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Hey Guys Just A Few Noobish Questions And An Introduction


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Hello Everyone, I'm as you can see a PS4 user.  Let me preface by saying that I am so far really enjoying this game and that to date this is my favorite game on the PS4, I have a few questions and was hoping some people could enlighten me so here goes:


Platinum must be purchased correct? I'm fine with it because I'm all for supporting developers just don't want to buy something if I don't need to. 


When do I gain the ability to unlock abilities and mods? I am currently level 4 and the tutorial mission didn't really describe things outside of combat so I am hesitant to just begin pushing buttons without knowing the consequences of fusing and transmuting mods (among other things)


Do you find weapons in loot lockers or on bosses or is purchasing them on the market the primary way of obtaining new things?


Can I lock onto walls and etc. for cover? I have seen enemies do it but so far I do not possess this ability. 


When I level equipment up and get a new warframe will he (or she) have that level equipment for usage or will it be restricted to the war frame that unlocked that level? (same goes for purchased equipment, once I buy a nice handgun will all of my future war frames be able to use that?)


Is there PC and PS4 cross play with this game?


If there is a new players guide that goes over all of these things would someone please let me know so I can head on over and take a look. 


Besides that, thanks for answering the questions and I'm excited to play along with you guys!

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Platinum has to be purchased, yes. As far as I know, there's isn't anything like offers you can complete that reward Platinum...


Also, what's this about unlocking abilities? What version is Warframe on for PlayStation 4?



Weapons are best acquired through buying their blueprints and crafting them, or if you prefer to save yourself the hassle you could just buy it with Platinum... As a general rule, it's fairly easy to create your weapons, except for perhaps the Miter.


What do you mean by locking onto walls? If you mean Wall Clinging (which I wouldn't recommend if you're trying to take cover) you just wall climb, but don't let go of your jump (or however it works with the PlayStation 4.) I'm assuming it works about the same as the PC, however.


All of your Warframes will be able to use all of your weapons. I don't see why not... I've been out of the loop for over two weeks and I'm obviously not a PlayStation 4 player, but I'd expect them to be similar... I might be misunderstanding your question, though.


I don't think so, but I wish.

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Plat is usually purchased if people want it. DE does have some contests from time to time in which the winners are given 1000 platinum prizes. Also, if you watch their livestreams on Twitch, they randomly pick 3 people logged in and viewing the stream to give away more 1000 platinum prizes.


As you rank up you Warframe, you will get more "mod space" to place more mods on, which alter your Warframe's capabilities and generally improve it over time. Once your frame reaches about rank 16 or so, you should be able to put most of your frame's abilities on it.


You find Weapon BP's in the market, in the Orokin Void missions, and from the Research Labs (which can be constructed in your clan's dojo. If you don't have a clan, then join one!)


All equipment can be used with all equipment


Cross play is coming (I think...they're working on it?)


There is the unofficial Warframe wiki which can answer your other questions. My brother keeps telling me it's full of viruses though.

Edited by OptimumBow0
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1. Yes, Platinum must be purchased with real money.

2. To unlock Warframe abilities, go to the Arsenal tab in the main menu, select "Upgrade" on your warframe and place it in one of the slots to the right, preferably in slots with matching polarity symbols.

3. You don't find weapons in lockers, instead, you collect building materials, and you can obtain weapons one of two ways, buy it from the market with platinum, or buy the blueprints for that weapon with credits, collect the necessary materials to build it, then build it in the foundry, then claim it when its done.

4. No, there is no cover system for the players because it interferes with the game's ability to keep things in a perpetual motion, essentially limiting players in a way.  instead, you'll have to place your character in such a spot that you can shoot the enemy while they are shooting the wall or obstacle next to you more than they are shooting you.

5. Levels stay on the warframe and weapon that unlocks the level, for example, if you unlock level 15 for one warframe, but another warframe is finished building and you decide to try it out, that warframe will start out unranked (level 0) and you will have to level it from the start.  You can use any warframe and any weapon as long as you have unlocked it.  No weapon is limited to a certain warframe, and vice versa.

6. That was mentioned during a live stream, but so far I'm not sure about that.

7. If you have steam on your computer, there are a great many number of guides created by players who have played the PC version, other than that, I am not aware of any.


Good luck with your missions, Tenno.

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Welcome to Warframe!


Platinum must be purchased correct? I'm fine with it because I'm all for supporting developers just don't want to buy something if I don't need to. 


Yes and no.  Everybody is given 50 platinum when they first start out; this platinum can be used for everything except trading.


Note that platinum you get through trading can be used for everything (including more trading), so it's possible to trade mods and whatnot to other people for platinum.  So it is possible to get platinum without paying for it, but it's not very convenient or easy - especially if you're just starting out and you don't have anything that anybody wants.


