a bad situation and can't recast without taking some hits. Just happens, even to the best of players from what I've seen. Then it is inevitable you will take some damage. For the most part, for survival runs, I see Equilibrium and Energy Siphon as the way to go. Equilibrium and energy orbs usually is enough to keep you topped off, and you can then have the lovely Energy Siphon to keep you running just in case energy orbs go scarce.


A bug that really annoys me, probably already mentioned but going to say it again, is when you go into Hysteria and die during the casting animation. Then you are downed with your claws out, and can't really clear a path out of the enemies around you for teammates to come and revive you. Yes, this rarely, if ever, happens, but sometimes there are surprises, or just plain bad timing or luck, that catch you out and down you. It would be nice in those cases to be able to actually shoot whatever downed you.

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I ended up having to do that Rejuve + Equilibrium as well; all I had to do was avoid Big Hitters and I was alright.

Valkyr seemed like she was ment to be a soldier / brawler type frame... but instead turned out to be a Glass Wet Noodle with not much ult range.

I'll be glad when she's fixed. 


A Melee frame that can't handle melee range... just aint right.

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Don't bother with rejuvenation. It's a useless aura. If equilibrium isn't enough, rejuv won't help, it's just too small of an effect to be useful.

I'm about 4 levels from formatting the aura - already changed warcry and paralysis slots to hold survival mods (redirection and steel fibre).

Anyway.. I've been thinking that with maxed hysteria duration you heal about 100-120 Hp only. So it's not a lot.

Also equilibrium's problem with the build is that during hysteria the MP will get capped very quickly - this I already know after doing some test runs - and since the abilities are locked for the duration, you end up with +50-80 HP from equilibrium.

With a health pool of around 800ish the 2 health regens (rejuv and equil) don't really add up to a lot..


Still.. equilibrium looks good without ultimate - you just need all the heals you can get - as you can just ripline away a bit of MP.

For aura.. I've now decided not to use Rejuvenate. Instead planing to go Corrosive projection, since it should boost team dps and also the phisical damage from histerya. Also it would probably better to boost power instead of duration - since you effectively remove yourself from fights for the duration on high levels. In fact.. it could be said that duration is inversely usfull as you fight higher and higher level enemies.


Frankly.. I'm getting disappointed as Trinity seems to be better at this type of combat and I'm starting to think that the ultimate is trap in terms of end game purposes.. Even paralysis could be of more use potentially.


I'll need to experiment more.


Thanks for the response - I have to agree with you.. Rejuv isn't worth it.

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Gonna go ahead and post this between the massive amounts of replies already but i hope it gets seen.


There's one gigantic thing wrong with valkyr from all my time playing her and it is her ultimate.


You either go for it, build explosive rather than defensive, get lots of power efficiency so you can pretty much chain your ultimate.

Or you don't and can pretty much just completely ignore the ultimate and even remove / polarize that slot for other uses.


I've tried 4 things so far:

1. Go full energy build focusing on the ultimate, removed paralysis, chain ulting my way through enemies... What i found;

You only spam E, ALWAYS. no use for weapons or any of their mods,

You do way less in the 40+/- seconds duration punching and putting effort in it to kill rather than any other wareframe with an AOE nuke that does the same, if not more in ~2 seconds. (and same energy cost)


2. Capitalize on that 300 armor, get 80% extra plus HP and get power strength and duration to make your warcry useful, lasting long and giving more armor.. What i found;

You've got 80+~95% extra armor = (300*2.75=) 825 = (825/(825+300)=)73% damage mitigation Good stuff!.

You don't use your ult, it's more effective to polarize the slot into something else and not use your ult / paralysis at all.

You only use weapons / melee (90% extra melee speed from skill)

You lose HP, as a normal tanky warframe would lose shield, But you dont gain it back after ~3 seconds. and it stays low, no HP steal or anything.


3. Go for shields, using both the dual 120% shield / hp and 300% shield mod to net a rough 700ish shield. What i found;

You do not have enough mod slots to get use of abilities, Your armor is completely useless (doesn't get used by shields).

Your base shield is VERY low, netting you about 400-500 less shields than any other warframes.

Paralyze does ~350*3.3 ~= 1400 damage, the following half of that, and half of that the next time. So you can burst ~ 2500 damage in a cone (not radial as advertised, but cone shaped) in sacrefice of shield and your inevitable death should that damage not be enough.

This is also going on the notion that you do NOT get hit 'running' towards the enemy.

Useless in a lot of ways, Paralyze simply is not good at all.


4. both hp / shield mods, armor and a full on tanky build with knockdown resist and shield recovery. What i found;

You dont feel like being close because melee/ your ult / your abilities do S#&amp;&#036; damage / cost too much energy.

You use your ultimate to revive teammates in tough spots (Lol a support warframe suddenly)

You stay in the back shooting stuff becomming a rather general warframe with low base stats.. So it really is more useful to get rhino or something alike because you're not in it for the abilities, you're not in it for the melee, and your general abilities lack proper 'reward' for their cost. over other champions that just spam AOE ults.


What i suggest, a few methods to consider;

1. Make the damage paralysis does (costing shield) to GAIN health back upon damage. scale it a little more. That way, armor builds can be sufficient, and if you have ~150 shield, you can gain a good 200 HP from damaging a crowd of enemies by using paralysis.

2. Make Hysteria a toggle costing NO energy, Punching does not 'lock on' a target, Punching does AOE waves of damage (drains energy per punch), Getting hit drains energy. 1 energy per ~50 damage.

3. Make Hysteria not lock your melee weapon to furax, seriously a bad idea.


General ideas for improvement;

The premise of a 'berzerker' is dealing damage, gaining damage, 'living on the edge' brawler type warframe. Sturdy in her shoes and dangerous upclose.

Design her abilities around still being able to use 'close range weaponry' but don't completely lock her out of those when ulting. (making it a toggle would be great, since you can stop it to take yourself aback a bit and shoot rather than spamming E.)

Her ultimate not only locks you to melee, it also locks you to melee for a set amount of time, Sometimes choosing power duration feels like a BAD thing, because you can't 'count' when your ability is going to stop working. there is no visual indicator, Many of my deaths on valkyr have been 'over eager' sprees of killing, because i can see my team doing in ~ 2 seconds what i was trying to do in ~25 It feels great, but painfully incompetent.

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Anyway she is not a dps and she is still squishy atm.

She need some regen hp mechanic.

All we need an aura mod like second wind but with health.  +5 +20 +35 +50 health with every melee kill, and half that health with melee kill assists. Then players can health tank, go melee insane and not necessarily need her ult to survive, at least until higher levels. Hysteria needs a knockdown resistance and to be immune to poison while using it. I can imagine that at the very high levels a few seconds of poison would be deadly to most. I haven't used it enough to be able to say if it needs a damage buff, but it does need to be reworked, I can't see what I'm hitting.

Edited by Dave43
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It is my opinion, now that I am almost level 30 with her, that Valkyr is not as bad as everybody makes her out to be. There is just a couple small problems.


1) She has no innate way to heal.


2) #4 has abysmal range issues. I often find myself attacking enemies shooting but backing up at the same time and I have to repeatedly run up to them and try to land a blow only for them to be out of range before I attack again. Either double her range or make it affect the nearest opponent in a 360 degree radius so I don't miss 90% of the time.


3) She needs even more armor or vitality. I know you don't want to boost shields because she is not supposed to be that kind of frame but she should be able to survive more than a few seconds in a fist fight without her #4.


Suggested Fixes:


1) Make Warcry (#2) cause regeneration or healing in some way. What would work best IMO is to make it so every melee attack landed gives the player/ally 3 points of health returned.


2) Make Paralysis(#3) actually paralyze. I don't care if you make it take 75% of shields and cost 50 energy instead. Just add a SHORT paralysis to the effect. Something similar to Excal's Radial Blind but only a couple seconds. Nothing too big. She is losing her shields here and is squishy enough. She needs to be able to run away without being shot to pieces after this if necessary. ;)


3) Make her claws about double the range, make her #4 zoom out slightly and tone down the color effects. Also make her flash when it is about to drop so she can run for cover.


I did not read the entire thread before posting btw. Apologies for duplicate ideas and anything I missed.

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With melee getting a complete overhaul Soon, Valkyr's Hysteria should also receive a complete overhaul because otherwise she will not benefit from the changes to melee.


Go back to the original idea of it enhancing your current melee weapon rather than overwriting it.

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I wish they had an on screen timer for buffs like Roar, Hysteria, Warcray etc.

would help our timing of these skills and seeing how much our mods actually effect them

without a wiki or calculator/scrap paper constantly at our side.


its the missing of the timer or any indication its about to fall off that causes us to get killed.

I constantly find my self counting out loud when I buff my self or anyone els so I dont slip up and we die


they need to show friendly buffs just like the do debuffs. - but make them blue or something.

this debuff system works alot like the relic mod from Unreal Tournament 3. anyone els remember that mod?