Other than that, yes, you do have to buy platinum with real money.  Platinum is kinda pricey, but there are 25%, 50%, and 75% sale coupons for platinum you can get through login rewards.


Note that everything in Warframe that matters gameplay-wise can be obtained through gameplay.  The only things that can only be bought are warframe slots, weapon slots, and cosmetics (like more colors and fancy scarves).  Everything else (warframes, weapons, resources, alternate helmets, etc) can be obtained through gameplay (even if it's not all that convenient).



When do I gain the ability to unlock abilities and mods? I am currently level 4 and the tutorial mission didn't really describe things outside of combat so I am hesitant to just begin pushing buttons without knowing the consequences of fusing and transmuting mods (among other things)


Yeah, the warframe tutorial is kinda infamous for being less-than-helpful.  My apologies.


In regards to abilities and mods, note that your abilities are considered mods.  Mods are the 'cards' you see, and they can be everything from your warframe abilities to mods you put on your gun to increase its damage.


You are given all of your warframe's ability cards (mods) when you receive a warframe.  Other mods must be obtained through gameplay/loot (luck), through trading, or by buying Mod Packs through the market.


Other than that, check here (http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Mods) for more information on mods.  It'll greatly help your understanding of them.



Do you find weapons in loot lockers or on bosses or is purchasing them on the market the primary way of obtaining new things?


Buying a weapon with platinum is expensive, but it comes with its own weapon slot and is already supercharged.  However, there is one other way to get weapons.


You can obtain weapons without platinum by following these steps:

1.  Obtain the weapon bluprint.  These can usually be found in the market and bought for credits (under Weapons), but some require you to get them from a specific location.  (The wiki is your friend if you can't find the weapon bluprint you're looking for.)

2.  Obtain the materials necessary.  A weapon will usually require some combination of common and uncommon materials, which can be gathered from different planets.  There is also a credit cost and a time wait when building a weapon.  (You can skip the time wait for a certain amount of platinum.)

3.  When you have all the materials and stuff necessary, go to the Foundry and begin crafting the weapon.

4.  After the weapon has finished crafting (after either a set amount of time has passed or you rushed the order with platinum), you can claim it in the Foundry.  A claimed weapon appears in your inventory, ready to be equipped!



Can I lock onto walls and etc. for cover? I have seen enemies do it but so far I do not possess this ability. 


No.  The creators of Warframe decided that adding a cover system would detract from the game's focus on mobility.  You can still crouch and sit behind cover, you just won't be stuck to it.



When I level equipment up and get a new warframe will he (or she) have that level equipment for usage or will it be restricted to the war frame that unlocked that level? (same goes for purchased equipment, once I buy a nice handgun will all of my future war frames be able to use that?)


Your warframe and weapon levels are independent of one another.  For example, if you started with the Loki warframe, and then switched to the Frost warframe, you could still use the same weapons that your Loki did (and the weapons would still be the same level that they were at).


Note that each warframe, primary weapon, secondary weapon, and melee weapon levels up independent of one another.  So if you level your Skana up to level 20, if you pick up a new melee weapon it'll still start off at level 0 (unranked, basically).



Is there PC and PS4 cross play with this game?


If there is a new players guide that goes over all of these things would someone please let me know so I can head on over and take a look. 


There is no PC/PS4 cross play, to my knowledge.  It might be something the developers are working on, however.


I believe there are multiple new player guides out there, but I don't know where they are.  All I can really offer is this:  when in doubt, check the wiki (http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/WARFRAME_Wiki).  It has been an incredible help to myself and many other warframe players out there.  Don't be afraid to use it a lot.

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First off thanks for all the replies guys this has been extremely helpful. 


As for upgrading him I do the but all the mods are greyed out and I can't get over to use one. I think the problem may be I don't have an orokin reactor? I'm not sure what that is though I was reading somewhere it can be purchased in the marketplace though can I find one in the game and are they consumables? or a one time only necessary purchase. 


After a few moments of just testing things I found the issue was I didn't see the symbols at the top right of the mod slots. It makes sense now and I have equipped a skill. It looks like I can swap them out, can I do this at anytime without penalty?

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Here's a rough tutorial on modding. You already know that levelling your warframe will give you more modspace but there's a bit more to it.


For starters, All warframes and weapons have a level cap of 30. Each level will give 1 mod point so you will have a maximum of 30 mod points to work with when placing mods. Orokin Reactors double the mod space that you have. So if you use one on a maxed out warframe, you will get 60 mod points instead of 30.


Alternatively, if you use it on a warframe that isn't maxed, like say one that is level 15, not only will it double the modspace that you currently have, but the orokin reactor will also double the points you get with each level up. Basically, with the reactor installed, the 15 mod points you have will be doubled to 30 and each level you get from that point onward will grant 2 additional points instead of 1.