I like the 2nd idea alot better, instead of a timer just show the buffs like you do debuffs.

and have them blink when they are about to run out. - that way we arent spoon fed combat awareness

Edited by GPimptacular
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I want to post a little addendum to my previous post. I'm on my 3rd forma now with Valkyr which gave me more time to evaluate her abilities in a greater range of situations.


- Her increased armor is good at one and only one thing: Decreasing the probability of getting hurt too badly between Hysteria phases. If that was the design goal, it works. For anything beyond that though it's still not very useful.

- I tried finding a use for Paralysis, but I utterly failed to do so. I forma'd one ability slot to allow for another power duration mod.

- Hysteria is awkward to use against Infested Chargers and Crawlers. I regularly miss them because their hitboxes barely line up with Hysteria's standard attack range. Increasing range does nothing. Having Focus and Blind Rage equipped, I found that the most effective way of damaging a group of enemies isn't floating between them while attacking at a mediocre speed, but simply spamming jump attacks over and over.

- Warcry does an amicable job of buffing you and your teammates. With fleeting expertise and streamline, you can combo Hysteria and Warcry to a point that makes Hysteria somewhat fun to use, even though you're mostly missing. However, in combination with Hysteria, this combo is still very energy hungry for what can be achieved with it.


Based on my latest experiences, I would emphasize some of my already posted suggestions and add one of two new ones that I think would enhance her overall performance.


* Have Valkyr attack twice with 50% of the damage with each button press. This will make her control more reliable and counteract her attacks feeling floaty and sluggish. This will also reduce physical strain on the player's hand.


* Decrease base duration of Hysteria to 10 seconds and have each enemy that is killed by Valkyr add another 10 seconds of duration. This will alleviate the high energy requirements and low base energy of Valkyr. It will also create a sense of urgency, as without enemies, her rage will fade. Ability duration mods modify both initial and added duration values proportionally.


* Decrease Warcry's aftercast delay to increase game flow while meleeing/under Hysteria. Have Warcry heal Valkyr for a small amount based on the number of enemies within Warcry's radius. This will allow for armor tanking without the need of Hysteria while still preventing Valkyr from becoming invulnerable because of the ability's high energy cost.


* Add another multiplier to Paralysis's damage component based on how little health Valkyr has, lesser health meaning a higher multiplier.


And as for aesthetic changes:


* Model energy spikes coming our of Valkyr's arm into actual spikes or claws. Add a unique animation set for Hysteria's attacks - make her claw and slash, not punch. Change Hysteria's attack impact sound to a slashing/ripping sound.



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Ripline and Warcry (oh yea) is fun. 


Her Paralysis is bad. It forces players to focus on Paralysis (efficiency,tank,duration) at the cost of her kit, or vice versa.  


Hysteria needs

-a charge attack, (maybe a tackle, pounce, dropkick, grab a foe (!!) throw him. Idk),

-a damage boost on slide attack, downed attack and wall attack

-and more momentum. Sometimes I dont move while mashing e.


Alternate Helmet looks ugly. Stock looks good. Body looks especially gud. +1 mynski or whoever drew her concept. 



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Paralysis is horrible. I like the idea of the 10 second timing and adding 10 seconds per kill. It needs a maximum duration though. Otherwise the first 5 minutes of survival will be a cakewalk.


Bubster gave me a pretty good idea here. She is hysterically angry people! Let her throw some chairs or whatever the Tenno equivalent is! She should be tossing bodies around and attacking everything like an out of control beast! So no charge attack. Instead make her attacks randomly fling dead bodies around the room. That would be epic. Maybe her attack method needs to be completely new. Instead of swinging around a weapon she could just grab the enemies and deal damage and throw them where ever. So here is some ideas:


Charge Attack: grabs nearest foe and swings them in a circle, striking all other opponents with its body. Probably shouldn't be able to use that with Phorid.

Slide Attack/Wall attack: Swan dive tackle Wrestlemania style

Downed Attack: The current one is good. I like the current one. It is brutal.


I really want to see her sending bodies flying now. This needs to happen.

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I would be so happy if they change Paralysis so it lasts longer the more % of your shields are consumed. I mean, using the first Paralysis (full shields)  would stun for about 2 seconds (maybe change this number), while further activations reduce its duration (as you consume half of your current shields, thus making the percentage over your total shield lower) up to 1 second at 0 shield as it is now. The increasing damage is rather pointless because increasing her shields doesnt fit her playstyle, that´s why I think that percentages of total shields and longer stun duration are better to work with. Maybe put in Warcry that much needed life steal, but only for Valkyr´s , not her teamates´, attacks, otherwhise it would become OP. I also think that Hysteria needs some changes.

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