Orokin reactors are special items that you use in the upgrade menu of the warframe you are using. There are two ways to get them. The first is to buy one with platinum in the store. The second way is to get their blueprint from special alrt missions and build one in the foundary. You might also get them as login rewards if you're lucky. Weapons don't use Reactors, they use something called Orokin Catalyst. It's basically the same as a Reactor, just for weapons.


Now, as for modding itself, grayed out cards only means that they haven't been placed yet. If they're in color, it means they are also placed on another item in your arsenal just as a heads up. Now, you already know that warframe abilities are in the form of mod cards. You can switch them out at will as you see fit, you just won't have access to an ability that you don't have equipped. This is usefull if you have an ability that you don't like and you want to make room for other mods


I'd like to draw your attention, now, to the symbol on the upper right corner of each mod slot. You may notice that these symbols match the symbols on many other mods you might have in your inventory. Some have different symbols, others have no symbols. If you place a mod in a slot that has the same symbol (place a V mod on a V slot) the cost of the mod is cut in half. Like, if you have a 6-point mod, instead of taking up 6 mod points, it now takes only 3. However, if you place it on a mod slot that has a different symbol, then the cost is doubled. so now, the 6point becomes a 12 point. Don't ever do this unless you absolutely have to. Lastly, if you place it on a slot with no symbol, then the cost is unaffected. You can change or add more symbols to the mod slots by using an Item called "Forma." that will allow you to place more mods, or make an expensive mod cheaper.You can place as many as 8 mods on any weapons or warframe, as long as the total points are equal to or less than the mod space on each weapon/warframe.


REactors, Catalysts, and Formas are all permanent on each weapon or warframe they are used on and you can't get them back when used. So make sure you use them on one you know you will use alot. Here's one final tip concerning what to spend platinum on. Things in the market may seem expensive at first, but there's a better method to spend your money. First off, buying a weapon or building one has 2 main differences. These are that a weapon/warfram purchased with platinum comes pre-equpped with an orokin reactor/catalyst and comes with their own inventory slot. Statistically, there is no difference between store-bought or built equipment. With this in mind, it is much cheaper to just build something in the foundry and then buy the catalyst/reactor for only 20 platinum as opposed to paying 100 plat upfront. If you have a blueprint then you may not even have to use 20 plat. Just make sure you have enough inventory slots.


I know this is alot, so sorry for the textwall.

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Thank you guys!


One final question, what are your guys favorite war frames? Are there any that are more proficient with pistols and melee? I seem to enjoy those styles of play more than the main rifle. So I'm interested in allocating a war frame that will be more effective in those types of combat. 


thank you guys again for all you help this is very enlightening. 

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Charge lets you stagger enemies and jump to them fast to get to meele distance

Iron Skin absorbs any kind of damage and makes you invulnerable to shockwaves, stagger, toxi, energy leech, basically everything.

Roar increases your and your teammates' damage

Stomp lets you clear a whole room of low-mid level mobs and makes tougher ones float in stasis, so you can shoot them like ducks.


+ Huge amounts of shields, healt and armor

+ Cool looks

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Thank you guys!


One final question, what are your guys favorite war frames? Are there any that are more proficient with pistols and melee? I seem to enjoy those styles of play more than the main rifle. So I'm interested in allocating a war frame that will be more effective in those types of combat. 


thank you guys again for all you help this is very enlightening. 



Well I'd say pistols are as viable as Primaries but for me Ash is the way to go for Melee just plop down your Smokescreen and watch the crits fly off the enemies with them unable to see you.  Now unless you like the slow and easy way you could go Rhino.   Besides that I remember my first times playing it was confusing till I got a solid foot on the basics now I'm just loving the snipers and Bows in this game SnipetronFTW!!!   Enjoy the game and I think Warframe is one word but I might be wrong.  for ranged only one at the moment may be Banshee with Sonar boosting your ranged damage if aimed correctly a whopping 500% .

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Enjoy the game and I think Warframe is one word but I might be wrong.

You are not wrong, Warframe is one word,but you can even call our suits "frames".


Oh, right, some useful terminology:

 - Potato - Orokin Catalyst (Blue Potato) or Orokin Reactor (Gold potato)

 - Door Hero/Defence Hero - person who is camping at the entrance to the Endless Defence mission instead of guarding the Pod

 - Some weapons got they fan-made names like Brandal for Braton Vandal or Doom Cannon for Snipetron Vandal

 - Also some frames got their names - Excalibro means Excalibur, or Trollbane is a nickname of Vauban

There are some more of them, but generally Potato is the most important one.

You'll get used to it eventually :)

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Hello Everyone, I'm as you can see a PS4 user.  Let me preface by saying that I am so far really enjoying this game and that to date this is my favorite game on the PS4, I have a few questions and was hoping some people could enlighten me so here goes:


Platinum must be purchased correct? I'm fine with it because I'm all for supporting developers just don't want to buy something if I don't need to. 


Everything but cosmetics and inventory slots can be earned for free.


When do I gain the ability to unlock abilities and mods? I am currently level 4 and the tutorial mission didn't really describe things outside of combat so I am hesitant to just begin pushing buttons without knowing the consequences of fusing and transmuting mods (among other things)


On the star chart select "Arsenal" and mod your items and abilities there


Do you find weapons in loot lockers or on bosses or is purchasing them on the market the primary way of obtaining new things?


Weapons' blueprints must be purchased from the market for credits (free currency). Materials to make these items are found in-game.


Can I lock onto walls and etc. for cover? I have seen enemies do it but so far I do not possess this ability. 


There is no cover mechanic for Warframe, or planned as far as I know.


When I level equipment up and get a new warframe will he (or she) have that level equipment for usage or will it be restricted to the war frame that unlocked that level? (same goes for purchased equipment, once I buy a nice handgun will all of my future war frames be able to use that?)


Weapons and mods will save their level and will be the same rank across all warframes.


Is there PC and PS4 cross play with this game?


It is planned and if I understand correctly being worked on. No current ETA.


If there is a new players guide that goes over all of these things would someone please let me know so I can head on over and take a look. 


Not sure if it's easy to understand but there is a Warframe wiki.


Besides that, thanks for answering the questions and I'm excited to play along with you guys!


Answers bolded & underlined.


EDIT: Also holy crap at like thirty replies while I typed that up. Probably all answered. :(

Edited by DavidSPD
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One final question, what are your guys favorite war frames?

Ember Prime for looks. It's super hard to get unless you plunk down the cash though.

Nova for long hauls like Defense and Survival missions. Her ultimate power is possibly the best in the game, it slows enemies, makes attacks deal double damage and makes enemies explode when killed. She's very squishy though.

Mag for cheezy power use. Her first power is so spammable right now it's silly. It's probably going to be nerfed soon though.

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Thank you guys!


One final question, what are your guys favorite war frames? Are there any that are more proficient with pistols and melee? I seem to enjoy those styles of play more than the main rifle. So I'm interested in allocating a war frame that will be more effective in those types of combat. 


thank you guys again for all you help this is very enlightening.

Rhino and Trinity are, without a doubt, my favorite frames. Their potential for survivability is immense, which is useful since enemies usually gun you down at close range.

I'm also a fan of Ash and Loki. They can avoid enemy fire altogether through their invisibility. (To clarify, you can still be hit, but they won't be aiming at you.)

I successfully use melee with all 4 of those frames, so take your pick. (As for pistols, any frame can make good use of them.)

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Thanks again all of these are helpful. I am currently using Loki and I find his decoy is quite effective for both pistol and melee usage but was wondering if there was a specific frame that specialized in it. I also find myself filling the "mage" roll in a lot of games (both rpgs and mmos) so if any of the frames in particular fit that archetype I would also being interested in playing them. 

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Ember Prime for looks. It's super hard to get unless you plunk down the cash though.

Nova for long hauls like Defense and Survival missions. Her ultimate power is possibly the best in the game, it slows enemies, makes attacks deal double damage and makes enemies explode when killed. She's very squishy though.

Mag for cheezy power use. Her first power is so spammable right now it's silly. It's probably going to be nerfed soon though.

It already has been.  Pull now requires line of sight.

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  • 5 months later...

I just started on PC 2 wks ago, and I was wondering whether, if you get a new warframe, you need to obtain the ability (The mod for the ability) for your new warframe. I'm aiming for oberon right now, and I was wondering whether I need to get the abilities in-battle. Oh yeah, and do warframes to unlock come with their on weapons like, in a package?

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I just started on PC 2 wks ago, and I was wondering whether, if you get a new warframe, you need to obtain the ability (The mod for the ability) for your new warframe. I'm aiming for oberon right now, and I was wondering whether I need to get the abilities in-battle. Oh yeah, and do warframes to unlock come with their on weapons like, in a package?

1. You gat the whole set of unranked abilities if you build a frame, so no worries


2. Their own weapons? Wut? Warframes are just Warframes, weapons are separate thing. Oh, and in case you were wondering - you can use every weapon with every frame, there are no pre-defined sets.

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I just started on PC 2 wks ago, and I was wondering whether, if you get a new warframe, you need to obtain the ability (The mod for the ability) for your new warframe. I'm aiming for oberon right now, and I was wondering whether I need to get the abilities in-battle. Oh yeah, and do warframes to unlock come with their on weapons like, in a package?

A bit of a Nekros...

but to answer your question to unlock abilities I believe you have to find the mods for it.

Fortunately I have a tendency to somehow find the mods before I need to use them...

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